William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 7] [part 5] [Cutler's History]


A. R. PETERS, jeweler, was born in 1838, in Columbia, Lancaster Co., Penn., and received his education at Wickersham's Academy, Marietta, Penn. Being of a mechanical turn of mind, his parents placed him with George W. McCauley, of Harrisburg, Penn., to learn the trade of watchmaker and jeweler. In 1859, he went Denver, Col., where he remained two years. In 1861, he returned to the States, served in the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Regiment three years, after which he resided in New York City six years. On account of his health he left the city, and resided in Centre County, Penn., until 1878. As he had always preferred the West, since his residence in Denver, he now resolved to make it his future home. In 1878, he removed to Eureka, Kan., where he at once commenced business, and has built up a profitable trade. Mr. Peters is a first class artisan and appreciated by his fellow-citizens. He is one of the Board of City Councilmen, and a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a Republican, but has never done more than exercise his right of franchise.

I. R. PHENIS, Probate Judge, was born April 20, 1825, in Franklin County, Ind., where he received a common school education, subsequently attending the Western Agricultural High School of Sugar Plain, Ind., leaving there in 1846. Turning his attention to the study of law, he was admitted to the bar in 1865, and practiced in Tippecanoe until he removed to Kansas in 1867, locating here. In 1868, was elected County Attorney and re-elected in 1872. Resuming the practice of his profession he continued therein until appointed Judge of Probate, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Lillie, and was elected in the fall of 1882. While in Indiana he was Auditor of Union County, and was in Cavalry Company in the Indiana Legion, being frequently called out by the Governor of that State during the war times. In 1852, he married Miss Emily Gardner, of Union County, Ind., by whom he has four children- Albert, born September 17, 1853, and now on the editorial staff of the Kansas City Times; Lucy, born December 13, 1854, and now the wife of Dr. J. B. Draper, of Oswego, Kansas; Florence, born August 14, 1856, and now Mrs. E. F. Rizer, of Eureka, and Vinton, born May 8, 1859, at present with Benton, Myers & Co., druggists, Cleveland, Ohio. Since early boyhood the Judge has been a strong abolitionist and has always advocated liberty and freedom.

J. B. PIERCE, M. D., was born in 1839, at Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., New York. In 1846, his parents removed to Michigan. He received his elementary education in the district schools of the latter State. He enlisted in 1863 in the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, and was detailed to Quartermaster's department, where he remained until sent to the hospital, and was discharged, owing to disability, in August, 1864. Upon regaining health, he resumed his studies at Bronson, Mich., subsequently attending the Ann Arbor Medical College, and graduating therefrom in 1869. He located in Eureka, Kansas, in 1871, and continued in practice until 1876, when he repaired to the St. Louis Medical College, in order to take a course in obstetrics. In 1865, he had married Miss Nellie M. Hunt, of Delton, Wis., by whom he had two children, James Rollin, and Earl Wilson. Shortly after his return from St. Louis in 1876, his wife died, and in 1878, he married Miss Ida M. Fuller, of Albion, Me. The Doctor is a member of the A., F. & A. M. and A. O. U. W. The Doctor owns 160 acres on Section 7, Town 25, Range 11, and also several buildings in town, including livery stable, machine shop, stores and residences, part of them being insured. He has always contributed liberally to all religious and educational movements, and has built up an excellent practice, and for what he is and may yet attain to he has but his own unaided exertions to thank.

C. W. REICH, builder, etc., is a native of Ohio, but was educated in Illinois, and learned the trade of house carpenter. In July, 1861, he enlisted at New Harmony, Ind., in the First Indiana Cavalry, commanded by Gov. Baker, and participated in all the engagements of his regiment, with the exception of eighteen months, when his company was detailed at Helena, Ark, as body guard for Gen. A. P. Hovey. He held the rank of Corporal when discharged at Indianapolis July 3, 1865. Mr. Reich came to Eureka in 1871, and has built under contract several of its principal buildings and residences, notably the brick schoolhouse, Hotel Greenwood, Lutheran Church and several of the principal stores on Main street, besides his residence, work shop and other buildings, all of which are insured. He owns fourteen town lots, and has recently assumed charge of the extensive lumberyards and other interests here of S. A. Brown & Co., of Chicago. The annual sales of lumber in Eureka, chiefly pine, if we except cedar and oak posts, amounts to upwards of $65,000, while more than sixty car loads of coal, of which that from Fort Scott and Rich Hill is considered the best, at an average cost to consumers of $4.75 per ton, is sold during the season. Mr. Reich also deals extensively in lime and building sand, the former chiefly from Pierce City, Mo., and Fort Scott and Junction City, Kan., the best lime being considered that which comes from Missouri, and the sand most in use being that from the Kansas River. During the building season, Mr. Reich employs in his work shop alone from four to eight competent workmen. For upwards of a year, he owned a well-stocked lumber yard of his own, but sold the contents of his yard to Messrs. Brown & Co., upon assuming charge of their interests here, and the firm is fortunate in having such a competent and able representative. Mr. Reich is a member of the Christian Church and Masonic fraternity.

HON. G. M. RIZER, was born in Cumberland City, Alleghany Co., Md., August 2, 1827, and lived there until 1852, when he crossed the plains to California. He returned to Cumberland in 1853, and was appointed Deputy Postmaster. In 1854, he married and remained in Cumberland until the fall of 1870, when, in company with W. H. H. Borger, he visited Eureka, Kan., and purchased a stock of goods. In the spring of 1871, he removed his family to Eureka, and has been engaged in the mercantile business, until last September, when he sold out. Mr. Rizer owns a cattle ranch and farm of 400 acres on Upper Fall River, and is now engaged with three other parties in erecting a merchant steel-roller mill at Nickerson, Reno Co., Kan., which is all the business he is engaged in at present. He has held several local offices both in Maryland and Kansas. He was never an aspirant for any political office.

H. C. RIZER was born in 1844 in Cumberland, Md. He is the son of Jacob and Mary Rizer, now residents of Eureka. His early education was gained at the seminary in Middletown, Md. On the breaking-out of the war he enlisted as a private but went to the front as a Sergeant, and when mustered out bore the rank of Colonel of the Third Maryland Infantry. He next entered the office of George Sands at Ellicott's Mills, Md., where he read law until he entered the office of Judge Weisel, at Hagerstown, Md. In June 1870, he came West and located at Eureka, where he has ever since resided, first as a general practitioner, then as County Attorney and for a number of years past as editor of the Herald.

GEN. GEORGE C. ROGERS, attorney at law, was born November 22, 1839, in Piermont, N. H., and removed with his parents to Vermont in 1846, where he was educated at Bradford Academy; also at Wauconda Academy, Ill., studied law with Hon. E. P. Ferry, and was admitted to the bar at Springfield in 1860. In the spring of 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company I, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry, but, upon the organization of the regiment he was mustered in as First Lieutenant of the said company, and, in September of the same year, was made Captain. At the battle of Shiloh he was wounded four times, but refused to quit duty, and subsequently for bravery was appointed Lieutenant Colonel, becoming Colonel after the battle of Hatchie. He was also wounded twice at the battle of Champion Hills. The works at Altoona, Ga., were built under his direction. He accompanied Gen. Sherman in his memorable march to the sea, and continued with his regiment during all its engagements, commanding a brigade during the Atlanta campaign. In June, 1865, he was made Brigadier General, then in his twenty-sixth year, becoming the youngest general in the army. His brigade was mustered out at Fort Leavenworth September 16, 1865, when he returned to the practice of his profession (law) in Chicago, continuing there until the great fire of 1871, when all his property was destroyed, which not only included many relics of his hard fought battles, but also a fine law library. He then went to Kansas, locating for a short time in Burlingame, Osage County, finally settling in Eureka in 1872. He was County Attorney from 1878 to 1880, and, in February, 1882, purchased the Graphic, changing the name to the Greenwood County Democrat, which paper he has continued to manage with great success until recently, when he sold out in order to devote his whole time to the interests of his many clients. As a soldier, his record speaks for itself, and his grit is well known to the many surviving boys in blue. He now owns a residence and half a block of dwellings in town, and since his retirement from journalism finds his practice taking all his utmost energies. In 1871, while in Chicago, he married Miss Josie C. Carcy, of that city, by whom he has Frank C., born February 28, 1873, and George T., born October 25, 1875. Both boys bid fair to equal their father in ability. The General has always taken a prominent part in politics, and is a stanch and uncompromising Democrat. He is a charter member of the Dick Yates Post, G. A. R., and, in fact, was one of the most successful and ardent workers in the original organization of the order, if such we may be permitted to call it. Gen. Rogers, since his residence in Kansas, has done much by voice and pen to benefit the State. Lately, he has bought some 600 acres, which he intends devoting to stock-raising under competent men, as he cannot refrain from the practice of law.

REV. H. C. SCOTFORD, pastor Congregational Church, is a native of Saline, Washtenaw County, Mich., and graduated from Olivet College as A. B. in 1873, and as A. M. in 1876. He also graduated from Yale Theological Seminary in 1880. December 14, 1876, Mr. Scotford was married at Burlingame, Osage County, to Miss Isabella O. Pomeroy. They have had two children who died in infancy. The Congregational Society was organized in 1868 under the direction of the American Home Missionary Society, and shortly afterward the present edifice was built at a cost of $1,200. Its seating capacity is about 150. Present membership upward of 100. The church is free of debt. Present officers are Messrs. Edwin Tucker and John Warr, Deacons, and Messrs. N. R. Collins, Thomas Holverson and George Mitchell, Trustees. The pastor is Superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Scotford was called to his present charge September 1, 1880, and in addition to his city labors, held occasional services in Hodgson Schoolhouse, nine miles southwest of Eureka, where there has been established a thriving mission.

J. SCOTT STEWART, Clerk of the District Court, was born June 5, 1847, in Corinth, Williamson County, Ill., and, in 1869, came to Kansas, locating in Wilson County until the spring if 1871, when he removed to Quincy Township, this county, and engaged in farming until his election to his present office in 1876, when he removed to Eureka. He was re-elected Clerk of the District Court in 1878-80-82. In April, 1872, he married Miss Smith, of Quincy, this county. They have four children-Clarence H., born December 7, 1873; John D., October 17, 1875; George R., November 17, 1877, and Florence, January 23, 1880. He owns two residences in town, besides other property. Although not himself in the army during the late unpleasantness, yet the family was ably represented, as his brother, Zadoc T. Stewart, now of Brown County, Kan., who was three years in Company D., Eighteenth Illinois, and another brother, Virgil A. Stewart, now of Perry County, Ill., by virtue of re-enlistment, served throughout the war in Company E, Twenty-ninth Illinois. Mr. Stewart is a stanch and hard-working member of the Republican party. He is Trustee of the M. E. Church, and a member of the K. of H. He also represents the Hartford, North American, British American and Orient Fire Insurance Companies.

N. F. SHEARER, engineer, was born in Monroe County, N. Y., in 1844, and while yet a child his parents removed to Marengo, Ill., where he was educated, afterward working on his father's farm until July, 1862, when he enlisted in Company A, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently participated with his regiment in the siege of Vicksburg, battles of Champion Hill, Germantown, Nashville, and was on the Red River Expedition under Gen. Banks. He was present at and participated in the taking of Spanish Fort, and, in fact, every engagement of his regiment until mustered out in September, 1865, at Springfield, Ill. While engaged at the siege of Vicksburg, in taking a cartridge out of his box, he was wounded in the hand, the missile penetrating the cartridge box and nearly severing a finger. On leaving the army he returned home, and, in 1866, removed to Johnson County, Mo., and for three years worked as fireman on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, subsequently becoming locomotive engineer on the A., T. & F. R. R., and removing to Eureka in 1878, where he now owns several town lots in addition to that upon which his residence is situated. December 15, 1874, he was married to Miss Mary Trapp. They have but two children-Claude, born October 3, 1875, and Frederick, born January 12, 1878. Mr. Shearer is a member of the I. O. O. F., and Sergeant Major of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, G. A. R.

JAMES P. SILSBY, M. D., farmer, Section 28, Township 26, Range 11, P. O. Eureka, was born in Detroit, Mich., in 1837, and was educated in Conway, Livingston County, to which place his parents had removed in 1848. He enlisted on May 10, 1861, in Company D, Fourth Michigan Infantry, and participated in the first battle of Bull Run, and in 1862 at the siege of Yorktown, and subsequently on the advance upon Richmond; was witness upon one occasion of the characteristic impetuous courage of the late Gen. Custer. Col. Woodbury, of the Fourth Michigan, had received orders from headquarters (McClellan's) to send a reconnoitering party of his regiment to the Chickahominy, and upon their reaching the river they found Custer with a handful of cavalry in the timber, almost surrounded by a rebel brigade. To charge to his support was the order for the Fourth, and as they did so, Custer, bareheaded, and having a sabre in one hand on one of those ugly Louisiana "cheese knives" in the other, dashed from the timber followed by his men, and, by wheeling and counter-charging, routed the enemy, who lost over 300 in killed, wounded and prisoners, the Union loss being about twenty. At the battle of Mechanicsville,, Mr. Silsby was wounded in the left shoulder by a piece of shell, yet took part next day at Gaines' Mills, subsequently participating in the engagements at Cold Harbor, Savage, White Oak Swamp and Malvern Hill, where he received a bullet wound in the same shoulder, which laid him up for about five weeks. He was in the seven days' fight at Antietam. Later, he was on Burnside's memorable "mud expedition," and at Chancellorsville, assisted in re-taking the ground lost by the Eleventh Army Corps. At the battle of Gettysburg the regiment had only 300 men fit for duty, and that number was reduced to ninety on the second day, when the subject of this sketch was taken prisoner and sent to Belle Isle, where he was one of those who suffered the extreme cold and hardship of New Year's Day, 1864, when ten of the Union soldiers were found next day frozen to death, there being no wood allowed for fires, and the few tents there were offered but slight protection from the cold; hundreds were severely frost-bitten, and all the following day was consumed in taking them across the river in an open boat. February 21, 1864, he was sent to Andersonville, where he remained until September 3, when he was sent to Savannah, where he remained until exchanged, November 9, and was finally mustered out January 5, 1865, at Detroit. Subsequently, he attended the Cleveland Medical College of Homeopathy, and graduated therefrom in 1868, and afterward practiced his profession in Livingston County, Mich., until November, 1877, when he came to Kansas and located upon Section 28, as stated above. July 4, 1859, he married Miss Mary A. Booth; they have lost one child by death, yet four are left- Antoinette, (born in 1860, and who is now the wife of P. M. Day, Esq., of this county), James C. (born in 1874), and Edward W. (born in June, 1880). Of the 182 acres which the Doctor owns, fully one-third is under cultivation, and yields the average quantity of grain. He prefers stock to agriculture, however, and usually carries from seventy-five to one hundred head of cattle. Besides his farm and residence, the Doctor owns some town lots in Eureka. He does not trouble himself much about aught save his own concerns, and is a United States pensioner.

SMITH & LAWTHER have been proprietors of the Eureka Steam Mill since 1882, having then purchased it from Mr. Barger. Mr. Smith was born in 1828, in Monroe County, N. Y., where he had for years been engaged in the milling business, and came to Kansas in 1879 and located in this county. Was engaged in sheep-raising until the present year. His partner, Mr. Lawther, is also a native of the Empire State, having been born in Schoharie County in 1831, and, in 1851, removed to Chicago, where he remained engaged in the dry goods business, until 1870, when he went to Topeka, engaging there in the marble trade until his removal to Eureka in 1878. The Eureka Steam Mill was built in 1871. It has four runs of stone, one of which is reserved for corn, and a capacity of 100 barrels per day. The engine is a forty-five horse-power. Buildings and contents insured for $4,000. They attend strictly to business, and, we understand, have all the business they can attend to.

A. M. STODDARD, contractor and builder, was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in 1843, and came to Kansas with his parents in 1859, locating in Burlingame. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, and participated in all the engagements of the regiment until it was mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, September 21, 1865. Upon leaving the army, he learned the carpenter's trade, and in the fall of 1868, came to Eureka, where he became associated as partner with his brother and Mr. Denison in business, but sold out to his partners in the fall of 1870, and turned his attention to building and contracting. Besides his large new residence in Eureka, he owns the old homestead in Osage County. In October, 15, 1871, he married at Eureka, Miss Effie Green, of Ohio, by whom he has had six children, four of whom, however, died in infancy, the only survivor being Essie, born June 26, 1877. Mr. Stoddard was a member of the first Eureka City Council, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W.

H. L. STODDARD, farmer, Section 4, Township 6, Range 10, P. O. Eureka, born 1845, in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 1853, his parents removed to Cass County, Mich., remaining there till they came to Kansas, locating in Burlingame, Osage County, September 1, 1863. Mr. Stoddard enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, and subsequently participated in all the engagements of the regiment. At Platt's Bridge, Dacotah Territory, he was wounded by arrows in the thigh, side and arm, and was mustered out with the regiment at Fort Leavenworth, September 21, 1865. He then returned to Burlingame, and in 1868 came to Eureka, engaging for a time in business, but eventually preferring the farm, bought half of Section 4. His corn averages sixty-five bushels per acre. In 1869, he married Miss Helen Bush, of Burlingame, by whom he has four children-May, born November 26, 1870; Ella, born December 25, 1872; Helen born June 17, 1878; Grace born May 25, 1880. Mr. Stoddard is a P. G., of Eureka Lodge, No. 53, I. O. O. F., P. M. of Fidelity Lodge, No. 106, A., F. & A. M., and charter member of Dick Yates Post, G. A. R. His farm, residence, outbuildings, etc., on Fall River are insured. Mr. S. has been City Councilman, and is a Republican in politics.

REV. M. F. TROXELL, pastor Lutheran Church, is a native of Maryland, and received his collegiate education in Gettysburg, Penn., graduating from the Pennsylvania College in 1880, with the degree of A. B., and in theology, he is a graduate of the Lutheran Seminar of Pennsylvania, which is also situated in Gettysburg. Mr. Troxell preached his first sermon to his present congregation on July 23, 1882, and in October of that year, was married to Miss Julia T. Forney, of Baltimore, Md. The Lutheran society here was organized by Messrs. Jacob Rizer, A. B. Norberg, Jacob Knudson, J. M. Seidle, S. A. Petterson and a few others. In 1873, the Rev. F. W. Sargent, of Emporia, preached the first sermon in that year, and subsequently he with Rev. Messrs. Gifft and Groseclose held services at irregular intervals in the old Episcopal Church, until the increase in membership necessitated the building of the present church edifice, which was opened for worship in September, 1882. It has a seating capacity of 400, and was erected at a cost of $3,100. The church is out of debt. The membership is now upwards of sixty, with average congregational attendance of 150 persons. The present Elders are Messrs. W. H. H. Barger and S. A. Petterson. The present deacons are Messrs. A. Anderson and H. F. Rizer, the pastor being Superintendent of the Sunday school.

HON. EDWIN TUCKER, banker, was born in 1836, in Newbury, Vt., and while yet a boy, his parents moved to Beloit, Wis., about 1846, and there Mr. Tucker received his education. In the spring of 1857, he came to Kansas, his father's family following in the fall, and located on Section 3, Township 26, Range 10, Eureka Township. At that early date in the history of Greenwood County, there were but few neighbors, many of the settlers being simply camping out and not all of them eventually locating here. He turned his attention principally to stock-raising until 1870, when for a short time he became engaged in the mercantile pursuit, and in that year the Eureka bank was opened, which he has since continued to manage. In 1863, Mr. Tucker married Miss Amelia Willis, of Eureka (her parents being from Edwards County, Ill.), by whom he has six children. Mr. Tucker has been County Superintendent two terms, and for upwards of ten years has been one of the Regents of the State Normal school. In 1867-68, he was elected to the Legislature, and in 1869-70, he represented Greenwood County in the State Senate. A live business man, he has done much to advance the interests of Eureka. He is one of the originators of the new Hotel Company, and a member of the Congregational Church.

MATTHEW J. VERNER, Sheriff, was born in the "City of Brotherly Love," January 5, 1847, and while he was yet but a child, his parents removed to St. Clair County, Ill., and there, at the tender age of seven, he was left an orphan, both parents having died within a short period of each other. A friend brought him up, until he was twelve years old, when he went to his brother, residing in Shelby County, and worked on a farm until fourteen, when in July, 1862, he enlisted at Shelbyville, in Company B, One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, ostensibly as a musician, but he shouldered his gun with the best of them, and proceeded with the regiment to Covington, Ky., and participated in the battles of Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Resaca, and several minor affairs and skirmishes, his regiment forming part of the Fourth Army Corps of the Army of the Cumberland. In September, 1863, he was appointed Brigade Orderly by Brigade Commander, J. H. Moore, formerly his Colonel, and acted as such until mustered out with the regiment at Springfield, Ill., in June 1865. Upon leaving the army, he repaired to Shelbyville, where he attended school for five months, that being the only education he had received, with the exception of a knowledge of the alphabet. He then went on a farm until March, 1868, when he came to Eureka, where he soon afterward opened a hardware store, and in 1872, associated with him Mr. Daum, under the firm name of Verner & Daum, and in 1877, they sold out to present proprietors, Messrs. Biggs & Bennett. Relieved of the cares of business, he then removed to Charleston, this county, where he purchased 120 acres on Section 10, sixty-five of which are under cultivation, with an average corn yield of fifty bushels; seventy-five head best grade cattle and good eight room house and barns, etc., all insured. Mr. Verner was Register of Deeds in 1870-74, and in 1879 was elected Sheriff of the county, which office he still retains by virtue of re-election. At Tower Hill, Ill., 1869, he was united in marriage to Miss C. A. Pugh; they have but one child, Della, who was born in August, 1870. Mr. Verner is a charter member of Dick Yates Post, G. A. R. and D. D. G. F. of the I. O. O. F., being a member of Charleston Lodge, No. 161. He is also a member of Fidelity Lodge, No. 106, A., F. & A. M., and also of the Chapter.

C. A. WAKEFIELD, M. D., was born in 1844, in Shelby County, Ill., and in 1864, he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Forty-third Illinois, at Mattoon, and was subsequently detailed for hospital duty at Memphis, and during the attack of Gen. Forrest he participated with the Seventh Illinois Cavalry in repelling the attack and pursuing the retreating rebels. His term of enlistment having expired, he was mustered out with the regiment at Mattoon, September, 1864. He subsequently attended college at Springfield and Eureka, Ill., and then attended the Ann Arbor, Mich., Medical College, graduating in chemistry in 1868, and from the St. Louis, Mo., Medical College as M. D., in 1869. In the fall of that year, he located in Eureka, where he has since remained in practice, with the exception of 1974 to 1877, which he spent in Colorado. At Topeka, November 16, 1870, he married Miss Orlena Brown, by whom he has three children-Aimee, born September 25, 1871; Frank, born August 27, 1875, and Carl, born March 8, 1880. Besides his handsome residence on Walnut street, the Doctor owns several stores, etc., on Main street, all of which are insured. He was one of the first Trustees of the town, and has been Coroner since locating here. He is a member of the Odd Fellow and Masonic lodges.

JOHN WARR, merchant, is a native of Bristol, England, born in 1837, and learned there the trade of carver and gilder, subsequently carrying on business for himself until he came to the United States in 1869, locating in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Warr then engaged in business as a picture dealer and house decorator, etc., until 1870, when he came to Eureka and opened a hardware store on the site now occupied by the new hotel building, continuing therein until 1876, when he removed to his present large store, corner of Main and Second streets. In addition to general hardware, he is also the only furniture dealer in town, and has always on hand a large assortment of undertaker's supplies, the value of stock in the store being upwards of $7,000. Mr. Warr is the owner of the building, which, with the stock, is insured. In addition to his residence on Walnut street and other town property, Mr. Warr owns 40 acres of unimproved land in Greenwood County, this township. Of his three children, Florence, the eldest, aged twenty, is at present studying in Washburn College, Topeka; Austin, aged seventeen, is at college in Quincy, Ill., and Marian is but three years of age. Mr. Warr is deacon in the Congregational Church, a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Knights of Honor, and is one of the shareholders in the Eureka Hotel Company. In politics he is a Republican, but has never cared for political honor in any form.

A. M. WASSAM, M. D., is a native of Pennsylvania, being born in Somerset County, December 15, 1846. His father, Jacob Wassam, emigrated to the United States in 1828, from Germany, when twelve yeas of age, with his parents, who settled in Somerset County, Penn., and were among the early pioneer farmers of that State. His father, Jacob, as above, married Miss Barbara Berkey, of Somerset County, in 1837, the subject of this sketch being the fourth child or their second son. In the year 1849, his parents moved to Indiana County, Penn., and from there, in 1864, to Darke County, Ohio, where, after remaining for several years, they moved to Miami County, Ohio. Until he was twenty years of age, Dr. Wassam lived with his parents, assisting them on the farm, attending, and also teaching school, during which time he laid up the sum of $650, at that time a neat amount, which he gave to his parents for their assistance. He had early turned his attention to the study of medicine, the last year of his stay at home devoting his whole time to the same, under the direction of Dr. L. J. Cunkle. In 1868, the Doctor went to Chicago, and took a course at the Rush Medical College. In 1869, he returned to his home in Miami County, and was married to Miss Nancy Hart that same year, immediately afterward removing to Cherry Tree, Indiana County, Penn., where he commenced the practice of medicine. He remained there four years, building up a very successful and lucrative practice. In 1873, he again went to Ohio, and took a regular course of study at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, from which institution he graduated with the degree of M. D. Soon afterward, Dr. Wassam came West, and settled at Eureka, where he has ever since resided, engaged in the practice of his profession, having the largest practice of any physician in this section of the State. The Doctor has amassed quite a fortune, and has been active and prominent in all public enterprises for the benefit of his town. He is a member of the State Medical Society of Kansas; has also attained to the degree of K. T., No. 19, El Dorado Commandery. He has been President of the Board of Health of Eureka. Dr. Wassam has contributed several articles to the Cincinnati medical journals, and also to his home papers, on contagious diseases, viz, membraneous croup, diptheria, and typhoid fever. The Doctor has three children- Dora May, Anna Laura and Nellie Dot.

F. W. WATSON, M. D., was born in 1841, in the city of Troy, N. Y., and at an early age started in life for himself, having supported and educated himself since seven years of age. At fourteen, we find him in Wisconsin, working on a farm, and in the lumber woods, where he continued until 1862, when he went to Chicago, and with the money saved by hard toil was enabled to take the first steps toward acquiring a knowledge of medicine. After attending Rush Medical College for two terms, he, in May, 1864, enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Forty-first Illinois Volunteers, being soon after appointed Assistant Surgeon. In November, 1864, he was appointed Surgeon of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, then stationed at Nashville, and served throughout the Hood campaign, and subsequently appointed Assistant Surgeon in the cavalry corps hospital at Gallatin, where he remained till March, 1865, when he was appointed Assistant Surgeon to the Eighteenth Illinois, but was compelled to resign, owing to ill health, in October following. Upon his return to Chicago, and recovering his health, he proceeded with his studies, and graduated from Rush, with degree of M. D. in 1866. In the same year, he married Miss Eliza A. Baysinger, of Paris, Ill., by whom he has three children. He commenced practice in Hartford, Lyons Co., Kan., and in 1875 went to Mount Clemens, Mich., where he remained until December, 1879, when he returned to Kansas, locating at Eureka, and has lately purchased residence and lot corner of Walnut and Second streets. The Doctor has been City Clerk of Eureka since 1879, and Adjutant of Dick Yates Post, Grand Army of the Republic, since its organization.

THOMAS C. WILLIAMS, farmer, Section 12, P. O. Eureka, was born July 9,1841, in Edwards County, Ill. In 1859, his father, Mr. A. J. R. Williams, who is now in Colorado, left Illinois for Kansas and located in this county. The subject of this sketch, after leaving school, worked on his father's farm until December, 1862, when he enlisted in Company I, Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, at Fort Riley, and was with his regiment on frontier duty and stationed at Forts Riley, Larned and Lyons, remaining in active service until mustered out at Duvall's Bluff, Ark., March 22, 1865, and subsequently sent to Fort Leavenworth for final discharge. Upon his return home, he at once took up 160 acres of land on above section under the Homestead Act, and proceeded to improve it. He now has the whole under cultivation, with an average corn yield of fifty bushels per acre and of wheat about seventeen bushels. Usually Mr. Williams has about sixty head of cattle. His farm is well stocked and his comfortable residence and substantial outbuildings are insured. In September, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Miriam Kinniman (a daughter of the oldest settler in the county), by whom he has three children, viz., John Wesley, born September 26, 1870; Effie Susan, born September 3, 1872; and Forrest Edwards, born September 22, 1880. Mr. Williams is a member of the Christian Church, and although taking an active interest in the welfare of his State and county, has never taken an active part in politics.

WILLIAMS BROS., farmers, Sections 19 and 20, P. O. Eureka. The firm is composed of E. M. and J. F. Williams. They have 280 acres under cultivation and are devoting their attention principally to the cultivation of trees, tame grasses, etc., besides cattle-raising, having several clear Durham bulls, and intend raising cattle for breeding purposes only. Since December, 1880, they have improved and planted a beautiful orchard and proven themselves two of the best stockmen in the State. Natives of Baltimore, and for sixteen years residents of Platt County, Ill. They came to Kansas in 1880.

[TOC] [part 7] [part 5] [Cutler's History]