BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES (KNOBLOCK - OVERTON).P. H. KNOBLOCK, contractor and builder of brick and stone work, plastering, etc. He came, to Wyandotte, Kan., in 1858, and engaged in the above occupation. Now employs from ten to twenty men. He built the Gazette office building, Taylor's brick block, and many other buildings. He superintended all the large brick school buildings in the city. He was born in Germany, July 20, 1835; came to America in 1852, locating in Philadelphia, Penn., where he engaged in mason work until he came to Kansas in 1858. Enlisted May 2, 1861, in Company B, First Kansas Volunteer Infantry; was promoted to First Sergeant of the company; afterward promoted to Captaincy of Twenty-third Kansas Militia. During Gen. Prices raid, he commanded the cavalry on the right, and did some good work and maneuvering during the battle for which he was publicly thanked. Was mustered out of the, First Kansas Volunteer Infantry June 26, 1864. Was married in 1864 to Miss Margaret Moor, a native of Ohio. They have four children - Mary A., Nellie M., Bell B. and Frankie. Mr. K. is a member of McPherson Post, No 27, G. A. R., Summunduwot, No.3, I. O. O. F. Was a member of the City Council two terms, Board of Education two terms, and City Assessor one term. GEORGE L. KROH, proprietor of Wyandotte Nursery, came to Wyandotte in 1870, and engaged in the nursery business. He also owned one-half interest in the Enterprise Nursery at Kansas City, Mo., two years. The Wyandotte Nursery covers forty acres of ground joining the city limits on the southwest. There are all kinds of fruit trees which are well adapted to the West, excepting pear trees. Also has all kinds of small fruits and plants. He plants over 10,000 trees annually, and does an extensive trade. Mr. K. was born in Union County, Ohio, October 28, 1842. Was raised in his native State on a farm. Followed the manufacture of brick nine years, and pearl ash. Owned three large factories. He was married in September, 1865, to Miss Sadie Purmort, a native of Canada, but raised in Illinois. They have six children - Roscoe E., Clifford. Pearley, Ormand, Georgia and Bertram. VINCENT J. LANE, editor and proprietor of the Wyandotte Herald; born January 7, 1828, at West Middletown, Washington Co., Penn. After receiving a common school and partial collegiate education, and teaching in different parts of the country, he became restless, and, in 1852, started to take a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers from Hancock County, Va. His mode of conveyance was a flat-boat. During the next year, he settled in Jennings County, Ind. Previous to his settlement at Quindaro Match 6, 1857, Mr. Lane was principally engaged in railroad surveying and contracting between Fort Wayne, Ind., and Louisville, Ky. In common with many prominent citizens of Wyandotte County and Kansas, he believed that Quindaro (on account of its natural advantages, and because of its vigorous championship by Free-State leaders) was destined to be the city of Eastern Kansas. He was chosen to fill many local offices and upon the organization of the county in February, 1859, he became its Register of Deeds, and was re-elected in November following. He was a member of the Legislature in 1868 and in 1870, and to his organizing force and ability as Chairman of the Committee on State Library during his latter term, is largely due the present admirable condition of that educational institution of which Kansas citizens are so proud. In 1866, Mr. Lane became a member of the firm of railroad contractors, Parks, Lane & Co., and built twenty miles of the Kansas Pacific road through Ellsworth County. The previous fall he had returned from a two years' residence in Montana, being one of the first settlers in Virginia City and Helena. But Mr. Lane is best known as an editor and a successful newspaper manager. He was connected with the Quindaro Tribune in 1858, and afterward, when he removed to Wyandotte, represented the Kansas City Times in that city. The account of his connection with the Herald which he established is elsewhere given. In September, 1855, Mr. Lane married Sarah J. Robinson at Paris, Ind. Four children have been born to them. B. R. Lane is associated with his father in the publication of the Herald. NICHOLAS McALPINE, dealer in real estate and proprietor of McAlpine's Addition to Armourdale, as well as McAlpine's Addition to Wyandotte City. He came to Wyandotte in 1857, acting as clerk for John McAlpine, his uncle. He afterward embarked in the saw mill and flour mill business until 1861. He, with B. Washington, built the first flour mill in Wyandotte County. At the beginning of the war, returned to Pittsburgh, Penn., and for four years was employed as Teller in the First National Bank, returning to Kansas in 1865, formed a partnership with Dan. Killin, taking contracts to build portions of the Missouri Pacific; also Central Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad. He was elected City Treasurer in 1886; afterward member of the City Council. He was appointed by the County Commissioner to act as Treasurer of Wyandotte County for one year. Was elected to said office by the Democrats in 1867 one term; again elected in 1871 one term; re-elected to the same office in 1873, serving in all seven years as County Treasurer, since which time he has been engaged in the real estate business very successfully. He was born near Belfast, Ireland, April 6, 1835, receiving his education there. Came to Pittsburgh, Penn., in 1853; during four years thereafter, went through all the routine of banking in the Pittsburgh Trust Company and Exchange Bank. Was married in June, 1866, to Miss Maria Walker, of Wyandotte, Kan. They have three children - Robert L., Josie S. and Mary A. He is a member of Ivanhoe Commandery, No. 1, A., F. & A. M., and of the Presbyterian congregation. Mr. McAlpine has ever been an active worker for the best interests of Wyandotte City and county, and is well and favorably known, having a host of friends. HON. J. S. McGREW, old settler, was born in Adams County, Penn., January 26, 1822. His parents moved to Butler County, Ohio, about three years later, thence to Indiana about 1835. In 1836, removed to Illinois, residing in Henderson County for a time, then removed to Warren. In 1840, they settled in Iowa. The subject of our sketch commenced his business life in Lancaster, Keokuk Co., Iowa, in 1840, in partnership with a brother-in-law, engaging in the mercantile business. Shortly afterward, he assumed entire control, and continued in trade here until 1858. In the spring of the following year, he settled in Wyandotte, Kan., and opened a store. This he continued to operate until 1870. In 1860, he commenced packing pork in addition to his other business. In this he continued until very recently. Mr. McGrew has been prominently identified with the politics of the State. He was elected to the Legislature in 1859, and re-elected to the next term. In 1863, was elected to the State Senate, and organized this and the following Senate. In 1885, was elected Lieutenant Governor, serving out the term. He has served as Mayor of Wyandotte City two terms. He was married in Lancaster, Keokuk Co., Iowa, in 1868, to Miss Doggett, of that county. They have five children living - Henry, Josephine E. (now Mrs. H. H. Smalley), Mary, Grace and Louise. HENRY McGREW, attorney at law, was born in Sigourney, Iowa, April 18, 1857. The same year his parents settled in Wyandotte County, Kan. He was educated in the district and high school of that county. In 1877, entered Ann Arbor University at Ann Arbor, Mich., graduating in 1879. He then returned to Wyandotte and entered into partnership in the practice of law with Mr. H. L. Alden, which partnership still continues. J. H. MAILAND, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, feed, etc. This business was established by Mr. Mailand in 1873. In 1880, he erected the store he now occupies, which is a handsome brick building 60x25 feet in area and two stories high. the upper part being used as a residence. Mr. Mailand was born in North Schleswig, Denmark (since transferred to Germany), August 28,1846. He was brought up a farmer, though taking advanced studies in instrumental music, for which be had a natural taste. In 1866, he emigrated to the United States, locating in Jefferson City, Mo., where he engaged in brick-making about four years, then opened a grocery store in the same place, and from there removed to Wyandotte, Kan., in 1873. He was married in Gasconade County, Mo., April 17, 1867, to Miss Helena Jessen, a native of Denmark. They have three children - Annie, Madie and Walter. Mr. Mailand was the first President of the Danish Union Freiga, organized in 1877, of which he is now the Secretary. R. S. MAUNDER, contractor and builder, came to Wyandotte, Kan., in 1879, and began the above business. He employs eighteen men annually. He has helped to build the Ryus Hotel, Noble's large block, Wood & Roberts' Block, Northrup Bank Building and seven or eight large fine dwellings, etc. He does the brick and stone work. He was born in England, October 24, 1811; came to America with a brother in 1857, settling at Rochester, N. Y., where he lived many years, and learned the carpenter trade; he has always followed that kind of work; has traveled in nearly all portions of the United States and the Canadas. He was married September, 1878, at Grand Rapids Mich., to Miss Lizzie A. Fletcher, of London, Can. They have one daughter - Percy A. F. He has six children by a former marriage - Emma E., James II, William T., Minnie E., Richard C. and Albert E. Mr. M. is a member of I O. O. F., of Wyandotte, Kan. JOHN F. MEYER, contractor and builder, came to Wyandotte in 1866, and soon afterward began the above business, starting alone. He now employs annually eighteen men. He erected Northrup & Son's Bank Building, Seitz & Barker Block, Seitz & Stevens Block, Schultz & Belters Block, George W. Bishop's residence, and many others, of equal importance. He was born in Franklin County Mo., April 12, 1843; at a suitable age, he followed teaching and agricultural pursuits until he came to Kansas. He was married in 1867 to Miss Carrie M. Harris, of St. Louis County, Mo. They have one daughter - Josephine I. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. M. is a member of I. O. O. F. HON. GEORGE H. MILLER, Superintendent of the State Institution for the Education of the Blind; took charge of the Institution in 1875. He was born in Lyons, Wayne County, N. Y., August 31, 1835. His parents moved to Calhoun County, Mich., about 1837, in which county he received his education. In 1851, he located in Adrian, Mich., where he engaged in mercantile business, clerking the first three or four years, then engaging in business on his own account. In 1865, be removed to Kansas, locating in Leavenworth, where, under the firm name of Miller & Stevens, he operated a steam-heating and house-fitting business, until appointed to his present position. He was married in Adrian Mich., in 1858; to Miss Julia A. Stowers, formerly of Pittston, Penn. They have two children - Fred and Clara. Mr. Miller was elected Postmaster of the Legislature in 1875 serving one term. He is a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. CHARLES N. H. MOORE, real estate, insurance and loans. The business was established in 1881. He transacts a general real estate business, dealing in city and country property in this and other States. In insurance, he represents the North British and Mercantile, and the Metropole, of France. Mr. Moore was born at New London, Conn., August 31, 1834, the family being direct descendants from Sir John Holt, Lord Chief Justice of England, over whose property a suit is now in progress. The subject of our sketch was educated in his native city. At the age of eighteen years, he started for California, stopping for a time while en route in South America and Acapulco, Mexico. He remained in California about five years, engaged in mining and other occupations; then started across the plains with a pack team. On his arrival in Wyandotte, he determined to remain, and opened and improved a fruit farm west of the city. In 1867, he was ordained minister of the Baptist Church, and took charge of the Wyandotte Forest Baptist Church of Wyandotte County, where he officiated about five years; after five years' pastoral labors, organized a Baptist Church in West Kansas City, Mo. In 1872, took pastoral charge for three years and two years pastoral labors in Kansas City, Kan. Ill health at this time compelled him to resign his regular pulpit, though he still continues to officiate at times. After leaving the church be accepted a position on the staff of the Kansas City Mail, in which he continued until that paper sold out. In the meantime, he had organized the real estate business which he now operates. During the war, he was commissioned by Gov. Robinson, Captain of the Wyandotte Rangers; also received a commission to recruit a company for the Second Kansas Calvary, but was shortly after stopped by orders from the General Government; afterward assisted Commissioner Dole in the formation of an Indian brigade, this being also left in an unfinished state by orders from Washington, discontinuing all Indian enlistments. Mr. Moore was married in Wyandotte, Kan., in 1859, to Miss Mary Johnson, of that town. They have one son, Charles W. H. M MORRIS & BROS., Memphis, Tenn. L. Morris manages the retail dry goods and clothing business at 408 Main street, and H. Morris manages the jeans clothing manufacturing business where they employ at some seasons of the year as high as 300 hands. Sell their goods mostly in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Mr. H. Morris, the head manager of all, came to the United States in 1866, and in 1878 opened a small retail store at 408 Main street, with his brother, L. Morris, in partnership, and by hard work and honest dealing have established a splendid business. In 1870, the youngest of the firm, I. Morris, came to the United States, and in 1873 opened another store with Frank Kahn, at 388 1/2 Main street, Memphis, Tenn., and in 1878 dissolved partnership. I. Morris then went to Ottawa County, Kan., and opened the clothing house by name of Blue Store, and in 1882, May 16, opened the so-called Famous Clothing House at Wyandotte, Kan. Style of firm H. Morris, & Bro. I. Morris, the manager of the Famous, was born February 16, 1854, in Czarnikan, Prussia. In 1867, he accepted a place to learn the grocery business, at S. M. Samter, Filehue, Prussia. July 1, 1870, he left that place and in August 16, 1870, he embarked for the United States to join his brothers in Memphis, Tenn. In Wyandotte at some seasons of the year they employ from fifteen to thirty-five hands to make jeans clothing and overalls, and they sell them at wholesale and retail I. Morris is a member of the I. O. Bnai Brith, K. of H. and K. of P. J. B. NEWMAN, real estate; the business was established about 1871 by Mr. N. He now transacts a general real estate business in city and country, having entire control Hammerslough's addition to the south part of the city, consisting of ten acres all platted. Mr. Newman was born in Warren County, Ohio, March 9, 1816. He received his schooling in his native county. In 1836, he began reading law in the office of Corwin & Dunlevy, at Lebanon, Ohio; was admitted to the bar in 1840, and shortly afterward began practice in Franklin and Indianapolis, Ind. About 1842, he removed to Lima, Ohio, where he remained in practice about five years, then removed to Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio, where he remained in practice until he came to Kansas, in 1857. He first located in Quindaro, Wyandotte County, where be opened a law office and also engaged in dealing in real estate. In 1860, he removed to Wyandotte, having been elected County Clerk and Clerk of the District Court. In 1866, was elected County Attorney, a position he held two years; was afterward elected Justice of the Peace and Police Judge. In 1873, was appointed Probate Judge by the Governor to fill the vacancy, the former office continuing until 1877. Since that tine, he has devoted his entire attention to real estate. He was married in Sidney, Ohio, in 1852, to Miss Harriet Sheppard. They have five children living - Lida, now Mrs. Dr. Diedrich; Marie, now Mrs. W. M. P. Mull; Frank P., Edward P. and Robert W. Mr. Newman has always been very much interested in the study of horticulture. He is at present Vice President of the State Horticultural Society. HIRAM MILTON NORTHRUP, only son of Andrus Bishop and Martha (McHenry) Northrup, was born in Oleon, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., June 4,1818. His mother died when he was but two years of age, and from that time until he was fourteen, Mrs. Sarah Lockwood, his mother's sister, filled to him the place of the mother he had lost. Under her care, he received a good common school education, and after her death, was able after remaining a year in a store in his native town, to teach a district school of some sixty pupils. After engaging for a time in ship-building in Cincinnati, and being in business with his father from 1838 to 1844, he came in the latter year to Westport Landing, then a few huts and shanties, now Kansas City. Mr. Northrup immediately engaged in the Indian trade, his first venture being with the Comanches of Texas and New Mexico, proving a disastrous one. He escaped barely with his life, but not a whit daunted, started again and was rewarded with abundant success, soon becoming one of the leading traders in the West. Among his partners were E. P. Hart, P. M. Choteau, Silas Armstrong and Joel Walker; Mr. Northrup and his partners being is an especial manner identified with the early growth and progress of Wyandotte and Kansas City. In 1847, Mr. Northrup built a log house on what is now the corner of Main and Fourth streets, Kansas City, in which he resided for several years, and when the town was laid out he built the first house on Main street, having embarked in the Santa Fe trade, in partnership with J. S. Chick, under the firm name of Northrup & Chick, the house in 1857 establishing at Kansas City the first bank west of Lexington, and south of the Missouri River. They also established the first post office at that point, by becoming responsible to the Government for all deficiencies in the receipts to meet the mail service. The firm also at one time, when the credit of the city was worth almost nothing, loaned the corporation $60,000, which was expended in public improvements. Mr. Northrup was President of the Kansas City branch of the Union Bank of Missouri, resigning his position in 1860. The banking house of Northrop & Co. was removed to New York City, soon after the breaking out of the war, owing to the Jayhawkers' raids upon it, and the general insecurity of life and property in Western Missouri. The bank was established at No. 33 Nassau street, and subsequently removed to Wall street, where it remained, the business being eminently prosperous until the panic of 1873, when, with many other similar institutions, it was obliged to suspend business. In the course of four months, the business was settled, all claims liquidated, and Mr. Northrup soon after settled in Wyandotte and established the banking house of Northrup & Son, which grew to be one of the most successful and reliable establishments of the kind in the West. Mr. Northrup was married at Wyandotte, at the Methodist Mission, November 27 1845, to Margaret, the accomplished daughter of Thomas Clark, one of the chiefs of the Canada branch the Wyandot nation. Mr. Clark died at Wyandotte in 1843. Mr. and Mrs. Northrup have had four children, only two of whom are living - Milton C., born October 5 1846 Andrus B., born April 27, 1849. Their deceased children are Thomas B., born December, 27, 1851, died October 28, 1876, and McHenry, born November 3, 1854, died December 1, 1857. NORTHRUP BROTHERS, proprietors Riverside Mills; the firm is composed of J. P. Northrup and B. J. Northrup. This firm originally operated the City Mills, succeeding Zeitz & Moler to present mills. The buildings are of frame 40x50 feet in area, with engine house in addition; three run of stones and three sets of rolls, give them a capacity of 120 barrels of flour. The principal brands are "Brilliant" and "Riverside." John P. Northrup, senior member of the firm, was born in Sussex County, N J., in May, 1844. His father was engaged in milling in Newton, N. J., and the subject of our sketch commenced under him in 1860. In 1861, he enlisted in Company E. Second New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, serving with the command about three years, holding a commission as Captain of Company B, when he left the army. On his return home, he engaged in milling at Pleasant Valley, N. J.; was burnt out in 1869, and afterward operated a saw mill that had been connected within the flour mill until 1878, when he moved to Kansas, locating in Wyandotte, and taking charge of the City Mill. He was married in Pleasant Valley, N. J., in 1869, to Miss Anna M. Bale, of that town. They have two children - Benjamin J. and Charlotte. Mr. N. is a member of Burnside Post, No. 28, G. A. R.