William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]


REV. J. N. McCLUNG, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, was born in Adams County, Ohio, in 1831. He was reared on his father's farm, receiving the rudiments of his education at the district school. In 1856, he graduated from the Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, as a classic scholar. In 1859, he was admitted to the bar at Hamilton, Ohio, and commenced the practice of law at Xenia, Ohio. October 3, 1861, he enlisted in the Seventy-fourth Ohio Regiment, Company D, in which he was appointed Second Lieutenant, and served until the latter part of 1862. Meantime he had been promoted to the First Lieutenancy, when he was mustered out. The Rev. Mr. McClung was largely instrumental in recruiting and organizing this regiment. The zeal that he manifested in his efforts to raise volunteers, by speeches and personal contact with men, entitles him to some credit as being one of the individuals who furnished the brains for obtaining material for, and organizing, the same. Returning to his home he resumed the practice of his profession, and continued until 1873, when he was examined by the Presbytery of Portsmouth, Ohio, and licensed to preach, September 24, of the same year. From this time he preached until 1878, in Adams and Brown counties, when he emigrated to Paola, Miami Co., Kas., (sic) at which place he pursued his labors until October, 1881, when he removed to Wellington, Kas. (sic), where he has charge of the First Presbyterian Church. During his labors at various places in Kansas he has added to the church about 200 members, in Paola about 150, in Sumner County 54, and married about fifty-six couples in Kansas, and eighteen couples before coming to the State. He was married to Miss Penelope Taylor, of Ross, County, Ohio, by whom he has five children living - J. Belle, Lizzie, Janus P, Jennie and William. Mrs. McClung and four to the children are members of the Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. McClung is a gentleman of scholarly attainments, great energy and force of character, and a valuable acquisition to any community.

Image of J. A. MAGGARD J. A. MAGGARD, physician and druggist, was born in Northeastern Missouri, March 30, 1844. His early life was devoted to agricultural pursuits, at the same time obtaining a liberal education. At the age of twenty-two years he began teaching school in his native State, continuing the same for one year, at the end of which time he entered a retail drug store in Memphis, Mo., as a clerk, where he remained one year and a half, in the meantime devoting his leisure and spare time to the study of medicine. In the fall of 1869 he entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated in 1877, and at once came to Kansas, locating in Oxford, Sumner Co., where he immediately commenced the practice of medicine and rose rapidly in his profession, enduring many hardships and privations, owing to the new of the country. In the spring of 1872, he, as one of the trustees, assisted in the organization of the first Presbyterian Church of Oxford, and was soon after elected elder. This was the first church organization in southern Kansas, west of the Arkansas River. The doctor remained in Oxford until October, 1877, when he went to New York and attended the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, devoting the most of the term to private courses. In March, 1878, he returned to Oxford and resumed his practice, continuing until July 1, 1878, when he moved to Wellington, the county seat of Sumner county, were he formed a co-partnership with Dr. J. B. Cory, both in the practice of his profession and in the drug business; continued in the same until December 1, 1881, when he bought out the interest of his partner, and continued alone until October 20, 1882, when he admitted a partner in the practice of medicine. In 1872, he located 160 acres of land, near Oxford, which he has improved, and now runs as a grain farm in connection with his other business. Dr. Maggard is also one of the original stockholders in the First National Bank of Wellington, being one of the directors and secretary of the same. Is at the present time a member of the First Presbyterian church of Wellington, is also one of the trustees of the church, and has been prominent in the educational interests in the city. Is now chairman of the Republican County Central Committee of the county of Sumner. He has built, and now occupies with his drug business, one of the finest business blocks in the city of Wellington. In May, 1879, the doctor was married to Miss Emma A. McLean, sister-in-law to Dr. J. B. Cory. She was formerly from Ohio, having received a literary and musical education both at the Western Reserve Seminary and Mount Union college, Ohio. Mrs. Maggard is now one of the leading musicians of Wellington, occupying a prominent position in her church choir. In perusing the biographies of such men as Dr. J. A. Maggard, the idea presents itself to the mind of the reader of the possibilities of the future of young men with cultivated talents and ambition, and especially so of those settling in the West. Being yet but a young man, he has obtained eminence in his profession, as well as celebrity as a financier and distinction as a social Christian gentleman. Such men are not only makers of their own fortunes, most useful members of society, but also models in every particular, which all may imitate with the most satisfactory results.

HON. A. B. MAYHEW, banker and stock raiser, was born in Allen County, Ky., in 1841, March 9th. He was reared in the agricultural business. He joined the army in 1861, Ninth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, three year's service. Went in as a private and was mustered out as First Lieutenant of Company C, in December, 1864, at the end of which time he went to Illinois, where he was engaged one year, then returned to his native county and State, where he engaged in the mercantile business for one year. Was next in the employment of the Government six months, then returned to Illinois for a short time, was next in Missouri six months, at the end of which time he came to Kansas, in 1870, locating at Bell Plaine, Sumner County, on a claim of 160 acres, which he improved. In 1875, Mr. Mayhew was elected County Treasurer of Sumner County, and re-elected in 1877, and served until 1881, at which time he was elected to the State Legislature of Kansas, to represent Sumner County for two years, and was re-elected in 1882 for two years more. Mr. Mayhew was Township Treasurer of Bell Plaine in 1874 and 1875. Was one of the School Board two years, and was City Councilman two years. Mr. Mayhew is a member of the order of Free Masons, and is a charter member of the Knights of Honor. He is a stock holder in the Bank of Belle Plaine, owns a residence and tenement house in the city of Wellington. Is on-half owner of the northwest addition of 160 acres to the city of Wellington. Is one-half owner of the northwest addition of 160 acres to the city of Wellington. In 1876 Mr. Mayhew was married to Miss Jennie B. Morgan, of Allen County, Ky., by whom he has two children, Stella and Arthur B. Mrs. Mayhew is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Mayhew is truly a representative man of his time in every particular, starting in life without money, or even the encouragement of friends, he has successfully fought the battle that crowns the conqueror with laurels of honor, wealth, and the confidence and esteem of his associates and fellow citizens. So far his services in the legislature reflect credit upon himself, and have proved eminently satisfactory to his constituents. The lives of such men are patterns for the rising generation.

JAMES MATHEWS, dealer in agricultural implements, is a native of Ohio, was born in 1848. He was reared in the agricultural profession. At the age of eighteen he began farming in Ohio, and continued until 1869. At the age of fourteen he joined the army, Eighty-third Regiment of Ohio, in which he served fifteen months. In 1870, he went to Illinois, was there engaged in farming three years. He then came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kas., (sic) and located on a claim of 160 acres, on which he farmed two years. He then went to Wellington, Kas. (sic), as clerk for George Stipps, dealer in hardware, etc., in which capacity he acted two years. He then opened his present business in 1878. He was one of the organizers of the school in his district, and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

J. R. MESSERLY, stock raiser, is a native of Virginia, and was born in 1843. He was left an orphan at the age of seven years, and was cared for by an uncle. He entered the Southern army at the age of seventeen years, where he served four years, when he surrendered at Appomatox Court House. He then returned to his native State and farmed two years; at the end of this time he emigrated to Illinois, where he farmed seven years. In 1876, he came to the city of Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., and engaged in the hardware business, in which he continued three years. He then embarked in the stock business. He pre-empted 160 acres of land which he improved and ran as a grain and stock farm five years. Mr. Messerly built three residences in the city of Wellington; he also built a large store in Wellington in 1879, and is now building a handsome residence in Wellington. Mr. Messerly is a member of the Southern Kansas Live Stock and Land Company, of which he is vice-president; A. B. Mayhew, president; Judge John G. Woods, treasurer; S. P. Flint, secretary; and J. W. Hamilton, general manager. This mammoth company controls a pasture of 150,000 acres, has capital of $200,00, and will stock their immense ranch during the summer of 1883 with between five and six thousand head of cattle. He is a member of the Knights of Honor, and is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and is select Knight. In 1869, Mr. Messerly was married to Miss Emma Frontz, of Virginia, by whom he has two children - Timie P. and Charles G.

D. C. MILLARD, of the firm of Fultz & Millard, real estate, loan, insurance and abstract agents, was born in Illinois October 10, 1857, and reared in the drug business, and received a high school education. At the age of nineteen he bought an interest in a drug store, in which he continued for eighteen months; at the end of which time was made Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court, where he served for six months, when he came to Kansas in a wagon, stopping at Wichita with a cash capital of ninety cents in his pocket. Here he secured employment in a drug store and in the office of Register of Deeds for eight months. At the end of this time he came to Wellington, where he entered the office of the Register of Deeds where he also remained eight months. He then accepted the position of clerk in the loan office of Mr. John P. Jones, where he remained two years. On the 13th day of February, 1882, he bought a half interest in his present business, which he has since and is now pushing with great vigor. He owns a farm of 160 acres and jointly with his partner owns 1,000 acres of land. In 1881, he was married to Miss Frances H. Larison, of Illinois. It would be hard to find throughout the broad expanse of our glorious country many young men of the age of Mr. Millard who can make so creditable a showing. Already possessed of an abundance of wealth, he has also exhibited financial and executive abilities of a superior order, and that would reflect great credit upon the ablest men of our times. The possibilities of his future can hardly be estimated.

JUDGE CHARLES W. MORSE, Police Judge and attorney, is a native of Illinois; was born in 1846. He was reared in the agricultural profession and received a liberal education. In the fall of 1870, he emigrated to Wichita, Kan., with his parents. At the age of nineteen he began clerking for Mr. Showalter, in which capacity he served two years, in the meantime reading law, during which time he was admitted to the bar. He was elected Police Judge in the spring of 1878 and served until the fall, when he resigned. He was then elected Clerk of the District court in the fall of 1878, which he held for two years; was re-elected to the same office in 1880. He began the practice of law in January, 1883. He was re-elected Police Judge in April, 1883. Judge Morse owns 160 acres of land and one-half interest in another tract of 160 acres. He has built and owns a residence on a half block of land. Is a stockholder in the Agricultural Association. He owns mining stock in Arizona and an interest in some mines in New Mexico. He is a member of the Order of Odd Fellows and Ancient Order of Workmen. He is also a member of the Methodist Church. He was married to Miss Emma De Armond, of Ohio, by whom he has one child, Lenore. Mrs. Morse is also a member of the Methodist church. Judge Morse is a self-made and self-educated man in every respect, for which he deserves great credit.

JOHN A. MURRAY, attorney, was born in Independence, Iowa, in 1860. His parents moved to Ottumwa, Iowa, when he was but six years old. At the Ottumwa High School he went though with the preparatory course, and graduated from Parson's College, of Fairfield, Iowa, in 1880. He then went to the State University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he graduated from the law department in the class of 1882. On the 7th of June, 1882, he arrived at Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., where three weeks later he commenced the practice of his profession. He owns two and a half acres of land subdivided into lots in Mayhew's addition to Wellington. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and a young gentleman of cultivation as well as shrewd business qualities.

L. K. MYERS, of the firm of Myers Bros., dealers in and feeders, buyers and shippers of stock, was born in Ohio in 1832. He was reared in the milling and farming business, receiving a liberal education. In 1853, he went to Indiana, where he remained until the spring of 1854, at which time he went to Iowa and engaged in the surveying business in connection with farming. He was Sheriff a short time in Indiana. In 1862 he joined the army. He was mustered out July, 1865, on account of wounds received at the battle of Spanish Forts. He then returned to Iowa and remained a short time, and went to Missouri, where he remained a short time in the mercantile business, and was also in the nursery business. In 1871, Mr. Myers emigrated to Sumner County, Kansas, where he took up a claim of 160 acres and farmed a little the first year. In 1872 he was elected Clerk of the District Court for two years, and was re-elected, 1874, to the same office, at the end of which time he farmed one year, and was then elected Sheriff, and served two years. In 1880 he formed a co-partnership with his brother for the purpose of doing a general stock business. In 1871, Mr. Myers, being a surveyor, was instrumental in laying out and starting the town of Wellington. He built the first house, and his family was the first family to keep house in the city of Wellington. He built residence on claim of 160 acres, 120 of which is now in the town limits of Wellington. He was Clerk of the School Board several years, and was the first Treasurer of the county by appointment of the County Commissioners. He is a member of the Board of Trade of Wellington, and is stockholder in the Sumner County Creamery. The firm of Myers Bros. Handle about 7,000 heard of hogs and about 400 head of cattle, annually. He is a member of the order of Free Masons, and also of the order of Odd Fellows, and Encampment, and Knights of Honor, and A. O. U. W.'s and is also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and is past commander. In 1860 Mr. Myers was married to Miss Marry Guthridge, of Ohio, by whom he has three children - William A., Edith L. and Sarah M. Mr. Myers is a true specimen of a generous Western man.

T. J. MYERS, of the firm of Myers Bros., dealers in hogs and cattle, is a native of Ohio, and was born in 1830. He was reared in the mill business, receiving a business education. When he attained the age of fifteen years, began farming, at which he remained until twenty-two years of age. He then ran a canal boat until he arrived at the age of twenty-five, at which time he emigrated to Indiana, where he engaged in the construction of railroads two years. He then went to Iowa, where he farmed three years, at the same time dealing in land, at the end of which time he engaged in the stock business, and continued in Iowa until 1880, and in meantime sold goods three years in connection with the stock business. In April, 1880, he emigrated to Wellington, Kan., and opened his present business, buying and shipping hogs, principally, and handling some cattle and doing a general butchering business. In 1864, Mr. Myers was married to Miss T. E. Ridge, of Ohio, by whom he has two children - Frank and Harry. Mrs. Myers is a member ofthe (sic) Presbyterian Church.

A. E. PARKER, of the firm of McDonald & Parker, attorneys, was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., November 17, 1855. In the spring of 1860 his parents moved to Kansas, settling on a farm new Emporia. For the next eight years his parents made various changes of location, until they finally settled in the Kansas Valley, near Lawrence. His parents being poor, he was early thrown upon his own resources, and by working on a farm paid his way, meantime obtaining at the district school the rudiments of an education. At the age of sixteen years he commenced attending the Lawrence High School, where he continued of three years, at the end of which time he commenced and went through a four years' course at the State University, at that place, from which he graduated in 1880. Immediately after graduating he moved to Wellington, Kan., were he entered into partnership with W. A. McDonald, with whom he is still associated. He owns considerable land in the county, also town lots in Wellington. Mr. Parker is yet a young man, but is deserving of great credit for the steady manhood displayed in his young and almost helpless years, in fighting to overcoming obstacles that stood between him and an education and his future success; and now, in the enjoyment of a good business, he can contemplate those times with pleasure.

WILLIAM B. PRENGLE, M. D., was born in Winchester, Ill., in 1854. His early education was obtained at the common schools. At the age of sixteen he entered the State University of Missouri, at Columbia, taking the regular course, which he continued for two years, at the end of which time he commenced the study of medicine, in his father's office, in Winchester, Ill. In 1878 he graduated from Rush Medical College, of Chicago, and in the same spring commenced the practice of medicine with his father, with whom he continued until August, of that year, when he went to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., and became associated with Dr. West, in the practice of his profession with whom he continued over two years, when he returned to his native town, where he resumed the practice of medicine with his father. In a short time, however, becoming discontented - perhaps homesick - he again went to Wellington, and for a second time formed a partnership with Dr. West, in the practice of medicine, with whom he still continues. The doctor is an Ancient Odd Fellow, and a genial courteous gentleman, and well deserving of the confidence of his community.

SAMUEL PRICE is a native of Ohio, and was born in 1827. Was reared in the agricultural profession and obtained an academic education. He began farming on his own responsibility, at the age of eighteen and continued thirty years. In the meantime he was preaching, as local preacher. He came to Humboldt, Kan., in 1878, where he preached regularly three years, after which time he moved to Haysville, where he preached one year. He then came to Wellington, Kan., and took charge of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which capacity he has since acted as pastor. He has established two churches in Ohio and was instrumental in paying the debt of $3,000, which the Humboldt Church owed. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Wellington is now being improved by Mr. Price. He was married to Miss C. S. Alder, of Virginia, in 1849, by whom he has eight children - Alice F., S. Kate, Charles W., Viola V., Bertha C., Cora A, Maud A. and U. Fletcher. Mr. Price owns eighty acres of land in Greenwood County, Kan. Started even in life. He was at one time part owner and associate editor of the Barnesville Enterprise, acting in that capacity nearly three years.

A. B. RANNEY, dealer in groceries, was born in Illinois in 1844. He was reared in the mercantile business, and received a business education. Began the drug business at the age of twenty-one, in which he continued fourteen years. In 1878 he came to Wellington, Kan., where he embarked in the grocery business, and in which he has continued to the present time. He owns a farm of 160 acres, on which he raises grain and feeds cattle. He also owns a farm of 1,380 acres in Harper County, which he runs as a stock farm, and has now 100 head of cattle on it. He also owns a residence, business properties and vacant lots in the town of Wellington. He is a stock holder in the Wellington bank, is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was one of the building committee. Mr. Ranney is one of the leading men of Wellington, and carries a stock of from five to six thousand dollars. In 1867, Mr. Ranney was married to Miss Theresa Hicks of Michigan, by whom he has four children - Kate H., Joseph H., Ray P. and Roseline M. Mrs. Ranney is a graduate of the High School of Niles, Mich., and is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

ISAAC G. REED, attorney, was born in Massachusetts in 1864, where he lived until 1869. He attended Yale College, of Connecticut, three years, taking the regular course. In 1868, he entered the law office of the Hon. A. A. Ranney, representative in Congress for the Third Congressional District of Massachusetts, where he pursued his studies two years, at the end of which time he commenced with the practice of his profession in his native State, where he continued till 1879, when he emigrated to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., where he is now engaged in the practice of law. Mr. Reed was married to Miss G. M. Gleason, of Hyde Park, Massachusetts, in 1877, and has one child - Grace E. Mr. Reed is a gentleman of fine attainments, with a good practice, and is highly esteemed by his fellow townsmen.

A. A. RICHARDS, editor and proprietor of the Sumner County Press, is a native of Maryland, and was born November 4, 1854; his early life was spent at school, graduating from Lafayette College, in Eastern Pennsylvania, in 1875, taking in the prize over all of his class in mathematics; he then went to Gallatin, Tenn., and occupied the chair of Mathematics in Neophogen College in 1876. On May 5, he was admitted to the bar at Marshall, Tex., where re remained until 1879. He then came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., and taught school in the winter of 1879-80. Did his first work on the Press in 1879, and went regularly on the Press January 15, 1880. Went into the office as local editor in July, 1880. On the 16th of August, 1881, he bought one-half interest in the paper, and assumed the position of editor and proprietor. On July 1, 1882, he bought the remaining half of the paper, and became manager, editor and proprietor. Mr. Richards is a member of the A. O. U. W. On May 12, 1881, Mr. Richards was married to Miss Owens, of Kansas, by whom he has one child - Clarence A.

T. P. RICHARDSON, editor and proprietor of the Wellington Democrat, was born in La Grange, Mo., in 1857. He was raised in the mercantile line. He graduated at La Grange college in 1874. He then studied law at Lancaster, Mo., two years. He went as correspondent for Missouri papers to the Centennial. He was next in Quincy, Ill., in the dry goods business three years, at the end of which he came to Kansas, in 1879, and opened a loan office. He was next with the Sumner County Press as city editor. He then took charge of the Hunnewell Independent for a short time, after which he started the Wellington Democrat, which he has since ably conducted.

[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]