RENO County is located on both sides of the Arkansas River, in the
south-central part of the State. It is hounded on the north by Rice and
McPherson; on the east by Harvey and Sedgwick; on the south, by Sedgwick and
Kingman, and on the west, by Pratt and Barton counties. The county which is
the second largest county in the State, is forty-two miles long, from east to
west, and thirty miles from north to south, and contains thirty-five
congressional townships, or 1,260 square miles. It is topographical features
are common to other counties in this section of the State, and especially
those traversed by the Arkansas River. An exceptional feature is noticed and
found to consist in a ridge of sand hills, which were first apparent in the
northwest part of Harvey County, and in parts of McPherson and Sedgwick. The
hills entering Reno from the north- east, run nearly west until within four
miles north of Hutchinson, when they deflect northward and extend into Rice
County, here they are interrupted by Cow Creek, and farther west by the
Arkansas River. They are forty miles long and from two to four miles in width,
and rise above the valley in gentle slopes, from forty to eighty feet. The
summits of these hills are composed of little hillocks, separated by table
lands, containing from 50 to 250 acres. Aside from these hills, the general
surface is gently undulating. The face of the County is divided into bottom
land, 15 per cent; up-land, 85 per cent; forest (Government survey), 1 per
cent; prairie, 99 per cent.
A glance at the map will convince the most skeptical, that Reno is one of the
well-watered counties in the State. The Arkansas River flows through the
county in a southeasterly direction, for forty miles, with One important
tributary on the north, known as Cow Creek, which enters the county from the
north, and empties into it six miles below Hutchinson. The northeast part of
the county is watered for fifteen miles by the Little Arkansas, while the
northwestern portion is drained by Peace and Salt Creeks. The North Fork of
the Ninnescah enters the county from the west, and flows in a southeasterly
direction, for forty miles, leaving the county near the southeast corner. An
important tributary of the Ninnescah, is Clear River, which rises in the
southwestern part, and flowing northeast, empties in it, five miles below
Arlington. These streams, with numerous smaller tributaries, are ever flowing
over gravelly bottoms. Numerous springs are found in all portions of the
county, especially in the sand hills, where good water is always abundant.
The soil in the Arkansas Valley is composed chiefly of a mineral element,
washed down from the mountains, which forms a light sandy loam, from two to
four feet in depth resting on a sub-soil of sand and gravel, and is
sub-irrigated by the waters of the river. The soil on the uplands is a black
loam, from two to five feet in depth, resting on a sub-soil composed of clay
and sand, so intermixed as to form compactness, but readily permits the
sub-drainage of the soil in wet seasons. The soil of the sand hills, as the
name signifies, is "Sand, sand: still sand, and sand, and sand again," But
they are not so sandy as to prevent the growing of nutritious grasses, and on
many of the side slopes, good crops are raised. Many stockmen prefer these
hills for grazing purposes.
Reno County has a mean altitude of about 1,500 feet above the Gulf of Mexico,
and is traversed by the Thirty-eighth parallel. Always swept by breezes, its
inhabitants are not troubled by malaria influences; while those who come with
diseases of the respiratory organs, find relief. Long summers end short
winters, as a general rule, are noticeable.
It is known as the Banner county of the State, having taken the premium at the
State Fair, held in 1882. Out of 557,816 taxable acres of land, 135,672 are
under cultivation. The value of the said acres being $1,280,745. The total
value of all taxable property is $2,123,800.98; and of railroad lands,
$271,481.98. During the year 1882, 27,774 acres were sown in winter wheat;
2,640 acres of rye; 154, spring wheat; 65,708, of corn; 7,417, of oats; 2,177,
of broom-corn; and of millet and Hungarian, 22,350 acres; 41,000 tons of wild
and tame hay, was cut; 23,222 pounds of cheese, and 385,072 pounds of butter
made. In the county there are 23,693 cattle, 25,250 sheep and 10,850 swine. In
nurseries there are 239 acres, and in artificial forest 4,985 acres.
Population, which has increased rapidly, is now 11,439.
(Organized 1872)
1880 1880
---- ----
(a) Albion Township....... 436 (o) Medford Township..... 577
(b) Bell Township......... 348 (p) Plevna Township...... 198
(c) Castleton Township.... 352 (q) Reno Township including
Hutchinson City.... 2,116
(d) Center Township....... 311 (r) Roscoe Township...... 328
(e) Clay township......... 441 (s) Salt Creek Township.. 478
(f) Enterprise Township... 429 (t) Sumner Township...... 536
(g) Grant Township, (u) Troy Township........ 181
incl. Nickerson City 1,207
(h) Grove Township....... 238 (v) Valley Township...... 645
(i) Haven Township........ 867 (w) Westminister Township 222
(j) Hayes Township........ 664 ------
(k) Langdon Township...... 565 Total..............12,826
(l) Lincoln Township...... 568
(m) Little River Township. 731 Nickerson City 597
(n) Loda Township......... 388 Hutchinson City 1,540
(a) In 1878, from part of Castleton.
(b) In 1878, from part of Grove.
(c) In 1872, from part of Reno;
in 1878, part of Albion.
(d) In 1873, from part of Reno;
in 1874, part of Westminister.
(e) In 1872, from part of Reno.
(f) In 1879, from part of Medford.
(g) In 1872, from part of Reno,
and comprises territory formed in Rice County.
(h) In 1876, from part of Langdon;
in 1878 part of Bell.
(i) In 1872, from part of Reno, and comprises territory
formally in Sedgwick County;
in 1877, part of Sumner.
(j) In 1877, from part of Medford,
and comprises territory formally in Rice County.
(k) In 1874, from part of Reno; in 1876 part of Grove;
in 1877 part of Loda.
(l) In 1873, from part of Reno.
(m) In 1872, from part of Reno, and comprises territory
formally in McPherson and Sedgwick Counties.
(n) In 1877, from part of Langdon.
(o) In 1874, from part of Reno, and comprises territory
formally in Rice County;
in 1877 part of Hayes; in 1879 part of Enterprise.
(p) In 1879, from part of Westminister.
(q) In 1872, from original territory,
and composed a whole county;
in 1872, part of Castleton, Clay, Grant, Haven,
Little River and Valley;
in 1873, parts of Center and Lincoln;
in 1874 parts of Langdon, Medford, Salt Creek and Troy.
(r) In 1879, from part of Troy.
(s) In 1879, from part of Reno,
and comprises territory formally in Rice County.
(t) In 1877, from part of Haven, and comprises territory
formally in Sedgwick County.
(u) In 1874, from part of Reno; 1879 part of Roscoe.
(v) In 1872, from part of Reno, and comprises territory
formally in Sedgwick County.
(w) In 1874, from part of Center; in 1879 part of Plevna.
To retain clear and lucid impressions of the early settlement of Reno County,
it will be for the reader to first bear in mind, changes have been made in its
original boundaries. In 1872, that tier of townships embraced in Range 4 on
the east, and Township 22 on the north, were added to the county. It was in
this north tier of townships the first settlement of Reno County occurred, and
it is necessary to make this distinction in order to give the first settlers
of Rice County credit as being the first in Reno. In the autumn of 1870, Lewis
M. Thomas, after prospecting through the valleys of the Solomon and Smoky Hill
rivers, turned his course southward, and following along the valley of Turkey
Creek in McPherson County, to a short distance above its confluence with the
Little River. He then turned to the northwest, crossed the river at the Stone
Corral, a stopping place on the Santa Fe trail, and visited a small settlement
near Atlanta, in Rice County. Not being satisfied with the advantages at that
point, he returned to McPherson County, and being attracted by the cottonwood
groves that at that time covered the sand hills, and the abundant Herbage
which covered the hill slopes, came to the conclusion to locate on Section 8,
Township 22 south, Range 5 west. November, 1870, dates his arrival as the
first settler of Reno County, under it's present boundaries. In December of
the same year, Mr. Thomas, visiting Lawrence, purchased stock and supplies,
and returned to his home, where he continued to reside up to a late period. On
his return he was accompanied by John Hunt, an Englishman, who located and
settled in the valley of the Little Arkansas, but afterward, owing to his
having occupied a railroad section of land, left the county. Antedating Mr.
Hunt's settlement a few days was that of J. H. B. Rosan, who, in looking up
the cattle business, decided to make a permanent location on Section 4,
Township 22 Range 6. This was in the fore part of December, 1870. Mr. Rosan,
who was accompanied by James C. Burnett, "Ranched" at Thomas' until February
1, when they crossed the sand hills and settled at a place known for many
years afterward as Rosan's Ranch. In March, Rosan, he brother, Charles W.
Rosan, and Charles Street, drove in a large heard of Texas cattle.
* This was a cattle Ranche building, upon the northeast quarter of Section 4,
Township, No. 22 south, Range 6 west, occupied by J. H. D. Rosan while engaged
in cattle raising. The corral was just back of it, both house and corral being
then surrounded by heavy timber.
During the next month, a surveyor was procured from Salina, and their land was
surveyed - the first in Rice or Reno counties. George H. Watson located in the
valley of Cow Creek in March, 1871. While these settlements were being made
in the northern part of what is now known as Grant and Little River townships,
a party of sixteen persons entered the county from the east and encamped near
the mouth of Cow Creek, early in March, 1871. The party was composed of John
N. Shahan, William and Robert Bell, William Cadwell, Mr. Haverlin, John
Butcher, P. Welch, William Kacy, F. Foley, Isaac Ijams and wife, James
Freese, William Shoop and wife, Westley Ijams, Hannah and Mary Freese. Many of
this party located claims along the river, as far north as present city of
Hutchinson, March I4, 1871. Ante-dating their arrival was that of A. S.
Demock, who located February 9, 1871, in what was then known as the "Sedg-
Strip," in the eastern part of the (present) Reno County. He was followed by
Luther A. Dodge, February 13, 1871, who was the first settler in what is now
Clay Township. During the spring, John Swanson, a brother of Lewis Thomas, and
several Swedes located in that part of the county. In the summer of the same
year, Charles Collins, D. B. Miller, A. Smith, L. S. Shields and his two
sons, Samuel and George, Peter Shafer, George Mills, E. Shafer, B. F. Evarts,
George Laferty, Dr. A. S. Crane, William Lockart, and John Curley located in
different parts of the county lying north of the Arkansas River. About this
time claims were taken in the upper Cow Creek valley by A. K. Burrell, Mrs.
Mead and sons, and Messrs. Parker and Decker.
Up to the spring of 1872, the settlement of Reno County was confined to the
north eastern portion, north of the Arkansas River. Over three-fourths of the
county south of the Arkansas, not a settler could be found, with the exception
of I. M. Gray, J. B. Risting, and perhaps a few others, who located in the
southeast, in Haven Township, in June, 1871. The non-settlement of this
portion of the county, at an early date, was due to the difficulty in crossing
the river. This was, however, amended by the construction of a bridge, of
which mention is made elsewhere, across the river at Hutchinson, in the fall
of 1872. The first settlers in that part of the county, south and west of the
river, by townships, according to the original boundaries, may be classified
as follows: Lincoln Township, by A. B. Cory, W. R. Marshall, J. H. and J. A.
Grayson, A. M. Switzer, W. W. Pierce, J. Jeffreys, A. Hutchinson, S. Ryan,
and W. White, in April, I872; in Castleton Township, William McDemett, A. W.
Smith and John R. Smith, H. T. Wheeler, William Hayes, William Wallace, and
J. Medbery, in the spring of 1872; in Centre Township, in December, 1872, by
Bollin, W. L. Teeter, and in March, 1873, Edward Jones and Richard Cravalsy;
they were followed in September and October by Samuel and Zenas Dilley, H. O.
Hasa, Hugh Ghormly, Thomas Crotts, R. King, with their families. Westminster
Township was first settled by John Martin, in the spring of 1873. He was
followed by Messrs. Fryrear, Howell, and Harriman. Troy Township was first
settled by Samuel Slack and Thomas Scorsby, in April, 1873; Loda Township, in
August, 1873, by J. F. Stevens, M. A. Long, and J. T. Stevens; Salt Creek
Townships, by T. B. Hand, in October, 1872; Grove and Langdon townships in
February and May, 1874, by Jacob Armstrong and Jesse Sinclair, respectively.
The first settler in Medford Township was R. D. Kelsey in the fall of 1873.
Sumner Township, in the southeast corner of the county was first settled by
John L. Gill, in March, 1872. Whole pages might be devoted to mentioning names
and dates of early settlement in the county, but for further information the
reader is referred to the biographical department of this work.
About the first prominent object that relieved the weary eyes of the first
settlers of Reno County, as they entered it from the northeast, were the sand
hills, covered with a heavy growth of cottonwood timber. This belt of timber
commenced in little straggling bunches on the hill summits, near the edge of
Harvey County, and growing more dense westward ended four or five miles west
of Rosan's Ranch. Trees were found nearly eight feet in circumference, and
fifty feet to the limb. As this belt was about the only timber for miles
around, it disappeared rapidly until the winter of 1872-`73, when the supply
was almost entirely exhausted.
Nothing causes so much terror and consternation among frontier settlements as
an "Indian Scare." Early in April, 1871, a large hunting party of Kaw Indians
pitched their tents on the north side of the Arkansas River near the present
city of Hutchinson, and another party of Sacs and Foxes, on the south side. As
these Indians were half civilized and amicable, the settlers had no
apprehensions of danger. Nothing occurred to relieve the monotony of an
every-day life until some time in July, when one day, a commotion was observed
in both camps. On inquiry it was found that a large party of Cheyennes were in
the immediate vicinity and threatening an attack on their red brethren for a
former invasion in their territory. So great was their haste that the news
soon spread to parties gathering wood on the Sand hill, who immediately ceased
that occupation and "vamosed" to the general camping place. A few hours later
the whole party suddenly decamped. As the Cheyennes are noted to be among the
most ferocious and blood-thirsty savages on the plains, the white settlers
were alarmed at the probable critical situation. Some of them, throwing their
movables into wagons, hastily fled to Sedgwick City and other places of
refuge. A greater number remained to defend their homes. Among those who fled
was a small party from Wisconsin, which had selected land along Cow Creek, but
were still living in their wagons. At the first alarm they hurriedly departed
for the East, and being so terrified, did not return. The Cheyennes did not
make the excepted attack, with the exception of one party, which dashed into
the grazing grounds near Rosan's Ranch, and drove off a number of cattle,
belonging to Mr. Rosan, and others living in northern Reno and southern Rice
counties. The cattleman organized a party of thirty-five or forty men, pursed
the savages, and overtaking them fifty miles southwest, recovered their stock.
This ended the first great Indian scare.
Reno County ten years ago, was the home of the American bison, or buffalo. We
make the following extracts from a sketch published in the Hutchinson
News; descriptive of a buffalo hunt:
It was a small but brave party who set out to explore the vast plains that
cradle the beautiful Ninnescah and Cimarron. The 17th (September, 1872) dawned
bright and fresh as the moon which sprang into life at the divine "let there
be light." In the early daylight before the sun had purloined the brilliants
which the lavish night had spread upon the grass, upon the flowers, etc., our
train, consisting of two wagons, moved off majestically from town (Hutchinson)
across the broad, green prairie toward the noble old river which bends
lovingly in a glistening segment around our little town. Arriving at its
banks, we alighted, took the boat, and were floated over its rippling surface
without accident. * * We were soon seated in comfortable prairie schooners and
skimming over the grand expanse which stretched before us as tree and
light-hearted as the prairie swallows, which described such graceful circles
above our heads. There were no traces of bison the first day out, but like the
veterans of the ocean, we were determined, fearless, and declared that we
would find buffalo, or go to - Medicine Lodge! Fortunately we were not called
to place our precious scalps in jeopardy, by a near approach to the vicinity
of the noble red man, for in the picturesque valley that lies beyond the
lovely Ninnescah, we descried in the far distance upon the porcelain of the
sky, a long black line of buffalo, gently feeding upon the rich grass that lay
beneath them, while nearer a number of antelope gamboled in all their untaught
grace, in fearless innocence. After a fruitless attempt to destroy these
"innocent creatures," * * * we lashed our teams and bore down in full sail
upon the herd of buffalo. As we drew near it was decided that the wagon should
stop and allow the huntsmen to approach on foot, and accordingly three of the
party, Mr. Hallowell, Mr. Rosan, and Mr. Flick, accoutered for the fray,
started off in a half run while, Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Whitelaw sat
complacently upon their past laurels, as "buffalo slayers" with a perfect big
Indian indifference as to the exciting scenes.
Disdainful of inequalities of the ground and ignoring sand burs, our heroes
sped along, half bent, like true sons of the forest, until within 300 yards of
the herd, when they dropped upon the ground, three great human anacondas,
silently, relentlessly. At last when patience was almost exhausted, as we
stood upon the wagon seats, straining our eyes to catch sight of the smoke as
it was belched forth from the carbines of the recumbent trio, they rose
simultaneously, and rushing forward as one man, sent the pitiless discharges
into the midst of the defenseless herd. There was a mad start and the vast
black line surged and wavered, and threw itself into wild targets and then
concentrating, swept around to the east, a huge crescent of furious
quadrupeds. * * * The earth seemed to quiver under their furious tramps as
they rushed by their undaunted foes, leaving the fair plains cumbered with the
huge form of one of their number, reeking in the gore of its death wounds.
Drawing near the poor victim it was impossible to repress a pang, as its
large, soft eyes wandered beseechingly from face to face, seeming to ask,
"What comes next, in this the fullness of my agony?" A few moments and the
glittering knives were flashing in and out, * * in the quivering flesh, until
the choicest bits were selected and placed in the wagons, partly as trophies,
partly to add to our evening banquet.
Among first events occurring in Reno County may be mentioned the following:
The first marriage was that of James Carrington and Miss Emma, a daughter of
A. S. Coombs, of Grant Township, in January, 1872.
The first birth occurred in Hutchinson, and was a son of Mr. Johnson. The
first death, a man called * Mountain Jack, who was accidentally shot by a
companion, named Jacob Eisenberger, while a party were making preparations for
a buffalo hunt. The first lawsuit in the county was held before D. D.
Olmstead, Justice of the Peace, April 3, 1872. The case involved an action of
replevin of a certain gray pony, valued at $35. Lewis Josephine vs. Jacob
Eisenberger, being the contestants. During the season of 1873, Jno. N. Shahan
brought into the county the first threshing machine, which weighed 6,585
pounds. That season he and William Bell operated it, first threshing their own
wheat, then that of George Leverty. Oats yielded from seventeen to forty
bushels, and spring wheat ten to eighteen bushels per acre. The first
political convention in Reno County wad held at Hutchinson, February 1, 1872,
in a room over Young's shoe store. At this meeting occurred the nomination of
the first county officers, who were subsequently elected. Regarding the second
political convention held in the county, the following appeared in the
Hutchinson News, of August 3, 1872: "Pursuant to a call, published in the
News, the Republicans of Reno County met in the court house last Saturday. The
meeting organized by electing W. W. Updegraff, chairman, and H. Whiteside,
secretary. Secretary read call for a meeting, and H. Hodgson and C. W. Ellis
were chosen as a committee to report a list of names for county central
committee. The following gentlemen were appointed: D. M. Lewis, A. S. Dimock,
A. Lynch, Dr. Dedding, and W. W. Updergraff."