William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 8] [part 6] [Cutler's History]


Fall River is located in the extreme southwest of the county four miles west of the line between Greenwood and Wilson Counties, and a half-mile north of the south line of Greenwood County. It was laid out late in the fall of 1879 by the Fall River Town Company, and covers space of a little more than 100 acres, although the lands of the Town Company were more than double that amount and embraced eighty acres in Elk County. Although but three years old, the town is in a way much older. Its first citizens and many of its buildings being removed from Charleston, one of the oldest towns of the county, and located two and one-half miles northward of the present town.

The first building erected on the town site is the residence of J. M. Edmiston, and was built by Andrew Bergstrom in October, 1879. This was soon followed by the hardware store of Romig Brothers and the Fall River House, built by George Bulkley, Secretary of the Town Company, and one of the chief promoters of the town. About this time a part of Beard's Block, the post office building and the residence of Albert Allen were removed from Charleston to Fall River. The same fall, W. D. Marr built a house and blacksmith shop, and a Mr. Reddington put up the old livery stable. In February, 1880, the firm of Ritz & Putnam opened the first general store. The same month, the post office was opened, with George Bulkley, the present incumbent, as Postmaster.. The first physician in the new town was J. J. Lemon who was soon followed by B. F. Pugh and Andrew Edmiston. A. M. Hunter, who came in 1881, is the sole representative of the legal profession. The St. Louis & San Francisco Railway ran their first train to Fredonia on the evening of Saturday, December 13, 1879, an the next day opened the depot and telegraph office.

The Town Company, which has been the chief element in evolving Fall River, was formed on November 21, 1879, with B. F. Hobart as President, and George Bulkley, Secretary and Treasurer. The company still remains in its original form with the substitution of C. M. Congdon for B. F. Hobart as President.

Fall River is located on a broad level near the bank of Fall River, from which the town takes its name. On all sides of it rise gentle slopes, which should protect it from the effects of violent storms. To the north are the famous salt springs, from which in early times a large supply of salt was procured, three barrels of water yielding one of salt. This salt was sent to the Territorial Fair in 1862, and carried off the premium offered for the best salt exhibited. Near this spring is another reputed to have excellent qualities for the restoration of weak or inflamed eyes. It may reasonably be expected that at some day in the near future these overlooked bonanzas will be turned to profitable account.

The Fall River House was built as soon as the town was laid out, and occupied on November 23, 1879, by its owner, George Bulkley. It has fifteen rooms and cost $2,000. It is the only hotel in the town fitted to meet the demands of commercial trade.


The first school taught in Fall River was a subscription one gotten up by B. F. McVay in 1881. The following spring a public school was taught in a rented room, by L. H. Johnson, and a class of sixty gathered together. No attempt was made to have a fall term in 1882, as the new school building was not completed. This building is now under contract to be finished in December, 1882. It will have two rooms and accommodations for over 120 scholars, and will cost when complete $2,000.

The town now has a population of nearly 300, and is growing rapidly, new buildings being constantly in course of construction. Its industries are represented by three general, two hardware and four grocery stores, one hotel, meat market, wagon shop and livery, one drug store, one furniture maker, one millinery store, one billiard hall, one harness shop and two blacksmith shops. All of these establishments are doing a thriving business.


Fall River has as yet no church building, although three societies have a recognized membership. In 1881, an effort was made severally by the Baptist, Methodist and Christian Church societies for the erection of a church and parsonage. Lots were donated to each for use as sites, but none accomplished any construction except the Baptists, who built a parsonage. This is now used as a dwelling. The Methodists and Baptists have held meetings with a certain degree of regularity, but discontinued them in the fall of 1882. The Christian society hold meetings at the schoolhouse near the former site of Charleston, under Rev. T. A. Fancher. With the completion of the new school building will probably come a renewal of interest in all denominations and a revival of stated services.

The Fall River Times was first issued on September 8, 1881. At that time the paper was owned, edited and published by N. Powell, and was a seven-column folio. On April 20, 1882, the editorship was transferred to J. A. Somerby, and on September 16, of the same year, he leased the entire business, Mr. Powell going to Fredonia, Wilson County, to establish a Democratic paper. The Times still retains its original form; is Independent in political matters, and is published on Thursday of each week. It has a circulation of three hundred and fifty.

Greenwood Lodge, No. 163, A., F. & A. M., was organized on October 5, 1875, at Charleston, and removed on the completion of the new hall to Fall River. Its officers at the time of organization were as follows: J. M. Fedrick, W. M.; D. W. Sears, S. W.; G. W. Donart, J. W.; T. Headley, Secretary; a. Thompson, Treasurer. The lodge has now a membership of over forty, and the following officers: W. H. Parton, W. M.; P. G. Greegh, S. W.; J. D. Allen, J. W.; J. A. Ravenscroft, pro tem. and acting Secretary; W. D. Marr, Treasurer. Meetings are held on Saturday on or before the full moon, in the hall jointly owned by this society and the Odd Fellows.

Charleston Lodge, No. 161, I. O. O. F., was organized on September 5, 1879, with the following officers: M. J. Vernon, N. G.; L. C. Clark, V. G.; L. T. White, R. S.; E. Ellingson, Treasurer. The membership has increased from five at the time of organization, to fifty-four at the present time. The present officers are O. W. Romig, N. G.; James M. Edmiston, V. G.; P. G. Greegh, R. S.; Thomas Munson, Treasurer. Meetings are held on Friday of each week, in the hall owned jointly by the Odd Fellows and Masons. This hall is newly erected, being completed in the summer of 1881, at a cost of $1,700.

Fall River Post, No. 112, G. A. R., was organized on August 28, 1882, with the following officers: S. Dixon, P. C.; W. Dunbar, S. V. C.; M. Robinson, J. V. C.; T. J. Morgan, O. D.; C. Dodson, O. G.; B. Wade, Q.; W. A. Noakes, Chaplain; Charles Wickersham, Secretary. Meetings are held in Johnson's Hall, on the first Saturday after each full moon and every two weeks thereafter. The post numbers thirty-three.


J. D. ALLEN, farmer, Section 12, Town 28, Range 12, P. O. Fall River, and one of the old settlers of this portion of Greenwood County, was born August 15, 1835, in Manitou County, Mo., and was engaged in farming until 1861, when he came to Kansas and remained a year in Shawnee County; thence to Colorado, then to Atchison County, Kian., and finally located herein 1866, on a farm of 272 acres on above named section; 160 acres are under cultivation and being bottom lands, his grain yield has been very good. For several years he engaged in the cattle trade, but now has only about 100 head. In 1870, Mr. Allen bought the Fall River mill property, situated on the river bank and about two miles from Fall River City. The mill had been built in 1866, by Mr. M. Swords, but Mr. Allen rebuilt and enlarged it, putting in new machinery, etc. It contains three run of stone, the motive power being a turbine water wheel, and has a capacity of grinding fifty barrels of flour and 260 bushels of corn daily, and is in charge of Mr. Clift, who is an experienced practical miller. When Mr. Allen first settled here, Humboldt was the nearest supply depot and in 1866-67, corn was sold at $3.50 per bushel and flour at $9.50 per hundred. March 28,1861, Mr. Allen married Miss Mary E. Clogston. They have five children, viz.: Minerva, born March 14, 1862; Emma, born December 5, 1863; John and Martha, who were born September 27, 1868; and Lewis, born August 9, 1871. In addition to his farm before mentioned, Mr. Allen owns twenty acres and residence in vicinity of the mill and eighty acres about three miles east of town. His mill and other property are fully insured. He is a charter member of Charleston Lodge, A., F. & A. M., and was Treasurer of School Board a number of years, having been almost constantly one of the Board of School Directors.

GEORGE BULKLEY, Postmaster, is a native of Greene County, N. Y., and was born in 1818. He received but a common school education and commenced life as a merchant's clerk. In 1845, he went to Wisconsin, locating first in Elkhorn and afterward in Walworth County, doing business in both counties as a merchant, banker, etc., for twenty-five years. In 1870, he came to this State, settling in Neodesha, Wilson County, where, in conjunction with other pursuits, he for several years kept the Neodesha Hotel, and in 1878, sold out his hotel and other interests. When the St. Louis & Santa Fe Railroad was being surveyed, he was appointed to select a suitable site for a town, as near half way as possible between Severy and Fredonia, on the boarder line between the counties of Greenwood and Wislon. Upon the re-survey of the road and lands being broken upon this side of the river, Mr. Bulkley selected the present site of Fall River and at once made arrangements for the organizing of a town company. He is now Secretary of that company, Messrs. Hobart and Congdon, the bankers of Oswego, bring the principal shareholders. Mr. Bulkley is their agent and his own loaning money, etc., and is general railroad land agent. While in Wisconsin, Mr. Bulkley was Deputy Internal Revenue Collector, and upon settling of Fall River, was appointed Postmaster, February, 1880. He has a fine two-story frame residence, which commands a fine view of adjacent country. He has one son, who is now in New London, Conn., as Secretary to Col. Barlow, in the Department of United States Government Engineer Corps.

W. E. CASE, of Brown & Case, general merchants, is a native of Jackson County, Ind., born in 1848. He is one of the earliest settlers, not only of Fall River, but also of Kansas, as he came to the State with his father in 1852, Mr. Case the Elder being then an Indian trader and Government agent of the Sac and Fox tribes. December, 1881, Mr. Case opened the first store in Fall River, and in March, 1882, he associated with him as partner William McBrown. The firm carry a very heavy and well-assorted stock of general merchandise, their dry-goods department being very full. Value of stock in trade, $10,000, insured for $6,000. They occupy the lower part of the large building erected by the Odd Fellows and Masons; dimensions 80 x 24 feet. In addition to their mercantile interests, the firm are large stock and grain dealers and shippers. Mr. Case is married and has two children. Owns fine residence in town. He is a member of Masonic and Odd Fellows organizations and one of the leading business men of Salt Springs Township.

LEWIS CLOGSTON, farmer, Sections 17 and 18, P. O. Fall River, is one of the leading farmers of this portion of the State, and one of the first settlers of Elk County. He is a native of West Virginia, bur was raised in Washington County, Ohio, where in 1839, he married Miss Frances Kepple. His three children are J. B. Clogston, of Eureka (mentioned elsewhere in these pages), Mary E., now Mrs. J. D. Allen, born March 8, 1884, and Kitty J., now Mrs. E. Brockenshaw of this township, born December 9, 1859. Mr. Clogston was a brick-maker in his youth, and worked at it many years. He came to Kansas May 1, 1861, and located in Tecumseh, Shawnee County, until 1866, when he removed to Elk County, and was the first County Commissioner elected there, and the first settler of Longton Township. He has always been a strong Republican, and in fact was one of the refugees from Missouri. He having first intended settling in that State, but his voting for Lincoln as President made him a marked man in that community. He sold his farm in Elk County and purchased his present one of 208 acres in this county in 1881. He has 100 acres under cultivation, and being of opinion that to insure success, the farmer should first cultivate his land before his crops, he has been always very successful. His wheat yield has been twenty-five, and corn fifty bushels per acre, on an average for the past twelve years. He has a fine residence and orchard, and is one of the very few who have found it pay to raise clover, and believes that almost any grain or seed can be raised in Kansas if the land is first tilled.

S. M. DIXON, farmer, Section 36, P. O. Fall River, was born in Edgar County, Ill., in 1842, and was educated in Ohio, whither his father removed in 1856. At Tiffin, Ohio, in July, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Forty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer, and participated in the engagements of Mumfordsville and Shiloh, where upon the afternoon of the second day's battle he was shot below the right knee, Stone River, where he was shot in the left hip and captured, but in a few days fell into the hands of the boys in Blue at Murfreesboro. Upon his recovery he rejoined his regiment at Chattanooga, and was in time to take part in the battle of Missionary Ridge, January 1, 1864. He re-enlisted in the same company and regiment, and was captured in a skirmish at New Hope Church, Ga., May 27, 1864, and was a prisoner nine months, three of which were spent in Andersonville. He was mustered out June 27, 1865. Upon leaving the army he returned to Ohio, and in February, 1866, he removed to Terre Haute, Ind., where he learned the trade of house carpenter, at which he worked until 1870, when he came to Kansas, locating at Eureka, this county, and worked at his trade, and also opened a furniture store, which he subsequently sold, and in January, 1880, located upon his present farm on Section 36, Township 27, Range 12. He has a good frame residence and substantial outbuildings, all insured, a good orchard, and so far has made corn and millet his principal crops. In February, 1868, at Terre Haute, Ind., he married Miss Caroline Random, who has borne him eight children, four of whom are living. Mr. Dixon varies the monotony of farm life by taking contracts for building, etc., and is a member of Charleston Lodge, No. 161, I. O. O. F. He is also a member of Fall River Post, No. 112, G. A. R., and was its first commander.

C. DODSON, wheelwright and wagon-maker, was born in 1834, in Licking County, Ohio, and removed with his parents to Tazewell County, Ill., where he subsequently learned his trade. July 24, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and participated in eighteen general engagements, his regiment being in the Eagle Brigade of the Sixteenth Army Corps. He was mustered out at Selma, Ala., July 28, 1865. Upon leaving the army he returned to Illinois, and in 1879 removed to Kansas, locating upon a 160-acre farm on Indian Creek, Elk County, which he shortly afterward sold and removed to Fall River, where he built a residence and workshop. Mr. Dodson has recently patented and improved washing machine, and has increased the size of his workshop, by the erection of a large addition to the manufacture of the Fall River Washing Machine. Being the only wheelwright and wagon-maker in this part of the county he is kept constantly busy, and is compelled to engage an assistant. Mr. Dodson is a charter member of Fall River Post, No. 112, G. A. R.

NATHAN DONART, farmer, Section 35, P. O. Fall River, was born in 1819, in Lehigh County, Penn., and when fourteen years of age, his parents removed to Trumbull County, Ohio, where he, in the fall of 1843, was married to Miss Catherine Kistler. Mr. Donart continued to pursue the vocation of a farmer in Ohio, and subsequently in Cole County, Ill., removing from the latter State to Kansas in 1866, and locating for a year near Jackson Mills, from whence he removed to his present home. He now possesses 160 acres of excellent land, the greater part of which is under cultivation, his best paying crop being wheat, which last year (1882) gave him as high as forty bushels per acre, but his average yield has been from eighteen to twenty bushels for the past thirteen years, his corn giving him an average of forty bushels, and millet three tons. His orchard contains upward of 400 trees, mostly peach. He has had fifteen children, those now surviving being George Washington, born February 12, 1847. He is a farmer, with four children, and resides in this township; Mrs. Mary Miller, born November 7, 1845, and residing in Idaho; Alfred born December 23, 1849 also resides in Idaho; Joshua E., born May 25, 1858, also now in Idaho; Nathan J., born June 19, 1861, and Charles W., born January, 1865, residing at home. Mr. Donart has ten grandchildren. His eldest son G. W., is a heavy stock dealer and raiser, shipping largely.

W. C. DUNBAR, harness-maker, was born in Morgan County, Ind., in 1847, and learned his trade in the town of Martinsville, that State. July 19, 1862, he enlisted in Company B. One Hundred and Eleventh Indiana Infantry, and while stationed with his regiment at Helena, Ark., he was discharged for disability April, 1863. In the spring of 1864, he again entered the army, this time enlisting for 100 days in Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-second Indiana Infantry, and mustered out at expiration of term of enlistment with rank of Corporal. He resumed his trade in his native State until 1870, when he went to Cumberland County, Ill., and engaged in farming. While there, in 1871, he married Miss Martha E. Eaton. In 1875, having disposed of his farm, he came to Kansas, locating in Charleston, this county, and upon the location of Fall River he moved here, purchasing a lot and erecting his present residence, and resuming his trade. Me. Dunbar is one of the charter members and the S. V. C. of Fall River Post, No. 112, G. A. R., and a member of the Charleston Lodge, No. 161, I. O. O. F.

JAMES M. EDMISTON, merchant, is a native of Gallia County, Ohio, and was born in 1842. Upon leaving school he was engaged as salesman in his father's store at Ewington, until September 1, 1864, when he, having raised a company of young men for the defense of his country, was elected and commissioned First Lieutenant, his company being attached to the One Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment Ohio Infantry and assigned to duty at Nashville, Me. Edmiston was subsequently attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, and compelled to resign and return home. While convalescent, hearing that the rebel Morgan was approaching, Mr. Edmiston mounted and warned the farmers and others in the vicinity of the expected raid, and upon returning from his errand was met and taken prisoner by the guerrilla chief, who however, released him next day, but retained his horse. Soon afterward his father, Me. Andrew Edmiston, had a similar experience. In 1867, he with his father removed to Kansas, and located in New Albany, Wilson County, and for a time engaged in farming, but he shortly afterward went to Elk Falls, where he opened a general store, and where he was twice elected Justice of the Peace. In December, 1881, he disposed of his business in Elk Falls and removed to Fall River, renting a store until his own could be built. His present stock of dry goods and groceries is valued at $4,000, and together with the store and residence, which was the first residence built in the town, is fully insured. Mr. Edmiston has been twice married and has five children living. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities, and one of the live business men of Fall River. His John M. is an extensive stock and grain dealer and heavy shipper.

THOMAS A. FANSHIER, farmer, Section 15, P. O. Fall River, was born in 1836, in Cass County, Ill., where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1872, when he removed to Kansas and located upon his 160-acre farm on the above section. He has upwards of eighty acres under cultivation, with an average corn yield of forty-two, and of wheat eighteen bushels to the acre, with millet averaging four and a half tons, and an orchard of about 200 trees; of cattle and hogs, he has forty-five to fifty head of each. He has a family of ten children, the eldest of whom are married. Mr. F. has been a clergyman in the Christian Church for more than ten years, and has been Trustee of Salt Springs Township for the past eight years. He is one of the leading men of the Township and a stanch Prohibitionist.

GARDNER PROS., hardware merchants. These gentlemen are natives of Henderson County, Ky., and in 1863, removed with their parents to Jersey County, Ill., where their father engaged in farming, remaining there until 1870, when the family removed to Pleasant Valley Township, Wilson County, Kan., Mr. S. B. Gardner (their father), locating upon an improved farm of 160 acres. In 1878, the brothers, W. J. and C. B., engaged in the hardware business in Altoona, Wilson County, and in 1880, sold out, and removed to Fall River, where they at once built and opened their present store. Their stock is valued at from $1,200 to $1,500, and as they are practical tinsmiths and plumbers are kept constantly busy. Both gentlemen are yet unmarried, and in addition to their store, own several town lots and good residence; buildings and stock insured. During the war, Mr. William J. Gardner was a private in Company E, Fourteenth Illinois Infantry, having enlisted before he was sixteen years of age, and was mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in September, 1865. He is a charter member and Adjutant of Fall River Post, No. 112, G. A. R. The firm of Gardner Bros. is one of the most enterprising and successful in the embryo city.

PETER GREEGH, builder and contractor, is a native of Sweden, and came to the United States in 1869, remaining about a year in Galesburg, Ill., when he came to Kansas, locating first at Ottawa, then to Greenwood via Elk County. He is a practical builder, and has erected almost all the stone residences in the Fall River Valley, notably the large two-story stone schoolhouse in Fall River and the stone stores, he and Me. Wash Light erecting a store with iron front during the summer of 1883, at a cost of $1,500. He owns his residence and several town lots, and is Secretary of both the Odd Fellows and Masonic Lodges here.

N. HASKINS, farmer, Section 2, P. O. Fall River, was born in Oswego County, N. Y., in 1828, and in 1837, his parents removed to Michigan, and seven years later, to Indiana, where he enlisted at Valparaiso during the second year of the war, in Company A, Seventh Indiana Cavalry; said company and regiment being afterward consolidated with the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Cavalry. With the exception of Grenada and Guntown, he was principally scouting in Mississippi and Tennessee hunting guerrillas, and was mustered out in July, 1865. He returned to Indiana, and resumed his trade of plasterer and mason until 1869, when he came to Kansas, locating on a farm on Fall River, situated fifteen miles from Eureka, where he remained until 1881, when he sold out and removed to his present location. In 1850, he married Miss E. J. Childers. They have four children living, who are married and reside in this county. While residing in Salem Township, he served for several years as one of the Board of School Directors. He is a charter member of Fall River Post, G. A. R.

A. M. HUNTER, lawyer, was born in Williamson County, Ill., in 1841, and worked on the farm until he enlisted in Company I, one Hundred and Twenty-eighth Illinois Infantry, in the fall of 1862. The regiment was soon after consolidated with the Ninth Illinois, and in Company F, of the latter, he remained, participating in all its active service as part of the Seventeenth Army Corps, with the exception of some time spent as Clerk in the Quartermaster's Department, until mustered out July 9, 1865. Upon leaving the army, he went to Illinois, and taught school in several counties of that State, reading law meantime, and in 1876 entered the law office of Crebbs & Conger, at Carmi, White County, Ill. In 1879, Mr. Hunter came to Kansas, and taught school in Butler County, until 1881, when he was admitted to the bar at Wichita, and in October of that year came to Fall River and began the practice of his profession. While in White County, Ill., he was once elected Justice of the Peace. Mr. Hunter is married, and has five children, form eight months to thirteen years of age. In addition to his law practice, he is a Notary Public and the Agent of Messrs. Crippen, Lawrence & Co., of Salina, as money broker, loan and land agent. He is a member of the Christian Church, and of the Masonic and Grand Army of the Republic Lodges.

L. H. JOHNSON, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, etc., is a native of Shelbyville, Ill., where he was born in 1855, and when six years of age, his parents removed to the town of Effingham, same State, where he was educated and subsequently taught school there. He came to Kansas in 1878, and engaged in school teaching in Elk and Greenwood Counties, locating in Fall River in 1881. He was in February, 1882, elected Justice of the Peace. In November, 1882, he married Miss Emma E. Short, of this town. He owns two lots, residence and store here, and is a member of A., F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. He represents three fire and two life insurance companies, and is the agent of the Kansas Loan & Trust Company, of Topeka, and is doing a good business in that respect here. Mr. Johnson is studying law, and will no doubt prove one of Fall River's solid, as he is one of her rapidly rising citizens.

MILTON KIRKPATRICK, farmer, Section 1, P. O. Charleston, was born in Parke County, Ind., in 1835, and in 1844 removed with his parents to Bond County, Ill., where he, on August 20, 1861, enlisted in Company I, Thirteenth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was at the taking of Forts Donelson and Henry, and the siege of Corinth (second siege); shortly after which he was seized with hemorrhage of the lungs, and upon recovery was assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, in which he continued until mustered out in October, 1864. He returned to farming in Illinois, and in 1870 came to Kansas, settling in Elk County, where he was Constable for two years; and in 1881 removed to his present farm on Section 1, this Township. In agriculture, corn has been his principal crop; but he has recently given his attention to stock-raising. He has a family of five children. He is a charter member of Fall River Post, Grand Army of the Republic.

WILLIAM McBROWN, farmer and capitalist, Sections 33, 27, 34 and 28, P. O. Fall River, is a native of New Hampshire, and when twelve years old his parents removed to Wisconsin; and in 1857 he came to Kansas with Prof. Goss, and settled at Neosho Falls, where he made his home until 1866. Being on a visit to Wisconsin when the war broke out, he, in August 1861, enlisted in Company C, First Wisconsin Cavalry, and September 12, 1862, he, with a portion of his regiment, was captured, and sent on parole to Camp Randall, in Wisconsin, where he was discharged; and, returning to Kansas, again enlisted in August, 1863, in Company F, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, and was with this regiment in Missouri and Arkansas, doing frontier duty until mustered out July, 1865, by general order, after the surrender of Lee. In March, 1866, Mr. McBrown located in Wilson County, and opened a store at Jackson Mills, and engaging in the buying and selling of stock, grain, etc., having at one time three stores running, having opened one at Fredonia, and another in this county. Me. McBrown has one of the best improved farms in Greenwood County; it embraces not less than 1,700 acres, and Fall River waters every quarter-section of it. Lying in a beautiful valley it looks even in the dull light of a winter's afternoon, a very Eden. He built his residence on Section 33, in 1872; and his orchard numbers over 800 well-bearing fruit trees of all kinds. He has 590 acres under cultivation, his corn and wheat yield being excellent. His stock usually consists of from 350 to 450 head of cattle, 25 horses, and 200 to 300 hogs (Berkshire). He has two fine thoroughbred Durham bulls, and crosses them with the one-eighth to one-fourth bred native cows. He has large cattle pens and weighing scales in the Fall River; near the St. L. & St. F. Railroad, and is an extensive shipper of live stock, with the exception of sheep, which he does not handle. All of his buildings are well insured, and his taxes are upward of $400 per annum. In 1870 Mr. McBrown married Miss Maggie Mills, who has borne him five children, four of whom survive, as follows, viz.: Bertram, born July 1873; Bertha, born February, 1876; Frank, born November, 1878, and Hattie B., born July 1881. Whilst in Wilson County he was elected County Treasurer; and, although preferring to keep out of the political arena, and give his undivided attention to his large business interests, it is scarcely probable that the people of the county will permit his to do so. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a liberal supporter of every measure brought forward for the educational, religious or commercial welfare of the community.

WILLIAM D. MARR, blacksmith, is a native of Forfarshire, Scotland, and was born December 23, 1849. He learned and worked at his trade in his native land, and in 1871 came to the United States, locating in Coyville, Kan., where he, in May, 1874, married Miss Rhuanna Cordell. They have but one child- Charles R., born in May, 1875. Upon the building of the town of Fall River he removed here, and built his workshop and residence, a two-story frame, costing $1,500, and he has since built another, which he has rented. He is one of the Board of School Directors, and Clerk of the township. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. F. & A. M., and has taken part in the welfare of the town and county.

[TOC] [part 8] [part 6] [Cutler's History]