William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]


F. G. ALLIS, farmer, Section 17, Land Township, P. O. Virgil, is a native of Steuben County, N. Y., and resided for a time in Kansas, in 1859 and 1860. He has been a farmer from boyhood, and located permanently in this State upon his present farm in 1864. His farm contains 160 acres, of which 100 are under cultivation. He has not found oats a profitable crop, but his corn and wheat have given and average fair yield. He has usually from thirty to sixty head of cattle, and about eighty hogs. He has a good orchard, and a substantial two-story residence. He and his wife, with four others, organized the Methodist Episcopal Church Society here in 1865. A church edifice was built in 1878, at a cost of $1,100; and in 1881, a parsonage, costing $800, was erected. Mr. Allis is one of the Trustees of the church, and Sunday School Superintendent. He held the office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1866-67, succeeding Mr. Edwin Tucker. He has been Trustee of the Township, Road Overseer, and Clerk of the School Board, and was six years Justice of the Peace.

ROBERT L. BARRIER, farmer, Section 34, Salem Township, P. O. Eureka, was born in North Carolina, in March, 1870, he located on Fall River upon his present homestead. He has been preceptor of mathematics in Catawba College, N. C., and has held since his arrival in Kansas several township offices, being at present Clerk of his township, also Secretary of the County Stock Association; was United States Census Enumerator in 1870 and 1880.

A. J. BARRETT, farmer, Section 13, Township 23, Range 11, Janesville Township , P. O. Willow Valley, is a native of Indiana and came to Kansas in the fall of 1866, locating on his present farm on Willow Creek, this township; his farm contains 160 acres, 80 of which are under cultivation; his grain yield during the past two years has averaged in corn forty to fifty bushels to the acre. He has also raised millet averaging four tons per acre, and finds that clover does very well; his orchard contains about 400 assorted fruit trees, from which he had last year and exceedingly good yield. In February, 1882, he was elected Clerk of the township, re-elected in 1883, and informs us that the receipts for the township in 1882 were $1,300, and expenditures principally for road improvements, $432. Mr. Barrett is also a member of the Board of School Directors for his district, an office which he has held for several years. He is a married man.

JACOB BAUGHMAN, farmer, Section 13, P. O. Shell Rock, was born in Ohio, but when a young man moved to Illinois about the year 1857, and for ten years was engaged in farming in Christian County in that State; and January 1, 1865, enlisted in Company G, Fifty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteers. Five of his brothers were also in the army, serving throughout the war. Mr. B. participated in all the active work in which his company was engaged until mustered only July 29, 1865. Mr. Baughman came to Kansas in 1868, and remained in Topeka until 1873, when he removed to a farm situated in this township which he sold in 1881, and in the spring of 1882 purchased his present farm, one of the oldest improved farms in the county, and worked for past twenty-four years by the late R. Brown. There are 280 acres, 70 of which are under cultivation, corn averaging fifty bushels per acre. Mr. B. has raised twenty-five bushels of spring, and from twenty-five to thirty bushels of fall wheat, and although his land is very fertile, seeming to improve rather than deteriorate by so many years' tillage, yet he is of opinion that, upon the whole, Illinois as a wheat producer excels Kansas. His orchard contains upward of 200 of the best varieties of apple trees; he keeps from fifty to eighty head of cattle, and from fifty to one hundred hogs, mixed breed Berkshire and Poland-China. His residence, a large and fine one, and outbuildings are well insured. He has had ten children, five of whom were born in Kansas, but only four in all are left. He has been Treasurer of the School Board for seven years, and was also Township Treasurer for one term. He takes a warm and active interest in the welfare of his adopted State and in his own immediate community.

B. S. BENNETT, farmer, Section 13, Township 26, Range 9, Spring Creek Township, P. O. Eureka, was born near Kingston, Lennox Co., Ont., and is the only male descendant of his father's family now living, his father's people having been what is known as the M. E. Loyalists, during and after our revolution. Me B. came to Kansas in 1869, and now has one of the best farms on Spring Creek, 640 acres, 200 of which are improved. In 1865, Mr. B. married Miss Sarah McDonagh, of Ontario, who has borne him Eustatia J., born December 12, 1865; William L., May 13, 1868; Byron W., May 19,1874; Florence E., September 15, 1879, and an infant son March 17, 1883.

GILBERT BITLER, farmer, Section 24, Salem Township, P. O. Eureka, whose name is familiar to the readers of this, is a native of Ohio, but for the past six years has resided in this State, where he has recently taken for a wife the daughter of one of the oldest residents of this township- O. E. Ladd. Me. B. is engaged in the cattle business, and has but recently removed here from Lyon County. Although but a young man he has proven himself one of the most successful cattle men of the West.

J. W. BORTON, farmer, Section 13, P. O. Shell Rock, was born in Auglaize County, Ohio, and was engaged in farming until April 17, 1861, when he enlisted at Lima in Company A, Twentieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, upon the call for ninety days. Upon the expiration of his term, he enlisted in Company H, Thirty-second Ohio, and participated in the engagements at McDowell, Harper's Ferry, Jackson, Champion Hill (where he was wounded in the left knee by a shell splinter and taken prisoner, but soon after made his escape), Raymond, etc. He was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry and exchanged after being on parole six months. He was mustered out September 7, 1864. Mr. Borton came to Kansas in the fall of 1867, and after a short stay in Burlington, Coffey County, removed to his present location on Section 13, Town 23, Range 12. There are 505 acres, of which 100 are under cultivation. For the past twenty years, his wheat yield has been twenty and corn fifty bushels per acre; buckwheat and rye he also raises successfully and profitably. His orchard contains upwards of 200 choice bearing trees. He usually has about 100 head of cattle on the place and raises from twenty-five to thirty calves annually. His residence was built at a cost of $1,600, and, together with his farm buildings, is insured. At a depth of twenty-three feet below the surface, while well digging on his farm, some fine specimens of fossils and wood petrifications were found, imbedded in very rich soil. Mr. Borton has two children. He is a member of the Congregational Church and of the School Board of his district, and has held the office of Trustee and Treasurer of his township.

S. BURKETT, farmer, Sections 45 and 49, Salem Township, P. O. Eureka, is one of the rising young men of Kansas, coming here eight years ago from Illinois, he has located in a beautiful valley, where he has one of the finest sheep farms, and also a very fine residence, which he has just erected at great cost. In 1882, Mr. Burkett was married to Miss Gratia Gleason, a daughter of one of this township's oldest and most respected citizens.

W. H. DREW, farmer, Section 23, Spring Creek Township, P. O. Reece, was born in Sussex County, N. J., where his parents still reside; removed to Wisconsin in 1869. He has resided in Kansas since 1872, part of the time in Butler County, and in 1877 removed to this. Mr. Drew has held several important offices since his residence here, his first office being that of Trustee, to which he has been twice elected, and is at present Trustee of this township.

JOHN H. EARLE, farmer, Section 8, Fall River Township, P. O. Fall River, was born in St. Joseph County, Ind., in 1839, and upon reaching manhood was engaged in dealing in produce until April 16, 1861, when he enlisted at Dubuque, Iowa, in Company I, First Iowa Infantry, and was present at the battle of Wilson Creek, and remained with his regiment until the expiration of his term of enlistment, when he entered Company A, Third Iowa Infantry, and the regiment was shortly after consolidated with the Second Regiment. Mr. Earle participated in the battle of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, etc., and subsequently with Sherman's army. He was wounded in the neck by a minie ball a Fort Donelson, in both legs by fragment of shell and in the left side by a bullet at Atlanta, laying him up for three months, and at Kenesaw Mountain by a shell splinter in the left shoulder. Mr. Earle was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 12, 1865, with the rank of Captain, having gained his promotion for valor in the field. After the close of the war Capt. Earle went to Montana and engaged in mining, remaining thereat for sixteen years, and penetrating as far north as Sitka, Alaska. April 6, 1881, he married Miss Pamelia C. Nelson, having located November 3, 1880, upon an improved farm of 240 acres which he purchased, and upon which he has built a substantial stone residence costing $1,000. He has upwards of seventy acres under cultivation, his corn yield so far being sixty bushels per acre. He is a charter member of Charleston Lodge, No. 161, I. O. O. F., and of Fall River Post No. 112, G. A. R.

WILLIAM FOCHT, farmer, Section 11, P. O. Shell Rock, was born in Auglaize County, Ohio, and has resided upon his present farm ever since he first came to the State in 1868. His farm contains 160 acres, of which 100 acres are under cultivation, corn being the chief product, and averaging fifty bushels to the acre. He has an orchard of 500 good bearing peach and apple trees. He has usually form 100 to 150 head of cattle, and 50 to 100 hogs, the latter of the Poland China breed. Mr. Focht is married, and has one child. He was Treasurer of Lane Township prior to the formation of Shell Rock in 1879, and since then has been Treasurer of the latter township, in which he resides, besides being often upon the school board of his district.

COL. JOHN FOLEY, farmer, Section 33, Township 25, Range 13, P. O. Quincy, was born in 1830, in Clark County, Ohio, and until fourteen years of age alternated between school and his father's farm. When fourteen he became apprenticed to the trade of harness-making, at which he worked until eighteen years of age, when he engaged in the cattle and stock business until December, 1861, when he enlisted in Company H, Sixty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and upon the organization of the regiment, in February, 1862, was commissioned First Lieutenant. He remained with his regiment until May, 1863, when he was authorized to raise a colored regiment, which he did in Jackson and La Grange, Tenn., being subsequently commissioned Colonel of the same, known as the Sixty-first Regiment United States Colored Infantry. He continued in command until the regiment was mustered out at Baton Rouge, February, 1866. At the close of the war Col. Foley returned to Illinois and engaged in farming until his removal to Kansas in October, 1870. His farm of 160 acres upon the Verdigris River is nearly all under cultivation, his average yield of corn being thirty-eight bushels to the acre, and millet two and a half tons per acre. At present he has only sixty head of cattle, and six or seven horses. In 1855, he married Miss Elizabeth Kendall, of Bloomington, Ill., by whom he has four children-Jacquetta, born June 17, 1862; Eugene, born March 5, 1868; Lena, born October 21, 1871, and Lulu, born December 22, 1876; Col. Foley has been two years County Commissioner, and for the past three years has been one of the trustees of Quincy Township.

JOHN GILMAN, farmer, Section 2, P. O. Shell Rock, and Treasurer of the township, was born in Chelsea, Orange County, Vt., in 1833, and coming to Kansas in 1859, located upon his present farm in 1860. He has 240 acres, of which sixty are under cultivation; wheat he has found is not a sure or remunerative crop, but oats, corn and millet have yielded large returns. He has a fine orchard on his farm, and every year he raises from twenty to thirty calves. His residence and farm buildings are insured. In 1869, Mr. Gilman enlisted at Leavenworth, in Davis' Excelsior Cavalry Regiment, which, after three months was disbanded, when he joined Company E, Fifth Kansas Cavalry, January 4, 1862, and subsequently participated in the engagements at Helena, Little Rock and Pine Bluff, Ark., and was mustered out at Little Rock, January 9, 1865. He was married, in 1872, to Miss Mary E. Shaw. They have five children-David W., Annie May, George, Martha and Zeeb. Mr. Gilman is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, a branch of which was formed here August 27, 1871, and in 1880 he was elected to the office of Township Treasurer, and again in February, 1883.

P. GRACE, farmer, Sections 7 and 8, Lane Township, P. O. Virgil, was born in Ireland, in 1831, and came to this country in 1849, and enlisted in the Eight United States Infantry. The same year, and upon the expiration of his term of service in the ranks, continued in Uncle Sam's employ a sa wagon master until 1861. In 1857, he went to Florida, in the expedition sent to bring the noted Seminole, Billy Bowlegs, to order; he was also with Gen. Johnston's Utah expedition. Upon leaving Government employ, Mr. Grace located upon his farm of 160 acres here, and has at present 100 acres under cultivation. Wheat and oats of late years he has not found remunerative, but his corn averages fifty bushels per acre. He keeps from sixty to seventy-five cattle, and raises annually twenty to twenty-five calves. In 1863, he married Miss Catherine Norton, of this county. They have five children. Mr. G. was clerk of the township in the early days of its settlement, he being one of its oldest settlers, and for several years has been Treasurer of the School Board.

JOHN J. GREENHALGH, farmer, Section 31, Lane Township, P. O. Virgil, was born in Manchester, Eng., and came to this country in 1856, landing in New York. He came to Kansas in the spring of the following year, and locating in Leavenworth, worked at ha trade of blacksmithing, and then went out upon the plains with Maj. Horn, of Missouri, upon a Government survey. In 1859, he located in Madison, this county, and in September, 1861, enlisted in Company B, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, and in December of the same year, was transferred to Company G, of the Eighth Kansas. He was present at Murfreesboro and Chattanooga and at Chickamuga; was wounded by gunshot in left leg, and June 17, 1864, was discharged from Jefferson Barracks' Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. December 9, 1866, he married Miss Lewis, of Madison. He has six boys living, and attending school. In 1869, he removed to his present location, and built his present residence, a large two-story house, in 1880. Mr. Greenhalgh is a United States pensioner, and a member of the Church of the United Brethern. He was appointed Township Trustee by the County Commissioner in 1882; is now a Notary Public, and was thrice elected as Justice of the Peace.

L. V. HARKNESS, farmer, Sections 18, 19, 17 and 20, Spring Creek Township, P. O. Reece, is a native of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and for past twelve years has been a resident of Kansas. Mr. H. is one of Greenwood County's largest sheep men, his ranch in this county being 680 acres, 175 of these being under cultivation; whilst in Butler County, his other farm of 640 acres (principally wild land) gives substance to (at the present time)2,100 fine Merino ewes, Mr. Harkness keeping nothing but the best breeds of fine wools. He has taken a great interest in the matter, is a member of the Stock Association of the county, also of the County Fair Association, and also holds several township offices.

GEORGE HUMPHREY, farmer, Section 2, P. O. Shell Rock, and Trustee of the Township, was born in 1846, in Peoria County, Ill., and came to Kansas with his parents in 1855, locating about five miles from the present city of Emporia, upon the Neosho River, and were one of the first families who settled in that region. In August 30, 1862, he enlisted in Company D, Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Regiment, and participated in the engagements at Old Fort Wayne, Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, Van Buren, Lexington, Mo., Little Blue and Westport; and afterwards did duty on the Plains; mustered out September 13, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, and returned to Lyon County, and in 1866, removed to this county, locating upon his present farm in 1870. His farm contains eighty acres under cultivation; corn is the only grain crop grown. He has about fifty head of cattle and twenty-five hogs. Mr. H. was married in 1866, and again in 1880. He has but one child, Ella, who is three years of age. Mr. Humphrey was the first Clerk of Shell Rock Township, having been elected upon its organization in 1880, and in February, 1883, was elected to the office of Township Trustee.

[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]