William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]


SEWARD B. DAVIS, manager of the lumber business of G. B. Shaw & Co., was born in New Orleans in 1843. His parents died when he was twelve years of age. He then went to Maine, where he remained four and a half years, and then to Boston, where he spent eight years. He enlisted in the Eighth Massachusetts Battery, and participated in the engagements of second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam and others of his command. He was mustered out in the fall of the same year. In October, 1863, enlisted in the United States Naval Service on the steamer Acacia, where he was in active service for thirteen months. He was mustered out in the fall of 1864. He came to Kansas in 1870, and located in Montgomery County. He built the first saw mill in that county, and remained for ten years. In 1880, he engaged with G. B. Shaw & Co., at Elk City, and in 1882 took the management of their business at this place, which is located on Sixth avenue and Church street. The company are doing an extensive business in connection with their lumber, handling grain, coal and lime. He was married in 1873, to Mrs. Maranda R. Coon, by whom be has had three children - Stephen G., Julia and William Weaver. Mrs. Davis has had three children by a former marriage. Mr. Davis is Unitarian in religious belief. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, I. O. O. F., Royal Templar of Temperance, of the Good Templars and of the G. A. R., Winfield Post, No. 85.

W. H. DAWSON, proprietor of Winfield Marble Works, was born in Iowa in 1858, son of William and Elizabeth Dawson, came to Kansas with his parents; in 1870, located at Independence. He learned the trade of his father, a worker in marble. In 1879, he located at Winfield and established the Winfield Marble Works, business located on Ninth avenue. The business has increased about 100 per cent since its establishment. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the K. of P.

W. F. DOORLEY, of Albro & Doorley, carriage manufacturers, was born in Steuben County, N. Y., in 1844, son of Thomas and Catharine Doorley. He left home at the age of eleven; he learned the trade of carriage-maker. Spent ten years in traveling in different States of the Union, working at his trade; he was three years on the ocean, engaged as a ship carpenter, worked at his trade in England, Germany and France. He was in the war of the rebellion, enlisted in 1861, in the three-months service; participated in the first Bull Run; after his term of service, re-enlisted in Company G, Sixth New York Cavalry; was in the engagements of Point of Rocks, Fair Oaks, Ball's Bluff, Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Coal Harbor, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Petersburg, Chancellorsville, Cedar Creek, and other engagements of his command; he was wounded at Ball's Bluff by a ball through his head, at Gettysburg in the neck, at Five Forks in the shoulder, and at Cedar Creek by three gunshots, one through the leg, one through the arm, and one through the body. He veteranized in 1864, and was mustered out in 1865. After the war, he spent some time in California and the Sandwich Islands; then returned to New York, and sailed for Europe, where he remained for three years. On his return, went to Nevada, where he spent two and a half years in mining with good success, making $35,000. He then located in Iowa, where he was married to Miss Ameda Allen, daughter of Elva and Martha Allen. He came to Kansas in 1880, located at Winfield, and established a carriage factory in company with Mr. Albro. The business is located on Main street, near the Britton House; occupies a building 25 x 80 feet, and one 75 x 66 feet, they employ twenty-five men, and turn out about 550 carriages per year. They have the largest establishment in Southern Kansas. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Chapter and Commandery, and of the I. O. O. F., also of the Knights of Pythias.

D. ELLIOTT, farmer, P. O. Winfield, was born in Vermillion County, Ill, in 1833, and lived there until fourteen years of age, thence to Iowa, living there until 1856, when he came to Kansas, locating near Emporia, Lyon County; he was among the first settlers there, and a pioneer of Kansas. He located a claim and improved it in Lyon County. During the early troubles in Kansas, the subject of this sketch took an active part with the Free-state party, and acted as Secretary under President Lincoln, in bringing the border ruffians to justice. About 1866, located in Labette County, and engaged in stock-raising and the mercantile business. In January, 1871, he settled in Cowley County, and located a claim on Section 8, Township 32. Range 7; he then located at Dexter, and put up one of the first good business houses in the place, a frame building 20 x 40, with good warerooms. The building was two stories high; the upper room is used for Masonic Hall. Mr. E. put In a large stock of general merchandise, and was in business for six years. In 1878, on account of failing health, he sold out his business and located at Winfield, and is doing no business except to carry on his farm. Mr. E. would undoubtedly have served in the late war, had he not been a lame man; he did all that lay in his power for the Union cause; was on the Price raid and other raids after the Indians. Mr. Elliott took an active part in building up Dexter and Cowley Counties, and while doing so built up a large trade, his sales running from $30,000 to $35,000 per annum; he also did a large business in stock and grain. In 1857, he married Miss Jane Grimaley, of Lyon County, Kan.; that was the second marriage in Lyon County; they have four children - Arvilla, Laura, Charles and Alta. He is a member of Dexter Lodge, No. 156, A., F. & A. M.

[G. Emerson, M. D.] GEORGE EMERSON, M. D., physician and surgeon, and Mayor of Winfield, was born in Salem, Mass., in 1849; son of Joseph and Elizabeth Emerson. He was educated at Exeter Academy, New Hampshire, and at Williams College, Mass., and at the medical department of Union College, Albany, N. Y., and graduated in the class of 1873. He then commenced the practice of medicine in Western New York. He came to Kansas in 1878, and located in Winfield, and engaged in the practice of his profession. He has a very extensive practice, extending over Cowley and into adjoining counties, and a large city practice. His office is located on the corner of Ninth avenue and Main street. Dr. Emerson has taken an active part in all the public interests of his adopted city. He has been President of the school board, and in the spring of 1883 was elected Mayor of the city. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, A., F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and is also a member of the South Kansas and the State Medical Societies.

FRANK W. FINCH, Constable, was born in McHenry County, Ill., in 1854; son of James H. and Martha J. Finch. Removed with his parents to Kansas in 1857; resided with them on a farm in Riley County until 1864, when they removed to Junction City; his father built the first house in that place. Mr. Finch was educated at Atchison. After attaining his majority, engaged for two years in farming, and then removed to Winfield. He was elected Constable in 1882, and re-elected in 1883. Served as Deputy Sheriff of Cowley County for two years. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church and of the Good Templars, Winfield Lodge, No. 20. The lodge is one of the largest in the State, containing 100 members.

WILLIAM A. FREEMAN, firm of Freeman & Son, proprietor of livery stable, was born in Niagara County, N. Y., in 1827; son of Oliver and Jerusha Freeman. At the age of ten, moved with his parents to Michigan, where he resided for twenty years engaged in blacksmithing; he then moved to Illinois, where he remained for five years, and then to Iowa, and in 1870 to Kansas, where he located in Beaver Township, this county; engaged in farming until 1880. He then moved to Winfield; in 1882, purchased the livery business on West Tenth avenue, where the firm of Freeman & Son are now conducting the business. The business has increased from its first establishment in 1880, about 100 per cent. He was married, in 1850, to Miss Mary J. Crippen, who died in 1880; he was married in 1882 to Mrs. Mary C. Anderson, who had four children by her former marriage. He is a member of the Christian Church and of the Masonic fraternity, also of the National Union. He was Trustee of Beaver Township for three years, and Notary Public for four years. He has been a member of the City Council of Winfield for two years.

REV. WILLIAM M. FRIEDLEY, U. B. clergyman, was born in Harrison County, Ind., April 10, 1833, son of J. M. and Sophia Friedley. He was educated at Hartsville University. July 22, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Sixty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the engagement at Munfordville, Ky., September 14, 1862; was there taken prisoner by Bragg's command, and released on parole September 16, and was exchanged in December of the same year. Joined his command, and was in the attack of Walnut Hills, via Yazoo Swamp, in the engagement of Arkansas Post, where he was wounded by gunshot in the left hip. He was disabled for service for two months and a half, after which he joined his command, and took part in the siege of Vicksburg, and the seven days' fight at Jackson, Miss. He was transferred to the Department of the Gulf; was on the Red River expedition. He was promoted in 1863 to Second Lieutenant, which commission he held until 1864, when be was obliged to resign on account of his wounds; on his return home, he assisted in recruiting the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and was elected Second Lieutenant and promoted to First Lieutenant, was Aid-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Doolittle, and was mustered out at the close of his term of enlistment September, 1864. He then engaged in farming and other pursuits. He came to Kansas in 1868, and located in Woodson County, where he lived five years; he then removed to Medicine Lodge, Barbour County, and remained there until l882. He was Superintendent of Public Instruction in Woodson County, first by appointment and afterward by election. He was the first Treasurer of Barbour County, also elected Probate Judge, which office he held for two terms, and was subsequently District Clerk. He entered the ministry in 1879, joined the Osage Conference, and took a three years' course of study, at the end of which time he was ordained by the Conference near Winfield. He took the pastorate of the church at Winfield in 1882. He was married in 1852 to Miss N. J. Evans, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Evans. They have had five children, four of whom survive - S. B., George, J. S., Arametta A., and Anna M.

J. C. FULLER, Cashier of the Winfield Bank, was born in Orleans County, N. Y., in 1835; son of John C. and Eliza Fuller. His early life was spent on his father's farm. He was educated at Lima, N. Y., completing his course in 1854, and engaged in teaching for three terms. In 1855, went to Iowa, and, in 1856, to Nebraska, where he engaged in the lumber business until the fall of 1857. In 1859, he started for Pike's Peak, but subsequently changed his purpose and went through to California. After spending six months in different parts of the state, went to Texas and located in the city of Houston, where he remained until the breaking-out of the war, when he found himself placed in the dilemma of either entering the Confederate army or going North. The latter he decided upon, and at once made preparations for the journey, expecting to be compelled to travel through the country on horseback, the blockade then being established, but was fortunate in getting passage to New Orleans and thence to St. Louis, on the last steamer from New Orleans to St. Louis running the blockade at Cairo. In 1862, he went to Baltimore and engaged in lithograph publishing. Remained there four years, and then spent one year in Arkansas engaged in cotton growing. He then spent one year in Lockport, N. Y., and a year in Chicago. In 1869, he came to Kansas and remained one year in Ft. Scott, then came to Winfield. There was one store, a blacksmith shop and two houses which comprised all the buildings of the place at that time. He has, in connection with D. A. Millington, purchased a squatter's interest in 160 acres of land, the land not being in market or surveyed. They at once, in connection with E. C. Manning, who held 160 acres by location, had a survey made, and laid out the town site of this city. Winfield owes much of her early growth and business prosperity to the efforts and liberal policy adopted by these men. A town site company was formed, with Mr. Fuller as president, and with untiring and zealous efforts he devoted his energy to building and giving an impetus to the young city. In the spring of 1871, he opened a bank, the first established in Cowley County, its location was on the present site of the Winfield Bank, on the corner of Ninth and Main streets. Mr. Fuller was married in 1871 to Miss Nannie C. Harrison, daughter of Judge William P. Harrison, of Hannibal, Mo. Has had three children - James H., Maggie (deceased) and Estelle. Mr. Fuller is a member of the Masonic fraternity, A., F. & A. M., Adelphi Lodge, No. 110.

H. G. FULLER, real estate and loan agent, was born in Orleans County, N. Y., in 1829; son of John C. and Eliza Fuller. He was raised in his native county, and at the age of twenty-three he located in Illinois, and for several years was engaged there in farming and various other pursuits. In 1857, he married Miss Hattie Birdsey, of Oneida County, N. Y., who has borne him one child - Charles E. Fuller, now Teller of the Winfield Bank. Subsequently Mr. Fuller removed to Iowa, where he remained eight years. He then spent three years in Washington, D. C., engaged in the publishing business. From Washington he removed to Chicago, and four years was engaged in the grain and commission business, after which he spent nine years in St. Joseph County, Mich., in farming. He came to Kansas in 1878, and was for two years in the Winfield Bank, after which he established himself in the real estate business. His office is located on Ninth avenue with Senator Hackney. He is a large real estate owner. He has two farms, one of 400 acres and the other of 160 acres, both under improvement, and owns a large amount of city property. He has platted Fuller Place, a beautiful tract of land lying adjacent to the city limits, and is one of the largest real estate dealers in the county. He is identified with the Presbyterian Church.

H. D. GANS, Probate Judge, was born in Indiana in 1844; son of William and Malinda Gans. His father is a preacher of the Christian denomination, and has made the ministry his life work. He has been pastor of the churches of his denomination over thirty years. He came to Kansas in April, 1856, and located in Johnson County, and is now in his declining years, devoting his remaining strength to the labor he loves so well. Mr. G. came to Kansas with his parents. He was educated at Abingdon, Knox Co., Ill. In early life he gave his attention to reading law. Has held various offices - Constable, City Marshal, Deputy United States Marshal, Sheriff and Justice of the Peace. He was elected to the office of Probate Judge in 1875, and re-elected each succeeding term. He is now serving his fifth term. He first located in Cowley County, and was, in 1871, on a farm in Windsor Township, where he remained until he was elected Judge, when be removed to Winfield. He was married in 1864 to Miss Mary McGhee, daughter of John and Catherine McGhee, has had four children, two of whom survive - Charles, born in 1871, and Mabel, in 1876. Mr. Gans is a member of the Christian Church. He was a member of the State militia, and was called upon to help repel the Price raid in Missouri, and at various other times. He is a member of the K. of H., Winfield Lodge, No. 479.

S. G. GARY, Sheriff of Cowley County, Kan., was born in Lewisburg, Champaign County, Ohio, February 5, 1837; is the son of Joseph F. and Martha Gary. His father died on the 18th day of August, 1850. Five years later, his mother, with her family of four children, moved to Mabaska, Iowa, where the subject of this sketch commenced work at the trade he had previously acquired, that of carpenter, which he followed until the commencement of the war, when he enlisted in Company H, Third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He took part in the engagements of Blue Mills, Mo., September 17, 1861, of Pittsburg Landing April 6 and 7, 1862, siege of Corinth and Vicksburg, battles of Hatchie and Jackson, and the many other engagements of his command. He was wounded at Pittsburg Landing in the left shin; at the Hatchie in the left shoulder; on board the steamer Crescent City near Greenville, Miss., in the ankle; at Jackson, Miss., July 12, l863, in left thigh. He enlisted in the army as a private. Five months later, was promoted to First Sergeant; in February, 1862, to Second Lieutenant; in October, 1862, to First Lieutenant, and in March, 1863, to Captain of his company, which commission he held until the close of his term of service. Was mustered out on the 18th day of July, 1864, and returned to Iowa, where he engaged in farming for ten years. In 1877, he came to Kansas, and located at Winfield, where he engaged in the manufacture of furniture. In February, 1883, he was appointed Sheriff of Cowley County to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Sheriff A. T. Shinnamin. Mr. G. was married January 1, 1865, to Miss Mary E. Hunt, daughter of Abraham and Mahala Hunt. They have four children - John W. (who died February 25, 1871, was born April 29, 1868). There are living Leota (born February 6, 1866), George Gordon (born January 14, 1872), Mabel Grace (born August 19, 1875). Mr. G. is a member of the A. O. U. W. Lodge, No. 18. While residing in Iowa, he held the office of Justice of the Peace. Was twice Assessor of his township. Was Postmaster, and was County Supervisor two terms. Was Deputy United States Marshal for the purpose of taking United States census for six townships of Mahaska County, Iowa, in 1870. He was a member of the Eleventh General Assembly in 1865 and 1866. Has been a member of the City Council of the city of Winfield, Kan., for two years.

QUINCY A. GLASS, druggist, was born in Genesee County, N. Y., in 1848, son of Chester and Mary Glass. He was married in 1878, to Miss Mary Brown; has two children - Edna and Charles. In 1872, he engaged as traveling salesman for the Garden City Chemical Works, which he followed until 1878. He then came to Kansas and located at Winfield, and engaged in the drug business under the firm name of Brown & Glass. After one and a half years sold his interest in the firm and established his present business which is located on the west side of Main street, south of Tenth avenue. His business has increased about fifty per cent since its establishment. Mr. G. is a member of the Baptist Church and of the Masonic fraternity, Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, and of the K. of P., Chevalier Lodge, No. 70.

A. H. GREEN, attorney at law and land broker, was born in Muscatine County, Iowa, in 1841, son of G. J. and H. A. Green. He was educated in Jasper County, Ind., read law and was admitted to the bar in Indiana in 1870. Came to Kansas in 1871 and located at Winfield, and commenced the practice of his profession, which he followed for five years and then engaged in the real estate business. He responded to his country's call in 1861, and enlisted in Company G, Ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. His enlistment was for three months; during that service he was in the engagements of Phillipi, Laurel Hill and Cheet River. Was mustered out at the end of his term of service, and in October re-enlisted in Company K, Forty-eighth Indiana Volunteers. Was transferred to Company D, and commissioned Second Lieutenant and subsequently promoted to Captain, under which commission he served for three years; participated in the engagements of the siege and battle of Corinth, Luka, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, Black River, Mission Ridge, Bentonville and other battles of his command. He was aid-de-camp on Gen. William T. Clark's staff; was mustered out April 7, 1865. Was commissioned Brigadier General of the Kansas State Militia by Gov. St. John in 1879. Held that position four years; was Postmaster at Atwood, Ind., for three years. He was married in 1865, to Miss Letha Crumbacker, daughter of Daniel and S. H. Crumbacker. Has had four children, three of whom survive - Annie, Jennie and Dolph Duff.

DR. C. C. GREEN, physician and surgeon, was born in Montreal in 1846, son of Lewis and Elizabeth Green. He was educated in his preparatory classical course at Detroit, Mich., and his medical course at the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa, at which institution he graduated in 1875, when he immediately commenced the practice of his profession. He was married in l876 to Alice N. Manier nee Blair, daughter of Luther G. Blair. They have two children - Charles F. and Alice M. He came to Kansas in 1880, and located at Winfield in August of the same year, where he has since met with very flattering success. His office is located on the corner of Tenth avenue and Main street. Dr. G. is a member of the Presbyterian Church, Master Workman of Winfield Lodge, No. 18, A. O. U. W., member of Cowley Legion, No. 16, Select Knights of the A. O. U. W., Chancellor Commander of Chevalier Lodge, No. 70, Knights of Pythias, member of the South Kansas Medical and of the State Medical Society.

C. B. GUNN, surgeon dentist, was born in Marion, Ohio, in 1854, son of Lewis and Catharine Gunn. He was educated in Marion Academy and at the Cincinnati Dental College. Commenced the practice of dentistry in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in 1879 came to Kansas and located at Winfield and has there followed his profession. His office is on Main street in the Myton building. Dr. Gunn is a member of the K. P. Chevalier Lodge, No. 70.

[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]