Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Richardson County
Produced by
Pam Rietsch.


Natural Resources | Early History | Stephen Story | A Severe Winter
Pioneer Hunters | Lynch Law for Horse-Thieves
The Half-Breed Line | The County Seat Troubles
The Killing of Davis and Meek | County Roster | the Epidemic of 1860


Claim Jumping | The Jayhawkers of '62 | The Underground Railway
The Grasshopper Scourge | Defunct Towns | War Record
Milling Interests | Railroads


Falls City:   First Permanent Residents | City Officials
Postal Business | The Press | Fire Record | Societies
County Buildings


Falls City (conts.):   Banks | Manufacturing Interests
The Grain Business | Pork Packing | Falls City Hotels
Hinton's Driving Park | Public Schools | The Public School Building

 5 ~ 9:

Biographical Sketches:

PART 10:

Humboldt:   Early Events | Railway Interests | The Public School
Churches | The Press | Societies | Hotels | Banks and Bankers
Manufacturing Interests, Etc.

PART 11:
Humboldt:   Biographical Sketches
PART 12:

Rulo:   Charles Rouleau | Elie Bedard
Early Events | The Press | Business Interests | Churches
Societies | Biographical Sketches

PART 13:

Dawson:   Early History | The Cyclone | Societies | Churches
Business Interests | The Old Mill | Biographical Sketches

PART 14:

Salem:   Early History | Hotels | The Public Schools
Churches | Societies | Business Interests | Biographical Sketches

PART 15:

Arago:   Biographical Sketches
Biographical Sketches:
Porter Precinct | Ohio Precinct | Franklin Precinct | Liberty Precinct
Speiser Precinct | Barada Precinct | Preston

List of Illustrations in Richardson County Chapter

Part 10


The city of Humboldt was incorporated in response to a petition presented December 3, 1873.

   Board of Trustees.--The Board of Trustees of the new town consisted of S. L. Green, A. R. Nims, E. P. Tinker, W. M. Patton and J. E. Crow.

   The Mayors.--William Patton was the first Mayor, and seems to have been a decided success in that office, as no one appeared worthy to take his shoes until 1879, when J. L. Gandy was elected. In 1880 Mr. G. M. Filson became Mayor, and still holds the office.

   City Clerks.--The first City Clerk was Albert Sherwood. He was followed by S. W. Smith in 1874, E. P. Tinker, 1875; Joseph Glasser, 1876; E. S. Norton, 1877; J. K. Liggett, 1878, '79; J. C. Schmelzel, 1879, '80; J. G. Gaskell, 1881. The last named was obliged to remove from the town about six months after his election, and his place was filled by the appointment of Mr. E. A. Tucker, who now holds the position.


The first child born in the immediate vicinity of the present town of Humboldt was Miss Adela Beckwith. One of the first marriages was that of Mr. E. P. Tinker to Miss Ellen Holbert. This occurred in 1864, and was followed early in 1865 by a double wedding at the Ray homestead in the south part of the precinct, when Miss Rebecca Ray became Mrs. Rutherford, and Miss Caroline Frazier Mrs. Ike. The first loss to the settlement by death occurred in 1863, the decedent being A. J. Tinker, a brother of Judge Tinker, the original owner of the town lands.

   The First Store.--The first store erected in Humboldt stood on the Long Fork, at the west of the town, and was known as the "stone store." It was conducted by Nims Brothers. In 1868 Mr. O. J. Tinker offered the firm the deed of ten acres of the new town on condition that they would build a store fronting the public square. Accepting the conditions, the Nims Brothers put up what is known to this day as the "stone store," on the southeast corner of Central street. After occupying this one year the owners sold to W. H. Sterns, who transacted business in it for two years, while completing the large building on the opposite side of Central street. The building is now occupied by Coleman & Riechers, and used as a general store.

   The First Mill.--The first attempt to supply the people living near Humboldt with the staff of life was made by Wilhite & Columbia, who in 1871 commenced the erection of a flouring mill at a point near the town on the Nemaha. Ground was broken and part of the timber for the new structure on hand, when W. M. Soper made preparations to put a mill on his site, just above that of the other firm, and discovering that backwater from their pond would damage him, instituted a suit, which resulted in the withdrawal of Wilhite and his partner. After putting a quietus upon his rival, Mr. Soper seems to have proceeded very leisurely, for his mill was not in complete order until 1875. This mill now has two run of buhr-stones, one for grinding corn and one for wheat. The mill structure is one story in height and twenty-four by forty feet on the ground floor.

   The first Postmaster of Humboldt was Mr. W. H. Sterns, who held the office up to 1875, when he was succeeded by S. M. Hillebert, who still holds the position. The post office was located in Mr. Stern's store as long as he held the position of Postmaster, but was given a building of its own on the west side of the square when transferred to Mr. Hillebert. For some time mails were received by stage on one day in each week, but with the coming of the railway the system of daily mails, now in vogue, was inaugurated.

   The First Thanksgiving.--The first public and general observance of the good old custom of observing Thanksgiving day, with appropriate religious services, was in November, 1875. In the fall of the preceding year the grasshoppers had come upon the farms, and, after doing great damage, left their eggs like a second set of dragons' teeth to spread destruction over the fields when spring came. With the hatching of the eggs came the destruction of the crops and a short period of utter despair. This was of brief duration, however, and the stalwart farmers planted a second crop. This second crop did nobly, and when the time of annual thanksgiving came, it looked upon as fine a crop of late corn as had ever been produced in the neighborhood. It was then with a realizing sense of something worthy of humble and hearty thanks that the citizens of the town closed all their places of business and attended en masse the services held at the Methodist Church.

   S. M. Hillebert, the present Postmaster, had the honor of establishing the first blacksmith shop in Humboldt. This building was located where the Anderson Brothers' carriage factory now stands, on Nemaha street. After doing a good business for three years, Hillebert sold to William Nims, who re-sold the property to John Orr. After coming into the possession of Mr. Orr, the shop was run about two years and then torn down.

   The First Lumber Yard.--The first lumber yard opened in Humboldt was the property of Mr. E. P. Tinker. After operating it about a year, Mr. Tinker sold it to Mr. Hoyle, who, in turn, sold out at the expiration of a year's time. After many changes the business fell into the hands of Linn, Cooper & Grover, who put the yard in first-class shape. On September 1, 1879, Linn and Cooper bought Mr. Grover's one-half interest and took Mr. William Fellers in partnership. After a year Mr. Fellers re-sold his interest and the firm assumed the style of Linn & Cooper, which it has ever since retained. Through its many changes the yard has occupied its present location on the corner of Third and Nemaha streets, where it now does a flourishing business.


The only railroad at present acting as a carrier for Humboldt is the Atchison & Nebraska Division of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad. This road under its original ownership entered the town in 1871, receiving a concession from the citizens the right of way and depot and side track grounds. The land donated to the road belonged to O. P. Tinker and A. R. Nims. During the year 1881 this road carried from the town 603 carloads of grain; 331 carloads of stock, and thirty-three carloads of wool and miscellaneous merchandise. During the same time the road brought in 248 carloads of merchandise, largely made up of agricultural implements and similar articles. Strong hopes are entertained by the people of the town that the extension of the new line of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad will pass near the city, but no definite information on the subject has as yet been made public by the managers of the road. Should the railroad take such a course, it will greatly accelerate the already rapid growth of the town.


The first school taught near where Humboldt now stands was held in a building belonging to O. J. Tinker. The first school building was erected in 1867, by O. J. Tinker and others and cost nearly $300. School was opened in it shortly after its completion, E. P. Tinker being the first teacher. This building, which now does duty as the office of a livery stable, sufficed for the needs of the district until 1872. In that year it was decided to build on a far more extensive scale and bonds to the amount of $3,000 were voted for this purpose. These bonds were payable at the expiration of ten years and bore ten percent interest. The sale of the bonds was effected at 85 cents on the dollar and the proceeds applied for building. More funds being necessary an additional issue of $2,000 in bonds under the same conditions as the previous ones was made in 1874. Upon the maturing of the bonds of 1872, they were promptly paid, and those of 1884 will probably be met with equal readiness.

   The first principal of the school after its removal to its new quarters was Mr. L. P. Boyd, who held the position for three years. He was followed in successive years by D. J. Wood, T. Hitt, W. J. Leavitt and S. S. Devon. At this point Mr. Boyd a second time became principal and after a year again resigned. He was followed by Mr. C. S. Smooks and he in turn by Miss Anna McGlashen, formerly principal of the school at Falls City. In the fall of 1881 Miss McGlashen was engaged for one year and is still in charge of the school which under her care has shown a very creditable progress.


The German Methodist Episcopal Church.--This church is, properly speaking, a mission or rather a point of service of preachers, who, when on this charge are forced to divide their time between five congregations. The first record on the old register bears the date of 1860 and states that the constituent members of the society numbered fourteen. The first minister to supply the Humboldt circuit was Rev. J. Lange. He was followed by Meke, Meyer, Dreyer, Muelhenbrook, Schatz, C. Bauer, H. M. Menger, C. Bruegger, A. Schumanacher and F. Unland, the present pastor. The church edifice was built in 1879, at a cost of $2,000, largely raised by the town members of the congregation. This building has a seating capacity of 250. The present membership under Mr. Unland's charge on the circuit is about 250.

   A Sabbath school was established on the 1st of January, 1880, under the superintendence of Mr. George Riechers, with a membership of thirty scholars. The present superintendent is Mr. Philip Sneider; the present enrollment forty.

   The Christian Church.--A mission of the Christian Church was established near where Humboldt now stands, as early as 1860, and was supplied by Father Mullis. At first the services were held in private houses, which were amply sufficient for the few who formed a congregation. Upon the completion of the schoolhouse at Humboldt, it was used for the services of this mission until 1876, when the society purchased the privilege of worshipping at the Methodist Church. The church of the society was built in 1878, at a cost of about $2,500. This structure is 30x50 feet on the ground floor and has a seating capacity of 300. It is neatly furnished throughout and has a baptistry four by nine feet. The pastors of this church have been William Smith, F. M. Hawkins, E. B. Coryell, J. P. Roach and W. S. Tucker, who came to the society in April, 1881, and still remains in charge.

   The Sabbath school of this church was separated from the Union School in 1878, and was then under the superintendence of D. D. Bloom. It had an enrollment of nearly fifty scholars. The present superintendent of the school is Miss Kate Cox; the present membership seventy. It is noticeable that the average attendance is the same in winter and summer.

   First Presbyterian Church.--The First Presbyterian Church of Humboldt was organized on June 23, 1871, with eight constituent members. This was the direct result of a call issued by A. H. Bratt and wife, C. E. Rice and wife, Catharine P. A. Nims, John R. Clark and wife, and Mrs. Phebe McConkey. The first sermon of the denomination was preached on the evening of the Saturday preceding the formal organization, by Rev. George R. Carroll, then district missionary of the American Board of Home Missions and assigned to Western Iowa, Nebraska and Dakota. The first pastor of the church was Rev. Andrew Herron, who was installed in May, 1872, and held the office for one year. In October, 1874, A. F. Hale was called to the pastoral charge, which he held until the 3rd of June the following year, when Rev. C. S. Marvin accepted the office. At the end of one year Mr. Marvin gave place to Mr. J. R. Linskea, who accepted the position September 3, 1876. Mr. Linskea resigned at the completion of a year's service and January 1, 1878, the present pastor, Rev. F. M. Hickok, was installed.

   For a number of years after the founding of the church, services were held in the schoolhouse. In 1877, the advisability of erecting a church building of their own was very seriously mooted, and on January 5, 1878, a building committee was appointed to push the work through. This they did so zealously that the building was completed in December of the same year. The prime cost of this structure was $2,150, but from time to time various changes and improvements have swelled the bill to nearly double its original size. The present variation of the building is $3,000.

   The Sabbath School.--The Sabbath school of this church was detached from the Union school, which was the nucleus of all the denominational Sabbath schools, in 1876. At that time it had scarcely twenty members and was under the superintendence of W. C. Bissell. In the past six years the size of the school has nearly quadrupled, and it now shows an enrollment of actual scholars of over seventy-five, H. M. Foley is the superintendent of the school and E. S. Norton assistant.

   The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Humboldt, was organized in 1871. On March 29 of that year, Rev. Martin Pritchard was appointed preacher by the general conference. He was followed by Rev. R. C. Johnson, Rev. L. W. Smith, Rev. C. W. Comstock, who took charge of the church on April 10, 1874, and was starved out by the grasshopper troubles of the following year. Rev. John Gallagher, who commenced his connection with the church in September, 1875; J. R. Reed, 1878; G. H. Wehn, 1879, and A. Brigham, the present pastor, who came in the fall of 1880. The society built a church in 1873, at a cost of $1,400, and have made such extensive repairs and alterations since as to raise the present valuation of the building to $3,000. The society also owns a parsonage situated on Nemaha Street, about two blocks above the church. This was built during the pastorate of Rev. John Gallagher, at a cost of $600. The steady growth of the church under its successive pastors is shown by the membership which is now at 148.

   The United Brethren have a strong organization and hold occasional services. A parsonage valued at $1,000 is secured and held free of debt, and funds for the erection of a substantial church edifice have been subscribed. The present year will probably see the beginning, if not the completion of this building, and the installation of a pastor.


The Humboldt Sentinel.--On November 2, 1877, the Humboldt Sentinel made its first essay for public favor. On the first day of January, 1878, David Speiser, jr., bought a half interest in the new venture from its projector, George P. Monogon. On April 1, 1879, Monogon leased his interest to Jacob Baily for one year, and at the expiration of that time returned to his editorial duties. On April 1, 1882, Mr. Speiser bought the interest of his partner and transferred it to Mr. George Gird. The firm is now Speiser & Gird, but the management of the paper is in the hands of D. Speiser, jr. and William Gird. The paper was, when started, a seven column, but was enlarged on February 10, 1882, to an eight column folio. The present edition is 600 copies, and the circulation is steadily increasing. In politics the paper is straight Republican.

   The Farmers' Advocate was established in 1881, the first number bearing the date of July 9. The sheet is credited to the Humboldt Printing Co., but the real owner and editor is Dr. J. L. Gandy. Started as a six column it was enlarged to a seven column folio on the first of January, 1881. The edition now printed reaches 600 copies, and is reported to be increasing. The aim of this paper is to represent (as its name implies) the interests of the farmers of the county. Politically it is neither Republican or Democratic, and accepts as its faith whatever policy seems most likely to favor the representative farmer's alliance.

   The People's Paper was run by Sylvester Franklin Wilson, familiarly known in his former residence, Nebraska City, as "Peanut" Wilson. This paper had no office and no material, and was gotten out by the State Journal Company of Lincoln. It had a precarious existence of a few months in 1874 and died without leaving any record worth noting, or making a noticeable chasm in the journalistic world. Its editor was a George Francis Train man, and violent to the verge of lunacy in his conduct, a trait which caused him much trouble and incarceration. It is thought he is now dead, but he has fallen so completely from his erstwhile prominence that no one can be found who knows his fate.


Humboldt Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F.--Was organized on July 6, 1872, with twenty-four charter members, and the following officers; W. C. Kerns, N. G.; A. R. Nims, V. G.; S. M. Hillebert, Secretary. At the present time the lodge numbers fifty members in good and regular standing, and has the following officers; D. F. Berry, N. G.; John W. Mills, V. G.; E. P. Tinker, Permanent Secretary; T. J. Beals, R. S.; George Harral, Treasurer; M. Monniesmith, S. P. G.; A. R. Nims, W.; S. D. Wells, Conductor; W. Smith, Chaplain. The lodge meets on each Wednesday evening in the hall recently completed. This hall is 26x80 feet on the ground floor, two stories high, and was erected at a cost of $3,800. In addition to the cost of the hall, the society has expended about $300 for regalia and furniture. This is one of the most vigorous societies in the State, and embraces a large share of the most substantial citizens of the town.

   Rebekah Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.--Was chartered in December, 1873, and had the following names on its charter roll at that time: A. P. Smith, M. M. Smith, J. E. Prouty, M. Prouty, A. R. Nims, Sarah D. Nims, J. B. Clark, Mary Clark, John H. King, Ellen King, E. P. Tinker, Almeda Tinker, Philip F. Patrick, Julia Patrick. After running several years with a fair membership, the lodge failed to hold regular meetings, and finally became dead, to all practical purposes. It may, however be shortly re-instated, as several former prominent members are making efforts in that direction.

   Humboldt Lodge, No. 79, I. O. G. T.--Was organized January 30, 1872, with thirty-three charter members. The following were the first officers of the lodge: R. P. R. Miller, W. C.; Helen Stearns, W. V.; H. Adkinson, Chaplain; D. O. Cross, Secretary; A. Sherwood, F. S.; M. M. Smith, Treasurer; Miss Ella Saunders, I. G.; H. D. Tinker, O. G.; At the present time the membership of the lodge is eighty. The present officers are: E. P. Tinker, W. C. T.; Mrs. O. J. Bacon, W. V.; H. Kreamer, Secretary; O. L. Tinker, F. S.; Miss M. Quackenbush, Treasurer; Miss Anna Fleming, I. G.; O. J. Bacon, O. G.; Meetings are held in Tinker's Hall, on each Friday evening. The property of the society consists of regalia to the amount of $50 or more.

   Humboldt Lodge, No. 40, A., F. & A. M.--Was chartered on June 18, 1873, with nine members, whose names are as follows: L. P. Boyd, T. W. Beals, C. C. Green, M. A. Morrison, S. L. Green, W. W. Turk, S. M. Hillebert, Jacob Babcock and W. N. Nims. The officers of the lodge at this time were: S. L. Green, W. M.; Jacob Babcock, S. W.; S. W. Beals, J. W. The society has grown slowly but steadily, and now has a membership of forty-two. It also owns its hall, which cost $600; has about $150 worth of furniture, and a cash surplus of $250. The present officers of the society are G. A. Acken, W. M.; E. S. Norton, S. W.; J. H. McDougall, J. W. Meetings are held on the first Thursday on or before each full moon.

   Humboldt Temple of Honor, No. 31, was organized on February 7, 1879, with fourteen charter members and the following officers: A. C. Miller, W. C. T.; James Cooper, W. V.; W. H. Chapman, R.; E. P. Tinker, A. R.; D. D. Bloom, T.; J. M. Nelson, U.; T. Beard, D. U.; James Murphy, G.; R. K. Davis, S.; A. P. Smith, P. C. T.; The society continued to hold meetings for nearly a year and one-half the last entry on their record bearing the date of July 6, 1880, and recording the election of the following officers: E. P. Tinker, W. C. T.; James Cooper, W. V.; O. J. Tinker, R.; D. J. Wood, W. F. R.; A. P. Smith, T.; R. K. Davis, U.; T. Bracelen, D. U.; A. C. Miller, G.

   Humboldt Lodge, No. 25, Knights of Pythias, was organized June 2, 1880, with fourteen charter members and the following officers: G. M. Filson, C. C.; F. Sweeney, V. C.; W. H. Ungles, P. C.; G. Bratt, P.; E. L. Crane, M. E.; E. K. Kentner, M. F.; J. E. Kentner, K. R. S.; G. P. Monogon, M. A.; R. C. Bullis, I. G.; Charles Riechers, O. G. The present officers of the society are: G. Bratt, P. C.; George P. Monogon, C. C.; E. W. Shirmer, V. C.; R. C. Bullis, P.; William Fornefelt, M. F.; J. Beard, M. E.; M. Friend, K. R. S.; P. Thiessen, M. A.; L. Dorland, I. G.; F. Segrist, O. G. The society now numbers thirty-four members and is in a prosperous condition. Meetings are held in the hall of the I. O. O. F. society on the first and third Mondays of each month. The property of the society consists of regalia to the value of $300.

   William Mix Post, No. 66, Department of Nebraska G. A. R., was organized on June 28, 1881, with fourteen charter members and the following officers: E. P. Tinker, C.; H. A. Scott, S. V. C.; C. A. Strong, J. V. C.; H. S. Best, C.; J. G. Cox, S.; H. M. Preston, O. of D.; J. McDougal, Q.; Simon Germaine, O. of G.; Albert Pearson, S. M. The present membership of the post is thirty. Meetings are held on the second and forth Tuesday of each month at Tinker's hall. There has been no change of officers except that which placed Mr. Tinker in the place of Mr. Lamberton who was elected Commander but was unable to serve. The post contains several men who went from Nebraska to the war but only one is accredited to a Nebraska regiment, the others enlisting at Omaha and being part of an Iowa regiment.

   The Cesko Slovansky Podporujici Spolek is a strictly Bohemian society which has very much the same aims as the I. O. O. F., according to the statement of its president. The society was established in May, 1879 with a membership of fifteen. The first officers of the society were: J. J. Dworak, President; F. A. Witt, Secretary; R. Vertiska, Treasurer; V. Skalak, Cashier. The society has grown steadily and now has a membership of thirty-five. Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month. The present officers are: J. J. Dworak, President; Anton Novak, Secretary; F. A. Witt, Ex-President; F. Novak, Treasurer; J. Novak, Cashier.

   The Humboldt Philharmonic Society was started a few years after the founding of the town and had thirty members. It was for some time a very popular thing with the people of the town but finally fell apart and passed out of sight in 1879. In the fall of 1880 the Humboldt Musical Union came into existence, as in a sort, a successor of the older organization, and held meetings until about the first of January, 1882. This latter society, which was under the presidency of Mr. H. Pearson, can hardly be called extinct and may very possibly come out with fresh life during 1882.

   "The Old Band."--The Humboldt Independent Cornet Band was organized on April 10, 1873, with a membership of eleven. Turned out in force the band handled twelve pieces. At the present time the full band includes nine instruments, and is under the leadership of Mr. J. F. Walsh. This is a joint stock affair and the members instead of owning their individual instruments have a part ownership in all the property of the organization. The present stock of instruments is valued at $250. In addition to this they have about $200 worth of music books, the accumulation of eight years' service. As its name signifies the band is an independent one and does not make excursions or do other band work for the purpose of raising money. It is, rather, devoted to the entertainment of the town and the individual members. The wife of a prominent banker of Falls City was very prominent in getting this band in shape to be a credit to the city, and since her removal the spirit of her efforts has still held sway and led to the settled determination to work for Humboldt as a town rather than for individual profit.

   The Humboldt Cornet Band was organized in July, 1881, with twelve pieces, its leader is Capt. Albert Pierson, who has succeeded in evolving a very creditable band from the raw elements he commenced work with less than a year ago. The members of the band own their individual instruments, which are valued in the aggregate at $250. The band also has procured one of the finest band-wagons in the State, at an expense of $250.


The Central House. The Central House was built in 1871 by S. M. Hillebert, who ran it three years and then sold it to Luther Nims. After a year, during which the hotel has been rented to E. S. Norton, J. W. Minnick took it and was shortly followed by William Sweney. Mayor Filson then took the house, which he kept up to the close of 1881, when H. Shurtleff, the present landlord, took it. This hotel building is the largest in the town, being 36x50 feet on the ground floor and two stories high, exclusive of a basement which contains the dining room and kitchen. The cost of the structure was $4,500.

   The Enoch House. This hotel was established in 1869 by Capt. Enoch and has remained under his management up to January, 1882. Started as a very modest hostlery it has been enlarged from time to time until it now embraces three buildings in one. The house was leased for the year 1882 by Miss Maggie E. Ellsworth.

   The Filson House. The Filson House is the residence of Mayor Filson and has a very limited amount of room for the accommodation of the traveling public, but is very well kept and a general favorite. It was opened in 1880.


The Humboldt Bank. This bank is the property of Mr. F. Samuelson. It was started in 1874 and has done a paying business up to the present time. The bank is located in the brick block which contains The Opera House and several store rooms and is known by the name of its owner, Mr. Samuelson.

   The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. This bank was established in 1879 by a stock company. The first officers continue to hold their positions as follows: W. W. Turk, President; R. C. Lamberton, cashier; J. C. Fergus, R. Stewart, W. A. Nims, directors. When organized the bank had a paid up capital of $13,000. And the privilege of increasing to $50,000. This privilege has been used to a certain extent and the bank is in a prosperous condition.


The Carriage Factory. In the spring of 1879 Anderson Bros. Commenced business on Nemaha street about a block from the depot of the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad. At that time little more than the repairing of carriages and wagons was contemplated and the building which is now used by the wood workers sufficed for all purposes. As the business has grown the necessary extensions and improvements have been made until to-day the property is valued at fully $3,000. There are three departments, the wood working, blacksmithing and paint and trimming. The first of these gives employment to seven men; the second to about the same number, and the third to four. During 1881 something more than 125 vehicles of various descriptions were manufactured and sold. In the same time rebuilt and repaired carriages swelled the total gross income to over $20,000. The axiom that "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country" does not hold good in this instance, for sales have been for the past two years in advance of orders. A few more such enterprises would fins a cordial welcome in the town and be profitable to their projectors.

   S. Anderson.--In 1881 Mr. S. Anderson, a brother of the gentleman engaged in the carriage factory, took the plow and wagon repair shops on the northeast of the public square, formerly operated by the firm. In addition to repairs he builds a few heavy wagons each year and may branch out more heavily in a season or two.

   The Norton Elevator.--This elevator was built in 1872, by Mr. Ruel Nims, now a banker of Falls City. After one year Mr. Nims sold the building to I. N. Norton, by whom it was operated up to the time of his death in March, 1882. The structure is twenty by thirty feet on the ground floor, two stories high and was erected at a cost of nearly three thousand dollars. Upon the death of Mr. Norton the property was purchased by Mr. L. B. Brinson, who will operate it the coming season.

   The Linn and Cooper Elevator.--The elevator now known by this title was erected by the Grangers, in 1873. This is one of the largest elevators on the Atchison and Nebraska Railroad, having a capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain. The building is twenty-four by thirty-six feet on the ground floor, is two stories high and cost, when completed $3,200. Between January 1, 1881, and the same date of 1882, this elevator handled upward of six hundred and forty car loads of grain.

   The Wells Mill.--A mile and one-half above the Soper Mill is another known as the Wells, the property of Mr. M. Wells. Although commenced at about the same time as the first mentioned, this mill was not perfectly finished for several years. The building in use at the present time is one story in height and thirty-six by fifty feet on the ground floor. It contains three run of buhr-stones, two for grinding wheat and one for corn, and is furnished with power from the Nemaha, by the use of a turbine water wheel forty-two inches in diameter. This mill is but one and a half miles from the town square. And in addition to turning out a fine grade of flour, is easy of access to two-thirds of the farming population of this and Speiser Precinct.

   The Cheese Factory.--In 1874, William Viets started a cheese factory at the west of the town and turned out an excellent article of merchandise. This factory consumed the milk of 100 cows, and for a year did a profitable business, but was discontinued because of the impossibility of obtaining proper pasturage.

   The Humboldt Mills.--Work is already begun on the new flouring and feed mills to be built adjacent the Linn and Cooper elevator. The owners of the elevator are also the owners of the mill and propose to have in running order by August 1, 1882, a three-story mill that will be a boon to the neighboring country. The new building is to be thirty by fifty feet on the ground floor and be supplied with power by a sixty horse-power boiler and engine. The excess of power over that needed for milling will be employed in operating the elevator which remains intact, the total cost of the structure will reach $15,000. Four run of buhr-stones will be put in, and possibly a roller machine for turning out "new process" flour. With their rich agricultural surroundings the mill should prove a success.

   The Humboldt Cemetery.--The ground occupied by the Humboldt Cemetery was formerly the property of E. P. Tinker, and was purchased of him in 1871. The ground stands in the name of the corporation and is especially in charge of the Mayor as chief official. The cemetery grounds are a trifle less than eight acres and have been duly enclosed by a substantial fence. It was decided some time since to plant a hedge running completely around the place, and the land was broken for that purpose, but nothing further done. Lying about a quarter of a mile to the southwest of the town on the crown of a bluff overlooking the Nemaha, with shapely pillars gleaming white, this burial place is one of the most beautiful in the State.

   Prominent among the many public buildings of Humboldt is the Opera House block, erected by Mr. F. W. Samuelson, in 1870. This block is situated on the southeast side of the park square, fronting on Third street, occupying a frontage of sixty-eight feet, and containing three large fronts, representing the hardware business of Morris & Blum, F. W. Samuelson's bank and the jewelry store of E. L. Crane, it extends a distance of 120 feet in the rear, and is two stories high, the hardware store occupying the whole extension, but in the rear of the bank and jewelry store are extensive warerooms for the use of Mr. Samuelson's extensive farm machinery, agricultural implements and wagon and carriage store rooms, of which his trade in this industry is very extensive. The second story is occupied by an elegant and elaborately gotten up Opera House, sixty-two by forty-two feet, with a seating capacity of 500, stage capacity of twenty by forty-two feet. This building is purposely arranged for a first class opera house, and Mr. Samuelson has spared no pains to make it so. The scenery contains eight sets of scenes, and the ventilation and general arrangements have all the modern improvements. This building, which is the pride of the theatre going people of Humboldt, has upon the second floor four elegant office rooms, and a nice room now used as a millinery store.

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