William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 19] [part 17] [Cutler's History]


CHARLES LOVELACE, farmer and contractor, proprietor of Kansas Valley Flouring Mills, at Wyandotte, P. O. Turner. He came to Kansas in the fall of 1856, and established a saw mill near where he now lives; moved his family here the following spring. He has lived In Wyandotte County ever since, and few men in Kansas have done as much hard labor, transacted as much business, and altogether led as active a life as Mr. Lovelace. While living on a large farm, and managing it ever since he came to the State, he also operated a saw mill from 1856 till 1878, and from 1878 till the present time; has owned and operated a large flouring mill, four stories, three run of buhrs, and a set of rollers; capacity fifty barrels per day, and has at the same time been extensively engaged in contracting. At one time took the contract for furnishing a railroad company with ties to the amount of eleven thousand dollars ($11,000), and has furnished in smaller contracts double that amount. In company with two others, he contracted to furnish the Santa Fe Railroad Company with a large amount of ballast for which they received $50,000. He has also filled several contracts with the Kansas City Smelting and Refining Company; did all the excavating and grading, burned and furnished all the brick and did the mason work for their buildings at Argentine, all of which amounted to $25,000. At present is engaged in building the sub-structure for a bridge across the Kansas River at Kansas City, for Santa Fe Railroad Company, for which he will receive $14,000, and with all his other duties, he has found time to serve as Justice of the Peace one term, Township Treasurer two years, and member of the School Board ever since his district was organized; and besides all this, he is an active and exemplary member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and exhibits a remarkable degree of religious culture for a man of such active business habits, furnishing in his own case a sure proof that secular diligence and Christian culture are not at all incompatible. He was born in East Tennessee, June 20, 1833 son of Charles and Rachel Lovelace; was reared on the farm; moved from Tennessee to Wright County, Mo., when fourteen years or age and lived two years in Wright County, and the remainder of the time until fall of 1856, in Jackson County, Mo.; then came to Kansas. He was married in Jackson County Mo., October 25, 1855, to Louisa Hewitt, native of Ohio, and daughter of Richard and Hannah Hewitt. They have six children living - Eldridge H., Almus A., Charles F., Roxana Irena, Alfred, Linnie L. Two dead, Alice and Ida. Mr. Lovelace lives on his farm, about six miles from Kansas City; has 300 acres of choice farming land, with fine improvements. Another incident in his remarkably active life, worthy of mention, and which we have neglected to note in its proper connection, was a trip with ox-train to California in the year 1850, which proved a financial success. On his return by water, was shipwrecked on the Island of Chandileur, seventy miles northeast of the delta of the Mississippi River, being driven on to the island by a heavy gale, accompanied with dense fog. The vessel was abandoned, and the passengers and crew were picked up by two fishing boats which carried them safely to the shore of Lake Pontchartrain, where they took the train for New Orleans, thence to Jackson County, Mo.

J. J. SWINGLEY, merchant, cigar manufacturer and jobber, Turner came to Kansas in spring of 1860; located in Johnson County, near Olathe, and engaged in farming until 1876; received a business education at the Olathe Commercial College and taught school one year, and in 1878, went to Olathe, and for three years engaged in the manufacture of cigars, and on April 12, 1881, established his present business at Turner; where he carries a large stock of general merchandise, and engages extensively in the manufacture and sale of stock. He was born in Ogle County, Ill., January 23, 1852; son of Samuel and Mary Swingley. When only eight years of age, he moved to Johnson County, Kan., as above noted. He is favored with fine personnel and affable manners and is highly respected by all who know him. His father, Samuel N. Swingley, is engaged in business with him, and is a native of Maryland; was born October 22, 1817; son of Michael and Mary Swingley; lived in Maryland twenty-five years; Ogle County, Ill., eighteen years, and the last twenty-two years in Kansas. He was married in Maryland, December, 1842, to Anna L. Locher, daughter of George and Elizabeth Locher. He has eight children - Elizabeth, Rose E., Henry, Michael, James, Samuel, Mollie and Charley.


MERRICK K. BARBER, farmer, Sections 23,13 and 14, P. O. Turner, was born near the line or Chemung and Tompkin's County, N. Y., January 25, 1823; son of William and Charity Barber. His father died when he was eight years of age, and about one year after this event, he left home, and has shifted for himself ever since. He went to Pine Creek, where it empties into the Tioga River, and learned the millwright's trade, and about five years afterward traveled in his business, setting up buildings, overhauling and repairing saw and grist mills. He travels in Pennsylvania and New York, Kentucky Indiana, Michigan and Upper Canada, and built some of the finest and most extensive mills in the country; continued the business until 1859, when he settled in Wyandotte County, Kan., and has since been engaged in farming. He was married in Mount Elgin, Gore District, Can., September 15, 1852, to Joanna Malvina Woodword, daughter of Jesse and Joanna Woodward. They have had one child, Anna, who died in August, 1853. Mr. B. has a fine farm of 200 acres, with fine improvements, and is one of the prominent and successful men of Wyandotte.

SAMUEL BEATTIE farmer, Sections 28, 27 and 21, P. O. Turner, came to Kansas May 1, 1858. After prospecting one year, he settled at Shawnee, Johnson County, and engaged in the mercantile business till the fall of 1863. In June, 1863, the bushwackers from Missouri burned the town, and killed three men, one of whom was murdered in Mr. Beattie's store. After breaking up the china ware and destroying many other things they carried off $1,600 worth of goods. He then took what little was left, added a stock of $3,000 worth, and opened business In Booneville, Col., but returned to Shawnee the following June. Engaged for a short time in putting up hay for Government uses, and in 1865 made a profitable trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and same fall graded by contract Twelfth street Kansas City, from Main street to the west bottom, and in October, 1886, came to his present location, where he has since cleared 250 acres of timber land. Has been engaged in cultivating and improving his farm ever since. Has 520 acres of fine land, all of which is bottom except fifty acres, and 300 acres of which are in a high state of cultivation, the balance in blue grass pasture. He has served as County Commissioner four years, and as Treasurer of School Board six or seven years. He acted as scout for Ferguson's militia in the Price raid. Was born in Ireland October 13, 1883, son of William and Nancy Beattie. Was educated in the National schools of Ireland and public schools of America. Came to America when thirteen years of age and farmed three years in Stevenson County, Ill. In 1852, went to New Orleans. Was engaged in business with his uncle till the breaking-out of yellow fever in 1853, when he returned to Illinois and clerked in grocery store one year. Was then under medical treatment for several years in New Orleans and other places, for inflammation of the lining membrane of the femur bone. Finally came to Kansas May, 1858. He was married in Wyandotte County, January 21 1875, to Florence C; Hoffman, a native of Ohio, and the accomplished daughter of Henry T. and Mary Hoffman. They have two children - William A. and Margaret Beattie. Mr. Beattie is a worthy Mason, a very quiet and unassuming man, but one of the wealthy, intelligent leading men of Wyandotte County.

THEODORE BENDER, farmer, Sections 27 and 33, P. O. Turner, came to Kansas City May, 1855. Engaged in blacksmithing five years. In 1861, went with private train of twenty-seven wagons to California. Worked at his trace in San Francisco one year, and in Virginia City, Idaho, six years. Then took steamer at San Francisco for New York City. Was shipwrecked in a storm off the coast of New Jersey, and twelve passengers lost their lives in an attempt to escape by life boats. The rest of the passengers numbering about 450, were picked up by wreckers and saved. He returned via Philadelphia to Kansas City, and thence, in 1861, to his present location, where he bought 120 acres of land, which he has since cleared and improved. He has one of the best barns in the township, a good one and one-half story house, and other good improvements. He was born in Germany, on the Lahn River, at Lollscheit, July 15, 1834, son of Phillip and Catherine Bender. He attended school till fourteen years of age, in Germany. Followed blacksmithing three and one-half years, and in 1852 came to America. Lived three years in Belleville, Ill., just prior to his removal to Kansas City. He was married in Independence, Mo., June 15 1858, to Gertrude Schuck, a native of Germany, and daughter of K. and Sophia Schuck. They have six children, viz.: Katie, Lizzie, Mealy, Emma, Willie and John Bender. Mr. Bender and wife are worthy members of the Lutheran Church.

GEORGE W. BROWN, farmer, Section 29, P. O. Argentine, came to Kansas border, near Kansas City, in the fall of 1851, and in June, 1852, he started for Independence, Mo., with Yeagers and Major's ox train of twenty-five wagons and thirty men for Santa Fe, N. M. Made the round trip in three months and took out another train the same summer, and reached home on return just before Christmas in the spring of 1853. He took out a Government train loaded with beads, blankets, tobacco and other Indian supplies. On their arrival at Cherry Creek, near Pike's Peak, 1,500 wild Indians from the mountains and plains were assembled to receive their presents from the Government. The Indians were greatly pleased and held a general jubilee and feast, indulging in roast dog for a luxury. After the usual formalities they dispersed to their mountain homes. Mr. Brown returned with the train; his brother was taken sick with the rheumatism on the way, and he was obliged to drive both teams part of the way. In October, 1853, he took a claim on Wakarusa Bottom, south of Topeka, but soon after took his sick brother back to Virginia, where be died after lingering until the summer of 1854. He did not return to his claim, but remained in Virginia, farming about five years. Having married in the meantime, he emigrated to Tarrant County, Tex., in the fall of 1859; after completing about two-thirds of the journey, he was taken sick, and the rest of the train, consisting of fifteen wagons went on and left him with a wife and three children and a friend. He was unable to travel for three weeks and then moved on and joined the colony near Fort Worth, where he made his home about nine years, engaged while there in gathering up and driving beef cattle to Louisiana, and other places for soldier's supplies. Was in the employ of Government contractors during the war; the rest of the time was engaged in farming. He had, during a nine years' residence in Texas, only half a bushel of Irish potatoes, for which he paid $1. Left Texas August 10, 1868, and after one year and a half residence in Jackson County Mo., moved to Wyandotte County, where he rented a farm of George Matney; gave him half the crop, and then made more money than he had ever made before in one season. He then rented a 200-acre farm of a wealthy Indian woman for six years. She died in 1875, and the farm fell to the only heir a niece, Mary Rodgers. Before the lease expired, Mr. Brown bought eighty acres of the land, which he has owned and cultivated ever since. He has put good improvements on the place, building him a good, commodious two-story residence, planting an orchard, and ornamenting his home in a manner creditable to his taste and industry. He was born in Tazewell County, Va., September 8, 1830, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Brown. He was reared on a farm in his native county until twenty-one years of age, when he came to Missouri, on Kansas border, as before stated. He was married in Tazewell County, December 11, 1855, to Lillie Young, also a native of Tazewell County, Va., and the accomplished daughter of Hugh and Visa Young. Mr. Brown has eight children - Mary Alice, wife of W. B. Peart; Reese B., Charles H., Joseph C., Elizabeth, George Thomas, John H. and Robert W. Brown. He is a worthy Mason, and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Brown always had a hard struggle in life until he reached Kansas, which has been to him a veritable land of promise. He has enjoyed uninterrupted prosperity since coming here. He is sober, honest, industrious and hospitable, and his wife is in every way worthy to be his companion.

LESTER COLBY, farmer and horticulturist, Section 32, P. O. Rosedale, came to Kansas February 2, 1859, settled in Oskaloosa, and lived there seven years. Was engaged in carpentering and building five years in Oskaloosa, and the last two years of his residence there he was away from home, assisting in building up Lawrence, after Quantrell's raid. In May, 1886 he moved to Kansas City where he worked at his trade in a sash and door factory most of the time for five years. He then moved, February, 1871, to his present location, where he is principally engaged in fruit culture. He was born in Wyoming County, N. Y., October 29, 1833, son of William and Phoebe Colby. Was raised on a farm till seventeen of age, and then moved to Genesee County, N. Y. Worked at house building until 1858. He then came to Kansas, stopping on the way about four months at Vernon County, Mo., arriving in Kansas February, 1859. He was married in Rochester, N. Y., July 10, 1856, to Elizabeth Randall, daughter of Hiram and Nancy Randall. She is a native of Genesee County, N. Y. They have six children, viz.: Frank, Gertrude, Grace, Addle, Hiram and Fenton.

G. F. ESPENLAUB, horticulturist, Section 28, P. O. Rosedale, came to Kansas in July, 1859; located near Bellmont, Doniphan County. Bought a tract of land and carried on the nursery business for seven years, but in the meantime went across the plains. Started from Fort Leavenworth April 11, 1862, with a Government train of twenty-six wagons, ox teams. Reached Fort Union about the 20th of June remained about two weeks, and re-loaded with provisions for Peralto, N. M., ten or twelve days' journey across the mountains. Brought them to Peralto, where they discharged their freight and re-loaded for Fort Craig. Delivered their freight at Ft. Craig in due time, and returned with the teams and wagons to Leavenworth. He then continued the nursery business in Doniphan County until 1866 or 1867. Next lived one year at Blue Springs, Mo. then moved to his present location, where he has ever since engaged in the nursery and fruit business. He has sixty acres or very fine land, twenty-five acres of which are planted in fruit. His fruit yield for 1882 had a market value of about $5,000. His residence is a two-story brick, main part 17x36, handsomely finished and furnished throughout; architectural design very pleasing, the grounds, ornamented with shade and evergreen trees, walks and shrubbery, presenting one of the most pleasing views that greets the eye on driving out on the Shawnee road from Kansas City. His home commands a fine view of Kansas City, Wyandotte, Armourdale and Armstrong. He has served ten yours as District Clerk, and is at present acting Director. He was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, August 19, 1837, son of William and Elizabeth Espenlaub. He was raised on a farm until sixteen years of age. His father died in 1844, and in December, 1853, he embarked at Havre for America; came via New Orleans to Evansville, Ind., where he farmed and raised nursery stock six years; then moved to Doniphan County, Kan. He was married in Doniphan County, near Troy, December 20, 1863, to Elvira Gromer, an educated and accomplished lady of St. Joseph, Mo., daughter of Greenberry and Elizabeth C. Gromer. They have a family of eight children - Elizabeth, William, Annie, Albert, Bertha, Sophia, David and Gracie. Mr. E. is one of our practical, scientific and successful horticulturists, a good citizen and a reliable business man.

JAMES W. GALLAGHER, farmer, Section 32, P. O. Glenwood; came to Kansas in the fall of 1861 and farmed four years in Douglas County; also did some missionary work as a Union Baptist minister. He then moved his family to Saline County, Mo., in the fall of 1864. He was away from home, in Osage County, at the time of the Price raid, and escaped capture by hiding in a brush three days with a furloughed soldier from Indianapolis named Campbell. He then moved his family back to Douglas County, Kan., December 25, of the same year. Farmed here two years, and then engaged in teaming at Pleasant Hill, Mo., for three months. The next three years, was employed in clearing and improving a farm near Sarcoxieville, Kan., and in preaching to three congregations. He then moved to Shawnee Township, where he has been engaged in tilling and improving his farm and preaching on Sunday ever since. In 1878, he lost four children, three boys and one girl, with typhoid malarial fever. Aside from this sad misfortune, his work has been pleasant and profitable in the State of Kansas. He was born in Alton, Ill., October 14, 1840, son of Peter B. and Lydia Gallagher. He moved with his parents at an early age to Osage County, Mo., and shortly afterward to Pettis County, Mo., where he was raised on a farm until 1859; then moved to Saline County, and from there, in 1861, to Kansas. He was married, in Douglas County Kan., December 8, 1861, to Virginia A. Carey, a native of Virginia, and daughter of Newton and Nancy Carey. They have four children living - Henry Leander, Emma F., Charlie and Peter. Mr. G. was ordained a minister of the Union Baptist Church in the spring of 1868, in Wyandotte County, and while supporting himself and family, principally by the labors of his own hands, he has devoted much time and labor in proclaiming the Word through the borders of Missouri and Kansas, and his labors have been fruitful and of much good.

JOHN GIBBS, JR., farmer, Sections 25 and 36, P O. Shawnee, Johnson County, came to Kansas October, 1855, and located a claim on the Delaware Trust Lands, in Jefferson County, which he bought at the land sales at Fort Leavenworth, November, 1856. He afterward bought, in 1857, 160 acres in Franklin County, and in 1858 bought 320 acres in Shawnee County, and now owns the 320-acre tract in addition to the well-improved farm on which he lives, in Wyandotte County. In 1855, while in search of a claim, in company with others, he stopped at a lone cabin near Big Stranger for dinner. The lady of the house gathered some corn, grated it, and quickly prepared a repast of corn bread, bacon and coffee, which they devoured with a relish. On inquiring the bill the lady replied, "If you are Free-State men, nothing, if Pro-slavery, your bill is $1."Mr. Gibbs replied, "According to your proposition, we are entitled to a free dinner, but we insist on your accepting the pay." On her positive refusal to take anything, he deposited $1.50 on the table, wished her God's protection, and took his departure. Mr. Gibbs was in Kansas during the entire border war, and witnessed many of those disgraceful attempts to control the elections by violence and by stuffing the ballot box. Was in the company of seventeen men who went to the rescue of Mr. Manard and family, at Easton, Kan., in 1856, where a company of ruffians were held at bay for forty-eight hours by Manard and two women, who stood guard at doors and windows of their residence, shot-guns in hand. On the approach of the rescuers, the ruffians fled. He was harvesting in Platte County, Mo., during the summer of 1856, and was threatened with tar and feathers if he did not leave by a certain time. He defied the mob, and though the threat was repeated and the time distinctly stated, he remained and was not molested. During the winter of 1858-59, he was in the Government service, freighting to Fort Smith, Ark., and also to Indian Territory. In the spring of 1859, in company with his father and others, he started with ox teams to Denver. After many hardships and dangers from hostile Indians reached Denver safely. From Denver, went to Russell Gulch and Clear Creek. There left his father, and with pack animals went over the range and up the Arkansas River, camping over night where Leadville is now located. He also explored the Blue and Swan River country, and returned to Denver with satisfactory evidence that gold existed in paying quantities on the head-waters of the Arkansas, and on the 15th of February, 1860, he returned, via South Park, reaching California Gulch the last of April, and remained three years, mining and merchandising and freighting, and, in 1863, went from Denver with an ox team to Virginia City, reaching his destination about the 1st of July. He remained in Montana until October, 1866, when, in company with his brother and eight others, he came down the Missouri River in a row boat. Encountering the ice, it became necessary to row all night at times to keep ahead of the floating ice. Reached Omaha about the 5th of December. After spending the winter with friends in the East, returned to Kansas in the spring of 1867, and after spending two years on his farm in Shawnee County, bought the farm in Wyandotte County, which he has made his home ever since. He was born in Kalamazoo County, Mich., February 22, 1835. Is a son of John and Miranda Gibbs. He left his father's home when fifteen years of age, and worked on a farm summers, and in the winter did chores for his board, while attending school until twenty years of age, and came to Kansas, October, 1865. He was married in Wyandotte County, Kan., May 30, 1878, to Elmira Holsinger, an estimable lady, daughter of William and Catharine Holsinger. She was born in Covington, Ohio, August 28, 1850. They have one child, viz., John W. Gibbs, born July 15, 1881. Mr. Gibbs is a man of much nerve, strong will, great firmness, settled convictions and engrafted principles, honest and reliable in business.

FRANK HOLSINGER farmer and horticulturist Section 32, Town 11, Range 25, P. O. Rosedale, was born in Bedford County, Penn., April 3, 1836, son of George and Susan Holsinger He was educated in the common school and in Mount Morris Seminary, attending school until nineteen years of age then went to Ogle County, Ill., and engaged in railroad service as station agent at Haldane was also Postmaster at that place until March, 1857, when he emigrated to Kansas, and engaged in farming near Clinton, Douglas County, for two years, and was a delegate to the Grasshopper Convention in 1857, which nominated Marcus J. Parrott Delegate to Congress. He returned to Bedford County, Penn., in 1859; taught school two years, then enlisted April 14, 1861, with the Marietta, Ohio, Blues. Not being mustered in, he was discharged to go into a Pennsylvania regiment, and on May 8, 1861, enlisted in Company I, Eighth Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Was in many of the heaviest engagements of the war; was in that of Dranesville, Mechanicsville, Peach Orchard, Fair Oaks, Charles City, Cross Roads and Malvern Hill, under McClellan; Aqua Creek, Rappahannock, Manassas Junction, under Gen. Pope South Mountain and Antietam in Hooker's corps; Fredericksburg, under Burnside, and in storming the heights on the left of Fredericksburg; was wounded and sent to the hospital at Washington. Three months afterward was ordered before the Board of Examiners to examine officers to command colored troops. Passed as Captain of the first class, and was mustered into the Nineteenth Colored United States Infantry March 23, 1864, at Baltimore, commanding a company. May 1, was assigned to Burnside's corps, crossed the Rapidan May 4, and participated in all Grant's engagements before Richmond until November 28, when he was wounded in the right arm at Bermuda Hundred, necessitating an ex-section of the radius of the right arm; was sent to Chesapeake Hospital at Fort Monroe, where he remained until the capture of Richmond, his regiment being one of the first to enter the city. The war being over, his regiment was sent with corps of observation to the Rio Grande, where he continued until the expiration of his term of enlistment. He was mustered out at Baltimore March 27, 1867; was placed on the pension list on account of disability from wounds, and was twice brevetted for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. On his return from the army, he engaged in farming in Bedford County Penn., about two years; then moved to Wyandotte County, Kan. settled near Rosedale, March 27, 1869; cleared and improved a 160-acre farm, and for several years has confined his attention principally to fruit culture. He bought his present location during the spring of 1874, and now owns 300 acres of choice land, about seventy-five acres of which are in orchard. He has gathered this season about 2,500 bushels of apples, and about 2000 bushels of fine budded peaches; has marketed the present season over $600 worth of berries, has sold $4,000 worth of nursery stock, and besides has received as rental from lands which he lets $2,000 bushels of potatoes, about 1,800 bushels of corn and 600 bushels of wheat. He was married near Sharpsburg, Md., November 26 1868, to Mary Frances Long, an intelligent and accomplished lady, daughter of Elder David and Mary Long. He has six children - Mary, Gerald, Clarence, George, Edna and Maud. Mr. H. is the Treasurer of the Missouri Valley Horticultural Society, and is one of the leading horticulturists of the State. He and his wife are members of the Progressive Branch of the Dunkard Church.

[TOC] [part 19] [part 17] [Cutler's History]