CAPT. Z. HARLAN, County Attorney, was born in 1843, in Clinton County, Ohio,
and when eighteen years of age, enlisted in Company H. Thirty-ninth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently re-enlisted in the same company and
regiment at Prospect, Tenn., and served throughout the war. In April, 1864, he
was commissioned Captain of One Hundred and Sixth Regiment United States
Colored Infantry, and was mustered out in March, 1866, at Bridgeport, Ala.,
with the rank of Captain. He participated in the taking of New Madrid, Mo.,
Island No. 10, siege of Corinth, battle of Iuka, Miss., the second battle of
Corinth, October 4, 1862, Parker's Cross Roads, Tallahatchie and Athens, Ala.,
where he was in command of four companies of his regiment, and was taken
prisoner by Forrest, after a two-days' fight, and confined within the stockade
at Meridian, Miss., several weeks, when he was paroled and sent to Memphis,
subsequently being sent to parole camp, St. Louis, and exchanged in November,
1864. After being exchanged, he was detailed as military conductor on the N. &
D. R. R. until July, 1865, when he rejoined his regiment at Stevenson, Ala.,
remaining with it until mustered out. While at Nashville, he returned home on
leave and on May 16, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Nannie J.
Harrison, of Clinton County, Ohio. After leaving the army, he engaged in the
mercantile business at Burlington, Ohio, until January, 1868, when he removed
to Peoria, Ill., remaining there until 1871, when he came to Eureka, and while
engaged in mercantile pursuits, read law with W. C. Huffman, Esq.,
subsequently being admitted to the bar of Greenwood County. He was City
Councilman in 1874 and City Attorney in 1877-78, elected County Attorney in
1880 and again in 1882. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Commander
of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, G. A. R.
A. W. HART, grocer, was born in 1856 in Miami County, Ohio, and received his
education at the Covington Academy, and came to Kansas in the summer of 1877,
locating at Eureka, and taught school here until the summer of 1878, when he
went into the drug store of his brother-in-law, Dr. Wassam, as prescription
clerk. In the spring of 1882, Mr. Hart entered into partnership with Mr.
Claycomb as grocers under the firm name of Hart & Claycomb, but, in September
of the same year he bought out his partner's interest in the business. He
carries at present $2,000 worth of stock, and as he aims to keep nothing but
the best groceries has rapidly built up a substantial and increasing trade.
His store is situated on the west side of Main street, and his stock is fully
insured. December 28, 1880, he married Miss Addie Claycomb, by whom he has one
child- Mary Arrah, born December 8, 1882. Mr. Hart was appointed City Clerk in
1879, and was elected a member of the City Council in 1882.
A. J. HUNTER, merchant, was born in 1849 in Fairfield County, Ohio, where his
father was an old settler. Educated in the common schools, he early evinced an
aptitude for commercial pursuits. His parents removed to Shelby County, Ill.,
in 1851, where his father engaged in farming, but the subject of this sketch
thought "following the plow" too slow work, and soon began operating in stock,
etc. He came to Eureka in the fall of 1869, and opened a general store here in
the following spring, continuing therein until 1872, when he sold out and
bought the northwest quarter of Section 24 (now occupied by Williams Bros.).
Finally, he sold his farm to parties above mentioned and went into mercantile
pursuits here in the spring of 1878. His average amount of stock in store is
$3,500, be sides which he is the owner of property to the amount of $1,500. In
1871, Mr. Hunter married Miss Elizabeth Weakly, of Shelby County, Ill., by
whom he has four children. Mr. Hunter is a member of the K. of H., and was
Township Clerk in 1878, School Director from 1879 to 1881, and City Councilman
in 1881, and is still in the latter office. Although a Republican in politics,
he takes little active part, contenting himself with his own affairs.
C. W. HUNTER was born in 1844 in the city of New York, and by the death of his
father, Mr. John Hunter, ship-carpenter, he was early thrown upon his own
resources for subsistence and education. His father's death so completely
broke up the family circle, and the various members thereof became so widely
scattered, that William Hunter, a younger brother of the subject of this
sketch, has not been heard of by him since 1856, when he was in care of an
uncle in his native city. When sixteen years of age, Mr. Hunter went to
Tazewell County, Ill., and engaged in farming until June 25, 1861, when he
enlisted in Company F, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently
participated in the engagements at Fort Henry, Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth,
Champion Hill and Raymond, which latter occurred April 22, 1862, and while the
Eighth were charging the Twentieth Mississippi Regiment he, with about sixty
of his comrades, were cut off from their support, surrounded and captured.
They were first sent to Jackson, then to Mobile, and, finally, to Libby
Prison, where Mr. Hunter remained six months and fourteen days ere he was
paroled and sent to Annapolis, where he remained a month, and was then sent to
the parole barracks at St. Louis, Mo. He did not remain long there, however,
for, procuring a three hours pass, he crossed to East St. Louis, and thereby
determined to take a French furlough, and by repeatedly "jumping" freight
trains was enabled to reach Peoria, Ill., and from thence to Pekin, where he
remained until he saw his exchange had been effected. Shortly afterward he
managed to rejoin his regiment at Vicksburg, and, on January 4, 1863, he
re-enlisted in the same company and regiment, participating in all their
subsequent engagements until May, 1866, when the regiment was mustered out at
Baton Rouge, La., and forwarded to Springfield, Ill., for final discharge.
Mr. Hunter returned to farming until February, 1870, when he came to Eureka
and became a professor in the art tonsorial, conducting his establishment
until 1877, when he opened a confectionery store and billiard parlor,
continuing therein until September 28, 1882, when he sold out and purchased
his present business December, 1882. July 21, 1872, he married Miss Lucy
Snyder, of Eureka, by whom he has one child-Effie D., born May 10, 1873. Mr.
Hunter owns his residence in town and other property in the county, and is
a charter member of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, G. A. R., and since his residence
here has always taken a warm interest in the welfare of his adopted State.
WILLIAM C. HURD, farmer, Section 10, Town 25, Range 12, P. O. Eureka, was born
in 1815 in Richfield County, Conn., where he received his education, after
completing which he served five years as apprentice to the trade of a
carpenter; having acquired a complete knowledge of his trade, he continued it
on his own account, and, in 1837, he married Miss Mary Ann Turney, by whom he
has four children. In 1838, Mr. H. removed to Winnebago County, Ill., where he
continued to work at his trade, and, in the course of time, acquired
considerable property, but becoming infected with the war fever, he early in
1861 enlisted in Company H, Seventy-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and
remained in active service with his regiment until it was mustered out in
October, 1864, in Chicago. After his discharge, he returned to his old
employment until 1871, when he removed to Kansas, locating on Section 10, as
above stated, and engaged principally in sheep-raising for a few years; but
finding that unprofitable, he turned his attention to agriculture, and has now
an average yield of twenty-six bushels of wheat and fifty-eight bushels of
corn per acre. Cattle, eighty-seven head, hogs thirty, horses seven. Mr. H. is
a Republican, but has never of late years taken any particular personal
interest in politics.
A. T. JAYNES, M. D., was born in 1842, in Delaware County, Ohio, where he
received his elementary education, and, in 1866, graduated from the Miami
Medical College, and at once commenced practice in Lamont, Mo., and, in 1880,
came to Eureka, where he has since resided. He has an excellent farm in
Jamesville Township. In 1861, Dr. Jaynes enlisted in Company F, Forty-third
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served throughout the war, being mustered out in
August, 1865, with the rank of First Sergeant.
H. S. JONES, farmer, Section 13, Town 26, Range 10, P. O. Eureka, was born in
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in 1833; his birth-place is now part of the city of
Cleveland, and, in 1835, his father moved to Elkhart county, Ind., and, in
1849, removed to Marquette County, Wis., and in September, 1859, the family
came to Kansas, locating upon his present homestead, which he has since
increased to 1,200 acres. He has devoted his attention principally to
stock-raising and farming. Mr. Jones is also one of the partners of the Eureka
bank, and served as one of the Board of County Commissioners, and several
times as President of the Agricultural Association. March 16, 1861, Mr. Jones
married Miss Elmira J. Willis, a native of Indiana, who has borne him five
children- Benjamin H., March 16, 1863; Edna E., April 17, 1869; Guy C., August
9, 1873; Henrietta S., February 27, 1876, and Mary E., October 7, 1879. Mr.
Jones, during the war, in 1863 raised a company which formed part of the Ninth
Kansas. He has also entered into almost every other enterprise conducive to
the welfare of his fellow-men.
J. M. KENDALL, farmer, Section 25, P. O. Eureka, was born in 1836, in Miami
County, Ohio, and has ever since he was a boy of nine years been in the cattle
business; his first venture being the purchase of a calf for the sum of $2.50
in gold. For several years, however, he turned from the ancestral paths and
engaged in the sale of patent rights, wire fence, agricultural implements,
etc., eventually returning to his boyhood's love (cattle). Mr. K. resided for
short periods in many Western States, and has shipped thousands of head of his
early friends to the Eastern markets and Europe. In 1873, he accompanied a
shipment of his own to England, in which country he remained several months
visiting the principal cattle shows and importing some very fine Durham bulls,
etc. He eventually decided in 1881 to locate permanently in this State, and
selected the above-named section as his starting point, that, however, being
bottom land (corn fifty bushels to acre), he found insufficient to his wants,
and has lately added a section of upland to his possessions. At present he has
besides his imported Durhams several fine specimens of English thoroughbred
Short-horns and other breeds. Of native cattle he carries usually from 150 to
200head; hogs he does not meddle with to any great extent, finding it cheaper
to buy and ship. Mr. Kendall has a very fine frame residence upon his farm,
and also several dwelling houses in town, all of which are insured. He is
married, and has three children; he does not bother with politics, but attends
strictly to business.
JUDGE JAMES KENNER, was born in Gibson County, Ind., his parent removing
thence to Wabash County, Ill. Under the tutelage of the celebrated "Old Fox"
(See Centennial history of Illinois), the Judge received his education. In the
spring of 1860, he came to Kansas, locating first near Iola, and in the summer
of 1862 he came to Greenwood County and selected his farm on Bachelor Creek,
being the northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25, Range 10. He was
elected to the Legislature in 1863, and so well did he represent his
constituents that he was returned in the following year 1864. He was in the
State militia during the first year of the war, and he with ten others
organized the first society of Christian Brethren in the county in 1862. A
church was subsequently built in 1870, at a cost of$2,450. In 1865, he was
appointed Judge of Probate, and in 1866, he was elected to the office and
subsequently re-elected four times. In 1866, he opened the first store in
Eureka, which, having changed owners six times, has now developed into the
mammoth establishment of W. H. H. Barger, corner First and Main streets. He
was Justice of the Peace from 1865 to 1867. In Edwards County, Ill., he was
married to Miss Judith Willis, by whom he has two children living- H. T. Kenner,
now occupying the old homestead farm in this county, and Jay W. Kenner now
Clerk of the County Court, and mentioned elsewhere in this history. His farm
is four miles from town; he is one of Greenwood County's pioneer settlers. The
Judge has ever taken a deep interest in everything pertaining to its welfare,
and has liberally contributed thereto. For some time past he has resided in
his town residence. In politics, he is a stanch and uncomprising Republican.
JAY W. KENNER, County Clerk, was born August 26, 1852, at Albion, Edwards Co.,
Ill. His parents removed Kansas in 1860, locating first at Humboldt, and in
the fall of 1862 settling upon the northwest quarter of Section 24, Township
25, Range 10, four miles from Eureka. Mr. Kenner was educated partly in Eureka
and also at the Normal School of Emporia. He subsequently studied law with
Judge Lillie, and was admitted to the bar of Greenwood County at the November
term of the District Court in 1877. He has held the offices of City Clerk and
Police Justice, and in 1879 was elected to his present office. He is the owner
of his residence, corner Fifth and Walnut streets; is insured. He is a member
of the A., F. & A. M., and in politics is a stanch Republican.
JOSIAH KINAMAN, farmer, Section 11, Town 26, Range 10, P. O. Eureka, was born
on the 22d of February, 1812, in Smith County, Va., known as Washington
County, Va., and when in his third year his parents removed thence to
Montgomery County, Ohio, and subsequently to Madison county, Ind. In the fall
of 1846, Mr. Kinaman removed to Mercer County, Ill., where he remained until
1857, when he came to Kansas, and upon the 4th of July of that year settled
upon his present location, Mr. Kinaman was one of seven families who came to
Greenwood County at that time, and of whom he is now the only survivor in the
county. He built the first log cabin 16x18 feet, which still stands on Fall
River, and is undoubtedly the pioneer settler of Greenwood County. At that time
there were no roads and few neighbors, save Indians, and ere winter came on he
had to go to Kansas City for provisions, etc., for the year, subsequently for
two or three years. The trip was made semi-annually, and usually occupied,
even with a good team, from seven to ten days, the only guide for the first
trip being a small pocket compass. It was while upon this, his first journey,
that he met Mr. Edwin Tucker, moving in June 19, 1834. Mr. Kinaman married
Miss Susannah Smethers, of Madison County, Ind., and who died March 2, 1878,
leaving six children- Jane, born November 29, 1837, and since deceased; Eliza,
born June 22, 1841, and now the wife of Oscar Coy, Esquire, of Coyville,
Wilson County; Miram, born November 14, 1843, now Mrs. Thomas Williams;
Biriam, born October 4, 1847, and now residing in Washington Territory;
Catharine, now Mrs. John M. Fowler, born June 2, 1849, and Aaron born July 19,
1853, who is now residing in the original cabin home. William K., the elder,
having several years since built him a substantial frame dwelling. October 25,
1878, Mr. Kinaman married his present helpmate, Mrs. Mary A. Stapleford, a
native of Indiana, but who has resided in this county since the spring of 1860.
In 1881, Mr. Kinaman had a severe stroke of palsy from which he has never
fully recovered, but although in his seventy-second year his memory is as good
as ever and scarcely a silver thread shows in his dark hair. At present he own
about seventy head of native cattle, his ill health preventing him from
raising stock as extensively as formerly. His farm being situated on rich
bottom land his grain yield has always been exceptionally good, corn averaging
sixty to seventy, and oats sixty, bushels per acre. He is a member of the
Christian Church, and although voting with the Democratic party, he has always
refused every attempt to induce him to accept a public office.
JOHN LEWIS, florist and seedsman, is a native of Shropshire, England, and was
born February 10, 1828, and upon completing his education, which included the
study of botany, was apprenticed four years under an experienced and practical
gardener and florist. He subsequently had charge, for seven years, of the large
private estate of an English gentleman of wealth, and upon leaving whose
employ he established himself in the dual business of photographer and
taxidermist, until he emigrated to America in 1870. Coming to Kansas the same
year, he engaged in farming on Section 9, Spring Creek Township, but removed
to Eureka in March, 1880, and purchased his present property in the southeast
portion of town, and upon the completion of his residence and hot-houses,
devoted his attention principally to his old love-Flora. He has upward of
20,000 flower plants, besides ornamental trees and shrubs, and is rapidly
increasing his trade in field and garden seeds, being compelled to import
largely in order to meet the demand. Some fine specimens of his flowers are to
be seen in the windows of the Eureka Bank. Mr. Lewis is also no mean
taxidermist, a large glass case of some fine work of his being in the room of
the County Treasurer in the Court House. Being the only one in the county, he
is kept busy. He intends soon increasing his gardens and enlarging his
hot-houses, besides adding an addition to his house, to better facilitate the
taxidermical branch of his business.
G. H. LILLIE, Ex-Judge of Probate, etc., was born in Geauga County, Ohio,
February 12, 1822, and received his education in Trumbull County. He read law
under Gov. Tod, of Ohio, and was admitted to the bar of Ohio in 1843, and at
once commenced the practice of his profession in the town of Warren, Trumbull
County, continuing therein until his removal to Freeport, Ill., in 1845, where
he remained a year, and from whence he removed to Shullsburg, La Fayette
County, Wis. Resuming the practice of his profession in the latter place, he
was, in the fall of 1846, elected to the office of County Attorney. In 1858,
he came to Kansas, locating at first in Neosho Rapids, Lyon County. While
residing in Lyon County, he was elected a member of the Constitutional
Convention, and in the fall of 1860 he was elected to represent that county in
the Legislature. During the war, Judge Lillie rendered very efficient service
as an active organizer of companies, etc., and for some time held a position
in the secret service of the Government. At Onego, Ill., May 9, 1844, he
married Miss Melinda Wilder, who has borne his seven children- David M., born
March 5, 1846; Mrs. Catherine A. Morris, born September 4, 1851; Mrs. Laura
A. Boynton, born April 22, 1853; Mrs. Sarah A. Mann, born May 22, 1855; Mrs.
Maria A. Sumner, born October 14, 1857; Mrs. Maranda M. Wells, born may 28,
1859; Mrs. Ella L. Edwards, born June 30,, 1861. In 1868, Mr. Lillie came to
Kansas, locating on Section 28, near Verdigris River, this county, and engaged
in farming, teaching and practicing law until the fall of 1869, when he
removed to Eureka, where he resumed practice, and was twice elected Mayor, and
subsequently Judge of Probate Court, which latter office he filled
uninterruptedly for upwards of ten years, until compelled to resign in the
spring of 1882, owing to a stroke of paralysis, which has so impaired his
health as to prevent his again pursuing his profession. Besides his residence
and town lots (eight in number) he owns 60 acres in Section 16, situated on
Spring Creek, and the greater part of which is under cultivation, with an
average corn yield of fifty bushels, and at present occupied by his son; and
fifty acres of Section 18, the latter being rented. The Judge has always been a
prominent Free-State man, and has for many years been ever earnest to do his
duty to his country, and few residents of Greenwood County are so universally
respected. He is a member of the Christian Church, and contributed liberally
toward defraying the cost of its erection.
ROBERT LOY, farmer, Section 29, P. O. Eureka, was born in Westmoreland County,
England, and in 1854 came to the United States and located in Shelby County,
Ill., upon a farm, which he subsequently sold, and in 1865 removed to his
present location of 835 acres, 75 of which are under cultivation; but Mr. Loy
has devoted his attention to sheep, his flock of American merinos being
considered the finest in the county. Mr. Loy was married in Illinois, and has
a family of seven children- Annie E., May B., John G., Alice F., Amelia and
Myrtle. Mr. Loy is a good farmer, and a highly respected and influential
D. M. McKENNEY, was born in 1830. His parents removed to Butler County, Ohio,
in 1838, where the subject of this sketch was educated, and subsequently
entered upon the study of law, being admitted to the bar in 1850, and
immediately entering upon the practice of his profession there for a period of
ten years, removing to San Francisco, Cal., in 1860, where he again not only
resumed the practice of his profession, but also entered upon the study of
geology, natural history, entomology and botany, of which he has collected and
retains many fine specimens. In 1868, he went to Oregon, where he remained two
years, returning again to California, he becoming District Judge. In 1874, he
came to Columbus, Cherokee Co., Kan., where he served one term as County
Attorney. In 1879, he came to Eureka, where he has already established a very
fine law practice. In politics the Judge is a Republican.
G. H. MARTZ, Ex-County Superintendent of Public Instruction and farmer,
Section 33, P. O. Eureka, was born in 1829, in Darke County, Ohio, where he
received his elementary education. He subsequently attended the Western
University of Ohio, where he graduated with high honors. Subsequently he taught
the higher branches in various Ohio educational institutions, for a period of
fifteen years. He finally came to Kansas in April, 1871, locating in Eureka,
engaging for a short period in his old occupation. In January, 1872, he was
appointed County Superintendent, to fill short term, and subsequently elected
to the office by a unanimous vote. Upon the expiration of his term of office,
he was again returned. About this time, he purchased one-fourth of Section 33,
Township 24, Range 10, near Janesville, which he devoted to stock-raising
chiefly. He was subsequently elected to his old office, which he has filled to
the entire satisfaction of his constituents, serving altogether, as
Superintendent of Public Instruction, here, eight years. At the late
elections, he was nominated, but declined, as he preferred to devote his time
to his increasing stock interests. Mr. Martz has recently bought an extensive
stock farm in Missouri, which will be run by his eldest son. M. Martz has only
two children, and intends devoting the remainder of his life to their
PHILIP M. MOORE, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Eureka, Greenwood Co., came to
Kansas in the fall of 1857, located in Woodson County, one and a half miles
northwest of Neosho Fall, where he took a claim on the New York Indian land,
which he pre-empted in 1860, and improved a farm which he cultivated until
September, 1882, but at the same time engaged in other business; was at one
time interested in a lumber yard at Neosho Falls, and for the last seven years
has had a loan and insurance agency at that place, and also a loan office at
Yates' Center, in the same county, and one at Eureka, Fall River and Twin
Falls, in Greenwood County, Coyville, New Albany, Wilson Co.; he has very
recently purchased a farm near Eureka, and will soon move to that place. He
has served as Township Trustee two terms, of Neosho Falls Township. He was
born in Henry County, Ind., August 10, 1835; son of William and Nancy Moore;
lived in his native county five years, in Wayne County five years, in Henry
County one year, Grant County eight years, Howard County three, and then moved
to Kansas, where he still resides. He was married near Iola, Kan., August 12,
1860, to Melissa G. Anderson, daughter of Watson G. and Beulah J. Anderson; by
this union they have six children, four of whom are living- Charles E., Effie
E., Ada A. and Arthur M. Moore. Mr. Moore is one of Woodson County's
enterprising business men, and is highly respected as a useful citizen.
B. J. NEWMAN, farmer and stock-raiser, Section 23, in Eureka Township, and 180
acres of Section 8, Janesville Township, P. O. Eureka, was born in 1845, in
Dutchess County, N. Y., where his father had for may years carried on an
extensive dairy farm. April 12, 1858, his parents removed to Kenosha, Wis.,
and now reside there. The subject of this sketch came to Kansas in the fall of
1870, and having previously engaged very extensively in the cattle trade in
various States, decided to embark in stock-raising, he locating for that
purpose on sections named above. Upon the bottom land he depends for the corn
to feed his winter stock of cattle, and hitherto has raised exceptionally good
corn crops. At present he has but 180 head of hogs (Poland-China and
Berkshire) and 137 head of cattle. Mr. Newman has also a large range in
Bourbon and another in Lyon County, the latter now being under the charge of
his son, Benjamin J. Newman, Jr.
J. W. NICHOLAS, Postmaster, was born in Virginia in 1836, and subsequently
removed to Lexington, Ill., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits until he
enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry.
His regiment was detailed for guard duty in Missouri, and he remained with it
until mustered out at Camp Butler, Ill. In the fall of 1864, he resumed his
former occupation, continuing therein until 1872, when he came to Kansas,
locating in this county, and at first turning his attention to farming. In the
fall of 1872, he opened a store in town, which he conducted for upwards of a
year. In March, 1865, he was married to Miss Margaret Hyers, of Lexington,
Ill. She died in February, 1872, leaving him with three children, viz.: Lella,
Charles A. and Willie H., February 12, 1873 (sic). Mr. Nicholas married
Mrs. Holman, who was then Postmistress at Eureka, having been appointed
September 10, 1872, and re-appointed, owing to a change of name, occasioned by
her marriage, March 6, 1873. Mrs. Nicholas held the office of Postmistress for
a period of three years, when I. R. Phenis, now Probate Judge, was appointed
and held the office one year. Mr. Nicholas succeeded him at the expiration of
the year, and has held the office uninterruptedly since. Prior and subsequent
to his marriage with Mrs. Holman, Mr. Nicholas conducted the stationery and
fancy goods store in Post Office Building. By his second marriage he has two
children- Ona and Frankie. In addition to his residence, Mr. Nicholas owns two
business blocks and several town lots. He is a member of the Kansas Mutual
Benefit Society, and also of the State Temperance Mutual Benefit and Insurance
Associations. As a Government official, Mr. Nicholas is essentially the right
man in the right place, faithfully discharging his often trying duties in such
a courteous manner, that has earned for him the universal esteem of that hard
to please master, the public. Eureka being a money order office, he has of
course an assistant, and it is worth of remark, that during Mr. Nicholas' term
of office, not a mistake has occurred in his office, even with not less than
70,000 letters being annually mailed therein.
IRA P. NYE, lawyer, etc., was born July 13, 1836, in Herkimer County, N. Y.,
and with his parents removed to Beloit, Wis., in 1846. He received his
education at Beloit College, and came to Eureka in 1870, where he opened a
general store, being joined in August of the same year by his brother, Mr. J.
C. Nye, who is now County Treasurer. In 1874, Mr. Nye sold out his interest in
the store and opened a real estate and loan office. He is the owner of 480
acres of land on Bachelor Creek, four miles north of town, 100 acres being
under cultivation, and also several buildings in town. In 1862, he enlisted in
Company H, twenty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and accompanied the
regiment, taking part in all its engagements with the enemy until March, 1863,
when he was taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison until exchanged, the
latter part of May of that year. Upon the re-organization of his regiment, he
was upon detached duty until the close of the war, when he was mustered out at
Milwaukee, Wis., July, 1865, with the rank of First Lieutenant. Mr. Nye was
admitted to the bar of this county in April, 1875, and later to that of the
United States Supreme Court. He was the first Mayor of Eureka upon its
organization as a city of the third class in 1871, and was elected to the
Legislature in 1872. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the G. A. R.
WILLIAM ODDY is a native of Bradford, Yorkshire, England, having been born
there October 22, 1832, and is a graduate of the class of 1848, of Airdale
College. In 1852, he emigrated to this country, landing in New York and
subsequently resided for four years in Chicago, where he was engaged in the
importation of English cloth goods. In 1856, he came to Kansas, and had
scarcely been an hour in Topeka, when a call was made for volunteers to go to
the relief of the Free-State party at Lawrence, responding to which he
subsequently became prominently identified with Jim Lane, John Brown and other
leaders of the Free-State party, and not only bore arms in its defense but
aided it financially to the amount of $3,500, which it is needless to say has
never been refunded. Late in the year 1856, he went to Nebraska, and Colorado
in the 1860, where he remained until shortly after the breaking-out of the war
of the rebellion, when he enlisted in the Independent Battery Colorado
Volunteer Artillery, in which he served in Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas, and
with the exception of a short period when he was detailed as hospital steward,
was on active duty, against rebels and Indians, receiving a painful arrow
wound from the latter at Box Elder, when on detailed service. Was engaged
against the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, and was mustered out May 22, 1865. While
in Colorado, Mr. Oddy was Justice of the Peace and Recorder of Summit County.
At the close of the war he located for a short time in Lawrence, and thence to
Junction City, finally settling in Eureka, in Greenwood County, 1871. May 27,
1874, he was married to Miss Sarah Clark, by whom he has one child-George E.,
born February 18, 1875. Since locating here Mr. Oddy has devoted his attention
principally to lime burning and building. He has held the office of Constable
and clerk of School Board, and is charter member and Quartermaster Sergeant of
Dick Yates Post, No. 50, G. A. R.