William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 22] [part 20] [Cutler's History]


WILLIAM P. HOGARTY, lieutenant, U. S. A., retired, residence and P. O. Quindaro. He was born in New York City February 16, 1840. Is a son of Patrick and Hannah Hogarty. When three years of age, his parents moved to near Elmira, Chemung Co., N. Y., where they both died in 1849. He remained here until the breaking out of the rebellion, when on the 1st day of April, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-third New York Volunteer Infantry. Was mustered into service May 16, 1861. He belonged to what was known as the Iron Brigade, Army of the Potomac. Was most of the time on detached service with Battery B, Fourth Artillery, commanded by Capt. John Gibbon, afterward Gen. Gibbon. He was in all the engagements of his command. Was in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, Sulphur Springs, Groveton, second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and several engagements of minor importance. He lost his arm December 13, 1862, at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Was discharged January 29, 1863, on account of disability. Was appointed Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, January 30, 1865, and brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain of Volunteers, March 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Was appointed Second Lieutenant Forty-fifth United States Infantry, July 28, 1866, and was retired December 31, 1870, on account of loss of arm from wounds received in battle, and partial deafness resulting from exposure in line of duty; he was brevetted First Lieutenant, United States Army, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. His service in the regular army since the war has principally been in the Freedman's Bureau, in Kentucky and Tennessee, capturing ku-klux, guerrillas, and desperadoes who infested that section of the country after the war; also paying bounties and establishing schools. At the time of his retirement he was on recruiting service at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Mr. Hogarty is a man of considerable literary ability, and has several times engaged in the discussion of military measures being considered by Congress. He was largely instrumental in defeating the Hon. E. S. Bragg's amendment to the army appropriation bill, stopping all further argument of longevity allowance for service in retirement. He has now on hand an important fight in Congress, on the bill 1,555, Forty-sixth Congress, which provides "that any Lieutenant of the army retired from active service on account of the loss of an arm or leg from wounds received in line of duty, and who has been in the military service of the United States fifteen years, shall have, upon the retired list, the rank of Captain in the same arm or department of service in which such loss of limb was incurred." He has discussed with much ability the ethical principles involved in this measure, in letters to Senators Logan, of Illinois, Plumb, of Kansas, and Bragg, of Wisconsin, also in the columns of the Army and Navy Journal. Through his personal efforts was secured the favorable indorsements to this measure from Gens. U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, W. S. Hancock, Phil. Sheridan, and the Secretary of War, and although the military committee reported adversely upon this bill, it was placed on the calendar of Congress. He expects, however, to prosecute the effort to a successful issue. He was married in Kansas City, Mo., August 8, 1872, to Harriet R. Carr, a native of Chemung County, N. Y., and daughter of Wyatt S. and Ann Carr. She is an accomplished and intelligent lady and presides with queenly grace and dignity over the household. They have four children - Sadie H., Ella T., Maggie J. and Kate E. They have lived since their marriage, in Kansas City one year, in Independence, Mo., three years, and at their present location six years. Everything about their home is expressive of taste and culture. Capt. Hogarty was educated at Alfred University, New York, where he was a student when he entered the army in 1861.

ELFONZO HOLLY, farmer, Section 24, P. O. Braman Hill. Came to Kansas in the fall of 1859, locating near Wyandotte and engaged in farming at that place about seven years, then purchased the farm on which he has lived ever since. During the first three winters spent in the State, he was engaged in getting out and furnishing wood and ties for the railroad company. He has served two terms as Township Treasurer and about ten years as member of the School Board. Was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., N. Y., September 27, 1827; son of Alonzo and Rebecca Jane Holly. He left his native place August, 1844; went to Wisconsin and two years afterward settled on a farm near Albany, Green Co. About the year 1851, returned to New York and remained four years, and then returned to the same county in Wisconsin and purchased another farm, on which he lived until he moved to Kansas. He was married in Dane County, Wis., December 4,1856, to Maria Vandawark, daughter of John and Catherine Vandawark; she is a native of Ellery, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. They have two children, viz.: Luella, wife of Adolph Miller, and Viola, wife of Frank Miller.

WILLIAM F. HOUGHTON, farmer and horticulturist, Section 30, P. O. Quindaro, was born in Saratoga, N. T., June 17, 1833. Is a son of William and Hannah Houghton. He was reared in Mechanicsville until eleven years of age, where he attended school with Col. Ellsworth, afterward killed at Alexandria, Va. He went with his parents to Dreffield, Yorkshire, England, May, 1844, and remained there three and one-half years, and in the fall of 1847 he engaged as an errand boy in a seed store in Liverpool, and in 1849, emigrated with his father to America. Settled in Troy, N. Y., and clerked for his aunt in a restaurant for two years, and afterward in a clothing store for five years; then came to Illinois and worked a short time on a farm in McHenry County. Went from there the same season to Lake County, Ill., and clerked in Waukegan until 1860, and in the spring of that year came to Quindaro, and in company with R. M. Gray, Mr. Priestly, Frank Sluman and others, went to Denver, and after a short prospecting tour in the mountains, he returned to Chicago and engaged in mercantile business as clerk until September 7, 1861, when he enlisted in Company H, Eighth Illinois Calvary. He served as clerk for his Captain about three and a half months, and December 23, 1861, was honorably discharged on account of disability. He returned to Chicago and engaged to clerk for the same firm which he had served before, viz. H. & E. Goodrich, Desplaines street, remaining with them one year and then engaged in book-keeping for Kirby, Carpenter & Co., lumber manufacturers at Menominee, on the shores of Green Bay, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where he remained until he came to Kansas in the spring of 1866. He located his family at Quindaro and clerked at Lawrence for about seven years, his family residing in Lawrence about a year and a half of that time. The remainder of his time in Kansas from the spring of 1875 until the present has been spent at his home in Quindaro, with the exception of about six months, during which time he engaged in clerking in the wholesale department of Bullene, Moore & Emery's dry goods establishment in Kansas City, Mo. He is at present engaged in fruit raising and gardening, which he makes quite profitable. He was married in Chicago, Ill., November 4, 1862, to Mary L. Butrick, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of Hiram and Mary Butrick. They have two children living - Frederick B. and Carrie; two dead - William H. and Lotta. They are both active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their home is a model of tidiness and exhibits the taste and refinement and Christian culture which characterize the family.

GEORGE U. S. HOVEY, merchant and farmer, Postmaster at White Church, Section 31. Came to Kansas in the summer of 1869; located at White Church, and has been engaged in farming and merchandising ever since. Has served as Justice of the Peace and Notary Public ten years. Has several times been a delegate to the State Convention. He was born in Ulster County,. N. Y., July 19, 1842; son or Alfred L. and Elizabeth Hovey. He left his native place when about nineteen years of age, and went to New York City; was educated in Ward School No. 3; returned to farm about the winter of 1857. Left home again in 1859, and after stopping a few weeks in Brooklyn, took a steamer for California via Nicaragua. While in the State of California, he made his headquarters at Petaluma, and engaged in farming and stock dealing until 1868, when he came overland to Wyandotte, Kan. He prospected about one year and finally settled at White Church where he still resides. He was married in New York City, February 10, 1870 to Ella Jane Jones, daughter of John and Ellen Jones. Their children are Ellen Jane, John P., Emma (dead), Josephine B., George U. (dead), Anna T. and Alfred Clement. Mr. Hovey and wife are members of the Christian Church. He has a full stock of merchandise, deals also in grain and stock, and is one of the most influential men in Wyandotte County.

MARCUS HURLA, farmer, Section 33 P. O. Wyandotte. Came to Kansas City March, 1857, and kept a boarding house three years, then moved to Johnson County, Kan., and farmed nine years, after which he came to his present location, where he owns 137 acres of very fine land, with fine improvements. His residence, a large two-story brick house, well finished and furnished is located about one mile from the city of Wyandotte and commands a fine view of Wyandotte and surrounding country. He was born in Baden, Germany, April 19, 1822; son of Gaorick and Arich Hurla. Was educated in Germany and learned the tailor's trade, which he followed till he emigrated to America in 1850. He settled in Rochester, N. Y., and remained there three years, then moved to Chicago where he worked at his trade three years and then came to Kansas City and finally to Kansas. He was married in Rochester, N. Y., April 24, 1850, to Frances Propst, a native of Germany, by whom he had one child, Theodore Hurla. His first wife died September 16, 1852. Was again married in Rochester, May 16, 1853, to Benhartina Merkle, also a native of Germany, by whom he has six children - Mollie, Lewis, Lena, Rosa, Marcus and Mary Hurla. Mr. Hurla and wife are both members of the Catholic Church.

CALVIN E. KLINE, blacksmith and proprietor, of the Keystone Carriage Works, Quindaro. Came to Kansas March, 1819; located in Wyandotte; worked in the Kansas Pacific Railroad shops seven months, then came to Quindaro and purchased a wagon shop. Occupied this shop from February till October, and found business so increased as to demand a larger shop; tore away the old buildings and erected the commodious shops which he now occupies. He was born in Luzerne County, Penn., December 9, 1851, son of Leonard and Mary Ann Kline. Moved to Columbus County, Penn., in the spring of 1861, where his father, ran a farm and blacksmith shop about seventeen years. He lived at home till sixteen years of age, then worked in Snyder Bros'. foundry and machine shops at Williamsport, Penn., two years and nine months, after which he returned home and worked at his trade about four years. He then moved to Hughesville, Lycoming Co., Penn., where he worked one year, then took charge of his father's shops at home one year, and from there came direct to Wyandotte, Kan. He was married at Rohrsburg, Penn., December 25, 1873, to Laura L. Preston, a native of Pennsylvania, and daughter of James L. and Carrie T. Preston. They have four children - Emma, Carrie, Wilbur and Lizzie. They are both worthy members of the Congregational Church. In connection with this sketch we mention as worthy a place in this department of our work, Mr. Marcus L. Kline, blacksmith, and one of the proprietors of the Keystone Carriage and Wagon Works, who came to Kansas November, 1878, settled in Wyandotte; worked in the Kansas Pacific Railroad shops two years and four months, and has since been a partner in the Keystone Carriage Works. He was born in Luzerne County, Penn., November 3,1857, son of Leonard and Mary Ann Kline. He lived with his parents till seven years of age, then with his grandparents, Harman and Sarah Labour, in Columbia County, till their death in 1869. He then went to Rohrsburg, Penn., where he was educated and began his trade; worked at his trade one year here and six months at the town of Espy, on the north branch of the Susquehanna River; returned home and put in two years' hard, faithful, steady work at his trade, after which he farmed two years. He then went to Williamsport, Lycoming Co., and worked in Rhen & Co.'s Keystone Carriage Works one year, and in Gottchal's Empire Works nine months, thence to Roaring Branch, same county, and did general blacksmithing six months, after which he returned to Williamsport and remained one year, and from thence came to Kansas visiting and prospecting on the way at Erie, Penn., Cleveland, Ohio, Detroit, Mich., Michigan City, Ind., Chicago and other places, landing in Wyandotte September 7, 1878; thence to Quindaro where he has remained ever since. Kline Bros are enterprising and prosperous business men; are running three forges, have five men employed in shops and have a capacity of turning out twelve lumber wagons per month.

HIRAM MALOTT, farmer, Section 27, P. O Wyandotte. Came to Kansas, April 2, 1865. Settled in Quindaro Township, and has engaged in farming ever since. Was elected County Commissioner of Wyandotte County in 1868, and served two years. In 1871, he was elected Representative from his district, and served one term. In 1871, he was elected County Commissioner, and has served as chairman of the board ever since; is now serving on sixth year. In the spring of 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Thirty-seventh Missouri State Militia, and served as First Lieutenant of his company till some time in 1863, when a reorganization of militia took place, which made him First Lieutenant, Company E, Third Missouri Provisional Militia. He served in this company about two months, and on November 10, 1863, was commissioned by Gov. Carney, of Kansas, as recruiting officer. He recruited Company F, of the Sixteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and was commissioned First Lieutenant, January 21, 1884. He served in this regiment till March 8, 1865, when the war closed, but was on detached service most of the time. He was born in Madison County, Ky., September 5, 1819, son of Joseph and Mary E. Malott. Came to Clay County, Mo., in fall of 1829. His father died in this county in 1834, and his mother in 1837. He then moved to Platte County, and made it his home till he settled in Kansas in 1865. On the 9th of April, 1850, he started overland, with a train of three ox wagons, to California. He reached his destination after the usual hardships attending such an undertaking, remained in California about one year, and came home via Panama and New Orleans, touching at Havana. He was married in Platte County, September 8, 1844, to Susan E. Rupe, a native of Missouri, and a daughter of William and Sarah Rupe. They have six children - Mary E. (wife of T. W. Noland), W. R. Malott, David Ann (wife of N. J. Myers), Martha Jane (wife of T. J. Barker), Loretta E. (wife of W. P. Hinton) and James Raven Malott. Mr. Malott is deservedly one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Wyandotte County. He and wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

WILLIAM GEORGE MILLER, farmer, Section 36, P. O. Quindaro, Came to Kansas in the fall of 1870, and engaged in gardening, near Wyandotte. In the fall of 1873, he moved to Quincy, Ill., and remained there three years, then returned to Kansas, farmed in Quindaro Township three years, and in Wyandotte Township, near White Church, one year, then came to his present location. He was born in Quincy, Ill., December 28, 1847. His mother died when he was an infant. He was the son or Herman Miller. He was reared in Quincy until eleven years or age, and then went on a farm with his father ten miles from Quincy. Remained there until twenty-one years of age, then went to Cincinnati and remained there two years, and in 1870 came to Kansas. Was married in Kansas City, Mo., February 8, 1873, to Mary Winker, a native of Germany, and daughter of Christian and Margaret Winker. She came to America when only eleven years old. They have four children - Albert K., George W., Charles E. and Matilda A. They are both worthy members of the German Methodist Episcopal Church.

ISAAC P. MOORE, printer and horticulturist, Section 31, P. O. Kansas City; place of business No. 12, West Missouri avenue, Kansas City, Mo. His residence, a fine three-story stone building, is situated near Quindaro, Wyandotte Co, Kan., three wiles from Wyandotte, on one of the finest carriage drives in the State. His home of fifty-three and three-quarters acres of choice land is divided into orchard, garden and lawn. He has forty-five acres of fruit. The lawn is tastefully decorated with evergreen and forest trees and ornamental shrubbery, and presents one of the many pleasing views which greet the eye on driving from Wyandotte out to the suburban village of Quindaro Mr. Moore came to Kansas City in February, 1888, and for about one year and a half had charge of the Kansas City Journal job rooms. Resigning his position, he established an independent job printing establishment, which he carried on for about two years. Having sold his office, he bought into the Kansas City Journal of Commerce, and was its President and Business Manager for six years. He then sold out in Kansas City, and came to his present location, where he has resided ever since. After about one year spent on his fruit farm, he again entered the printing business, and now operates an extensive book and job printing establishment in Kansas City, Mo. He occupies three stories with his business, which includes book-binding and the manufacture of blank books; runs three large hydraulic-power presses to their fullest capacity. He was born in Clinton County, N. Y., February 25, 1835. He is the son of Abram B. and Bridget Moore. When four years of age, his mother (his father having died about one year previous) moved to St. Clair County, Ill., and thence to St. Louis, where he was brought up and educated, graduating at St. Xavier College in 1846. He remained in St. Louis until December, 1848, part of the time engaged as clerk in a drug store, and the remaining time in a printing office. In January, 1849, he began the drug business in Cincinnati, Ohio, and followed it one year, and from 1850 until he came to Kansas City, in 1868, was engaged in printing establishments in various sections of the United States. He was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 2, 1861, to Mary D. Hagen, native of Ohio, and daughter of Joseph and Ellen D. Hagen.

CHARLES MORASCH, farmer, Sections 29 and 32, P. O. Wyandotte. Came to Kansas in the fall of 1855, and settled on Mill Creek, Wabaunsee County. Alma, the county seat of Wabaunsee, County, is now located on the land which he entered. He spent about two years in that county, then moved to the thriving town of Quindaro. About 500 men were working on the streets and grades. A large saw mill with three boilers and six saws could not supply material fast enough for the building that was then going on. He engaged in business at Quindaro till 1860, then moved to his farm, two and half miles from Wyandotte, where he still resides. He has served as Director of School District No. 4, over six years, also served as Coroner of Wyandotte. He was born in Germany November, 4, 1822, son of Jacob and Mary Morasch. Left his native country April 1, 1846, came direct to America, settled in Jackson County, Ind., and remained there until he came to Kansas October, 1855. He was married in Jackson County, Ind., February 3, 1850, to Sarah Winkler, a very intelligent and accomplished lady, and a native of Indiana. They have eight children - Charles C., Otto, William, Frederick, Frank, Jennie, Louisa and Tiny. Mr. Morasch belongs to the order of Masons, also I. O. O. F. His home is one of the finest in the county. The residence is two stories high, built of brick, large and commodious: the architectural design is pleasing, the arrangement is convenient, and altogether it furnishes one of the most comfortable homes in the vicinity.

PEREANDER C. NEWTON, physician, farmer and merchant, White Church. His home farm is in Section 6, but he also has land in Prairie Township. He manages two farms, practices medicine and carries on a large country store. Came to Kansas March 12, 1855, and with his father lived one mile and a half from Atchison City, engaged in farming until 1863. Then attended the St. Louis Medical College eight months, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Penn., six months, at which he graduated, and Nashville Medical College several months. He began the practice of medicine at Nashville, Tenn., and practiced there about two and a half years, then returned to Kansas and located at White Church, Wyandotte County, where he has practiced medicine and farming ever since, and from 1870 to 1872, ran a saw mill and then opened a general store which he is still conducting. He occupies a salesroom 20x32 feet and a wareroom 10x32 feet. Carries a heavy stock of general merchandise and also deals in stock. He was born in Robinson County, Tenn., June 11, 1842, is a son of Robert H. and Martha C. Newton. His parents moved to Logan County, Ky., in the winter of 1844, and to Holt County, Mo., in the winter of 1850. After farming one year in Holt County, his father took the management of the Government Mission Farm at Highland, Kan., one year. He next farmed in De Kalb County, Mo., and then moved to Buchanan County and remained there until he came to Kansas in 1855. The subject of this sketch was married in White Church, Kan., September 14, 1873, to Hattie English, daughter of W. M. and Martha English, by whom he had one child, Jennie Newton. His first wife died June 9, 1879. He married a second time in Prairie Township November 23, 1881, to Julia Donahue, daughter of Henry and Sarah Donahue.

ELISHA SORTORE, farmer, Section 30, P. O. Quindaro. Came to Kansas March 20, 1857, located in Quindaro, engaged in teaming five years, then kept a wood yard on the Missouri River and supplied steamboats with wood, also sold to Government contractors; was in this business about five years, next went to farming and has been engaged at it ever since. He has 150 acres all under cultivation, with fine improvements, only three miles from Wyandotte City. He has thirty acres in orchard. He helped to organize Quindaro Township, and was a member of the original Township Board. He has also served on the School Board two or three terms. He served in the Kansas State Militia as Second Lieutenant, and was in the battle of Westport, during the Price raid. He was born in Belmont, Allegany Co., N. Y., February 24, 1823, son of William and Cynthia Sortore. He was raised and remained on a farm in New York until he came to Kansas in 1857. He was married in Allen, Allegany Co., N. Y., September 21, 1845, to Effie A. Brundage, daughter of Mathew and Fannie Brundage. Her mother's maiden name was Knickerbocker. They have four children living, viz.: Cynthia, born June 26, 1851; Henry E., born March 25, 1866; Charles R., born August 8, 1858; Fred, born July 6, 1861. They have lost six, viz.: Fannie A., born March 25, 1847; William A., born October 4, 1849; Willis M., born May 20, 1854; Effie, born January 9, 1866; George, born August 5, 1867; Elisha, Jr., born August 12, 1869. Mr. Sortore and wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church,

MARTIN STEWART, farmer, fruit and vegetable grower, Section 33, P. O. Wyandotte, came to Kansas May 1, 1857, located in the city of Wyandotte, and engaged first in teaming until he could find a suitable farm. In the spring of 1858, he took charge of a farm known as the Clark farm, which once belonged to an Indian chief by the name of Clark. He cultivated this farm one year, and during this year bought the place where he now resides, consisting of 129 acres of choice land, twenty acres of which are in orchard. His residence, a fine two-story house, is beautifully situated in a grove of natural trees, only one and a half miles from the city of Wyandotte, on one of the finest roads leading out of the city. At the first election after his arrival in Kansas, he was made Constable, and the following year was elected Justice of the Peace. In the year 1866, was elected County Commissioner, and served two years. He was born in Badan, Germany, November 11, 1825; is a son of Christian and Frances Stewart. When three years of age, he came with the family, consisting of father, mother, one brother and three sisters, to America. On landing at New Orleans, his father was taken down with yellow fever, and died and was buried in New Orleans. The family continued their journey to Cincinnati, where they remained until 1857. Mr. Stewart was brought up and educated in the Catholic schools of Cincinnati. When eight years of age, he was put to hard work, and earned his living after that. He engaged in drafting until twenty-one years of age, and then for ten years followed market gardening, and in the spring of 1857 came to Kansas. He was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 28, 1848, to Catharine Maninger, a native of Germany, and daughter of John Henry and Catharine Maninger; they have seven children living - Martin W., Catharine A., Rose S., Elizabeth H., George A., Carolina Cecelia and Henry Edward; three dead, viz., Mary Frances, Joseph and Emma Theresa. They are both members of the Catholic Church, and recognized leaders in society.

ISAAC TURNER, son of Thomas G. and Mary Turner was born in Spartenburg District, South Carolina, December 22, 1841. His father moved to Polk County, North Carolina, in 1858. He was brought up on a farm, where he labored until October, 1862, when at his country's call, he enlisted in the Confederate States service in Company G, Sixtieth North Carolina Volunteers, under Col. McDowell and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, where he served with distinction until the close of the war in 1865. He then returned to his former home, and engaged in farming. Here he formed and cultivated the acquaintance of Mrs. Nancy A. Wilson, daughter of Ambrose and Phalby Mills, whom he married July 9, 1865. They were prosperous, and in the spring of 1870 moved to Kansas, settled and engaged in farming where they now reside. By industry and economy, they have acquired an ample competency, as well as the esteem and confidence of their acquaintances. They are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and Mr. Turner is a Knight and P. G. in the I. O. O. F.

WILLIAM HENRY YOUNG, proprietor of Maple Cliff Flouring Mills and practical miller, Pomeroy, came to Kansas, November. 1865. Made Wyandotte his headquarters, and was a tie contractor on the Kansas Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroads for about eight months. He then engaged in the lumber business at Wyandotte for a few months, and was afterward engaged in railroad service, by which he lost his right hand by an accident at Lawrence, about seven weeks after he began, and as soon as he was able for duty was employed by the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad, as receiving and shipping clerk at Fort Scott. Served in this capacity about seven months, then went on a visit to Illinois, but soon returned to Kansas, and, after prospecting for over a year, finally engaged as traveling salesman for Maple Cliff Mills, which was then operated by Overman & Betton; at the end of one year, he purchased a half interest of Mr. Overton, and since May, 1875, in company with Mr. Betton, owned and operated the mills. He enlisted in Company C, Sixteenth Illinois Volunteers, ninety days' service, April 26, 1861; served full time, and was mustered out July of the same year. He re-enlisted in Company B, Tenth Missouri Infantry, November, 1861. He was in all the engagements of his command; was slightly wounded at the battle of Corinth, Miss., and was mustered out January 22, 1863, but immediately re-enlisted in Company A, Cavalry, Mississippi Marine Brigade, under Gen. Elliott. He served in this brigade as First Duty Sergeant until the close of the war. He was taken prisoner while carrying a message from Gen. Elliott, at Yazoo City, to Gen. McCarthy, at Brighton; he was picked up on the road, taken to Canton, Miss., where he jumped from the third-story window, and broke his right foot in an attempt to escape. Was re-captured, and taken to Jackson Miss., and soon after taken to Vicksburg and exchanged. He was slightly wounded twice in the battle of Lake Beaver Dam, but never left his post. He was born in East Tennessee, near the Kentucky line, May 2, 1841; is a son of George H. and Sarah Elizabeth Young. His father was a Methodist minister and physician, and moved to Cairo, Ill., about the year 1848. Remained only one year at Cairo, and then moved near Decatur, Ill., and three years later to Columbus, Ill. Here the subject of this sketch attended school until 1856, when he removed to Doddsville, and two years afterward to Middleton, where he farmed one year, and then worked in grist and saw mill about three years and when the war broke out he enlisted in the service, and at its close was employed by Col. Rees to take charge of seventeen men engaged in getting out wood and timber at Etlah, Mo. Then came to Kansas. He was married at Conner, Kan., October 1, 1878, to Martha E. Gephart, daughter of William and Elizabeth Gephart; she is a native of Indiana; they have two children, viz., Henry Edmond and Mauda May. Mr. Young and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is P. G., I. O. O. F., Subordinate Lodge, and P. C. C. K. of P., Camp Lodge, also P. W. C. T., I. O. G. T., and a member of the G. A. R. and the A. O. U. W.

[TOC] [part 22] [part 20] [Cutler's History]