William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 9] [part 7] [Cutler's History]


HON. HENRY L. ALDEN, County Attorney, was elected to his present position in the fall of 1882. He was born In Hampshire County, Mass., May 8, 1847, receiving his early schooling in his native county. In 1864, he entered Munson Academy at Munson, Mass., remaining one year. He then became connected with the Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N. H., where he continued two years. After spending one year in Pennsylvania, where he had charge of a school, he removed to Kansas, settling in Wyandotte, where he took the position of Principal of the public school, retaining this position one year. He then commenced reading law, in the office of Hon. S. A. Cobb. Was admitted to the bar at the spring term of 1870, and immediately began practice. He was in partnership with his old preceptor until the latter's death in 1878. He served as City Clerk in 1870 and 1871. Was elected County Attorney in 1872, and re-elected in 1874. In 1876, he was elected to the Legislature, where he served on several committees, being Chairman of the Committee on Municipal Corporations. Has since been engaged in private practice, until elected to his present position. He was married in Wyandotte in 1810, to Miss Mary F. Cruise, sister of A. Cruise, Esq., one of the pioneers of 1855. They have three children - Cora F., Maurice C. and Francis E. Mr. Alden is a member of the K. of P.

F. C. AECHTERNACHT, dealer in fancy, foreign and domestic groceries and fruits, opened trade March 10, 1883. He occupies a room 25x50 feet, and carries an average stock of $2,000. G. H. Green is in company in the above business. F. C. Aechternacht came to Wyandotte, Kan., in 1870: He engaged on the Kansas Pacific Railroad as freight brakeman, and was promoted as freight conductor, which position he held for some time. He afterward was employed as freight brake man on the Missouri Pacific Railway, and by close attention to business and good moral habits soon rose to a conductor's position on freight train, and by paying strict attention to the company's business, he was honored with the position of conductor of a passenger train, which he held for five years. He then engaged in his present occupation. He was born In Pottsville, Penn., January 28, 1848. At a suitable age, he clerked in an office until he came West. His father is a wholesale coal dealer in New York City. He was married in 1874, to Miss M. V. Glick, daughter of Hon. C. S. Glick, and niece of Gov. Glick of Kansas. They have one daughter - Elta May. Mr. A. is a member of Blue Lodge, A., F. & A. M., Royal Arch Masons, Knight Templars, Knights of Pythias, and a member of the order of Railway Conductors of the United States and Canada.

BAKER & CO., proprietors Comet Soap Works. The business was established In February, 1883. They have a capacity of 30,000 pounds of soap per week at present: are only making the Comet brand, their principle business being the manufacture of private brands for dealers. C. K. Baker, Jr., the senior member of the firm, was born in Carroll County, Mo., September 7,1861; he was educated in his native county and has engaged in steam-boating up to the present time, his father being in the profession. Mr. Baker, senior, is well known to the early settlers in Kansas, having run on the Missouri River as Pilot and Captain for many years, commencing in 1845. He run the "Excel" up the Kansas River to Fort Riley, being the first steamer on that river. T. Lueallen, of the above firm, was born in Eastern Tennessee, in May, 1852. He commenced in the soap business in St. Louis, Mo., in 1868; afterward continued the same business some ten years in Sedalia, Mo., where his establishment was destroyed by fire in 1882.

W. H. BALDRIDGE, proprietor of Wyandotte Pharmacy, dealer in drugs, fancy goods, paints, oils, glass, etc. The business was established in 1879, and was purchased by present proprietor in 1881. He employs two clerks, and occupies first floor and basemen t of a building 25x100 feet in area. Mr. Baldridge was born in Louisa County, Iowa, April 29, 1850. He commenced his business life as a clerk in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, in a drug store, about 1864. In 1868, he commenced business on his own account, in which he continued for two years. In 1871 he removed to Kansas, locating in Wyandotte, where he became connected with the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Three years later he took a position on the Texas Pacific Railway. About 1877, he opened a drug store In Fort Worth, Tex., which he continued to operate until 1880. . He then returned to Wyandotte. He was married in Wyandotte, Kan., in 1875, to Miss Fannie, daughter of I. N. White, Esq., one of the pioneers of 1854. They have four children - Charles, John L., Frank G. and Nellie M. Mr. Baldridge is a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge and Encampment.

O. S. BARTLETT, undertaker and dealer in all kinds of undertaker's materials. He keeps a full line of wooden and metallic coffins, and has two hearses and two carriages with his own horses, etc. The business was established in 1872, being the first exclusive dealer in Wyandotte in his line. Mr. B. was born near Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y., In 1822. He was educated in his native county, and learned the trade of a carpenter, following it in New York State, and also in Wisconsin, where be removed about 1855. In 1857, he settled in Wyandotte, Kan., where he engaged in contracting and building until 1863, when he enlisted as private in Company A, Twelfth Kansas Volunteer Infantry; afterward received a recruiting commission to raise a company of colored troops. He was mustered in as First Lieutenant of the Eighty-third Regiment United States Colored Troops. The Captain being killed at the battle of Jenkin's Ferry in 1864, he was commissioned Captain of Company H., and served until the close of the war. He then returned to Wyandotte and engaged in railroading until poor health compelled him to change his business. Mr. B. was married in Watertown, N. Y., in 1846, to Miss Nancy Tuttle, who died leaving two children - Ella, now Mrs. J. Furness and Frank. He was married to his present wife in Wyandotte in 1871. She was Miss Julia E. Foster of Chautauqua County, N. Y. Mr. B. was a member of the City Council at an early day. He is now a member of the G. A. R. and the E. A. U.

HON G. W BETTS, Police Judge, was elected to present position in the spring of 1883. He was born in Chillicothe Ohio, April 8, 1840. He was educated in the ward and high schools of his native place. Having the misfortune to lose his father when about eight years old, he was early thrown upon his own resources. At the age of fifteen years, commenced dealing in cattle, in which he continued until 1868, when he moved to Kansas and settled in Edwardsville where he bought a farm which he operated for some time; then engaged in mercantile business in Edwardsville. In 1870, he commenced reading law in the office of Crook & Sharp in Kansas City, Mo.; was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1873; was shortly afterward appointed Clerk of the District Court to fill vacancy, and re-elected five consecutive terms. He was married in Chillicothe, Ohio, to Miss R. J. Timmins of that city, a daughter of Rev. Stephen Timmins a member of the Ohio Conference fifty-four years, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have two children-Charles and Blanch. Judge Betts is a member of the A., F. & A. M. and K. of P.

ROBERT T. BOWNE, proprietor of the Occidental Canning Works. The business was established in 1882, some 125 hands being employed that season. He is at present making extensive improvements, both in buildings and machinery; in the latter, having two Jones can machines with a capacity of finishing 5,000 cans per day. Mr. Bowne was born in New Rochelle, Westchester County, N. Y., March 29, 1836. He was educated in his native county, in New York City and Virginia, and moved with the family to Harford County, Md., about 1856, where he continued to reside until very recently, being engaged in farming principally, though interested to a certain extent in canning mills there until coming to Kansas in 1881, where he was engaged during the summer in building houses for renting purposes.

DR. A. W. BOUCHER, physician and surgeon, was born in Seneca County, Ohio, May 10, 1850. He was educated in the district and high schools of his native county. In 1870, be commenced his professional studies in the office of Dr. J. A. Royer, of Carey, Ohio. Graduated from Miami Medical College in 1873, and shortly afterward commenced practice in Wyandotte County, Ohio, where he remained about four years; then moved to Seneca County, Ohio. Two years later, 1880, he settled in Wyandotte City, Kan., where he has since been engaged in practice. Mr. Boucher was married in Wyandotte County, Ohio, March 28, 1872, to Miss Vincie Bryan, of Carey, Ohio. They have one son - Charles Franklin.

ROBERT N. CAMPBELL, attorney at law, was born in Welland County, Province of Ontario, Canada, November 6, 1856. Was educated in his native county, and at Toronto University. Commenced reading law in 1878, in the office of Harkist & Cowper, at Welland. In 1880, he entered the law department of Ann Arbor University, graduating in 1882. The same spring was admitted to the bar, and shortly afterward settled in Wyandotte, Kan., and at once commenced the practice of his profession.

A. W. CARROLL, contractor and builder, came to Topeka, Kan., in May, 1879. He soon went to Osawatomie, and became foreman in building the insane asylum, continuing two years. In July, 1881, he went to Wyandotte, and established the above business. He soon became foreman in the building of the blind asylum, and continued in that capacity until April, 1882. He then began business on his own account. He erected the Hoag & Troup block, 25x90 feet, two stories high, built of brick; Colored Baptist Church, a dwelling corner Sixth and Oakland avenues, Dr. Freeland's dwelling, and is now erecting the Judge's stand in the new court house, also the Morris block. He employs from seven to twelve men. Was born in Butler County, Ohio, August 1, 1837, living there until he came West. Was married, in 1861, to Miss Sallie Hoel, of Butler county, Ohio. They have three children - Jennie L., Nellie H. and Lynus B. Mr. Carroll enlisted April 25, 1861, in Company C, Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Soon received a commission as Captain of Company F, One Hundred and Sixty-first Regiment Ohio National Guard. He participated in the battle of Scarey Creek. Was mustered out August 12, 1861. Is a member of Burnside Post, No. 28, G. A. R., and Post Adjutant of same. He is a mustering officer for the Sons of Veterans, ranking as Brevet Major. He is a member of the Board of Education.

CHANNON & WILSON, proprietors Missouri Valley Mills. The mills passed into present proprietorship in March, 1883. The main building is 40x50 feet in area, with an engine house in addition. Three run of stone and two sets of rolls give them a capacity of about eighty barrels in twenty-four hours, the product being mostly shipped to Iowa and Texas. They use winter wheat entirely, the leading brands being "Roller Mills Patent" and "Gold Drop."; J. W. Wilson of above firm, was horn In Muskingum County, Ohio, September 13, 1834. About 1854, the family moved to Springfield and Dayton, Ohio, where Mr. Wilson, Sr. operated flour mills, J. W. learning the business under him, and afterward following it in Indianapolis, Ind., Providence, R. I., and Warsaw Ind. In 1878, he moved to Kansas, locating a short time in Sterling, then moving to Ellingwood, Barton County, where be engaged in milling, in company with a Mr. Hall. About 1880, moved to Wyandotte, and formed a partners hip with Mr. Lovelace, they being succeeded by present firm. Mr. Wilson was married, in Marion County, Ind., February 15, 1860, to Miss Martha Johnson, of Zionville. They have three children - Horatio H., Walter B. and Joseph P.

PHILO M. CLARK, manufacturer and dealer in soda water, cider, ginger ale, etc. Business established in 1880, by the present proprietor. The works are now producing daily some 300 dozen bottles of all kinds, four wagons being constantly employed in distributing. Mr. Clark was born In Northampton, Mass., August 9, 1835. His parents moved to Wisconsin while he was still an infant. In his early days, he learned telegraphing, and opened an office in Waukegan. In 1857, he moved West and settled in Kansas City. During the Wyandotte Convention he operated the telegraph wire - the first in the city. In, 1859, he engaged in the manufacture of soda water in Memphis Tenn., and two years later settled in Louisville, Ky. He had in operation six factories at different places. After the fall of Vicksburg engaged in the same business in that city. In 1865, returned North, and after locating in Cincinnati for a short time, moved to Oil City, Penn., making this place his headquarters, and operating some half dozen factories in adjoining towns. In 1869, he sold out his manufacturing interests, and engaged in real estate business in Oil City, laying out and selling two additions to the city, building an inclined railway, and making other extensive improvements. The panic of 1873 placed him where he had commenced, and the following year he moved to Kansas City, Mo., engaging in the manufacture of soda water and other occupations until he established his present business.

CLARKE & FORSTER, proprietors Washington Foundry and Machine Works, manufacturers of steam engines, railroad castings, machinery, ornamental iron and brass work; business established in the spring of 1883. The main building is of brick 20x40 feet in area, two stories high, the lower portion being devoted to the machine shop, the upper to a pattern room. The foundry is also of brick, 40x50 feet in area. The brass foundry is detached, being 25x30 feet in area. James Clarke, senior member of the firm, was born in Lancaster, England, August 15, 1842. When very young, his parents removed to Cheshire County; while still a boy, he was placed in the works of London & North, Western Railway, at Crew, where he remained about eight years, afterward working at his trade In different parts of Great Britain. In 1867, he emigrated to the United States. After spending a few months In Schenectady, N.Y., he settled in Gallion, Ohio, where he was employed as a brass-molder by the B. & I. Railroad, now the C. C. C. & I. Railroad. In 1870, he removed to Kansas, and located in Wyandotte in the employ of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, as foreman of the brass foundry. In 1876, he established the Kansas City Brass Foundry, which he continued to operate until the spring of 1883. Mr. Clarke was married in Crestline, Ohio, November 17, 1870, to Miss Sarah C. Hassinger. They have three children - Ida H., Francis M. and Edward B.

ALFRED R. COBB, attorney at law, was horn at Beloit, Wis., August 8, 1859. He is a son of Steven Alonzo and Mrs. Sophia (Allis) Cobb. Stephen A. Cobb was born at Madison, Somerset Co., Me., June 17, 1833. His parents, Stephen and Mary A. (Goodwin) Cobb, were genuine New Englanders, being descended in a direct line from the pilgrim fathers. Under the influence of his mother, Stephen A. Cobb received a thorough classical education, graduating from Providence, Rhode Island, in 1858. Soon afterward, be entered, as a law student, the office of Rockwell & Converse, Beloit, Wis., and pursued his studies with such success that in 1859 he was admitted to the bar, and immediately removed to Kansas, locating at Wyandotte. In 1862, he was elected Mayor of Wyandotte, upon the Republican ticket. Resigning the office to enter the army, he was active in recruiting the famous Twelfth Kansas; was commissioned Captain, and soon afterward Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, serving In the Thirteenth Army Corps, in the Department of the Gulf until the close of the war. Returning to Wyandotte, he was in 1868 re-elected Mayor of the city; he was elected twice to the State Senate, and in 1871 was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1872, he was elected by a large majority to Congress, where he was recognized as a hard worker, and where he was influential in procuring the passage of several important bills; among them the grasshopper relief bill, passed in the winter of 1873; the bill locating the United States post office building at Topeka, and that removing the United States Military Prison from Rock Island, Ill to Fort Leavenworth, Kan. In 1874, he was re-nominated for Congress, but was defeated. Col. Cobb died of malarial fever, August 25, 1878. Alfred R. Cobb was raised and educated in Wyandotte, his parents removing there within a year after his birth. He received his preparatory education in the Wyandotte public schools, and in 1874 entered the Kansas State University at Lawrence, taking a full classical course. In 1880 he entered the law department of the Ann Arbor University, graduating in 1882. He was admitted to the bar the same spring, and at once returned and commenced the practice of the law.

GEORGE S. COLBY, architect and superintendent, is a native of Norfolk County, England; he came to United States at an early age. and located In New York City, where he commenced his professional studies when young, but afterward to practically perfect himself in the profession, he learned the carpenter's trade, to which he devoted about five years; afterward removed to Albany, N.Y., and engaged in contracting and building; also held the position of Building Superintendent on New York Central Railroad for eight years. In 1878, settled in Wyandotte, Kan. where he opened an office, where he is doing a large and increasing business, having designed and put up all of the principal business houses and private residences in the city.

D. E. CORNELL, General Agent of Passenger and Ticket Department Union Pacific Railway, and Mayor of Wyandotte City, was born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., January 15, 1837. He was educated at the Bennington Academy at Bennington, N. H., and at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, N.Y. The breaking-out of the war found him in California where he had resided several years. He returned to New York State and enlisted in the Seventh Regiment New York Cavalry. After the disbandment of his regiment, he raised a company for the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteer infantry, and was commissioned Captain of Company A. At the close of the war, was on the staff of Gen. Rufus Sexon at Bearfort, S. C. In 1866, he settled in Wyandotte, Kan., where he took a position in the passenger department of the Kansas Pacific Railroad on the consolidation with the Union Pacific Railroad. In 1879, was appointed to present position; was elected Mayor of Wyandotte in the spring of 1883. During 1881 and 1882, Mr. Cornell held a commission of Mayor General of Kansas State Militia.

JOHN S. COX, real estate and insurance wire business established in 1872; is engaged in a general real estate business, dealing in both city and country property. In insurance, he represents the Kansas Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company, of Abilene, Kan. Mr. Cox was born in Louis County, W. Va, near the town of Weston, December 4, 1825. He was educated at the Northwestern Virginia Academy at Clarksboro, Va.; afterward engaged in teaching two years and farming. In 1852 he removed to Illinois, first locating in Adams County; two years later, settling in Hamilton, Hancock County, where he engaged in mercantile business. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Nineteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; three years detailed in hospital service during Banks' Red River expedition; was Steward of the small-pox hospital at Alexandria, La.; was in charge of said hospital at the time of the evacuation of the post of Alexandria, May 13, 1864; fell into the hands of the rebels and was sent as prisoner to Camp Ford, Texas, from which place he made an attempt to escape in August, 1884, but was pursued and overtaken. He again escaped in February 6, 1865, and made his way through the enemy's country to Alexandria, La.; when ten or twelve miles below this place, finding the country overflowed, he made a canoe out of a horse trough and floated down the Red River to its mouth, where he was taken on board the United States Gunboat Lafayette. On account of disability caused by his exposure, he was discharged July 28, 1865, at Marine Hospital, Mobile, Ala., and returned North. He rejoined his family at Zanesville, Ohio and remained there until he moved to Kansas, engaged for a part of the time in mercantile business; was also connected for a time with the Ohio Iron Company. In 1870, he removed to Kansas, locating in Wyandotte for a few months, then moved to Kansas City, Mo., where he engaged in the sewing machine business until 1871. Mr. Cox was married in Clarksburg, W. Va., March 1, 1849, to Miss Mary A. Hamrick, a native of Rappahannock County, Va. They have two children living - William W. and Ella L, now Mrs. C. P. Harris of Denver, Colo.

[TOC] [part 9] [part 7] [Cutler's History]