KanColl: The Kansas  
Historical Quarterlies

Kansas Historical Notes

May, 1943 (Vol. 12, No. 2), pages 223 to 224.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.

     A display of museum relics featured the fall meeting of the Dickinson County Historical Society at Abilene October 22, 1942. Mrs. Carl Peterson of Enterprise, president, was in charge of the program. Bert Ramsey was reelected first Vice-president and Walter Wilkins of Chapman, treasurer.

     Dr. James C. Malin, professor of history at the University of Kansas and associate editor of The Kansas Historical Quarterly, was elected president of the Agricultural History Society at the annual meeting in Washington, D. C., April 27, 1943. Other officers are: Dr. Theodore R. Schellenberg, of the National Archives, Vicepresident; Arthur G. Peterson, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, secretary-treasurer, and Everett E. Edwards, of the Department of Agriculture, editor of Agricultural History, the society's magazine. The society, which has an international membership of over 400, will observe its twenty-fifth anniversary at the next annual meeting at Washington in February, 1944.

     At a called meeting of the Franklin County Historical Society in Ottawa May 22, 1943, Miss Florence Robinson of Ottawa, and R. H. Harrison of Wellsville, were elected directors to fill the unexpired terms of Asa Converse and W. S. Jenks, and Miss Clara Kaiser was elected to succeed Miss Robinson, who resigned as corresponding secretary-treasurer. A motion was also carried authorizing President J. E. Shinn to appoint local historians for each township.

     One of the most complete histories of a Kansas community published in recent years is the 276-page, well-illustrated book, Who's Who in Coffeyville, Kansas, and Vicinity, by Charles Clayton Drake, which was issued early in 1943. Titles of some of the feature sections were: "Kansas"; "Montgomery County Was Carved From Wilson County in 1867, Organized in 1869"; "Courts of Montgomery County"; "Coffeyville"; "History of the Rise and Fall of the Town of Parker, 1868-1895"; "History of the Postal Service, Coffeyville, Kansas, 1869-1942"; "Daniel Votaw Colony"; "Brief Biographies of Some of Coffeyville's Past Leaders"; "Incidents of Violence in Montgomery County"; "The Dalton Raid"; "Fairs, Parks, Airports and Cemeteries, 1869-1942"; "Schools and Education in Coffeyville, Kansas, 1869-1942"; "History and Growth of Religion and Churches, Coffeyville, Kansas"; "The Story of Coffey



ville's Utilities"; "Industrial Development and Promotional Organization"; "Transportation"; "Condensed History of the City of Cherryvale"; "Brief History of Financial Developments in Coffeyville, Kansas, 1871-1942"; "Condensed History of the Press of Coffeyville and Montgomery County"; "Letters Written by Will Rogers and Cullen Cain; a Feature Story by Wesley W. Stout"; "Some Past Highlights in the Field of Sports"; "Patriotic and Military Organizations"; "Historical Sketch of Women's Clubs and Federations, Coffeyville, Kansas"; "Agriculture and Dairying," and "Album Section of Who's Who in Coffeyville and Vicinity, Featuring Some One Hundred and Fifteen Local Persons of the Past and Present. . . ." The book was printed by the Coffeyville Journal Press and its typography, printing and binding are excellent.

     "A Publicity Program for the Local Historical Society," is the title of the January, 1943, Bulletin of the American Association for State and Local History. The article, of 29 pages, was written by J. Martin Stroup, corresponding secretary of the Mifflin County (Pa.) Historical Society. It is No. 5 of the series distributed by the association from Box 6101, Washington, D. C. Other pamphlets on the management of local and state historical societies have been mentioned in this section in previous numbers of the Quarterly.

     An index to articles on Western history was published recently by Indiana University, of Bloomington, as No. 3 of its Social Science Series. The book, of 263 pages, is titled The Trans-Mississippi West: A Guide to Its Periodical Literature (1811-1988), and was compiled by Oscar Osburn Winther of Indiana University's department of history. Sixty professional or semi-professional periodicals and magazines were combed and the references were classified into state, regional, and topical groupings. Under "Kansas," sixty-seven items, covering four and one-half pages, were listed.

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