William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 13] [part 11] [Cutler's History]


J. M BUFFINGTON, farmer and stock grower, is a native of Indiana, and was born 1843. He was brought up on a farm. At the early age of seventeen he joined the army - Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, Company D. He went through all the scenes of regular army life, was in prison thirteen months and seventeen days, and was mustered out 1865. He then returned to Iowa and remained one year. He was then working at different places for some time, and in 1870 settled on his present home of 160 acres, which he improved. Mr. Buffington has since added 400 acres to his 160, making 560 acres, all of which he has in cultivation, and on which he raised grain and stock. He built and owns the toll bridge at Oxford across the Arkansas River. He owns and controls the Oxford feed yards. He was Mayor of Oxford two years. Is a member of the Order of Free Masons, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Knights of honor. Mr. Buffington was married to Miss Iona H. Julian of Iowa, 1872, by whom he has three children - Elmer, Willie and Orie. Mrs. Buffington is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Buffington was the first white man in Sumner county west of the Arkansas River.

W. B. CALDWELL, dealer in farm implements, pumps, wagons, headers, harvesters, reapers and mowers, was born in Tennessee in 1839, and was reared in the mercantile and grain business. At sixteen years of age, he began clerking in Shelbyville, Tenn., where he continued three years. He was then at Nashville, Tenn., in the Commissary Department of General Thomas' command for eighteen months. He then entered a dry good house in Nashville, Tenn., where he remained three years. From there he handled the goods manufactured in the Penitentiary of Tennessee for eighteen months. He was then appointed Inspector of Customs in the city of New York, where he remained two years. From New York he returned to Nashville, where he clerked again for a year, when he was called home to settle up his father's estate. In 1872, he came to Oxford, Sumner County, where he was in the mercantile business for two and a half years, at the end of which time he embarked in the agricultural business, in which he is now engaged. He improved a farm of 160 acres, cultivating it for eight years. He has built two business properties, and intends to build a residence on his farm this present year. He is a member of the Knights of Honor of the Masonic Fraternity, and of the A. O. U. W., and has passed all the chairs. In December, 1838 (sic), he was married to Miss Nellie Malsby, of Illinois, by whom he has two daughters - Nellie Irene and Alice Irma. Mrs. Caldwell is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Caldwell is the leading representative man of his section of the county.

W. A. CLARK, grain dealer, was born in 1857, was reared in agricultural business, receiving a fair education. At the age of nineteen he began farming for himself in Ohio, where he continued one year. In 1877, he emigrated to Kansas. He was first in Glasgow for a short time; he then went to Minneapolis, Kan., engaged in the grain business four years, and in 1882 came to Oxford and opened his present business. Mr. Clark ships about 125 car-loads of grain per season. He built and owns a residence in Minneapolis. In 1876 Mr. Clark was married to Annie McElhaney of Ohio, by whom he has two children - Claudie A., and Alta May.

G. J. HESS, dealer in groceries and queenswares, is a native of Massachusetts, and was born in 1839. His early life was spent in school. At the age of eighteen years he began to learn the trade of cabinet-making in Chicago, where he remained until 1861, at which time he enlisted in the army, Battery B, First Illinois Light Artillery, in which he served three years and four months, after which he returned to Indiana, and engaged in cabinet business, in which he continued until 1871, when he came to Kansas and located at Oxford Township; he improved a farm of 160 acres, which he run (sic) as a grain and stock farm eleven years. In 1882 he opened his present business; he helped to lay out Valverdi Township; he was also instrumental in the organization of the church and school at Valverdi; he is a member of the order of Free Masons, Knights of Honor, and A. O. U. W.; was clerk of Valverdi Township two terms; he was also a member and treasurer of the school board several times. Mr. Hess was married to Miss E. J. Oliver of Indiana in 1865. Mrs. Hess is a member of the order of Eastern Star.

L. H. HUTCHINSSON, grain dealer, is a native of the State of New York, and was born 1851. He was reared in the agricultural business, receiving a business education. After arriving at the age of eighteen, he began life by farming in Michigan, where he remained until 1869, after which he went to Illinois, and farmed until 1877. He then came to Sumner County, Kan., and opened a farm of 320 acres, which he worked until 1880, after which he opened his present business. Mr. Hutchinsson ships about 400 car-loads of grain per year. Owns 160 acres of land. Was Constable two terms, and was School Director one term. Is a member of the order Free Masons. In 1882, Mr. Hutchinsson was married to Miss Stella Orr, of Illinois, by whom he has one child. Mrs. Hutchinsson is a member of the Christian Church.

G. W. HUMPHREYS, farmer, Section 12, P. O. Oxford, was born in Georgia, in 1813. At the age of twenty-two years he began farming on his own account in Alabama, where he continued until 1838. He then went to Mississippi, where he was on a farm 4½ southeast of Oxford until 1873. About that time he came to Oxford and located on a farm of 160 acres, which he improved and run (sic) as a general farm for three years, when he removed to his present home of 120 acres, on which he has thirty-five acres of timber adjoining the town of Oxford. He is a Mason and a member of the Baptist Church. In 1841, he was married to Miss E. A. Patton of Mississippi, by whom he has eleven children - Isabella, Roxie H., Joseph, Mary V., Leah F., Emma, George, Sam P., James C., Gatewood Q., and Shirley - Alford deceased. He lost his wife March 14, 1882, and was married the second time to Miss Froe M. Cowger of near Oxford, Miss.

W. C. NEONIS, hardware, was born in Ohio, in 1861, and reared in the mercantile business. In 1872, he went to Kansas with his parents, where he lived until sixteen years of age, when he went to learn the tinner's trade, at which he continued two years. In 1880 he went to Oxford, where he established his present business. He built, and owns, his business house in Oxford, and carries a stock of from $5,000 to $6,000, and does a business of about $20,000 annually.

N. W. PERRY, furniture dealer, undertaker, embalmer, was born in Massachusetts in 1838. Was reared in his present business. At the age of twelve years, he started into the silver plating business, at which he continued one year. He then engaged in the car building business, at which he continued till 1866. He then went to Iowa, where he continued in his car business till 1877, at which time he came to Kansas, and located at Winfield in his present business, where he remained two years. He then established his business in Oxford, where he still continues. He built, and owns, business and residence property. He is an Odd Fellow, a member of the A. O. U. W., and Knights of Honor. In 1862 he was married to Miss Susan Jenks of Massachusetts, by whom he has two children living - Charles E., and Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are members of the Christian Church.

MAX SHOEB, owner and proprietor of the Central Hotel, is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, and was born in 1836. He was reared in the blacksmith business. He came to the United States at the age of eighteen, and worked in Illinois for one year, after which he was in Michigan three years. In 1861 he enlisted in the Army, in which he served for three years and two months, after which he went to Chicago for a short time, then to Pennsylvania, and from there to Nebraska City. In 1866 he went to Denver, where he remained one years, after which he went to St. Joseph, Mo. In 1867 he went to New Mexico, at which place he was engaged in the mines three months. He then went to Dakota, where he remained two years. In 1869 he returned to Missouri, after which he came to Topeka, Kan., where he remained nine months. He then came to Winfield, where he remained eleven years. In 1881 he came to Oxford, where he opened a shop which he run one year, after which he sold out, and bought the Central Hotel, which he opened on Thanksgiving day. He bought and sold town property, and now owns a farm of 160 acres. He also owns a business house and fifty vacant lots. He was city councilman of Oxford. He was also Sergeant of the Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company D. Is a member of the I. O. O. F. Married miss Christina Hanson, of Denmark, in 1869, by whom he has two children - Albert and Annie. He assisted in organizing the county and county seat of Cowley County.

WILLIAM H. SMITH, blacksmith, is a native of Kentucky, and was born in the yea (sic) 1839. He was reared in the agricultural profession and received a business education. At the age of sixteen he began the blacksmith trade, at which he continued to serve three years. He then continued his trade in Illinois, until 1877, after which time he came to Kansas, and located in Oxford at his present business. Mr. Smith opened and improved two farms in Kansas - one of eighty and one of 160 acres. He built two residences and one business house in Oxford. He also owns vacant lots in town. He was Alderman of town two years. Is a member of the A. O. U. W., and is a member of the Christian Church. In 1860 Mr. Smith was married to Miss Susan E. Smith, of Illinois, by whom he has one child- Flora E. In 1862 he lost his wife, and in 1865 was married to Miss Nancy J. Tuttle of Illinois, by whom he has two children - Phillip V. and Iva May. In 1878 Mr. Smith lost his second wife, and in 1879 was married to Miss Anna Merideth, of Kansas, by whom he has one child. He lost his third wife April 9, 1880, and was married to Miss Delia Staniford, of Indiana, in 1882.

C. G. TILTON, dealer in general merchandise, is a native of Massachusetts, and was born in 1844. His early life was spent in school. At the age of nineteen years he entered the army, where he served one year, after which he went to Chattanooga, and accepted the position of assistant teacher in the Lookout Mountain educational institution, in which capacity he acted one year. He then went to Toledo, Ohio, where he was engaged in the dairy business four or five years. In 1870 he came to Sumner County, Kan., and opened and improved a farm of 160 acres, which he run (sic) as a stock and grain farm. He then came to Oxford and opened his present business. He is a member of the order of I. O. O. F, A., F. & A. M. and K. of H., and was Trustee of his Township twice, and District Clerk four years. He owns a residence in Oxford. Mr. Tilton was married to Miss Nellie S. Hussey, of Massachusetts, in 1869, by whom he has two children - Albert W. and Charles E. Mr. Tilton is a true specimen of a self-made man.


Milan was laid out in the fall of 1880, but no town company has as yet been formed. The town site of forty acres comprises land belonging to J. L. Pitts, Roland Hankins and Fred. Robson. Although not surveyed until 1880, when the K. C. L. & S. K. R. R. reach this point; the town was largely built in 1879. Its first building was the general store of W. R. Moffit; the second the grocery of C. A. Pitts, and the third a saloon. Besides these building, the grocery of J. R. Ward and the drug store of Dr. William Cummings were erected in 1879. The first hotel was built in the fall of 1882, by L. K. High, who still runs it. The first birth, as well as the first death, was that of a son of I. D. Moffit. The first marriage, that of W. D. Baker and Miss Nannie Hankins. Dr. William Cummings was the first physician, R. C. Lowery the first blacksmith, and M. Harper the first liveryman.

Milan postoffice antedates the town by several years. It was kept in a little stone house three quarters of a mile southwest of the present town. In the spring of 1880, the office was moved to the town, and located in I. D. Moffit's store, and I. D. Moffit appointed Postmaster. On February 17, 1882, W. D. Baker was appointed, and January 1, 1883, resigned in favor of H. L. Benedict, the present official. The office was made a money order one August 7, 1882, and the first order purchased by Mrs. W. Carter, in favor of David Cook, of Chicago.

Prior to the laying out of the town, there was a district school, one mile west, known as Haytop. This school was moved to town in 1879, a new building erected, and the first term taught by Mrs. Merrill. S. C. Roach, Miss Lutie Finley and N. Leach have since taught here, the last named being now in charge of the school. The present enrollment is sixty-two.

The town now has three general stores, one hardware and one drug store, one hotel, one millinery store, one lumber and coal yard, one shoe shop, three physicians, two blacksmiths and two livery stables, and a population of 100.


The Methodist Church was organized in 1879, by Rev. John Harper. Mr. Harper was followed by Rev. William Long, and he by Rev. F. P. Moore, the present pastor. A church edifice, 28x45, was begun in December, 1882 and will be completed in 1883, at a cost of $1,400. The church membership is now thirty-eight. Meetings are held every second Sabbath.

The Christian Church was established in March, 1881, with a membership of twenty-three. Its pastors have been Revs. J. Q. Garner and P. W. Schick. It is now in charge of Rev. I. D. Moffit, who preaches on each Sabbath in the schoolhouse. The church membership is thirty.

The Union Sabbath School - There are as yet no denominational Sabbath schools in Milan, all uniting in the work. The school has an average attendance of fifty, and is in charge of Rev. I. N. Moffit

Milan Post, No. 90, G. A. R., was organized in August, 1882, with L. B. Ostrander, P. C.; J. M. Johnson, S. V. C.; J. D. Goldy, J. V. C.; R. P. Ray, Adj.; W. D. Baker, Q.; John Cross, chaplain; J. McClure, O. D.; F. M. Shore, O. G. Meetings are held every second Saturday in the schoolhouse.

The Sumner County Coal Company was formed on December 3, 1881, for the purpose of boring for coal in the immediate vicinity of Milan. Its capital is $20,000, divided into shares of $10 each. Work will be begun early in 1883, and boring continued until a greater depth than any yet reached in this section is attained.


J. D. CARTER, of the firm Carter Bros., bankers, is a native of Iowa, and was born in 1850. His early life was spent on the farm and in the schoolroom. When sixteen years of age, he engaged in teaching school, at which he continued several years. On April 9, 1883, he opened his present bank. He has improved 700 acres of land, 400 under cultivation. In 1880 he was selected by the people of McPherson County to disburse a fund for prospecting for coal.

MORTIMER H. CARTER, of Carter Bros., bankers, was born in Iowa in 1855, and was reared on a farm and received a high school education. In 1873 he emigrated to Kansas, and settled on a farm in McPerson County, where he engaged in farming and teaching school for a number of years, and subsequently was made Examiner for a few years, and was a teacher in the McPerson High School for one year. At the end of that time he resigned and located in Milan, and engaged in his present business. He is a member of the Congregational Church.


Mulvane is situated in the northeast corner of the county, at the junction of the two branches of the S. C. & Ft. S. Railway. The land upon which it stands was owned by H. C. Helbert and J. D. Loper, who donated half of it to the railway company, and in August, 1879, laid out the town. The original town site consists of 160 acres, and Prather's addition makes an even 200. The first building was erected by Dr. Whitehorn; the second, a general storeroom, by J. S. Brown. J. E. Shawcame next with a stock of drugs, and J. N. Trickey with dry goods. The first dwelling was erected by Lee Wilson. The first hotel was the Mulvane House, by A. C. Crawford, which was burned in 1880. The present hotel, which had served as a boarding-house, was then moved to town and enlarged, by J. B. Otto, who soon sold it to A. R. Downs, and he in turn to Frank Collis, who now owns it. It was leased in March, 1882, to D. C. McKinnon, who now runs it.

Mulvane postoffice was established in October, 1879, with J. S. Brown as Postmaster. Mr. Brown was succeeded by J. E. Shaw, the present official. The first office was on the northeast corner of Main street and First avenue, where it remained until moved to its present location, on the opposite corner. The first money-order from this office bears the date of August 2, 1880, and transfers $2.75 from J. E. Shaw to the Novelty Plaster Works, of Lowell, Mass.

Lying partly in both Sedgwick and Sumner counties, Mulvane has a joint school district - No. 127 in the former, and 153 in the latter. This district was organized in May, 1880, and a schoolhouse (46x30, with an ell 14x30) two stories high, and costing $3,000, was erected the following summer. School exercises began in October, 1880, with L. Lightfoot, principal, and Mrs. J. E. Shaw as assistant. Mr. Lightfoot was assisted in 1881 by Miss Eva McCart, and in 1882 by Miss D. M. Main.


The Methodist Church was moved from Littleton to Mulvane, in the spring of 1880. At this time it had a membership of nine, and was in charge of Rev. E. B. Abbott, who remained two years. His pulpit was filled by Rev. S. A. Lindsay, who left under somewhat suspicious circumstances, after a pastorate of three months. The society now numbers fifteen. Meetings are held in the schoolhouse hall.

The Presbyterian Church was organized in April, 1880, with eight members. Services have thus bar been held in the schoolhouse hall, by Rev. J. R. McQuown, but a wooden church building, 30x50 feet, and costing $1,800 is now in process of construction. The society now numbers sixteen. A Sabbath school was organized January 1, 1880; now has an average attendance of sixty-four, and is in charge of Lee Wilson.

The Christian Church was organized in April, 1880, with a membership of sixteen. Rev. J. Q. Garner supplied the church for seven months, and was succeeded by Rev. J. W. Campt. Since the removal of this latter clergyman, the society has been in charge of Rev. J. E. Cain of Belle Plaine. A church edifice, 28x50, was erected in 1882, at a cost of $1,200. The church has, as yet, no Sabbath school.

Mulvane Lodge, No. 174, I. O. O. F. was organized on May 27, 1880, with twenty-four members and the following officers: S. S. Woodcock, N. G.; H. C. Helbert, V. G.; E. F. Osburn, secretary; S. M. Wilson, treasurer. The lodge now numbers thirty-three members, and has the following officers: George A. Hall, N. G.; J. F. Ballou, V. G.; J. Stewart, secretary; S. S. Woodcock, P. S.; H. C. Helbert, treasurer. Meetings are held on Saturday of each week in a rented hall. The property of the lodge consists of furniture and regalia to the amount of $200.

Mulvane Lodge, No. 201, A., F. & A. M., was chartered February 17, 1881, with a membership of eighteen, and the following officers: T. N. Trickey, W. M.; C. C. Rushing, S. W.; D. Badger, J. W.; I. P. Trickey, secretary; J. N. Trickey, treasurer. The lodge now numbers thirty, and has the following official list: T. N. Trickey, W. M.; W. R. Warren, S. W.; George A. Jewett, J. W.; J. R. McQuown, secretary; J. N. Trickey, treasurer. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, in Masonic Hall.

Mulvane Lodge, No. 84, A. O. U. W., was organized December 27, 1881, with fifteen members, and the following officers: S. M. Wilson, P. M. W.; J. W. Lemon, M. W.; S. T. Shelby, F.; O. G. Ross, O.; J. F. Ballou, guide; Levi Wilson, financier; R. D. Herman, recorder; H. H. Britton, receiver. The lodge now has a membership of sixteen, and the following officers: S. M. Wilson, P. M. W.; J. W. Lemon, M. W.; W. H. Devore, F.; J. F. Ballou, C.; W. K. Harris, G.; Levi Wilson, financier; S. S. Woodcock, recorder; H. H. Britton, receiver. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each week, in Masonic Hall.

Banking - The private banking house of Warren & Herman was opened on July 1, 1882. In September of the same year the junior partner went out, and the business was continued by W. R. Warren.


DAVID BADGER, hardware, stoves, and agricultural implements, was born in Ireland, in 1846. In 1859 his parents emigrated to America, landing in New York, and immediately proceeded to Michigan, where he lived ten years. He was brought up on his father's farm and received a common school education. In 1869 he went to Sedgwick County, Kan., where he took 160 acres of homestead land, on which he lived for a time and improved the whole of it. Selling out his farm, he went to Mulvane, where he established his present business, which is in a flourishing satisfactory condition. He married Miss Emma Gordon, of Greenwood County, Kan., in 1880. Mrs. Badger is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

W. K. HARRIS, physician, was born in Centerville, Appanoose County, December, 1850, and was the first white child born in that county. He was reared on his father's farm and obtained the rudiments of an education at the common schools. At the age of twenty years he entered the Iowa Wesleyan University, where for one year he studied anatomy, physiology and chemistry. He next entered the office of Dr. Hardy, of Wichita, Kan., where he pursued his studies two years, and was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Keokuk, Iowa, in 1877. Having received his degrees, he commenced the practice of his profession at Garden Plain, Sedgwick, Co., Kan., where he continued till October, 1880, when he went to Mulvane, Sumner County, where his is in the enjoyment of a fine practice. He owns business and residence property in the town. He has been a member of the School Board a number of years, and is also a member of the A. O. U. W. Dr. Harris was married to Miss Lizzie F. Parker, of Newton, Mo., in 1877, and has tow children, George Wilson and Mary.

E. J. KUHNS, attorney, loan broker, and Notary Public, was born in East Tennessee, in 1825. His early days were spent on his father's farm, where he obtained a common school education. In 1847 he enlisted in the Fifth Tennessee Infantry Company G, for the Mexican War, and was in a number of skirmishes, returning home at the close of the war. As soon as he could perfect his arrangements he moved to Iowa, in 1849, where he engaged in farming, in which occupation he continued until the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when he again enlisted, this time in the Tenth Iowa Infantry, Company G; was commissioned First Lieutenant, and at the expiration of eighteen months was promoted to Captain. He served three years and four months and was mustered out in 1864. He was at the battle of the evacuation of Corinth, also in the battle of Jackson, and in the fall of 1862 or 1863 was again in Corinth and Iuka. He then crossed the Mississippi and joined Grant's forces, and was at the battle of Jackson, May 14, 1863. At the battle of Champion Hills, Miss., in twenty minutes he lost six men in killed and twelve wounded. In this engagement he was shot through both thighs and confined in the hospital a few weeks, when he returned to his command, being compelled to use crutches more or less for six months; also participated in the battle of Missionary Ridge and innumerable skirmishes. At the close of the war he returned to his home in Iowa and was elected Sheriff of Warren County, which office he held for six years. He studied law during his spare time and was admitted to the bar of Iowa, in 1870. He has been a resident of Kansas for several years and owns a farm near Mulvane. He is a member of the Masonic order and Grand army of the Republic, being command in the latter. He was married to Miss Christena Cox, of Tennessee, in 1845, and has two children, James M. and Margaret E. Mrs. K. belongs to the order of Rebecca and is a member of the Baptist Church.

REV. J. R. McQUOWN, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, was born in Indiana County, Pa., in 1850. At the age of eleven years, his parents having died, he was put out with a merchant who owned extensive coal and timber lands, with whom he lived five years. He then entered the Glade Run Academy of Pennsylvania, where he pursued his studies for two years, and from there he went to Waynesburg College, for two years, being compelled to earn the necessary funds with which to defray his expenses. For nine years he taught school, employing his spare time in preparing himself for his profession. He finally entered the Western Theological Seminary of Allegheny City, Pa., having taken then what might be termed a classic course. In 1878, he was ordained to the ministry, and located in Armstrong and Allegheny counties, Pa., where he remained for two years and a half. In 1879, he went to Derby, Kan., where he had charge of a church, and in the meantime supplied the pulpit at what is now Mulvane. When it assumed proportions he moved there in 1881, where he is pastor of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and holds the position of recording secretary of his lodge. He is also a member of the National Union, of which he is president. In 1872 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Evans, of Jefferson County, Pa., by whom he has had six children, Dora N., Ida May, John Reed, Graham Evans, Albert Barnes and Charles Hodge, deceased. Mrs. McQ. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is a member of the National Union, of which order she is chaplain, and vice president of the Ladies' Missionary Society. Rev. Mr. Mc.Q. is a gentleman of fine appearance, noble emotions, sincere in his convictions and desirous of doing good to his fellow men. Such men are an honor and blessing to any community.

DR. S. T. SHELLY, of Mulvane, Kan., was born in Memphis, Mo., in 1856. His father being a farmer he worked on the farm until the age of sixteen. He was educated in the common school and the Normal school of Kirksville, Mo. At the age of eighteen he commenced teaching school, and at the same time the study of medicine, which he pursued for three years, when he attended college at the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, Mo., returning home and practicing one year with is preceptor. He then came to Burrton, Kansas, in 1879; practiced there nine months, when he came to Mulvane. During the winter of 1882 and 1883 he graduated from the Missouri Medical College of St. Louis. He is at present doing a large practice. Dr. Shelly belongs to the I. O. O. F., also A. O. U. W. He has a wife, Callie C., and one child, H. G.

ANSON SKINNER, cashier of the Mulvane bank, was born in Indiana in 1834. His education was obtained at the common schools, in his young days, and finally at the Kossuth Seminary of Des Moines County, Iowa, where he pursued the regular course. In 1856 he was ordained a minister of the Gospel, in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1864 he enlisted in the Forty-fifth Indiana Regiment of Infantry, of which he was the Chaplain, but the exposure and hardships incident to the service ruined his health, and at the end of about a year he was compelled to resign his commission. Being broken down in health he was also compelled to abandon his profession. He was Treasurer of Union County, Iowa, for six years, and was entrusted with the settlement of a number of large estates. At one time he received an appointment under the general government, but in a short time resigned his commission. In 1882 he was appointed receiver for a large grain firm, which business is not yet fully closed. Early in 1883 he come to Mulvane and established the present business, which so far, has prospered. Mr. Skinner is a Mason and has held various positions in the order. In 1855 he was married to Miss Lydia Morgan, of Keokuk, Iowa, by whom he has six children, Lysander D., Ida E, May, Minnie, Sherman and Pearl. Mrs. Skinner takes an active part in church and benevolent works. Mr. L. D. Skinner, son of Anson Skinner, is cashier of the Kansas State bank, of Wichita, which position he has held since it was first opened. He has been in the banking business ten years. He was educated at the common schools. His business education has been obtained in practice, and consequently is most thorough. Miss Ida E. was educated at the common schools. She is a great biblical student and a most efficient teacher. At the age of sixteen years Miss May was graduated from the High School of Afton, Union Co., Iowa, with three years' course in Latin.

[TOC] [part 13] [part 11] [Cutler's History]