EDWARD PALMER, one of the proprietors of the Parsons Coal Co., was born at
Andover, Mass., March 21, 1848. Removed from there to Lawrence, Kansas, in
March, 1855. His father, Daniel W. Palmer, had visited Lawrence in 1854, but did
not remove his family to that place until March, 1855. He resided there until
August 1863, when he became one of the victims of Quantrell's raid, being burned
alive by some of the members of that body of marauders. Soon after the
occurrence, Edward, although yet a boy, enlisted in Company L., Eleventh Kansas
Volunteer Cavalry, and served until September, 1865. After leaving the army he
remained for two years in Lawrence, serving an apprenticeship at the
harnessmaker's trade, afterward in various arts of the country until he located
at Parsons, Kansas, November 15, 1871. He made the first harness which was
manufactured here but during the same month engaged in the express business,
delivering goods for the Adams Express Company, and doing a general city freight
work, handling and delivering ice, etc., until 1879. He then went to Colorado,
where he spent one summer. Returning to Parsons, he became interested in the
coal business, and has since countinued in that. He is a member of the G. A. R.,
Antietam Post No. 64. He was married at Parsons, Kansas, to Miss Frances J.
Campbell, January 21, 1872, who departed this life May 10, 1883. She was a
native of Indiana, although she came to Kansas with her parents in 1865. She had
two children by prior marriages - James Smith and Etta May Campbell.
HENRY F. PARKS, of the firm of Neighbour & Parks, proprietors of meat market,
was born near Oswego, N. Y., April 30, 1841. When he was three years of age his
parents moved with their family to East Troy, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. He lived
there until the fall of 1858, when he went to St. Joseph, Berrrien Co. Mich.,
remaining there about eighteen months. He enlisted at South Bend, Ind., August
12, 1861, in Company F. Twenty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving until
December 19, 1865. The only time he was away from his regiment was during a
veterans' furlough of thirty days. He was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga
during the fight on September 20, 1863, but was not disabled; never spent a day
in hospital. After leaving the army he returned to Walworth County, Wis.; spent
about a month there, then went to Muskegon, Mich., where he was engaged in
farming and lumbering until he came to Parsons, Kansas, January 19, 1882. He was
married in Muskegon County, Michigan, October 20, 1870, to Ella A. Whitman. They
have three children - Mabel A., Cora and Edith.
HENRY L. PARTRIDGE, Justice of the Peace, was born at Pittsfield, Mass., October
28, 1833, lived there until 1842, when his parents removed with their family to
Battle Creek, Mich. In January, 1863, he enlisted and was assigned to duty as
Deputy Provost Marshal under Capt. R. J. Berry, at Camp Blair, Jackson, Mich.
Served there until April 1865. Afterward at Nashville, Tenn., until September
15, 1865, when he was mustered out of the service. He then returned to Michigan
and remained there until August, 1869, when he came to Kansas. In September of
that year he secured a claim on Section 13, now a part of Parsons' town site,
situated in Walton Township. In November, 1869, he removed his family to his new
home, there being an unfinished log house on the premises. He soon made it
habitable and in a few days moved his family into it. Being a carpenter, he
worked at his trade more or less until 1872. In 1870, he was appointed Justice
of the Peace by Gov. Harvey, receiving the appointment as soon as he had been
here a year, so as to be eligible to the office. In 1871, he was elected to the
same position and re-elected in 1872, serving until 1874. He was elected the
first Police Judge after Parsons was organized as a city of the third class. He
also served as a member of the School Board of Walton Township before the
organization of the city. He has been a member of the Parsons Board of Education
and was Vice President of the Board. Served one term as Alderman and eight years
as Notary Public. In 1874 and 1875 he was Constable, and in 1881 and 1882 he was
Deputy Sheriff; was offered a re-appointment to that position but declined it.
In 1876, he spent six months in Colorado, and was in the Big Horn river country
and Yellow Stone Park region in 1877. He was connected with the construction of
the Memphis, Kansas and Colorado R. R., afterward running a train on that road,
being identified with the interests of that company about eighteen months. Then
for two months, he was employed by the Adams Express Company to guard their
express cars, running through the Indian Territory, leaving their employ after
the Jim Barker gang of train robbers and desperadoes were was [sic]
broken up. Then he went with the engineer corps of the St. Louis and San
Francisco R. R. and remained until the road was completed to Wichita. He then
took a contract for grading a part of the M. K. & T. R. R. extension in Texas,
terminating his connection with that work in about eight months; returned to
Parsons and in 1882 was again elected Justice of the Peace. He is a member of
the A., F. & A. M. and is commander of Antietam Post No. 64, G. A. R. He was
married at Bellevue, Eaton Co., Mich., June 26, 1868, to Elisa A. Packer, a
native of Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y. They have three children living, Hattie S.,
Mary E. and James H. They lost their first child, Charles H., who was born in
1861 and died in 1865.
PROF. A. C. PECK, retired teacher, West Forest Avenue, northeast corner
Twenty-Second St. was born in Bristol, Conn., in 1828. His father, Samuel
Peck, was born in 1803, and died in 1877, in Maryland. In 1634, Paul Peck
came from England and settled in Hartford, Conn., from whom is descended
the subject of this sketch Mr. Peck's mother's maiden name was Harriet
Bartholomew, of Bristol, Conn. She died in Kingston, N. Y. in 1883. Her
ancestors were also of English origin. Mr. Peck came with his parents at an
early age to Cazenovia, N. Y. where he received his early training. At the
age of seventeen he removed to Manilus, N. Y., where he lived until 1851,
when we find him at the Clinton Liberal Institute. Soon after leaving
school he was in partnership with his father in the tannery business. In
1853 was book-keeper for Miner's Rural American. He afterwards was
in the post office and in paper making, at Manilus, N. Y., and also in the
drug and grocery business in the same town. From 1857 to 1860, was a
farmer. He and his father then purchased a plantation at Danielsville, near
where was afterwards fought the Battle of the Wilderness. At the breaking
out of the war, Mr. Peck left Virginia and went to Buffalo, and from thence
to West Haven, Conn., where he taught his first school, near New Haven. In
leaving the South he was captured as a spy but succeeded in getting away.
He and his father lost all their property in Virginia. In the fall of 1862
he canvassed for Miner's Rural American and succeeded in getting 600
subscribers in less than three months. In 1863 he spent the summer near
Buffalo, N. Y. He taught school the following winter. The next year he
visited the gold fields of Montana, returning in the fall and teaching near
Homestead, Iowa, in 1864-65. December 2, 1865, he was married to Margaret
E. Decker, of Mifflintown, Pa., by whom he had six children - Arthur G.
born in Iowa, November 22, 1866, educated as a telegrapher; Charles A.,
born in Iowa, July 19, 1868; Hattie, born in Parsons November 16, 1873;
Nora A., born November 17, 1877. Two children, Herbert and Edith E. died in
infancy. In 1869, Mr. Peck visited Florida, remaining during the winter and
following spring. He then returned to Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in
teaching and building schoolhouses until 1873, when he emigrated to
Parsons, Kansas, where he has been connected with the city schools, as
teacher more or less for eight years. He has held the office of secretary
of the Masonic Fraternity for eight years in Parson. Is also tyler of the
chapter which he has held continuously since his admission. He was the
first financier of Parsons Lodge No. 1, A. O. U. W. the first in the State.
He has also been keeper of the records and seal and is at present master
exchequer of Pioneer Lodge No. 10, K. P. Mr. Peck is also noble grand of
the I. O. O. F. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Parsons.
D. W. C. PERRY, general road master of the Kansas and Texas Division of the
Missouri & Pacific Railroad, embracing about 600 miles of track. Mr. Perry is a
native of Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he resided until 1865.
Afterward was a resident of Brooklyn and New York City, and various other
places. He came to Parsons in August, 1876, having been for five years a member
of the Engineer Corps of Meigs, the great railroad builder, in South America.
Mr. Perry enlisted in Company A, Sixtieth New York Volunteer Infantry, in
September, 1861, was appointed Commissary and Orderly Sergeant, and received
brevet commissions as First Lieutenant and Quartermaster. He was mustered out in
August, 1865. He is a member of the A., F. & A. M. and K. T. He was married at
McGregor, Iowa, in July, 1866, to Lottie Slorah, a native of St. Lawrence
County, N. Y. They have one child, George, and one adopted daughter, Tenie.
JOSEPH S. PFEIFFER, watchmaker and jeweler, was born at Richmond, Va., October
16, 1843. When he was a child his parents removed with their family to St.
Louis, and he lived there until the fall of 1863, when he removed to the City of
New York, remaining there seventeen months, afterwards in Venango and Crawford
counties, Penn., until the spring of 1867. He then went to Nebraska, spending a
short time at Omaha, and in July, 1867, he located at Cheyenne, remaining there
until the following spring, when he went to Laramie, and continued to reside
there until 1873, although he spent some time in California and on the Pacific
slope. In July, 1873, he left Laramie, and after spending a short time in St.
Louis and Illinois, he went to Texas, but was not there long before he returned
to Chicago, where he purchased a stock of jewelry, etc., and came to Parsons in
November, 1873, where he has since carried on a successful business, having one
of the most elegant stocks to be found in Southern Kansas. He is a member of A.,
F. & A. M. Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery. He was married at Parsons, May
15, 1877 to Irene L. Winters. They have two children - Frank A. and Joseph C.
P. A. PHILIBERT, one of the firm of P. A. & L. D. Philibert, proprietors of
livery and feed stable, came to Parsons April 13, 1882. Engaged in livery
business July 15, 1882. Mr. P. was born in the city of St. Louis November 23,
1857, his ancestors having settled there 120 years ago. He is now interested in
the large sash, door and blind manufactory of Philibert & Johanning Co. of St.
Louis. His brother, L. D., who is associated with him here, came to Parsons in
July, 1882. They have one of the most complete livery and boarding stables in
Kansas. One building 50x100, another 30x70. They keep in the livery from thirty
to thirty-five splendid horses. Their business is rapidly increasing, and it is
the purpose of this firm to soon make a further addition to their facilities to
accommodate the public.
J. J. PIERSON, bookseller and stationer, was born near Plymouth, Hancock,
Ills.,[sic] March 27, 1846, lived there only two years when his parents
removed to Richland, Keokuk Co., Iowa, where he lived until he came to Kansas
April 25, 1869. First located a claim in Labette Township, remained there but a
short time and then went to Emporia, where he remained until September of the
same year. In May, 1870 he began selling goods in partnership with W. K. Hayes,
southeast of the present town site of Parsons, in a box house which he put up
there. In October, 1870, they moved the building to the place where the city is
now located. About three years later, they admitted P. Dinsmore to partnership
with them, and in 1875 Mr. Pierson purchased the interest of his partners in the
business. In the spring of 1871 they closed out their stock of dry goods, and in
1872 they discontinued the grocery trade, putting in a stock of books and
stationery, also continued dealing in queensware. But since 1875 Mr. P. has been
giving his attention entirely to his present business, having two stores in this
city. One in the postoffice which he conducts without a partner, the other being
situated one door north of the postoffice, in which J. C. Burgess has had an
interest since July, 1881. Mr. P. is a Director of the Parsons Commercial Bank,
having been Secretary of the Board since 1876. He served as Treasurer of the
School Board from October, 1873, until May, 1875. He is a member of the A., F. &
A. M. He was married in Parsons, October 6, 1878, to Miss Augusta S. Braunsdorf,
a native of Illinois. They have one child, Lloyd J. Pierson.
N. M. PORTRUM, grocer, Johnson's avenue, was born in Hawkins County, East
Tennessee, in 1825. His father's name was Henry, and his earlier ancestors came
from Germany. His parents were born and lived in Rockingham County, Va., until
1824, when they moved into East Tennessee. Mr. Portrum received the education
which the public schools afforded, and he learned the trade of blacksmithing
which business he followed for more than thirty-five years. He emigrated to Van
Buren County, Iowa, where he lived about five years; from thence to Davis
County, and from Davis to Decatur, in the same State. In 1867 he came to Labette
County, Kan., about eight miles east of Parsons, where he followed farming and
blacksmithing until the fall of 1882, when he commenced the business which he
now has. Mr. P. married Miss Catherine Lasley, of Fairfield County, Ohio, in
1851, by whom there are eight children, six daughters and two sons - E., born in
1859, is now in Colorado; Clara, born in 1857, now married to John Phillips, and
living in Parsons; Alice, born in 1861, married to John Fastbund, now in Canon
City, Col.; Lizzie, born in 1863, married to R. T. Winan, living in Parsons;
Fannie, born in 1865; Debbie, 1867; Olive, 1871, and Charley Parsons, 1876. Mr.
P. is a member of the United Brethren Church.
W. J. QUICK is a native of Illinois, born near Belleville, Saint Clair County,
September 14, 1844. He was educated in his native county and at the University
of Chicago. He is a son of Rigdon and Maria (Newberry) Quick. His father was a
native of Washington County, Pa., and was born January 28, 1807. He died on
his seventieth birthday. His grandfather was a native of New Jersey. His mother
resides in Missouri. She was born at Saint Genevieve, Mo., December 20, 1812.
Mr. Quick's ancestors settled in Saint Clair County, Ill., in 1809. Having been
reared in the oldest-settled portions of Illinois, Mr. Q. Has become well
informed in regard to the early settlement and development of his native State,
and very few men of his age have been more thoroughly identified with its
history. He was married in Lebanon, Saint Clair County, Ill., November 27, 1879,
to Anna C., daughter of L. Plack, of Lebanon, Ill. The issue of this marriage is
one child, William J., junior. Mr. Q. located at Parsons, in January, 1880, he
having visited this region of the country several times at earlier dates. In
April, 1881, he was elected a member of the City Board of Education, and served
two years in that position. He is Reporter of Empire Lodge, No. 1911, K. of H.
Since locating in Kansas Mr. Quick has been engaged in real estate business and
other speculations.
CHARLES A. RASBACK, Proprietor of the Abbott House, was born in Ilion, Herkimer
Co., N. Y., November 5, 1837. In 1863 he removed to Illinois, and was employed
as a brakeman on the Illinois Central Railroad, for several years; afterward on
the Union Pacific Railroad, in Nebraska, until he came to Leavenworth in 1869;
he then commenced running a train on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, between
Leavenworth and Sedalia. Early in 1870 he went to Junction City, and became
connected with the M. K. & T. R. R., running the front construction train on
that road until it was completed to the Red River, a distance of 263 miles.
December 24, 1872, he ran the first passenger train into Denison, Tex., and
continued to run a passenger train on that road until Col. R. S. Stevens retired
from the management of the road. He he became one of the proprietors of the
Belmont House, and continued to conduct that house for about four years, then
sold out to John Dean; afterward engaged in wholesale beer business,
representing one of the largest breweries of Saint Louis, remaining in that
business until the prohibition law took effect. He then, for a short time, was
in the packing business. June 13, 1881, he became proprietor of the Abbott
House. Mr. R. served one year as City Treasurer. He was first married at Fort
Herkimer, N. Y., to Charity Philips, a native of that place. She died in 1876,
leaving three children - Nettie M., now Mrs. John Fanning; Cora and Charles J.
Mr. Rashbach's present wife was Annie R. McPherson, a native of Virginia. They
were married December 31, 1877. They have one child, Melville. Mr. R. is a
member of A., F. & A. M., Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery, and K. of P.
HENRY RATLIFFE, proprietor of meat market, Forest Avenue, is a native of
Buckinghamshire, England; came to America in April, 1872, locating in Chicago,
where he resided seven years, connected with leading meat markets and
packing-house while there. He removed from Chicago to Texas, where he lived one
year, then spent one season a[sic] Kansas City, and in March, 1881, he
located at Parsons, where he has since been engaged in his present business. He
is a member of the A., F. & A. M. He was married at Kansas City in November,
1880, to Jennie Kelly, a native of Chicago.
REV. SPOTTSWOOD RICE, pastor of the M. E. Church, was born in Madison County,
Va. At a very early age he came with parents to Howard County, Mo., where he
lived at a slave on a plantation until 1864, when he entered the Sixty-seventh
Regiment of United States infantry, Company A. He was most of the time in
service as St. Louis. He was mastered out of the service at St. Louis. He was
mustered out of the service in May, 1865. He then joined the African Methodist
Church of St. Louis. Soon afterward he received license as a local preacher,
being ordained deacon in 1870, at Lexington, Mo. In 1871 he had charge of the
Savannah Mission. Was ordained an Elder in 1876, when he was pastor of the
Washington Circuit, Mo., which relation he held until 1879, when he was
appointed to Canton, Mo., continuing there two years. In 1881 he was pastor of
St. Peter's Chapel, St. Louis. In 1882 he was transferred to the Kansas
Conference, and had charge of the State Line Church, Kansas City, Mo. In
October, 1882, he was appointed to the pastorage of the church at Parsons. He
was married, in 1852, to Miss Orry Ferguson, of Virginia, by whom he has had
seven children, four of whom are living in St. Louis. He is a member of No. 38
Masonic Lodge, Parsons, Kan. Rev. Mr. Rice has been very successful in his
ministry. He was also efficient in building churches for his congregation. In
1875, while at Cape Girardeau, Mo., he built a very handsome brick edifice. In
1842 was sold to a man by the name of Lewis, and lived with him until 1864.
During this time he had learned to read, and was very influential among the
colored people on his master's plantation, and through his influence thirty of
them ran away and tried to join the United States army at Laclede, Mo. They were
all captured and returned to their masters, and the subject of this sketch was
taken to the whipping-post, with a rope around his neck, and threatened with
death. But wiser counsels prevailed, and he was set free and employed by his
former master, in Glasgow, Mo., in preparing and marketing the immense tobacco
crop of the season.
J. J. RICHARDS, contractor and builder, was born near where Huntsville is now
located, in Logan County, O., September 13, 1827. Removed from there to Carlyle,
Clinton Co., Ill., in 1848. In 1850 he located in St. Louis, where he remained
until 1852, when he went to California, remaining there until 1857; then spent
one winter at Vancouvers Island; then two years in Frazer's River country,
British Columbia. In 1860 he returned to Carlyle, Ill., and September 1, 1861,
he entered the army as First Lieutenant of Company D. Thirtieth Illinois
Volunteer Infantry, a part of what was known as the Illinois Brigade. He
assisted in raising his company, and after serving as First Lieutenant about
fifteen months, he was promoted to the Captaincy of the company, and served in
that capacity until he was mustered out in September, 1864. He then returned to
Illinois, and was engaged in farming and dealing in horses, mules, cattle and
hogs extensively, until he came to Parsons, Kan., in October, 1871. He has been
engaged in building operations since the time he located here. Among the
principal buildings put up by him, in this city, may be mentioned the Edwards
Opera House, Boggs & Kimball block, the Woodruff store, the building occupied by
Rowland & Bigwood, William Meixell's residence, and the Nellie residence, which
was recently sold to Mrs. Ward, besides many others. Capt. R. has been Alderman
of the Fourth Ward. He has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. since 1849. He is
a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was married, October 14, 1862, to Medora
J. McMillan, a native of Clinton County, Ill. They have three children living -
Mollie E., William B., and Lida Belle. Their first child died in infancy.
JOHN H. REILLY, foreman of Missouri Pacific round-house, was born at Albany, N.
Y., December 1, 1849. He lived in the cities of Albany, New York, Saratoga and
Schenectady prior to removal to Illinois, in 1871. He has been engaged in
railroading since 1865, having made a start as fireman on the Rensaelaer &
Saratoga Railroad in New York. Afterwards, for a period of four years, he was
employed in the Schenectady Locomotive Works, then he was employed for one year
in the machine shops of the Illinois Central Railroad at Centralia, Ill. Early
in 1872 he went to Sedalia, Mo., remaining there three months. He then received
the appointment of foreman of the M. K. & T. R. R. shops at Junction City, Kan.
After serving in that place one year, he removed to Parsons, where he has since
resided, engaged in running on the road between Parsons and Junction City as
locomotive engineer. Since September, 1877, he has been foreman of the
round-house at Parsons. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers. Mr. Riley was married at Junction City, Kan., in October, 1878, to
Annie Tierney, a native of Memphis, Tenn., but reared in Kansas. They have three
children - Christopher, William and Celia.
C. ROCKHOLD was born in Wayne County, Iowa, March 7, 1841. Lived there until
1851, and afterward in Mercer County, Mo., eight or ten years. He graduated from
Edinburg College, in Grundy County, Mo., and received his medical education at
the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, Iowa, graduating from that
institution in the spring of 1864. While attending the medical school, there
were from 8,000 to 13,000 soldiers in the hospital at Keokuk, and he had
extraordinary facilities for acquiring practical knowledge of diseases and their
proper treatment, at the same attending lectures. He began practice in his
native county in 1864. In 1865 he removed to Saline County, Mo., where he
remained until he came to Parsons, Kan. In June, 1872, he first visited this
place, locating here in September of that year. He is a member of the
Southeastern Kansas District Medical Association, of the Labette County Medical
Society, is one of the Board of United States Examining Surgeons, and he has
served as Alderman and as a member of the Board of Education. The doctor was
married in Mercer County, Mo., January 1, 1865, to Miss L. E. Hordyke, a native
of Missouri. They have two children - Henry Clay and John Randolph.
REV. FATHER PH. J. ROOS S. J., was born in Phenish Prussia A. D. 1835. He was
educated partly in his native, and partly in this, country at the St. Louis
University, St. Louis, Mo. In 1852 he came to this country, settling first in
Ohio, but afterward removing to St. Louis, there entering the Society of Jesus.
After completing his studies, he was engaged for some years in teaching in
several colleges of his order. Being ordained priest in 1868, he was employed in
teaching and pastoral duties in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and Milwaukee. In
August, 1881, he took charge of the Catholic parish in Parsons. Shortly after
his arrival here he purchased grounds and buildings, and established a
flourishing parochial school, under the direction of the Sisters of Loretto.
MRS. T. ROSIS, Johnson avenue, was born in Belgium in 1838, and emigrated to
America in 1861, settling first near Kankakee, Ill., where she remained two
years, when she removed to Leavenworth, Kan., where she lived until 1871, when
she came to Parsons. Her father's name was Pole Masby. Her parents died in
Leavenworth in 1866. She was married to Emil Rosis in 1866. He was a Swiss by
birth, but his parents were from Italy. He died in June, 1876. Mrs. R. has two
daughters - Matilda, married to Charles Wirt, yard-master on the Missouri
Pacific at Parsons, and Delphine, born December 2, 1868, now living with her
mother. Mrs. R. is a member of the Catholic Church.