DAVID R. BROCK, real estate, insurance and sewing machine agent, was born in
1841 in Indiana, where he received his education at the common school,
afterward engaging in clerical occupations, until the removal of his parents to
Lyon County, Kan., in 1858, where he for a time assisted his father in the
management of the farm, and subsequently acting as Deputy Land Agent, and
engaging for a short time as school teacher. Upon the breaking-out of the war
he enlisted July 12, 1861, in Company F, Fifth Kansas Infantry, and continued
with his regiment, participating in all its engagements until mustered out at
Fort Leavenworth. He then made a short visit, to friends in this county, and
then returned to Lyon County, where he remained three years. Returning to
Kansas in 1868, he located on the southeast quarter of Section 24, Town 9,
Range 2, of Fall River Township, which he still retains and devotes to
agriculture; wheat, twenty-six bushels to an acre and corn fifty. He also deals
extensively in cattle. Mr. Brock is the owner of nine town lots, three acres
outside town, and several dwellings. He represents the interests of several of
the best known Eastern insurance and sewing machine companies, and is one of
the charter members of Dick Yates Post, G. A. R.
SAMUEL BROOKOVER, farmer, Section 34, P. O. Eureka, was born in Adams County,
Ohio, in 1835, and resided there until October, 1865, when he removed to
Champaign County, Ill., where he remained until September 28, 1867, when he
came to Kansas, locating upon 240 acres on Section 34, Township 25, Range 10,
and to which he subsequently added 320 acres on Section 27. He has 200 acres
under cultivation, with an average yield of wheat twenty bushels, and of corn
forty-five bushels; he has about 75 to 100 hogs, 100 to 125 head of cattle, and
usually fifteen horses, raising many of the latter for sale. He is a very
successful farmer, and his fine residence and other buildings are fully
insured. June 8, 1858, he married Miss Tamer Shelton, of Adams County, Ohio,
who has borne him a numerous family- Cyrus, born April 15, 1859, and is now
Under Sheriff of the county; Elizabeth E., born November 16, 1861; Jessie R.,
born June 27, 1863; William J., born August 21, 1865; Sarah D., born July 25,
1869; Horace G., born November 27, 1871; Samuel E., born February 14, 1873,
and Dolly, born November 30, 1879. Mr. Brookover was one of the Board of
School Directors in 1874-75, and has been Chairman of the Board of County
Commissioners for the past three years, and has been elected a member of same
Board in election of 1882, to serve for succeeding three years. He is one of
the leading men of Greenwood County, and is always to the front when wanted.
J. B. CHALLACOMBE, farmer, Section 31, P. O. Eureka, was born March 18, 1834,
in Wayne County, Penn., and in 1856, removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he
worked as carpenter until September 9, 1861, when he enlisted in Company H,
Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. The regiment was organized by Senator Ben Wade
and commanded by Col. Charles Doubleday, and was for some time on duty in
Kansas and Mississippi ere it was sent to the South to gain well-earned
laurels under such men as Sturgis, Custer and Sheridan. Mr. Challacombe was in
thirty-five regular engagements with his regiment, besides numerous skirmishes,
and had three horses shot under him; was three times taken prisoner, and as
often escaped. Upon one occasion he and Sergt. Thurston, unaided, captured
seven bushwhackers and seventeen stolen horses in MacDonald County, Mo., and
upon another occasion, he and Sergt. Capron, during the fight of April 6, just
prior to the surrender of Lee, took forty prisoners and mules, marching them
at piston muzzle up to the Provost Marshal, and among the prisoners were four
commissioned officers. Mr. Challacombe was finally mustered out at Benton
Barracks September 11, 1865, and returning to Ohio resumed his trade until the
date of his emigration to Kansas. In the latter part of March, 1970, a company
of emigrants known as Thorpe's colony, and numbering about seventy, left Ohio
for Kansas, but many of them settled along the way. Others returned, and of
the fourteen persons who came to Greenwood County, Mr. Challacombe is the only
remaining representative. He landed in Eureka April 1, 1870, and at once took
up 160 acres on Section 31, Town 25, Range 10, which he has so far improved
that he has now upon it a comfortable and commodious frame residence, stone
barns and other outbuildings. His land is chiefly what is called high prairie,
and is all under cultivation. His average corn yield being thirty-five bushels
per acre, and German millet two tons. His orchard contains 800 trees, chiefly
apple and peach. In addition to this farm property, which he values at $3,000,
he has property in Eureka to the amount of $2,000 more.
CHARLES CHRISTIANSON, farmer, Section 4, P. O. Eureka, is a native of Toten,
Norway, and was born in 1839, emigrating to America in 1955, and landing in
Quebec, Canada, from whence he proceeded to Stoughton, Wis., where he spent
three years, two winters of which were spent on Manistee Island, engaged in
cutting timber and in the spring of 1858 came to Kansas, locating in Salem
Township, this county. Mr. Christianson was one of the first settlers in the
township, and we may say in the county, there being at that time but seven or
eight settlers on Fall River. Here he remained seven years, and in company with
the pioneer settlers of this and other portions of the State, experienced his
share of hardship and privation, until afforded relief from Atchison. In 1865,
he sold his farm, and removed to his present farm of 160 acres, on Section 4,
this township. October 9, 1961, he enlisted as private in Company I, Ninth
Kansas Cavalry, and participated in all the engagements of his regiment until
mustered out at Duvall's Bluff, Ark., March 22, 1865. In May of that year, he
married Miss Sarah E. Brock, who bore him two children- Mary Caroline, born
September 7, 1866, and Jacob, born February 13, 1869, and whose birth was
followed by his mother's death, which took place on the above date. On May 7,
1875, Mr. Christianson was again married, this time to Miss M. E. Lund, a
native of Denmark. By this marriage the only surviving child is Mabel, who was
born November 10, 1877. Besides his farm, Mr. Christianson owns a good frame
house and two lots in Eureka. He is a prominent member of the Lutheran Church,
and a charter member of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, Grand Army of the Republic.
HON. J. B. CLOGSTON, lawyer, was born August 19, 1840, in Washington County,
Ohio, and educated in Winnebago County, Ill., He subsequently became a teacher
of youth, meantime reading law and medicine, and afterward came to Kansas in
1861, and in the summer of that year enlisted at Tecumseh, In Company H,
Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, and participated in the active duty of the regiment,
until the spring of 1863, when he was detailed to scouting duty under Gen.
Ewing, and remained on such duty in Missouri until the spring of 1864, when he
rejoined his regiment, and participated in all its engagements until mustered
out with his regiment at Fort Leavenworth, in September, 1865. Upon leaving
the army, Mr. Clogston returned to Kansas, locating at Tecumseh, Shawnee
County, and resumed the study of medicine with Dr. Huson. In 1866, he removed
to Salt Springs, where he practiced medicine until 1875. In November, 1863,
while on a leave of absence from the regiment, he was married at Tecumseh to
Miss Mary R. Hoggland. They have had three children-Louis E., born Marcy,
1870; Robert H., born in April, 1876, and Fred, born in September, 1878. Mr.
Clogston was admitted to the bar of the State in June, 1873, and represented
Greenwood County in the Legislature in 1879-80-81, and has again been
re-elected to the same honorable position. Besides his town property and
residence, he owns upwards of 320 acres on Section 27, and in this county, of
which 120 acres are under cultivation, with an average corn yield of fifty
bushels to the acre. At present his farm is rented. Mr. Clogston is a member of
the R. A. Chapter, of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, Grand Army of the Republic, and
is a large shareholder in the new hotel company. He has a very large law
practice, in which he is ably assisted by his associate, Mr. Fuller, and ranks
as one of the most prominent men of Eureka.
HON. ANTHONY P. COGSWELL, State Senator, and son of the Rev.
Frederick Cogswell, was born in Gilmantown, N. H., July 16, 1829, and received
an academic education. When twenty-one years of age, he went South, and
engaging in real estate business, became wealthy, but the great financial
crash of 1857 left his comparatively poor. While in Baton Rouge, La., he
married Miss Laura Hearnes, and soon afterward moved to Virginia, where, at
the breaking-out of the war, he organized and sent into the field
several companies to sustain the old flag. He was appointed Marshal and
Enrolling Officer in a district where it was dangerous to wear the blue, and
held the position with credit to himself and to the great benefit of the Union
cause, until the close of the war, when he moved to Brownville, Neb., and was
twice elected Mayor of that city. He was widely known as a politician, a
prominent Mason, and was, by the Odd Fellows, elected Grand Master of the
State. He was one of the first projectors of the Quincy & Pacific Railroad, and
was one of its directors for several years. In 1870, Mr. Cogswell was
appointed by the Governor of Nebraska to represent that State in the Capital
Convention, held in Cincinnati. In February, 1877, he moved to Iola, Allen
Co., Kan., and the following fall settled in Eureka. In 1880, he was elected
State Senator for the Twenty-fourth District, which comprises the counties of
Lyon and Greenwood. Mr. Cogswell has six children- Cora, born April 3, 1860,
and who is now the wife of Mr. Jay W. Kenner, county Clerk; Helen A., born
July 28, 1862, and now Mrs. L. S. Wallace; Frank P., born April 13, 1864;
Charles R., born May 16, 1862; William F., born August 13, 1870; and Laura
Nellie May, born May 6, 1879. Mr. Cogswell is the owner of the Metropolitan
Hotel building, and considerable real estate, besides his handsome stone
residence-all of which is fully insured. Mr. Cogswell deals largely in real
estate, a business for which he is especially adapted by his past experience.
Naturally a man of liberal and generous impulse, he has ever been foremost in
every effort to advance the interest and welfare of his adopted State, and the
position he so well and ably fills in her Senate is but an evidence of the just
appreciation in which he is held by his constituents.
O. COLBURN, merchant, is a native of Chautauqua County, N. Y., and came to
Kansas in 1868, locating at first upon 320 acres situated in Sections 21 and
22 on Otter Creek. His average corn yield has been fifty bushels per acre.
Wheat he has never raised; while on the farm he usually had from seventy-five
to one hundred head of cattle, and four to seven horses. In 1875, he removed to
Eureka and opened a general store, and has since continued in business; his
stock of choice groceries and dry goods in no less than $5,000. He is the
owner of the building and resides over the store, his stock of merchandise as
also all his buildings being fully insured. For several years past he has
rented his farm, his increasing business in the store rendering it impossible
that he could devote his attention to aught else, in justice both to his own
interests and those of his patrons. Although often importuned to do so, Mr.
Colburn has persistently refused to accept any office whatever, preferring to
leave municipal and State affairs to those who could command the time necessary
N. R. COLLINS, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Eureka. Is a native of Ohio, and
for fifteen years carried on an extensive wholesale grocery business in St.
Louis, Mo., but having when a boy always been accustomed to life on a far, he,
having acquired a competence, forsook the busy marts of trade, and purchasing a
farm in his native state, in Portage County, and within a short distance of the
city of Cleveland, he engaged for a time in agricultural pursuits, also in
buying and shipping grain and produce, until 1880, when he came to Kansas,
bringing with him as part of his contribution to the wealth of the State, a
car load of the finest Berkshire hogs for breeding purposes. Mr. Collins is
already one of the leading cattle men of Greenwood County. He owns 320 acres
of land on Sections 34 and 27, one-half of which is under cultivation, and
yielding in corn sixty bushels to the acre, and three and one-half tons of
millet. During the year 1882 he devoted eight acres to sorghum, for
stock-feeding, and his experiment has proven so successful that he intends
cultivating it extensively, as he is of opinion that it forms the best feed
for stock and has the great advantage over corn and other grain, in that it
does not impoverish the land. Mr. Collins is already an extensive dealer in
stock, and has another large farm, which he intends using chiefly as a cattle
range, comprising the north half of section 1, and northeast of Section 2,
being 480 acres, and situated six miles north of Eureka. In addition to his
farm residence he has also a fine residence and outbuildings in the city and
owns twenty-one and one-half acres situated on the edge of town. All his
buildings are fully insured. Of native or domestic stock he usually has
from 200 to 500 head, and that number will shortly be greatly increased, and, in
addition thereto, he will have some imported stock for breeding purposes, of
the very best grades. Mr. Collins is one of the Trustees of the Congregational
Church in Eureka.
MISS GEORGIANA DANIELS, County Superintendent of Public Instruction, the
successor of Mr. Martz, and elected in 1882, is a native of Genessee County,
N. Y., where she was born in 1857. In 1864, her parents removed to Wisconsin;
she received her education in Columbus, Wis., and graduated with high honors.
She taught "the young idea how to shoot" for one year in Rock County, Wis., and
three years in Wright County, Iowa. She came to Kansas with her parents, who
located here in 1877, and has been since engaged in school here. Her election
to the important position of County Superintendent is, in itself, sufficient
evidence of the high esteem in which she is held here. Miss Daniels is a young
lady of refinement and culture, and, takes a great interest in all matters
pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of her position.
THOMAS L. DAVIS, lawyer, was born October 17, 1841, at Hartford, Ky., where he
received his education, and subsequently read law under Col. Cicero Maxwell
and Hon. H. D. McHenry, and was admitted to the bar in 1860, and at once
commenced the practice of his profession, continuing therein until disturbed
by the breaking of the war cloud, shortly after which he repaired to
Washington, D. C., where he remained until the fall of 1868, when he went to
New Orleans, and in April, 1869, removed to Richmond, Va., and from thence to
Evansville, Ind., and finally located in Eureka in 1873; at once engaged in
the practice of his profession. Before attaining his twenty-first year, he was
elected Prosecuting Attorney in Kentucky. Mr. Davis is a man of family and
owns his residence and other property in Eureka, all fully insured. He has a
very lucrative practice, constantly increasing.
CHARLES E. DECKER, of Decker & Terry, proprietors of Central Steam Flour
Mills, was born in Rensselaer County, N. Y., in 1842, and learned the trade of
machinist and millwright in the shops of Walter A. Wood & Co., reaper and
mower manufacturers, of Hoosick. Subsequently, he was four years in the employ
of the H. R. R. R. Co. In 1862, he enlisted as engineer in the United States
naval service, and for three years served under Admiral Farragut in the
Southern Blockading Squadron. At the close of the war, he located in Chicago,
and in the winter of 1876 came to Greenwood County, Kan., locating first on
Otter Creek, where he established a cheese factory, having for part of its
supply the milk of 125 cows of his own. He sold out in 1879, and removed to
town, where he at first opened a machine shop, employing seven practical
workers, and later, in addition thereto, he operated a feed and flour mill,
motive power being two large-sized standard wind-mills of Halliday's
manufacture, Batavia, Ill., for which Mr. Decker is agent. Finding that his
increasing business required more machinery, etc., he added another large
building, put in a twenty-five horse-power engine and boiler, and associated
with him a partner, Mr. John Terry, an old and well-known resident of the
county. The mill has three runs of stone and is capable of turning out daily
fifty barrels of flour, 200 bushels of meal, one car of chop, and of shelling
3,000 bushels of corn. Buildings and machinery, fully insured. Being a
practical workman, and fully alive to the wants and requirements of Eureka,
and surrounding country, Mr. Decker's commendable enterprise and business
ability have already placed him in the front rank of Eureka's leading business
H. A. DENNIS, Mayor of Eureka, was born in Guilford, Medina County, Ohio,
August 18, 1843, and in 1852, his parents removed to Joliet, Ill., where after
leaving school, he learned the trade of a carpenter, working at his trade until
August 8, 1862, when he enlisted in Company G, One Hundredth Regiment Illinois
Volunteer Infantry: He participated in all the engagements of his regiment
until June 6, 1863, when he was detailed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., as Clerk of
court martial, Capt. Gardner, of Company I, of his regiment, being Judge
Advocate. Mr. Dennis was subsequently detailed as Clerk in the office of
Brigade Inspector, remaining therein until the fall of 1863. Upon the
re-organization of the army, he returned to his regiment and served until his
discharge, with the rank of Sergeant, July 1, 1865. Upon leaving the army, Mr.
Dennis returned to Joliet, where he remained until December, 1877, when he
came to Kansas, locating in Eureka, and resuming work at his trade. In July,
1860, he was married at Peoria, Ill., to Miss Anna Hackett, who has borne him
three children--Arthur H., born July 12, 1873; William R., born August 20,
1876, and Maud, born February 8, 1880. Shortly after coming to Eureka, he
entered into partnership with his father (since deceased), in the furniture
business, continuing therein from 1879 to 1882, and retiring therefrom upon
his father's demise. Mr. Dennis was elected Justice of the Peace in 1880, and
Mayor in 1881, and is now filling his second term in the latter office. He was
one of the charter members of Dick Yates Post, G. A. R., and its first S. V.
C. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and Knights of Honor. His
residence and other property is fully insured. Mr. Dennis has ably filled the
office of Mayor, and has always taken a warm interest in the welfare of Eureka.
WILLIAM W. DENISON, farmer and miller, P. O. Eureka, was born October 5, 1845,
in Yorkshire, Eng. His parents emigrated to America in 1849, and located in
Shelby County, Ind., until May 26, 1855, when they removed to what is now
Burlingame, Osage County, Kan., where his father, Mr. John Denison, engaged in
farming. September 9, 1862, the subject of this sketch enlisted in Company I,
Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, and participated in every skirmish and battle in
which his regiment was engaged until mustered out with it at Fort Leavenworth,
September 26, 1865. After the war, he returned to Burlingame, Osage County,
the place from whence he enlisted, and remained there until the spring of
1868, when he moved to Eureka, Greenwood County, Kan., at which place he still
continues o live. He first engaged in the mercantile business until 1872, when
he sold out his business and took charge of the Clerk of District Court's
office, to which office he was elected in the fall of 1869, and which he
retained until 1874; after this, and ever since, up to the present time, he
has been engaged in the milling business; he now owns in connection with his
brother, Mr. I. N. Denison, the Eureka Water Mills, built by them in 1876, on
Fall River, a stone building, 30x40, three stories and basement, three run of
stone, and are running on the new process; they have seventeen-foot head, and
use a thirty-inch Eclipse water-wheel; the mill cost when completed, $16,000.
In connection with this, Mr. Denison owns a good bottom farm on West Creek in
this county, 160 acres, eighty acres under cultivation, and eighty acres good
timber, and also a good comfortable residence in Eureka. Mr. Denison is a
member of the I. O. O. F., A. F. & A. M. and G. A. R.; is a sound Republican
in politics, "He helped to fight the good fight and has kept the faith."
W. E. DOUD, the editor and sole owner of the Republican, was born in
Pulaski County, Ind., in 1848. He is the son of C. A. and S. A. Doud. After
receiving his education in Indiana, he moved in 1863, with his parents, to
near Paola, Kan., where he worked on the farm until 1870. He then went to
Winfield, and after learning the trade of a printer, bought a half interest in
the Censor, the firm name being Doud & Webb. Three months later he
passed from newspaperdom to the office of Deputy Sheriff, where he remained
two years. He then engaged in other business until the starting of the
Censorial, from which time his public life has already been detailed. He
married, July 2, 1871, at Winfield, Kan., Miss Emma J. Mann. They have two
children- Eva G. and Myrtle (deceased).
J. S. EASTWOOD, Register of Deeds, was born in 1845 in Wabash County, Ill.,
where he resided until he enlisted in Company G, Forty-eighth Regiment
Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, but soon after being mustered in, he was
enrolled in Company H, same regiment, and took part in every engagement of his
regiment until July 21, 1864, at Atlanta, where he was wounded in the knee
joint by a rifle ball, necessitating amputation, after which he returned home
on a furlough and was formally discharged at Quincy, Ill., June 27, 1865. He
attended the Illinois Soldiers' College at Fulton upwards of three years, thus
acquiring an education. Upon leaving the institution, he continued alternately
farming and school-teaching until his removal to Kansas in 1874, locating on a
farm on Otter Creek, Fall River Township. In 1877, he removed to Eureka and
engaged in the grocery business, which he continued until his election to the
office of Register of Deeds in 1879. When his name was first announced as a
candidate for the office he had an opponent, but the day before the convention
he withdrew, and having no opposition, he received a unanimous nomination, and
when re-elected in 1881, he had no opposition at all, which is good evidence
of the sympathy and respect the people of the county have for a crippled
soldier. In 1872,, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Mitchell, by whom
he has had five children, for of whom are living-Orpha J., born July 5, 1873;
Nora O., born March 8, 1875; George William, born September 19, 1876; Ira
Edgar, born December 20, 1878, died March 16, 1880; and Bertha M., born
January 14, 1882. Mr. Eastwood was Trustee of Fall River Township in 1876. He
is a member of the K. of H. and the K. of P. He is a United States Pensioner
and a member of Dick Yates Post, No. 51, G. A. R.
A. N. GODFREY, County Surveyor, was born in 1854, in Mahaska County, Iowa, and
came to Kansas with his parents in 1859, locating near Madison, this county,
where his father, W. B. Godfrey, engaged in farming until his death in 1872.
Mr. Godfrey attended the Agricultural College at Manhattan, graduating in the
class of 1878. In the fall of 1879, he was elected County Surveyor, when he
took up his residence in Eureka, but still pursuing his studies, graduated
again in 1880, with the degree of Master of Science. He was re-elected to his
present office in 1881. Mr. Godfrey is an ardent entomologist and possess many
very rare entomological, mineralogical and geological specimens. In 1878, he
married Miss Estelle Bouton, of this county. They have one child- Jessie, born
March 30, 1880. He still owns the farm formerly his father's, located about a
mile northeast of Madison, in Sections 7 and 8, Township 22, Range 12, and
consisting of 200 acres with residence. Average production of corn, sixty
bushels. There are upwards of 900 apple, 100 pear, 200 cherry and about fifty
plum and several hundred peach trees. At present the farm is rented. Mr.
Godfrey is Chairman of the Committee on Entomology of the State Horticultural
Society. He is also a member of the K. of H. and the K. T. M. B. U. Mr.
Godfrey's father was a member of Company D, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, and was
mustered out as Second Lieutenant after three years of active service.
JOHN GRAFFIN, saddlery and harness, is a native of Franklin County, Penn.,
having been born there in 1844, where he was educated. In August, 1864, he
enlisted in Harrisburg in Company D, Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was in
all the subsequent engagements of the regiment until mustered out at Richmond,
Va., June 8, 1865, and returned to this native State until 1867, when he
removed to Macon County, Ill., where he subsequently learned the trade of
saddler and harness-maker. In the fall of 1870, he came to Eureka, where, in
1881, he opened his present store in company with C. S. Bennett, who is a
practical workman and superintendent of the workroom, where from two to four
men are constantly employed. The firm usually carry stock to the amount of
$2,000, partly insured. Mr. Graffin married Miss Florence Jamieson, of Wilson
County, February 9, 1875. Flora, the eldest child, was born February 28, 1876,
and another child was born November 14, 1882. Mr. Graffin has lost one child
by death. Mr. Graffin is a member of Dick Yates Post, No. 50, G. A. R., and is
also M. W. of the lodge of United Workmen.
GRANVILLE GRIFFITH, Justice of the Peace, is a native of Ross County, Ohio,
where he was born in 1835, and when five years of age, his parents removed to
Paris, Ill. Mr. Griffith was educated in the Edgar Academy, Edgar County,
Ill., and graduated in 1849. Turned his attention to farming, which avocation
he pursued until 1856, when he started for Kansas, and was compelled to foot
it from Keokuk, Iowa, to Topeka, arriving at the latter place without a
dollar. Undismayed, however, he took up a claim on the Neosho River, near what
is now Hartford, Lyon County, and proceeded to improve it. His next neighbor
was a Mr. F. W. H. Ingham, of Connecticut, who owned a team of oxen and some
farming implements, and he being laid up with the ague, Mr. Griffith borrowed
his team, etc., and paid the owner by working half time on each claim. His
first home in Kansas was, of course a log cabin, but so primitive and well
ventilated that the cayotes (sic) used to crawl in through the interstices
between the logs in search of food. By dint of hard work on his claim in
summer time and by splitting rails, etc., in the winter, he was enabled in the
course of two years to possess a team of his own, although this desirable end
had only been reached by practicing the strictest economy. As a member of the
Free-State party, he joined the Tecumseh Light Guards during the border
troubles, and subsequently during the days of the rebellion was sworn in for
three years as a member of the irregular service, liable to be called on at
any time. July 31, 1862, Mr. Griffith was married to Miss Mary E. Dale. They
have two children- Joseph L., born September 14, 1863, and James E., born
November 23, 1864. Mrs. Griffith died January, 1870, and in September, 1879,
he married Miss C. R. Clutter who has borne him one child, a son- Francis G. To
his original claim, which consisted of the northwest half of Section 35, Town
20, Range 13, he added the northeast quarter of Section 34, Town 30, Range 13,
and now has about 120 acres under cultivation, with an average wheat yield of
twenty and corn fifty bushels per acre. He has also upwards of 1,000 fruit
trees, principally apple, cherry, plum and pear, which have of late years
borne well. A good substantial residence has long since taken the place of the
log cabin, and, although Mr. Griffith has rented the farm for the past few
years, he usually has upon it about fifty head of his own cattle. In the fall
of 1876, he came to Eureka and has since been engaged as agent for musical
instruments, sewing machines and school furniture. He was appointed to the
office of Justice in October, 1882, and is a member of Ossian Lodge, Knights of
Pythias. He owns property in town and his residence and ten acres just outside
town limits, both that and his farm residence being insured. Looking back over
the past years since his arrival in Kansas, Mr. Griffith, like many another
old settler, cannot but observe the facilities open to those who to-day
emigrate to Kansas and compare them with the days of 1856.