William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 5] [part 3] [Cutler's History]


T. C. GATLIFF, JR., dealer in boots and shoes, is a native of Illinois, and was born in 1846. He received a classic education. He joined the army in 1864 and was mustered out in June 1865. He was next in the insurance business six months. He was then bookkeeper for his father one year. He then farmed one year, at the end of which time he came to Kansas (1871) and settled on a claim of 160 acres, which he improved and on which he farmed until 1872, at which time he came to Wellington and opened the grocery business, and in which he continued fifteen months, was then horse trading one year. He then went to Kentucky on a visit, and spent two years. Returned to Wellington for a short time and then went to England on a pleasure trip. After returning home he took a vacation of one year, at the end of which time he opened his present business in 1882. Mr. Gatliff is a member of the order of Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias. In 1870 he was married to Miss Emily J. King, of Whitley County, Ky., by whom he has three children - Meda, Nanoie and Thomas. Mr. Gatliff carries stock of about $5,000 and does an annual business of from $15,000 to $18,000.

A. GRAFF, dealer in hardware and farm implements, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1845. In 1862 he joined the navy and served twelve months. He then joined the cavalry service, in which he served twelve months, at the end of which time he returned to Cincinnati, where he remained a short time. He then went to Kansas City, Mo., where he remained four months, working at the tinner's trade, then went to Fort Scott, where he was in the hardware business two years. From here he went to Oswego, Kan., where he embarked in the hardware business for himself, in which he continued two years. From here he went to Oxford, Sumner Co., Kan., in 1871, where he remained nine years in the hardware business. In April, 1880, he came to Wellington and established his present business, and is now the oldest merchant in Sumner County. In 1871 he took a claim of 160 acres, which he improved and ran as a grain farm, in addition to his hardware business, until 1880, at which time he rented out the farm. Mr. Graff built a residence and business property in Oxford. In 1880 he built a brick store in Wellington, 25x130, and is now building one of the finest residences in the county, adjoining the city of Wellington, on a ten-acre lot. He is stockholder and director in the Wellington bank, is a stockholder in the Sumner County creamery, and is also stockholder in the Sumner County Agricultural Association. He belongs to the Order of Odd Fellows. In 1868 Mr. Graff was married to Miss Maggie Wesbty, of Illinois, by whom he has one son - Ora Lee. He lost his wife in 1875, and in 1882 was married to Miss Laura Fetters, of Illinois, by whom he has one child - Tacy. Mr. Graff carries stock of $40,000, and does and annual business of $125,000.

J. W. GRIFFITH, attorney and loan broker, was born in Adams County, Ohio, in 1845. His educational advantages until his seventeenth year consisted of the common schools and three months at the North Liberty Academy. He enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventeenth Ohio, Company E. His clerical capacities being discovered soon after being mustered in, he was made a clerk in the Department of the Ohio, and was on detached duty nearly all of the time until he was mustered out in 1865. At the close of the war he went to Vinton, Iowa, where during the time that he was reading law, he taught school, his law preceptor being Judge C. H. Conklin, Judge of the Eight Judicial District and author of the Iowa Justice. In 1867 he was admitted to the bar, when he moved to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., and established his present business. He was at one time Treasurer of Wellington. Owns residence property and a farm of 160 acres, sixty-five acres of which is improved. Is a member of the A. O. U. W. His wife was Miss Victoria A. Temple, of Vinton, Iowa.

LUDEN GUTHRIE, attorney and load broker, was born in Ohio in 1854. His early life was spent on his father's farm, and he obtained the rudiments of an education at the common schools. He studied law with Mills Gardiner, of Washington C. H., Ohio, and graduated from the law department of the State University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, in 1874. The same year he was admitted to the bar, having passed an examination by the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio. After practicing law for a time in 1876, he emigrated to Sumner County, Kan., where he taught school for about nine months, at the end of which time he went to Wellington, where he established his present business. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and keeper of the records and seats. He owns residence property, and three farms, amounting to 480 acres, all well improved, upon which he has some good fruit. In 1881, he was married to Miss Minnie J. Capps, of Wellington. Mrs. Guthrie is a member of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Guthrie is a young man of fine executive and financial abilities, with splendid prospects before him. During the short time that he has been in business in Wellington, he has placed on loan over $300,000.

Image of J. W. Hamilton J. W. HAMILTON, cattle dealer and manager of the Kansas Border Land and Live Stock Association. Mr. Hamilton was born in Ohio, in 1842, and was reared in the agricultural profession. At the age of seventeen, he joined the army, and served three years and three months. He then returned to Illinois, and engaged in farming until 1868, at which time he came to Neosho County, Kan., and took up a claim of 160 acres, on which he remained two years. He then came to Sumner County, and settled on a farm of 960 acres, 320 acres of which he cultivated, in connection with stock raising. In 1879, Mr. Hamilton came with his family to the city of Wellington, for the purpose of educating his children, but continuing to raise and speculate in stock. Mr. Hamilton has also been engaged in speculating in town property. He also owns one-half interest in a stock farm of 320 acres, one mile from Wellington, on which he has 280 head of cattle. He owns in Kingman, Pratt and Barber counties 3,800 acres of land, and controls a pasture of 30,000 acres, on which he has 1,200 head of cattle. He is Mayor of the city of Wellington. Is a member of the order of Free Masons, and is a Knight Templar. In 1882, Mr. Hamilton associated himself with Messrs. A. B. Mayhew, J. R. Messerly, John G. Woods and S. P. Flint, for the purpose of carrying on a general stock business. The company contract 290,000 acres of land, the capital stock being $200,000. The company will put on their extensive pasture from five to six thousand head of cattle during the summer of 1883, and the balance of the business may be guessed at, as the company intends to keep the proceeds of the business in the business for twenty-five years, the yearly increase being about 20 per cent of the whole. Mr. Hamilton was married to Miss Belle G. Combs, of Illinois, in 1868, by whom he has five children - Mary A., Julia H., James McMullen, Gracie and Lula. Mrs. Hamilton is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Hamilton, though starting without aid, has succeeded in placing himself in the front ranks of the best business men in his State.

SAMUEL LUTHER HAMILTON, was born in Nicholas County, Ky., February 10, 1847. He is of Scotch and Irish blood, his father's ancestors being Scotch, and his mother's Irish. His father, Samuel L. Hamilton, married Miss Mary Grand Edward, youngest daughter of John Edward, Esq., a prominent gentleman of Nicholas County. When the subject of this sketch was but three years of age, the family removed from Kentucky, locating temporarily in Decatur County, Ind. At the end of a year, they removed to Boone County, in the same State, settling near Lebanon, in the year 1852. Young Samuel attended the district schools of his neighborhood, where he acquired the rudiments of an education, and in the fall of 1860, entered the Thorntown Academy, where he pursued his studies two years. In the fall of 1864, he entered the 'Lebanon Presbyterian Academy,' having been, in the interim, engaged on his father's farm during the summer and teaching school during the winter. He graduated at the latter institution in 1866, and in the same year, entered the junior class of Hanover College. Here he applied himself so closely to study that his health became impaired, and he was obliged to relinquish the course he had marked out, and left the institution at the close of the year. Afterwards he went to Iowa to recuperate his health, and while there, began the study of law, first in the office of Ex-Gov. William M. Stone, at Knoxville, and then with Judge Joseph B. Atherton of the same place, and in 1868 was admitted to the bar in that city. In 1869, he removed to Seneca, Kan., where he was chosen Superintendent of the Public Schools. He acted in that capacity one year, when he returned to his home in Indians, locating at Lebanon, where he resided until he came to Wellington, Kan., in 1879. In 1873, he became connected with the Lebanon Patriot, but sold his interest in the paper to his partner, John A. Abbott, after a few months. In 1875, he again purchased a half interest in the Patriot, and continued one of its editors until 1878. In 1874, he was elected Mayor of Lebanon, and at the expiration of the first term was re-elected and served a second term. He was one term Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Coming to Wellington in 1879, he has continuously since practiced his profession. He has been three years Treasurer of Wellington, and in 1882, was the Republican candidate for County Attorney, but was defeated at the polls by Judge J. T. Herrick. On the 25th day of August, 1869, he was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie S. Wheeler, eldest daughter of Horace C. Wheeler, Esq. of Lebanon, Ind. This union has been blessed with four children - Frederick Atherton, Charles Robert, Guy Wheeler and Clarence Earle. He is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a cordial supporter of the Republican party.

J. K. HASTIE, livery keeper, was born in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Ill., and was reared a farmer, receiving a district school education. At the age of twenty-one he went to McDonough County, Ill., where he lived a year, when in 1868, he went to Iowa, where he lived for a while, then to Baxter Springs, Kan., and in 1871 to Newton. In 1879 he moved to Wellington, where he established his present business. At one time was a Sheriff of Sumner County, having been appointed by the Governor to fill a vacancy made by John Davis. He is a member of Odd Fellows, of the A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, and of the Knights of Honor. He owns business and residence property, and two farms partly improved. Was married to Miss Sarah A. Collins of McDonough County, Ill., by whom he has had eight children - William, Alice, James, John, Arthur, Homer, Burt and Effie. Mrs. Hastie is a member of the Order of Rebecca. Mr. Hastie is one of the representative men of Kansas.

J. R. HERRICK, County Attorney, was born in Boone County, Ind., in 1846. Was reared in the agricultural profession, and received a collegiate education. Began teaching school at the age of sixteen, and continued teaching, going to school and reading law until the spring of 1870, at which time he graduated at the law school of Indiana University. He then began the practice of law at Hebron, Ind., where he continued two years, when he came to Kansas and stopped in Wellington, in May, 1872. He then located a claim of 160 acres, which he improved. The following August Mr. Herrick went to Olatha, Kan., where he was taken sick, and in November, of the same year, was taken by his parents to Indiana, where he remained until the following March, at which time he began the practice of law. In November, 1874, he was elected to the office of Probate Judge of Sumner County. He was Township Treasurer one year. Is a member of the Board of Education. Belongs to the order of Free Masons, and is a charter member; was the first junior warden, and afterward master of the lodge. Is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is trustee of same. Mr. Herrick owns a fine residence, with seven acres of land, and also owns some vacant lots. In 1876 he was married to Miss Cordelia Wood, of Lake County, Ind., by whom he has two children - Harold W. and Walter G. Mrs. Herrick is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Herrick is a self- made man, and is a gentleman who is highly esteemed, both in social and business circles, by all who know him.

JOHN T. HICKMAN, loans and insurance, is a native of Illinois and was born in 1839. At the age of eighteen he engaged to work on the farm at $13 per month, at which he continued three years. He then went with his mother and brother on the home farm of the family, where he remained a few years. He then sold his interest in the estate, and rented the farm of Hon. David Davis, on which he remained several years. In March, 1871, Mr. Hickman emigrated to the State of Kansas, and settled on a claim of 160 acres in the Township of Palestine. Here he continued until 1877, at which time he had a stroke of paralysis, when he was compelled to give up the farm. In the fall of 1877 he was elected to the office of Register of Deeds, in which position he served two years. In 1879 Mr. Hickman opened his present business. He came to the city of Wellington in 1878, and opened a real estate office in connection with the loan business. He built and owns a residence and business property in the city of Wellington. He is a member of the Christian Church. In 1860 Mr. Hickman was married to Miss A. J. McKinney, of Dewitt County, Ill., by whom he has three children living - Laura A., James B., Thomas D. and Margaret (deceased). Mrs. Hickman is also a member of the Christian Church.

T. A. HUBBARD, Register of Deeds, was born in Pennsylvania in 1843, where he was reared in the agricultural profession till seventeen years of age, when he joined the army and was enrolled in Company B, of the Seventeenth Michigan Infantry. At the battle of Chickamuauga he was wounded three times, twice in the right arm and once in the left. Being mustered out at the end of the war, in 1865, he went to Michigan, where he found employment on a farm, at which he continued till 1872. He then came to Kansas, and located in Sumner County, in the Township of Jackson, pre-empting 160 acres, and subsequently buying 160, making 320 acres, some 240 acres of which he now has under a high state of cultivation, producing grain, hogs and cattle. He is quite extensively engaged in the graded Short-horn stock, about 200 head of which he now has on hand. He also has some twenty head of Poland China and Berkshire hogs, and is now importing other fine breeds from Ohio. In January, 1880, he came to Wellington, and took charge of the office of Register of Deeds, having previously been elected to fill the same, and which office he still holds. While living in Michigan, he was Town Clerk six terms, and was town Trustee of the Town of Jackson two terms. In 1875 he was elected a Representative of Sumner County in the Legislature of Kansas for one year, and in 1876 was re-elected for two years. In 1879 he was elected as Register of Deeds for Sumner County for two years, and re-elected in 1881. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Free Masons, and also of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Hubbard is also a highly esteemed member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which he is a most valued worker, having largely aided in its organization and also its Sabbath school. He aided in organizing the common school of Jackson Township, and was Postmaster of the same town for four years. Was married to Miss A. Isabel Barto, of Michigan in 1870. Mrs. Hubbard is a member of the same church as her husband, and takes a lively, active interest in charitable and benevolent institutions, and is greatly beloved and highly esteemed by all who know her for her noble Christian character. In perusing the biography of Mr. Hubbard, one point is brought prominently to the surface, an this is, that he commenced life without means and by his own manly, determined and persistent efforts, regulated by the principles of integrity and Christian purity, has won for himself abundance of wealth, the unbounded confidence of his constituents; and fellow-citizens, and to-day occupies the proud and desirable position of one of the foremost men of his community, his county, and his State.

J. W. HAUGHEY, attorney, was born in Illinois in 1858. He father having been killed in the War of the Rebellion, he was at the age of nine years thrown on his own resources, and also had the care of his sister, who still lives with him. He worked on a farm until he entered at academy and afterward a college, pursuing his studies until eighteen years of age. He then went to Oberlin, Ohio, where he finished his studies, and at once entered the office of Pepper & Wild, of Mercer County, Illinois, where he studied law. In 1880, he moved to Wellington, Kan., where he entered upon the practice of his profession. Was Deputy County Attorney for two years for Sumner County. He was married to Miss Maggie McCrey of Pennsylvania, by whom he has one child - Bard Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Haughey are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr Haughey is a gentleman of fine legal attainments as well as social and moral. He has a good business and most flattering prospects for the future.

GEORGE H. HUNTER, miller, is a native of Ohio, and was born 1849. He was raised in Illinois in the mercantile business, and received a collegiate education. At the age of seventeen he began farming in Illinois, at which he continued three years. He then attended school three years. He was next in the mercantile business in Illinois seven years. He then came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., where he was in the mercantile business two years, and in 1879 he engaged in the milling business. He built and owns his residence in the city of Wellington. In 1882 he engaged in the cattle business. He was elected to the School Board in 1881 for a term of two years. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is treasurer, trustee and steward of the same, and is also a member of the Order of Freemasons. Mr. Hunter was married to Miss F. M. Beal, of Illinois, in 1872, by whom he has five children - Charles W., Lottie M., George, Edna and Frank. Mrs. Hunter is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, an is a member of the missionary temperance and aid societies.

JOHN P. JONES, attorney and United States Commissioner, was born in Vermillion County, Illinois, in 1844, and was raised a farmer, receiving a common school education. In 1871, he went to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., where he commenced reading law in the offices of Mr. Charles Willsie, and afterward with Mr. Showalter. In 1878, he was admitted to the bar by the Sumner County Court, where he commenced the practice of law, which he continued for a time, and then became associated with Mr. Samuel Bailey, with whom he continued for one year, since which he has been alone. In 1873, he was appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction in Sumner County, by the Board of County Commissioners to fill an unexpired term, at the end of which he was elected for a term of two years, and again, re-elected for the second full term. At the expiration of his second term, he resumed the practice of his profession. He was also a Justice of the Peace during his term of Superintendent of Public Instruction. In 1876, he was appointed United States Commissioner, by Judge Dillon, on the United States Circuit Court, for the district of Kansas. Mr. Jones is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and of the Knights of Honor. He was married to Miss Julietta F. Dillon, of Vermillion, Ill., in 1868, by whom he has one child - Gertie. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Jones owns residence property in Wellington, several pieces of land in Sumner County, and a quantity of graded stock. Mr. Jones is a pleasant gentleman, of rather a retiring disposition, but possessed of a latent force, which once brought into play, is adequate to almost any emergency.

M. B. KEAGY, County Treasurer, was born in Monroe County, Ill., September 30, 1845, where he was reared in the agricultural business and received a collegiate education. At the age o f twenty-two he commenced farming on his own account, at which he continued until 1872, at the expiration of which time he came to Kansas, May 1, 1872, and located in Sumner County, where he entered a claim of 160 acres of land which he has improved, and to which he has added, by purchase, eighty acres of land, and now has 180 acres under fine cultivation and the balance in pasture, and all improved with a good wire and hedge fence. The chief business of his farm is stock raising, hogs being the predominant feature. Has on his farm 150 apple, 400 peach trees, and some small fruits. He has built a fine residence on his farm and has the whole of his 240-acres under a fine state of cultivation. He owns ten and one-half acres adjoining the city of Wellington, and also a residence in the city. In the fall of 1880 he was elected County Treasurer, and at the end of the term re-elected for a second term. Is a member of the A. O. U. W., and is overseer of the same. He assisted in organizing Avon township and School District No. 23. Was Trustee of Avon Township four years. Mr. Keagy was marries to Miss R. A. Hamilton, of Clinton County, Ind., in October, 1868, by whom he has had three children: Hal, Aura S. and Ava. Mr. Keagy's genial disposition, kind, gentlemanly bearing and cultured taste win the esteem and respect of all with whom he may come in contact, and the permanent friendship of all whom he may wish to consider his friends. The administration of the duties of his office makes prominent his executive abilities, as well as reflecting creditably upon himself, and insures the entire satisfaction, approbation and confidence of his constituents. His relations with society are the most exalted and valued, and the reflex of his characteristics upon those of middle age, as well as the rising generations, are of the most inestimable value.

Image of C. G. Larned C. G. LARNED, of the firm of Larned, Curtis & Parsons, dealers in hardware and farm implements, and manufacturers of tinware, was born in Vermont, in 1823. At the age of fourteen he engaged in farming at $4 a month, which after six months he left, went to Troy, N. Y., where he worked eighteen, learning the tinner's trade. From here he drifted about working at his trade in various places, among others, six months in Chicago. He next embarked in the peddling business, his line being tinware, dry goods and notions, which he followed two years, when he opened up in Chicago, a tin ship for two years. From here he moved about from place to place, first merchandising in Illinois, then in Iowa, and back to Illinois, until finally in 1879 he emigrated to Kansas, where with C. C. Curtis and F. A. Parsons, he established the present business. The business amounted to $30,000 and in the year 1881 it reached $110,000. In 1881, November 2d, the store was destroyed by fire, and had but small insurance. In 1882-83 the firm erected their present elegant and commodious three story and basement block, the ground floor being occupied by their business and a drug store, the upper two stories being designed for a first-class hotel, it being 140 x 50, having a nine and a half feet basement, and the first two stories fourteen feet and the third twelve feet. Their business interests are vast and varied, having several branch stores. He was married to Miss C. E. Blanchard, of Whitingham, Vt., in 1850, and has two children - Mary L. and Estella. Mrs. Larned was Superintendent of Schools in Champaign County, Ill., four years. Is State Superintendent of Juvenile Work in the W. C. T. U., of Kansas, and foremost in all charitable works, and educational moves. She is a member of the Universalist Church, and a very public-spirited lady. Mr. Larned is an Oddfellow, a Mason, and belongs to the Commandery.

I. N. KING, was born on the 28th day of June, 1849, in Whidley County, Ky. His grandfather, Isaac King, being one of the first settlers of Western Virginia, now Kentucky. He was raised on the farm until the age of seventeen. Went to school at the Agricultural and Mechanical College, at Lexington, Ky., where he met with the usual ups and down that usually attend such a career, and where he staid (sic) two years, working on the farm four hours each day, for which labor he received from eight to ten cents per hour, and attended to recitation in school the remaining hours, making his work pay the expense of schooling. At the age of twenty was appointed Sheriff of Whitley County, Ky., in which capacity he served an unexpired term, taught school two winters, and farmed during the summer, reading law at the same time. In 1873, he was admitted, in Kentucky, to practice law, and came to Wellington, Kas. (sic), where he found the imagined green fields of prosperity had withered and faded away to dry brown prairie without habitations, and with the weighty load of disappointment and not having enough cash to pay board until he could become acquainted with the hotel man, he abandoned his chosen profession and clerked for a grocery until about January, 1874, when the proprietor becoming acquainted with him, he quit and went to Jackson Township, where he taught school three months, and hired as a farm hand during the summer, and in the meantime Jackson Township having become acquainted with him, he returned to Wellington with the faint hope of success at whatever might turn up and happy for the hotel man had gone to parts unknown. He received the appointment of Deputy County Surveyor, under D. N. Cook, which position he held until the end of the term of office, Cook, having had to go to Missouri to get a living, and no one else wanted the office bad enough to ask the Governor for an appointment, and was engaged in the real estate, abstract and loan business a season, and was elected Police Judge of the city of Wellington, there being no opposition, and in November, 1877, was elected Justice of the Peace, holding both offices until police term expired, and was appointed to the office of City Attorney, which he held also (no one else willing to take it) and continued to hold and be re-elected Justice of the Peace until January, 1883, when he resigned, having been elected Probate Judge in November, 1882. Having been raised as a farmer and educated at an agricultural school, his inclinations are agricultural and stock raising, intermingled with his professional and official duties, therefore he has not neglected his 160 acres of land, which he pre-empted as an early settler. He was married to Miss Leila Aldrich of Indiana, in 1879, by whom he has had two children - Ethel and Nettie - Nettie, deceased, January 6, 1883. (In May, 1883, he had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with the agent of this book.)

[TOC] [part 5] [part 3] [Cutler's History]