KanColl: The Kansas Historical Quarterlies

Kansas History as Published in the Press

November, 1934 (Vol. 3, No. 4), pages 396 to 411
Transcribed by Lynn Nelson; HTML editing by Name withheld upon request;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.

Historical articles of particular interest to Kansans, appearing in recent issues of The Aerend, a quarterly magazine published by the Fort Hays Kansas State College, include: "Tragedies of a Cow Town," by F. B. Streeter, a story of frontier Ellsworth and the shooting of Sheriff C. B. Whitney, featured in the spring and summer, 1934, numbers; "Sorghum-The Emigrant Crop of Kansas," by Arthur F. Swanson; "Wild Bill-Peace Officer in Hays," by Paul King; and "Fort Zarah," by Elizabeth Eppstein, published in the spring number; "Harvest, Then-And How!" by Christine M. Herl; and "The Christening of a Kansas Town [Herndon]," by Alfred Carney, printed in the summer number. Mr. Streeter's story, "Tragedies of a Cow Town," was republished in part in the Ellsworth Messenger, July 26, 1934.

The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Newton First Congregational church was observed May 6, 1934. Notes on the history of the organization were printed in Newton newspapers following the event.

A journey from the Cherokee Nation in present Oklahoma to the California gold fields in 1850 was recorded by John Lowery Brown in his diary, which was edited by Muriel H. Wright and published by the Oklahoma Historical Society in its Chronicles of Oklahoma for June, 1934. The party of Cherokees, of which Mr. Brown was one, went northwest from the Grand Saline, Cherokee Nation, struck the Santa Fe trail in present central Kansas and followed it to Bent's fort in present southeastern Colorado, on its way to the coast.

A history of the Larned Portia club, as prepared by Mrs. C. E. Grove, was printed in The Tiller and Toiler, Larned, June 7, 1934, and in the Chronoscope, in its issues of June 7, 14, and 21.

"When Sherman County was on Frontier," was the title of a series of articles by Lewis C. Gandy which appeared in the Goodland Daily News from June 8 to 15, 1934, inclusive. Another series by Mr. Gandy entitled "Old Fort Wallace and the Smoky Hill Trail," was commenced June 22.

The activities of the Homesteaders' Protective Association, later renamed the Homesteaders' Union Association, and the organization



of Sherman county were reviewed in a three-column article published in The Sherman County Herald, Goodland, June 14, 1934.

Lawrence school history was reviewed by Dr. A. R. and Jane Kennedy in the Douglas County Republican, Lawrence, June 14, 1934.

The history of the Plainville Nazarene church was sketched in the Plainville Times, June 14, 1934.

Larned postmasters were named in The Tiller and Toiler in its issue of June 14, 1934. The post office was established in Larned on August 15, 1872. George B. Cox was the first postmaster.

A brief historical sketch of the First Baptist church of Wathena was published in the Wathena Times, June 15, 1934. The church was organized on June 13, 1858.

"Geologic History of Stevens County, and Southwestern Kansas and Vicinity," is the title of an article by J. W. Dappert, of Taylorville, Ill., being published serially in the Hugoton Hermes, commencing with the issue of June 15,1934. Mr. Dappert was an early-day surveyor in southwestern Kansas.

The sixtieth anniversary of the founding of St. John's Lutheran church of Topeka was observed June 17, 1934. A brief history of the organization was written by Arnold Senne for the Topeka State Journal, June 16.

A two-column history of the Chilocco Indian School, located six miles south of Arkansas City in present Oklahoma, was printed in the Caldwell Daily Messenger, June 16, 1934. W. J. Hadley established the school for the United States government in 1884.

Notes on the building of Gen. William T. Sherman's house north of Topeka in 1859, a brief history of Topeka's fire department, and W. K. Myers' account of the Battle of Adobe Walls in 1874, were features of the Topeka Daily Capital, June 17, 1934. Mr. Myers' story was a reprint from the Chase County Leader, Cottonwood Falls, of June 13.

Wichita, as it appeared in 1869, was described by Victor Murdock in an article relating an interview with Landon Haynes, former cattleman, which was published in the Wichita (Evening) Eagle, June 19, 1934.

A two-column biographical sketch of C. R. "Buck" Teeters, one of the Fort Wallace buffalo hunters, was written by A. H. Stewart


for The Sherman County Herald, Goodland, in its issue of June 21, 1934.

The early history of the Baileyville Baptist church was reviewed by Mrs. Bert Hay, of Holton, in The Courier-Tribune, Seneca, June 21, 1934. The church was organized on August 23, 1884.

A history of West Powhattan school was published in the Horton Headlight, June 21, 1934.

"Sixty Years of Newspaper History in Butler County," by George F. Fullinwider, was the title of a four-column article printed in the El Dorado Times, June 22, 1934. The Walnut Valley Times, founded at El Dorado on March 4, 1870, is the first on record. Additional notes to this newspaper history were supplied by T. P. Manion in the Times of July 14.

The fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the Centennial Methodist Episcopal church building near Halstead was celebrated June 17, 1934. A brief history of the church organization was published in the Halstead Independent, June 22.

A brief history of the old Hesper Academy near Eudora was printed in the Douglas County Republican, Lawrence, June 28, 1934. The Society of Friends chartered the institution on June 10, 1884.

"Post Office Closing Recalls Early Day," was the title of a historical sketch of Bayneville in the Clearwater News, June 28, 1934.

Goodland history was reviewed by Jean Beckner in The Sherman County Herald, Goodland, June 28, 1934. A biographical sketch of Col. George Bradley, pioneer of Sherman county, written by A. H. Stewart, was another feature of this issue.

"Some Early History" was the title of an article by Lillian Forrest recalling early Jewell county Fourth of July celebrations and the organization of a Union Sunday School, which was published in The Jewell County Republican, of Jewell, in its issue of June 28, 1934.

"When Humboldt Was the Distributing Depot for the Great Southwest," an article by J. H. Andrews, was printed in the Humboldt Union, June 28, 1934. Humboldt in 1870 was the nearest railroad point to several southwest Kansas towns, Mr. Andrews reported, and trainloads of supplies were deposited there for reshipment overland by wagon.


Attica observed the fiftieth anniversary of its founding with a celebration held July 4, 1934. Histories of the city's newspapers, early business houses and railroad were published in the "Golden Anniversary Number" of the Attica Independent, issued June 28, 1934. Names of pioneers registering at the event and their recollections of early-day Attica were recorded in the Independent July 5.

The history of Oakley, as written in detail by Clarence Mershon, librarian at the Oakley Public Library, is being featured in current issues of the Oakley Graphic. The series was commenced in the issue of June 29, 1934.

The fiftieth anniversary of the laying out of the city of Coldwater was recently observed. A letter from Cash M. Code, of Shawnee, Okla., one of the members of the original townsite company, was included in the historical articles printed in The Western Star, Coldwater, June 29, 1934.

A paper by B. R. H. d'Allemand relating the history of Stevens Park at Garden City and the part the late S. G. Norris had in its development was published in the Garden City News June 30, 1934.

The pioneer-day celebration held at Greensburg, August 3, 1934, commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Kiowa county. The July and August issues of the Greensburg News and Progressive Signal, the Haviland Review and the Mullinville News, Kiowa county newspapers, contained many historical notes and articles contributed by pioneers and others. The Kiowa County Historical Society, organized on August 19, 1932, assisted in the arrangements.

"An Unexplained Mystery of the Western Plains," was the title of an article by Leta Edgar relating the history of the Beales-Royuella Spanish land grant, published in the Wichita Sunday Eagle, July 1, 1934. Dr. John Charles Beales, as a part of his project to colonize this empire of 60,000,000 acres, which included portions of the present states of Texas, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico, brought out 100 Catholic families from Massachusetts in 1824, settled them in this region, and then was unable to find the colony again, wrote Miss Edgar.

The history of the Atchison Globe was sketched by Samuel T. Bledsoe, president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad at a dinner held in Topeka, June 30, 1934, honoring Edgar Watson Howe,


founder of the Globe. William Allen White, publisher of the Emporia Gazette was toastmaster. Other speakers included Col. Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, Gov. Alf M. Landon, and Frank A. Ripley, president of the Topeka Chamber of Commerce. The speeches by McCormick and Bledsoe and Howe's response were printed in the Topeka Daily Capital, July 1.

Early western gunmen were recalled by Fred Sutton in a three-column article appearing in the Kansas City (Mo.) Journal-Post, July 1, 1934.

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the University Methodist church of Salina was observed at special services held at the church July 1, 1934. A brief history of the organization was published in the Salina Journal, July 2.

Reading history was sketched by Joyce Gibbs in the Emporia Gazette July 3 and 4, 1934.

Names of Chase county school teachers listed in five-year periods from 1890-'91 to 1905-'06 were published in the Chase County News, Strong City, July 4, 1934.

The Spanish bull fights held at the opening of Dodge City's fair grounds in July, 1884, were described in the Dodge City Daily Globe, July 4, 1934.

Early Downs and Osborne county history was recalled by W. A. Liston, of Salem, Oregon, in a letter printed in the Downs News, July 5, 1934. Mr. Liston arrived in the Downs vicinity in 1879. Additional Downs history was reviewed in the News in its September 27 issue.

The fifty-first anniversary of the organization of the Calvary Sunday School, near Randall, was observed June 24, 1934. A history of the organization was briefly sketched in The Jewell County Republican, of Jewell, in its issue of July 5.

Early Wichita and southern Kansas history was recalled by L. C. Fouquet, of Chandler, Okla., in a letter published in the Humboldt Union, July 5, 1934. Mr. Fouquet arrived in Wichita in 1870. He later served as postmaster at Magnolia and Andale.

"Haun's Bluff Cooled the Dodge Toughies," was the title of an article relating the reminiscences of C. E. Roughton, of Jetmore, which was printed in the Dodge City Daily Globe, July 5, 1934.


Mr. Roughton wrote of a gang's unsuccessful attempt to kill Thomps Haun in 1879.

"Pioneering With Wash Kennedy," was the title of a two-column article published in the Greensburg News, July 5, 1934. Mr. Kennedy came to Kansas in 1862.

"Changes of Forty Years in Coldwater," by H. V. Butcher, is the title of a feature column appearing occasionally in The Western Star, of Coldwater. The first article of the series was published in the issue of July 6, 1934.

A biographical sketch of Jules B. Billard, first mayor of Topeka under the commission form of government, was written by Dwight Thacher Harris for the Topeka State Journal, July 7, 1934. Mr. Billard came to Kansas in 1854.

The history of Fairmount college, now the University of Wichita, was sketched by Rea Woodman in the Wichita Beacon, July 8, 1934.

Anecdotes from the life of Col. Sam Radges, for many years publisher of the Topeka city directories, were recalled by Oscar Swayze in the Topeka Daily Capital, July 8, 1934.

The settlement of the territory around present Plainville was reviewed by W. F. Hughes in his column, "Facts and Comments," published in the Rooks County Record, Stockton, July 12, 1934.

Historical topics of general interest discussed in Harry Johnson's column, "Past and Present," printed in recent issues of the Garnett Review, include: "The Ferry Boat Across North Fork," July 12, 1934; "Anderson County's First Citizen-Eliza Priest," and "First Burials in Anderson County," July 26; and "Our Early Autos," September 6.

The political activities of the late Chester I. Long and Jerry Simpson were mentioned by D. D. Leahy in his column, "Random Recollections of Other Days," published in the Wichita Sunday Eagle, July 15, 1934.

Brief histories of Sylvan Grove School District No. 22, west of Norton, were printed in the Norton Headlight and The Tri-County News in their issues of July 16, 1934. The school district was organized in the middle 1860's.

A thirty-six page historical edition commemorating the founding of the South Haven Methodist Episcopal church was issued by the


South Haven New Era, July 19, 1934. The church was organized by the Rev. B. C. Swartz on August 27, 1873.

Life in territorial Kansas and John Brown's slave-running activities were recalled in the Garnett Review, July 19, 1934.

The first court docket used in what is now Garden City was briefly discussed by the Garden City News in its issue of July 19, 1934. The first case was tried on September 1, 1879, the News reported.

"Lawrence, Kas., Was Founded as Free State Stronghold Eighty Years Ago," was the title of an article published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, July 19, 1934.

Barber county old settlers contributing to the "Pioneer Reminiscences" column appearing occasionally in recent issues of The Barber County Index, of Medicine Lodge, include: Arthur D. Shaw, Win. L. Derrick, July 19, 1934; Aubra Donovan, Allen E. Herr, July 26; H. A. Tedrow, Robert L. Groendycke, August 2; Lela Teagle Yoke, August 23, and Mrs. J. W. Young, September 6.

A biographical sketch of Gen. Henry Leavenworth, founder of Fort Leavenworth, was published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Times, July 21, 1934.

Prairie fires, drought, Indian scares, the grasshopper invasion and scurvy combined to make 1874 one of the hardest years ever experienced in Sumner county, the Caldwell Daily Messenger reported in a feature article printed in its issue of July 25, 1934.

A story of the building of Chase county's courthouse and the temporary quarters used before its erection, was written by Carrie Breese Chandler for the Chase County Leader, Cottonwood Falls, July 25, 1934. The county's present courthouse was completed in 1873.

William Hammond's reminiscences of the drought of 1860 were published in the Emporia Gazette, July 25, 1934. Mr. Hammond went to Emporia with his parents in June, 1857.

"Just a Country Town," was the title of an article by C. B. Andrews, which appeared in the Seneca Times, July 26, 1934, describing a little town in Nemaha county forty years ago.

Pioneer days in Mitchell county were described by the late Mrs. James Humes, of Beloit, in a paper published in the Beloit Gazette,


July 26, 1934. Mrs. Humes arrived in Mitchell county in September, 1871.

The reminiscences of Henry Lord, of Dodge City, a former Indian fighter, were printed in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, July 26, 1934. Mr. Lord was a member of the Eleventh Kansas regiment.

A history of Shell Rock township, Greenwood county, by Royal Wolcott, was published serially in the Madison News in its issues of July 26, August 2, 9, 1,6, and 23, 1934.

Eighty years of Atchison history were briefly reviewed by the Atchison Daily Globe in its issue of July 27, 1934. The first town meeting was held on the townsite of Atchison July 27, 1854.

The history of the Shawnee Methodist mission near Kansas City was recalled by Mrs. Harry B. Tasker, of Topeka, in the Topeka Daily Capital, July 29, 1934. Mrs. Tasker is chairman of the Shawnee mission committee of the Kansas Daughters of the American Revolution.

The sixty-second anniversary edition of the Wichita Eagle was issued July 29, 1934. "The Story of the Eagle," by Kent Eubank; "Recollections of Col. Marsh Murdock," founder of the Eagle, by David D. Leahy, and "Wichita Was Once a Military Post," by Hortense Balderston Campbell, were features of the edition.

Five special services were held by the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Bethany church of Lindsborg during August, 1934, in observance of the sixty-fifth anniversary of its organization. Historical notes were published in current issues of the Lindsborg News-Record in conjunction with the event.

A brief history of Cadmus Grange, No. 350, of Linn county, was printed in the Kansas Grange Monthly, of Kingman, in its August, 1934, issue. The grange was organized on July 21, 1873.

Herington newspaper history was reviewed by Muriel Harris Knox in a page article published in the Herington Times-Sun, August 2, 1934.

The history of Garden City's first experiment station was sketched in the Garden City News, August 2, 1934. The experiment station was established two miles north of the city in 1888.

A historical sketch of the Eskridge Covenanter church, by Mrs. J. R. W. Stevenson, was featured in the Eskridge Independent on August 2, 1934. A committee of the Kansas Presbytery, with Rev.


J. R. Latimer, moderator, organized the congregation on April 16, 1884, with twenty-five members.

Incidents happening at Fort Saunders, Douglas county, during the border warfare period, were briefly discussed in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, August 3, 1934.

Several Kansas newspaper presses have been sunk into a watery grave by irate readers as a result of strong editorial policies on the part of their editors. One newspaper to meet this fate was The XVlth Amendment, of Ness City, edited by Joseph Langellier, and devoted to the cause of prohibition. In 1885 it published almost regularly the names of those who bought liquor at the local drug store for "medicinal" purposes. According to an article published in the Dodge City Daily Globe, August 7, 1934, some of these citizens so publicized "did not like to have their tastes aired" and saw to it that the press was dumped into Sunset Lake in Ness City where it rests to-day. Mr. Langellier did not revive the Amendment after this disaster.

A history of the St. Mary's Catholic church of McCracken was sketched in the McCracken Enterprise, August 10, 1934. The Rev. Father Hardis, of Liebenthal, held the first Catholic service in the community on August 12, 1884.

The fiftieth anniversary of the organization of Saint Peter's Lutheran church of Holyrood was observed August 12, 1934. A history of the church was published in the Holyrood Gazette in its issue of August 15.

"The Old Home Town Band Stand," was the subject of a two-column sketch by Harry Johnson appearing in The Anderson Countian, of Garnett, August 16, 1934.

A history of the Pony Express was contributed by John G. Ellenbecker to the Hanover Democrat of August 17, 1934.

The history of the Kimball United Brethren church was reviewed by R. E. Morgan, of Kimball, in the Chanute Tribune, August 17, 1934.

A cartoon strip entitled "History of Topeka in Pictures," by Robert Currie, is a weekly feature of the Topeka Daily Capital. The series started with the issue of August 19, 1934.

The accomplishments of the Beloit Women's Civic Club since its organization on March 15, 1922, were reviewed in the Beloit Daily Call, August 23, 1934.


Early postoffices and the Santa Fe trail in Lyon county were discussed in the Emporia Gazette, August 23, 1934.

The droughts of 1860 and 1934 were compared in the Humboldt Union, August 23, 1934. In 1860 relief rations were hauled from Missouri river points with starved teams, the writer reported.

The story of the massacre at Lone Tree in 1874 in which O. F. Short and a party of surveyors were killed by Indians was retold in the Meade Globe-News and the Meade County Press in their issues of August 23, 1934. A bronze tablet honoring the surveyors has been purchased. It will be placed upon the trunk of the original Lone Tree.

A brief history of the Kansas City Advertiser was published in The Wyandotte County Record of Kansas City, August 24, 1934. The Advertiser is a continuation of the Argentine Republic, established in Argentine in 1887.

The history of the Liberal Christian church was briefly reviewed in the Liberal News, August, 27, 1934, and in The Southwest Tribune, August 30. The church was organized on August 26, 1894, with J. H. Knapp as the first pastor.

Henry Burnard's pioneering experiences in southern Kansas in the early 1870's were related in the Mulvane News, August 30, 1934. Mr. Burnard came to Kansas in 1870 and settled along the Arkansas river bottom near present Udall.

The Cheney Methodist Episcopal church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary September 2, 1934. The names of former pastors were included in the history of the organization published in the Cheney Sentinel, August 30.

Early Kansas newspaper history was briefly reviewed by Milton Tabor in the Topeka Daily Capital, September 2, 1934.

"Graveyard at Chelsea First of Cemeteries in the Prairie Empire," was the title of an article by Victor Murdock published in the Wichita (Evening) Eagle, September 5, 1934. Chelsea is the oldest neighborhood in the Butler-Sedgwick county region, wrote Mr. Murdock, and the cemetery was started contemporaneously with the establishment of the town.

Neosho Falls in the 1880's was briefly described by Mrs. Luta Van Boskirk, of Kansas City, in The Woodson County Post, September 6, 1934.


Fort Leavenworth history was reviewed in the annual "Fort Leavenworth Edition" of the Leavenworth Chronicle, issued September 6, 1934.

The Newton First Presbyterian church celebrated the sixty-second anniversary of its organization on September 9, 1934. A brief history of the church was published in the Newton Evening Kansan-Republican, September 8.

An article relating the history of the prohibition movement in Kansas was printed in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, September 9, 1934.

The introduction of electric lighting in Topeka was recalled in the Topeka Daily Capital, September 9, 1934. F. B. Roper, who made the installation in 1881, still resides in the city.

Clark county history is being reviewed in detail in a series of articles contributed by John R. Walden to The Clark County Clipper, of Ashland. The series was commenced in the issue of September 13, 1934.

The experiences of Thomas A. Butler, western Kansas railroad contractor, were printed in the Dodge City Daily Globe, September 13, 1934. The story was obtained by Victor Murdock from the son, Newton W. Butler, of California, and was first published in the Wichita Eagle.

A series of articles concerning the personnel of Veteran Company 1779, Civilian Conservation Corps, is being contributed by Capt. Albert Whipple Morse, Jr., commanding officer, to the Burr Oak Herald. The series was commenced in the issue of September 13, 1934.

The part Arkansas City played in the opening of the Cherokee strip in 1893 was recalled by F. B. Hutchison in the Arkansas City Daily Traveler, September 15, 1934.

A biographical sketch of Gen. James G. Blunt, by Kirke Mechem, was published in the Wichita Sunday Eagle, September 16, 1934. General Blunt was Kansas' first major general.

The seventy-fifth anniversary of the St. Andrew's Episcopal church of Fort Scott was observed September 20, 1934. The history of the organization was reviewed in the Fort Scott Tribune in its issue of September 19, 1934.


A French settlement made over seventy-five years ago in Chase and present Marion counties was discussed by John Madden in an article printed in the Marion Review, September 19, 1934. Names of Kansas pioneers who came to the state before 1880 and who attended the Marion old settlers' meeting held September 13, were also featured. In the issue of September 26, the Irish colonization in Marion county was described by Mr. Madden, and in the October 3 issue the English colonization was reviewed. The history of the Mennonite colony was reviewed in the October 10 issue, by William Burkholder.

Weir's history was briefly sketched by J. W. Farrell in the Weir Spectator, September 20, 1934.

Commemorative editions of the St. John News and The County Capital were issued September 20, 1934, honoring the founding of the First Methodist Episcopal church at St. John fifty-one years ago. A history of the church compiled by Mrs. W. H. Waters, Mrs. L. L. Carleton and L. B. Asher, was published. Photographs of persons prominent in the church history were also featured.

The Pittsburg Headlight and Sun printed their sixth annual "Kansas Coal Edition," as a part of their issues of September 24 and 25, 1934, respectively. Included in the featured articles was a two-page history of the southeast Kansas industry as it was thirty years ago, republished from the industrial edition of the Headlight issued September 10, 1904.

The seventy-fifth anniversary of the Lyona Methodist Episcopal church was observed during the week ending September 23, 1934. A brief history of the church published in the Topeka Daily Capital, September 25, related that the Lyona church was the first organized in Dickinson county.

A. D. Searle's survey of the Lawrence townsite begun on September 25, 1854, was recalled in the Lawrence Daily Journal-World, September 25, 1934. The two-column story related the origin of street names and located some of the early boundaries of the city. Over four square miles was included in the original townsite.

"Early Wallace County, General Custer, and the Seventh Cavalry," a series of articles written by Lewis C. Gandy, has been resumed in The Western Times of Sharon Springs. The series commenced with the issue of September 27, 1934.


A history of the Dry Creek school, as written by C. H. Gustin in 1900, was published in the Toronto Republican, September 27; 1934. The school district was first organized in April, 1866.

A letter from Rev. H. E. Ross, of Whitewater, relating his early-day experiences as a Methodist pastor in Hugoton, was printed in the Hugoton Hermes, September 28, 1934. Reverend Ross arrived in Hugoton in 1897.

"When Civil War Threatened Kansas Seventy Years Ago," was the title of an article by Manly Wade Wellman, reviewing Gen. Sterling Price's campaigns around Kansas City in October, 1864, published in the Wichita Sunday Eagle, September 30, 1934.

A biographical sketch of Oscar Stauffer, Arkansas City newspaperman, was printed in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, September 30, 1934.

The history of the Masonic Order in Kansas was briefly reviewed in the October, 1934, issue of the Kansas Masonic Digest, published at Wichita. Lodges were established in Kansas a few weeks after the territory was opened to settlement in 1854.

Cale, a town founded near the state line southwest of Arkansas City in 1886, was described in the Arkansas City Daily Traveler, October 2, 1934. The town did not prosper and the townsite was abandoned a few years after its founding.

A biography of Eugene Fitch Ware, Kansas poet and former editor of the Fort Scott Monitor, was published in the Fort Scott Tribune, October 3, 1934. A copy of the manuscript as written by A. M. Keene was placed in the cornerstone at the dedication ceremonies for a new school building at Fort Scott, October 2. The school will bear the name of the poet.

Names of persons still alive who resided in the Conway Springs neighborhood in 1884 were listed in the Conway Springs Star, October 4, 1934.

Biographical sketches of Civil War veterans who made their homes in the Waterville community are being published in the Waterville Telegraph. The first of the series appeared in the issue of October 4, 1934.

The history of Havana, located four miles west of Burlingame on the old Santa Fe trail, was reviewed by Marie A. Olson in the Topeka Daily Capital, October 7, 1934. A colony of Germans from


St. Louis and Chicago laid out the townsite in 1858, but abandoned it in the early 1870's.

A biographical sketch of F. Dumont Smith, Hutchinson attorney, was published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, October 7, 1934.

The story of Presbyterianism in Kansas, from its Indian-mission work in the early 1800's to its present-day membership, was related by Rev. Drury H. Fisher, of Manhattan, at a meeting of the Kansas Presbyterian synod in Clay Center, October 10, 1934. A resume of this address was printed in the Clay Center Dispatch, October 11.

Waushara Methodist church, near Eskridge, celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of the building of its present church edifice on October 7, 1934. A history of the organization, by Lester E. Bush, was published in the Eskridge Independent and the Harveyville Monitor in their issues of October 11. Names of teachers and members of the various public school boards in Wabaunsee county were listed by Anna Nash-Wagner, county superintendent, as another feature of the same issue of the Independent.

A history of Ravanna, a boom town of the 1880's, was briefly sketched by R. K. Myers in the Dodge City Journal, October 11, 1934.

The history of Vinland Grange and the Grange Fair was reviewed by Allison Andrews in the Baldwin Ledger, October 11, 1934. Vinland Grange was organized on May 24, 1873, with twenty-eight charter members.

Mennonite settlements in Kansas were briefly reviewed by Laura Knickerbocker in an article published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, October 14, 1934. A description of the Shawnee Methodist mission as it appears to-day, and a biographical sketch of William Allen White, were other Kansas features included in the issue.

The history of Haskell Institute at Lawrence was sketched in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, October 16, 1934. The first building of the Institute was erected in 1884.

Life at old Camp Nichols, established by Col. C. Carson on the Cimarron cut-off of the Santa Fe trail in present Cimarron county, Oklahoma, was described in the Dodge City Journal, October 18, 1934. Crumbling rock walls are all that remain to-day of that camp erected in 1865 to house soldiers who acted as escorts to wagon trains through the territory from Fort Dodge or Fort Larned southwest to the camp.


The golden anniversary of the Block Trinity Lutheran church was observed October 21, 1934. The history of the church was briefly reviewed in the Miami Republican, October 19.

Oswego's First Methodist church history was sketched in the Oswego Democrat and Independent in their issues of October 19, 1934. The sixty-sixth anniversary of the organization of the church was observed at a homecoming on October 14.

The eightieth anniversary of the organization of the Plymouth Congregational church of Lawrence was observed October 21-24, 1934. The church was organized on October 22, 1854, with ten charter members, the Lawrence Daily Journal-World reported in its issue of October 19. The Kansas City (Mo.) Star, of October 21, also published a history of the church.

Reminiscences of Mrs. Anna Vandervourt Smith, a pioneer Kansan, were recorded by Jennie Small Owen in the Topeka State Journal, October 20, 1934. A story of a dog and the protection it gave to a party of whites during an Indian attack in present Jewell county in 1868, by Lillian Forrest, was another feature of this issue.

A biographical sketch of Fred Stone, Kansas actor, was published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star, October 21, 1934. Mr. Stone is now featured in the new play The Jayhawker, written by Sinclair Lewis and Lloyd Lewis, and based on Kansas' part in the War of the Rebellion. The Star in this same issue also printed a biographical sketch of Earle W. Evans, of Wichita, who is a former president of the American Bar Association.

The history of the Norton Community High School was briefly reviewed in the Norton Nugget in its issue of October 22, 1934.

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