BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES (DENISON - JOST).CAPT. CHARLES P. DENISON, passenger conductor on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, was born in Essex County, Vt., February 3, 1842. He commenced railroading in 1868, as brakesman on a passenger train of the Kansas Pacific road, and afterward accepted the position of baggage master. He then run a freight train four years, and at the expiration of that time, changed to the Texas Pacific Railroad; but having run on this a short time returned to the former company. In 1878, Capt. Denison became freight conductor for the Missouri Pacific road, and at the expiration of one and one-half years, was advanced to passenger conductor, which is now his vocation. He was a soldier in the late rebellion, volunteering with Company K, of the Seventh New Hampshire Infantry. He served till the close of the war, and took an active part in thirty-two engagements, being promoted to First Lieutenant in 1862 , and to Captain in 1863 for gallant and meritorious action. He was wounded three times, first at the battle of Fort Wagner, second, in front of Petersburg, and the last time at Fort Fisher.
R. G. DUNNING, proprietor of the Grand Opera House, was born in Philadelphia, Penn., November 12, 1831. His parents moved to Phoenixville; thence to Norristown and other places in Pennsylvania, he being employed in the cotton, woolen and nail mills at various times in these places. In 1836 he moved to Council Bluffs, and the following August he settled in Wyandotte, Kan., where he engaged in house and sign painting continuing in this until 1879, when be took charge of the grocery business of Dunning Bros., which he still continues to operate. He built the Grand Opera House then known as Dunning's Hall, about 1869. Mr. Dunning was married in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1857, to Miss Elvira Beebe, of that city. They have three children - William M., Edward E. and Robert. He is a member of the Lodge and Chapter A., F. & A. M., and of the I. O. O. F. PETER EAGER, M. D., and dealer in drugs, medicines and druggist sundries. His son, John L B. Eager, is proprietor of the business and carries a stock of about $2,500. He is First Lieutenant of Camp No.3, Sons of Veterans of the G. A. R. The Doctor came to Wyandotte, April 25, 1883. He was born at Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y., August 24. 1835, and was raised in his native State; was educated in the medical department of the University of New York, graduating in 1857. Soon after, purchased a part interest in his brothers' drug store which continued until 1861, when he bought the whole business, continuing it until 1873, when, from failing health, he had to retire from active business. He enlisted as private in Company H, Seventh, New York infantry, April 17, 1861; detailed part of the time for hospital duty; mustered out at expiration of term; re-enlisted June, 1862, same company and regiment; was mustered out September, 1862, in the same year. He then resumed medicine and drugs in New York City until August, 1873, then removed to Newburg, N. Y. He was married January 21, 1857, to Miss Phebe A. Wilkin, of Bloomingburg, Sullivan County, N. Y. They have three children - John, L. B., Hattie J., married to Mr. Clifford C. Baker, city editor of the Commonwealth of Topeka, Kan., and Mary Eliza. He was Postmaster at North Tarrytown, N. Y., for some time; a member of the New York State Board of Charities; founder of a branch society for prevention of cruelty to children; also to animals at Newburg, N. Y. He is a member of Atlantic Lodge, A., F. & A. M. No. 178; Corinthian Chapter, R. A. M., No. 153, of New York City, Ivanhoe Commandery, K. T., No. 21, Wyandotte. J. F. ELLIOTT, M. D., homoeopathist, was born in Union, Randolph County, Ind., March 20, 1854. His father, S. J. Elliott, moved to Kansas in 1856, and settled in Johnson County. The subject of our sketch was educated in the district and high schools of Johnson County. In 1872, he entered the Kansas State University, taking a full classical course and graduating in 1875; commenced his professional studies at the Cleveland Hospital College, Cleveland, Ohio, graduating in 1878. He at once commenced practice in Cleveland, remaining about two years, then removed to Wyandotte, Kan., where he has since remained. He was married in Cleveland, Ohio, October 24, 1882, to Miss Lillie Webster, of Cleveland. Dr. Elliott's father was one of the prominent Free-State men, and drew his revolver in defense of Tom Karney in Lecompton. JOHN O. FIFE, attorney and counselor at law. Mr. Fife was born at Plymouth, Ind., September 10, 1854, and was reared on a farm. He was educated at Smithville Academy, Wayne County, Ohio, where he studied for two years, then for four years at the Indiana State University. In April, 1875, he began to read law with A. Johnson of Plymouth, Ind., and in August following moved West, to Gage County, Neb., where he taught school. In February, 1876, he went to Rock Island County Ill., where he taught school until July, when he went again to Nebraska, and was employed as Principal of the Blue Springs High School for one year. During his years of teaching, he continued to read law, and was admitted to the bar at Beatrice, Neb., in May, 1877. In the fall of 1878, he settled in Humboldt, Kan., and at once opened an office and began the practice of law. November 6, 1880, he was elected County Attorney of Allen County, Kan., and held that office until his term expired in January, 1883, when he moved to Wyandotte, Kan., where he is now engaged in the practice of law. FRANK FULTON, dealer in furniture, curtains, oil cloths, etc. This is the leading business in this line in town. He occupies a brick building containing four floors, 85x24 feet in area, an elevator giving direct communication. He employs five to six men, and carries a stock of some $10,000. Mr. Fulton is a native of Maryland. His parents moved to Virginia when he was very young, and he was educated and brought up in that State. In 1870, he moved West. After living some time in Western Kansas, he located in Kansas City, Mo., and from there moved to Wyandotte, and commenced his present business in May, 1882. He has a large and increasing business, and has taken some of the largest contracts in the city. Mr. F. is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Blue Lodge and Chapter. W. B. GARLICK, contractor and builder, came to Wyandotte in 1866, and engaged in the above occupation, doing the masonry only. Employs quite a force of men, and during the year does a large amount of work. He did the masonry work on the Ryus Hotel and many important buildings in Wyandotte. He was born in Cass County, Ill., July 28, 1840, and raised in Beardstown, same county. Enlisted March 24 1861, in Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Taken prisoner May 17, 1864, at a skirmish near Madison Station, Ala., and confined at Cahaba Prison, same State, and Meridian, Miss. Was mustered out June 5, 1865, at the close of the war. Soon afterward came to Kansas. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., ex-member School Board of Wyandotte, and was Postmaster of State Senate, sessions of 1881 and 1883. JAMES S. GIBSON, attorney at law, was born in Carroll County, Ohio, September 15, 1850. He was educated in the district and high schools of his native county. In 1871, he settled in Wyandotte, Kan., and the following year commenced reading law in the office of Cook & Sharp. Was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1876, and the same year was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Wyandotte County, and was twice re-elected to the same position, holding office until January, 1883. Since that time has been engaged in private practice. He was married in Kansas City Mo., in 1877, to Miss Flynn, of that city. Mr. Gibson is a member of the K. of P., I. O. O. F. and the A., F. & A. M. HON. JOHN R. GOODIN, attorney, was born December 14, 1836, at Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. When about seven years of age, his parents moved to Kenton, Hardin County, where he received his early education. He attended the High School at Kenton; then entered Geneva College; afterward read law with Col. A. S. Ramsey, of Kenton, until 1857, when he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law there until 1859, when he removed to Humboldt, Kan., where he engaged in the practice of his profession. In November, 1866, he was elected to the State Legislature. In November of the following year, he was elected Judge of the Seventh Judicial District for a term of four years, commencing in January, 1888. In November, 1871, he was re-elected to the same office, which position he filled up to February, 1875, when he resigned, as he had been elected to the United States Congress. Since the expiration of' Judge's Goodin's Congressional term he has been engaged in the active practice of his profession. At the Democratic Congressional Convention, in September, 1878, held at Wyandotte, he peremptorily declined a nomination for Congress. The State Convention, held at Leavenworth two days later, determined to place him at the head of the ticket, and he was forced to accept the nomination of Governor which was given him. He not only carried the Democratic support but received many Republican votes in all parts of the State, in that campaign. In the Senatorial election which followed, the Democrats, though greatly in the minority in the Legislature, gave the Judge the complement of their support for United States Senator. Before his removal to Kansas, he was one of the editors and publishers of the Hardin County Democrat. He was also associate editor of the first paper published in Humboldt, called the Herald, and was for a time editor of a paper called the Inter-State, which was established at Humboldt, in October, 1877. Judge Goodin was married at Kenton, in May, 1858, to Miss Naomi Monroe. They have one child, Edwin Delmar, who has been attending the State University at Lawrence, and is being educated for the legal profession. Judge Goodin, in February, 1883, removed to Wyandotte, Kan. where, with Hon. L. W. Keplinger, he has opened an office, and is engaged in his chosen profession. The law firm is Goodin & Keplinger. At the conclusion of his law course, Edwin will also enter the same firm. He is a young man of fine culture and promises for future usefulness. G. M. GRAY, physician and surgeon, was born in Waukegan, Ill. in 1856, and removed to Kansas, in 1858, with his parents, settling in Quindaro. Began the study of medicine in 1875 with Dr. Schauffler, of Kansas City, Mo., and graduated at Kansas City Medical College, and also at Bell Hospital College, in New York City. In the summer of 1880, he opened an office in Wyandotte, and has practiced there since. J. M. GRAY, attorney at law, was born in the town of Quindaro, Wyandotte Co., Kan., October 6, 1858. Received his preliminary education in the district schools, and then entered the Kansas State University, from which he graduated in the spring of 1882, taking a full course in the law department of the university. Was admitted to the bar by Judge Wagstaff, in the spring term of 1882, and at once commenced the practice of his profession. He is a son of R. M. Gray, Esq., one of the pioneers of 1856. D. J. GRIEST is a member of the firm of Wyandotte Lumber Company, Wyandotte. The proprietors are Robert Garrett, A. J. Angell and D. J. Griest. They opened the lumber trade August 1, 1881, and employ six men in the business. They deal in all kinds of lumber, carrying a stock of 1,000,000 feet. Mr. G. came to Kansas in 1854, locating in Leavenworth, where he remained only a short time, and removed to Illinois. He was born in Chester County, Penn., January 24, 1836, living there until he came to Kansas. He was formerly a carpenter and builder, and followed the business a number of years. He has followed building and contracting in many portions of the West. Was married, in 1867, to Miss Sallie Mathews, of Chester County, Penn. They have six children - Harry, Jessie, Sue, Edith, Frankie and Chester, Mr. G. is a member of the I. O. O F. and A., F. & A. M. GEORGE GRUBLE, proprietor Garno House; N. Busch, chief clerk. This is one of the landmarks of Wyandotte being the first hotel building erected in the city. The original house was built by Mrs. Garno, in 1857. Additions have since been made at different times. It now consists of a main building, 40x70 feet in area, three stories and attic, and contains twenty-six rooms over the office floor. Attached to this is a wing, 26x32 feet in area, which is devoted to the billiard room and bar. George Gruble is a native of Ratisbon, Bavaria, where he was born April 21, 1828. After leaving school, he learned the machinist's trade which he followed in Germany until he emigrated to the United States; landed at New Orleans where he remained engaged as a machinist until 1883, when he moved to Kansas. Has since resided in Wyandotte and Kansas City, engaged in hotel keeping and mercantile business. He was married in Wyandotte in 1868, to Miss Mary Leil, a native of Germany. They have four children - George, Edward, Frank and Mary. Mr. G. is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. of P. CHARLES HAINS, proprietor City Boot and Shoe Store, opened trade in 1857, as a manufacturer and retail dealer in boots and shoes. Quit manufacturing in 1865, and embarked wholly in retailing, with a stock of $3,000. Now carries a stock of $10,000. Erected his present store, 25x75 feet, in 1880. He was born in Germany August 16, 1830; came to America in 1853, and settled in Altoona, Penn., where he engaged in manufacturing boots and shoes, until he came to Kansas in 1857. Was married, in 1885, to Miss Theresa Lugebehl, a native of Germany; they have seven children - Mary, Rosa, Minnie, John, Elloise, Charlie and Henry. Mr. H. has been a member of the School Board, Mayor of Wyandotte, member of the City Council, and member of the Wyandotte County Board of Commissioners. He is a member of I. O. O. F. HALE & MILLER, attorneys at law; firm composed of John A. Hale and O. L Miller; firm organized March, 1881. John A. Hale, senior member of the firm was born in Foxcroft, Piscataquis Co., Me., August, 1852. He was educated at the Little Blue Academy, Farmington, Me., and a Quaker school in Kennebec County, finishing his studies at Hanson Preparatory School in Waterville County. After leaving school, he engaged in clerking for a time. In 1869, moved to Kansas, and settled in Wyandotte, where he took a position in the office of the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Commenced reading law in 1871, in the office of Bartlett & Hale; two years later returned to Maine, where he continued his reading in the office of H. W Paine, at Bangor. Was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1874, then returned to Wyandotte and entered into partnership with J. K. Hale, which continued till the latter's death. Then engaged in practice alone until present firm was formed. Mr. Hale was elected City Attorney in 1879, serving two years. Is at the present time City Attorney of Argentine. JOHN T. HARLOW, attorney at law, was born in Texas County, Mo., October 21, 1856. His parents moved to Kansas in 1864, and settled in Johnson County. He was educated in the district and high schools of that county. In 1880, he entered the law department of the Kansas State University, and graduated in June, 1882. Was admitted to the bar, and at once commenced practice in Wyandotte. J. M. HOLLOWAY, dealer in heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, tinware, etc. The business was established in 1880. He carries a general line of stoves, having exclusive control of Comstock, Caswell & Co.'s goods. In his tinware department, he is doing a large and increasing business, employing, in the season, from three to five men. Mr. Holloway was born in La Fayette County Mo., February 10, 1847. He was partly educated in his native county; finished in Louisville, Ky.; afterward returned to Missouri. In July, 1865, he located in Leavenworth, Kan., where he was connected with the freighting firm of Shrewsbury, Stamm & Co., about eighteen months, leaving them to take a position with Wilson, Bruce & Baker, the leading hardware people in the city. In 1869, he was offered and accepted a position to travel for a Kansas City hardware house, and remained with them about eight years. He then located in Wichita, Kan., six or eight months. Then, after spending a short time looking up a location, finally settled in Wyandotte in 1880. He was married in Kansas City, Mo., in 1875, to Miss Eva B., daughter of J. C. McCoy, Esq., one of the original town company, both of Kansas City and of Wyandotte. They have two children - Kate and Elizabeth S. Mr. H. is a Royal Arch Mason. F. G. HUSSON, dealer in heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, tinware, etc. The business was established in June, 1883. He occupies the main floor and basement of a brick building 25x60 feet in area, employing three men in his tinware department. Mr. H. was born in Putnam County, Ohio, March 18, 1819. His parents moved to Allen County in 1857. In 1870, he began learning the tinner's trade, in Lima, Ohio, and followed it there and in other places until 1876, when he located in El Dorado, Butler Co., Kan., where he opened a stove store; he remained here about eighteen months, then removed to Caldwell, Sumner County, thence to Longton, Elk Co.; at the latter place engaging in stock business, in addition to his regular business. In 1882, he settled in Wyandotte, and entered into partnership with Mr. Holloway in the hardware business, this firm dissolving in the spring of 1883. He was married in Kalamazoo, Mich., February 1, 1876, to Miss J. R. Myers, of Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. H. is a member of Summunduwot Lodge, No.3, I. O. O F., of Wyandotte, of the K. of H. of Caldwell, and of the I. O. R. M. JAMES D. HUSTED, real estate, insurance and loans, has also branch offices at Armourdale and Armstrong. The business was established in 1879. He transacts a general real estate business, having control of the Grand View Addition, consisting of thirteen acres all platted; also has charge of the Union Pacific Railroad lands. In insurance, he represents the Liverpool, London & Globe, London Assurance, Queen of England, New York Underwriters, New York Alliance. Westchester, Orient, of Hartford, Connecticut Fire Insurance Company and Fireman's Fund, of California. Mr. Husted was born in Huron County, Ohio, September 26, 1857. He was educated in his native county. At the age of fourteen, be entered the railway service in a clerical capacity. Learned telegraphy, and for some two years previous to his removal to Kansas, was station agent in Chicago and on the line, for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad. In 1877, he removed to Kansas, and settled in Wyandotte, taking a position in the storekeeping department of the Union Pacific Railway at Armstrong, which he continued to hold until 1879. He was married in Wyandotte, in 1881, to Miss Jennie Thorpe, of that city. Mr. Husted was nominated for the Legislature at the last County Convention. He was Justice of the Peace at Armstrong for some time. JAMERSON & RYUS, manufacturers of brick. Present firm was organized in 1880, succeeding Ryus & Serviss. The capacity of the yards is 30,000 brick daily, but at present they are only turning out about 11,000, employing some twenty-five hands. J. M Jamerson, senior member of the firm, was born in Lewis County, N. Y., April 28, 1826. About 1845, he settled in Seneca County, N. Y., where he engaged in operating a threshing machine. In 1852, he became connected with the New York Central Railroad, and, some eighteen months after, was given charge of a train. He continued to act its conductor until 1860, when he resigned, and settled on a farm in Seneca County. Some ten years later he opened a brick yard at Porter, Ind., making front brick for the Chicago market, having his headquarters in Chicago, and continued to operate the business until he moved to Kansas, some ten years later. Mr. Jamerson was married in Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y., December 20, 1854 to Miss Jane Feogle, who died leaving one daughter Minnie, now Mrs. George Strumpf, of Wyandotte. Mr. Jamerson was married to his present wife in Wyandotte, March 28, 1883. She was Miss Clara Jackson, of Leavenworth, Kan. AUGUST JOST, proprietor Augusta House. The building was erected by Mr. Jost in 1866, for store building, and was changed to a hotel in 1868. The building is 25x72 feet area, two stories and basement, and contains fifteen bedrooms. Mr. Jost was born in Nassau, Germany, January 17, 1812. His father settled in Pettis County, Mo., in 1847, where he was brought up. In 1861, he enlisted in the Fifth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry for three months, taking part in the battle of Wilson's Creek. On being mustered out, he re-enlisted in Company D, of Fremont Body Guards taking part in the famous charge of that command at Springfield, Mo. After the disbandment of this command, he engaged in mercantile business until 1866, when he moved to Wyandotte, Kan., and engaged in contracting and building until 1868. Then opened the Augusta, and continued to operate it until May, 1881, when he leased the house and moved to Kansas City, returning in the spring of 1883 to again take the hotel. He was married in Morgan County, Mo., August 13, 1863, to Miss Catherine, Momberg, of Pettis County; the y have three, children - Augusta, Laura and Ida. Mr. Jost has been a member of the City Council several terms. Is a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P.