William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]


C. W. BANGS, Superintendent Kansas Desiccating and Refining Company, was born in Derby, Vt., December 19, 1831. He learned the soap business as a boy, and followed it in the East until 1868, when he settled in Lawrence. Kan., and engaged in the manufacture of soaps, under firm name of Bangs Brothers; this continued until 1877. The subject of our sketch then moved to Kansas City, Mo., where he engaged in rendering, etc until the Desiccating and Refining Company was organized. He was married in Boston, Mass., September 10, 1866, to Miss Mariana Mansfield, of Boston, who died, leaving one son - Walter K. Mr. B. is a member of time A., F. & A. M

CORNELIUS BUTLER, member of Kansas City Common Council, and retail dealer in all kinds of liquors. He came to Atchison, Kan., in 1878, and went into employ of a packing house until spring, 1880. Then engaged in retail tobacco trade until he engaged in his present business. Elected member of Council in April, 1881, and by re-elections has since held the office. He was born in Greenwich, Me., August 8, 1848. He was raised in Shenandoah County, Va., and followed railroading in his younger days. In May, 1865, he went to Chicago, Ill., and was employed in a packing house until he came to Kansas. Was married in November, 1871, to Miss Bridget Burns, a native of Ireland. They have seven sons - William J., John D., Edward C., (deceased) Charles J., (deceased) Emmett P., (deceased) and Thomas living. Mr. B. is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 1, Kansas City, Kan., and President of the same, also Grand Marshal of the Catholic Union Kansas City, Kan.

SAMUEL W. DAY, first came to Wyandotte, Kan., in 1863, engaged in the cooper business, which he has since continued. He employs about eighteen men annually in his shops, and does a general business. He has a capacity or manufacturing seventy-five barrels per day. Residence is 135 Wood street, Kansas City, Kan. He was born in Athens County, Ohio, March 11, 1841. Was raised in Van Buren and Des Moines Counties, Iowa. He enlisted November, 1861, in Company B, Second Colorado Cavalry. Participated in all battles of his command. Wounded in battle of Valverde, N. M., February 21, 1862. Mustered out in December, 1864. Was married in fall of 1866, to Miss Anna H. Haight. They had three children - Ettie, Mary E., Anna H. Wife died May 1, 1873. Again married in November 1874, to Clarissa D. Coffield. They have four children - Myrtle, Samuel. Lena and James B. Mr. Day is a member I. O. O. F. He served as Treasurer of Shawnee Township two years and is now a member of the City Council of Kansas City, Kan.

FRANCIS M. P. DONNELLY, Street Commissioner and Road Overseer of Kansas City, Kan., was born in Boone County, Ky., September 25, 1811. Lived in his native place until 1850, when his parents with their family moved to Kenton County adjoining. In 1861, he enlisted in the four months' service, re-enlisted in Company H. Tenth Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, September 18, 1862. He participated in all the actions and battles of his command. Was taken prisoner at Mt. Sterling Ky., paroled and in one month exchanged. His regiment was then detailed to run down rebel guerrillas and raiders from Virginia and Tennessee; they had numerous small battles and skirmishes with bush-whackers. Was mustered out September 17, 1863, having only enlisted for the term of one year. He then returned home, and worked on his father's farm until January, 1865, when he went then went to Connilton, W. Va., and worked in coal mines a year, and returned to his home in Kentucky, then went to Louisville, Ky. Married January 9, 1866, to Miss Jane McAllen a native of Ireland. He then returned to West Virginia, and followed mining until 1868, returned to Kentucky, and followed farming until the spring of 1871, and on the 3d of March of that year landed with his wife and two babies in Osage City, Kan., then a very small town. He there worked coal mines about a year, was promoted to underground foreman, Osage Coal Mine Company. Held the position three years, and then went into coal mining on his own account, but did not succeed. In the spring of 1874, was elected City Councilman of Osage City, and the following November, was elected to represent Osage County in the Kansas Legislature. He was there author of the first mining law, entitled "a Bill for the safety of persons employed in coal mines," which became a law. In the spring of 1875, was elected Mayor of Osage City, Kan., as a reward for his record as Councilman and Representative in the Legislature. In 1876 was re-elected Mayor. In the fall of that year, settled in Lexington, Mo., having failed in business; remained eighteen months, and removed to Camden, Mo., where he worked in coal mines eighteen months. In October, 1879, came to Wyandotte, Kan. He then began work in a packing house in general labor, continuing a year and six months. Thence embarked in the express business, and was appointed to his present position April 12, 1883. They have nine children living - Mary A., Eva, Charles S., Rose A., Joseph, Jane, Isabella, Catherine and Margaret. Now resides in Kansas City, Kan. Mr. D. is a member of the Knights of Labor, of Kansas City, Kan.

GEORGE E FOERSCHLER, came to Kansas City, Kan., in 1870, being amongst the first pioneers to locate permanently. He erected the third house in the then wilderness and soon after engaged at the cooper trade. Embarked in coopering on his own account in 1878, employing about five workmen. In 1874, erected a large shop and employed twenty workmen annually, for seven years. He now employs about fifteen workmen, and does a fine business. He was born in Germany, November 30, 1838. Came to America in 1865, and located at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and followed various occupations until he engaged in cooper trade which he has since followed. Was married in 1867, to Miss Mary Wolfe, a native of Germany. They have two children - George, Jr., and Louisa. Mr. F. has been a member of the City Council nine years, being one of the first to hold that position, having assisted to organize the city government.

A. J. GILLESPIE & CO., live stock commission merchants, Kansas City Stock Yards. The firm is composed of A. J. Gillespie, L. J. Gillespie, T. E. Gillespie, and J. F. Gillespie. The business was established in 1871, by A. J. Gillespie, and the present firm organized in 1878. Annual sales estimated at $4,000,000 to $4,500,000.

R. W. HILLIKER, Mayor of Kansas City, Kan., and dealer in watches silverware, clocks, jewelry and diamonds, also keeps a loan office, real estate, etc. He came to Kansas City, Mo., in 1865, soon took a contract for building and built the bridge across the Kaw River near its mouth, organized a bridge company at that time and owned a half interest in the same, and ran it as a toll bridge for a number of years. The ground where Kansas City, Kan., now stands was then a dense forest. He did a great deal of contract and street work in Kansas City, Mo. In 1867, he erected two bridges across the Smoky Hill River at Junction City, Kan. He then opened and developed the Junction City stone quarries, furnished stone for building purposes in the States of Kansas, Iowa and Missouri. He also furnished stone for the left wing of the capitol building at Topeka. He erected a stone mill at Junction City and one at Kansas City, Mo.; operated them for some time. In 1858 he opened the Barnard, Kan., brown stone quarries, and furnished stone for the erection of many fine buildings in Kansas City, Mo. He has sold and shipped a large quantity of stone to Chicago, Ill. In 1869, he opened and developed the Warrensburg, Mo., stone quarries and erected the State Normal School at Warrensburg, and Scientific Agricultural College of Columbia, Mo., State Normal School at Kirksville, Mo., etc. He was five or six years interested in the news paper business, and edited the Kansas Pioneer for several years. He has spent two years in exploring and mining In Southern Colorado, and in July, 1881, began business as stated in the heading of the sketch. He also receives deposits and pays checks, etc., doing a banking business. He was elected Mayor of Kansas City, Kan., April 3, 1883. Has served several years in the city government of Kansas City, Mo., being one year chairman of the Finance Committee; two years chairman of the Committee on Public Works, etc. He was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., and lived there till a young lad, when his parents with family moved to Canada, where he first began life as a contractor of public works and railroads. He has followed the business in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. He was married in 1851, to Miss Sarah A. Durkee, who was born near Dartmouth College, New York. They have six children - Charles E., now engaged in the transfer business at Kansas City, Mo.; James D., clerking in his father's store; Henry C., Assistant Chief of the Fire Department; Kansas City Mo.; Della, married to William Smith, a railroad man of Milwaukee Wis.; Maggie and Elizabeth at home. His wife died in 1872.

EDWARD HORLEY, City Treasurer of Kansas City, Kan., came to the city in 1871; worked at cooper trade until 1880. In April, 1875, was appointed City Treasurer and has held the office since. Has been Clerk of the Board of Education six years. He was born in Montgomeryshire, England, August 4 1827. Came to America in December, 1868. In his native country, he was a cooper by trade. He was married in October, 1849, to Miss Ann Richards, a native of Wales, England. They have six children living - Elizabeth, married to a Mr. Johnson, of Stonewall County, La.; Sarah, married to Charles Hillimer, Kansas City, Kan., Thomas a cooper by trade; George, now employed in a packing house; William a painter by trade. Mr. H. is a member of two first branches Masonic order Kansas City, Kan. He is widely and favorably known and respected for his many qualities as a good citizen.

IRWIN, ALLEN & CO., live-stock commission merchants. The firm consists of S. D. Irwin, L. A. Allen and J. N. Irwin. Business established in 1875. The partners are all active men, the employes consisting of book-keepers, yard-men, etc. They are doing a large and increasing business, the sales of 1882, exceeding $2,000,000, cattle sales alone exceeding 40,000 head. Mr. Allen has been connected with the cattle trade since a very early day, at first being engaged in driving from Colorado and New Mexico. Has been connected with the trade here since 1863.

J. R. KELLEY, of the firm of Kelley & Berberich, manufacturers of a general line of cooperage. They employ from twelve to thirty men annually. Began operations in September 1882. They have a capacity of turning out from $100 to $300 worth of work per day. Mr. J. R. Kelley came to Kansas in 1877 and engaged in the cooper trade until he began business for himself in Kansas City, Kan., in 1881. He was born in Sandusky City, Ohio, October 1, 1856. Lived on Kelley's Island, near that city, until twelve years old, thence moved with his parents on a farm in Huron County, Ohio, and lived three years; thence went to Genoa, Ohio, at the age of fifteen years, and learned the cooper's trade, where he worked five years, and after traveling in various States and Canada, finally located in Kansas.

PETER R. KENNEDY, general foreman of the car department, West Division, Missouri Pacific Railway, came to Kansas City, Mo., in 1873. He employs from forty to fifty men in his department. He was born In Monroe County, N. Y., September 20, 1832, and was raised forty miles northeast of Toronto, Canada; lived there until 1859, where he followed lumbering and saw-milling business. In the spring of 1859, went to Lenawee County, Mich., and engaged in agriculture and building bridges until the spring of 1867, when he went to Crawford County, Mo.; he there engaged in railroad bridge building, and in the fall of 1889, he became foreman of car department, which position he holds at the present time. He moved to Springfield Mo., in 1870; here he lived until he came to Kansas City, Mo. in 1873. Lived in Kansas City until 1879 when he moved to Kansas City, Kan., where he now lives. He served one term as President of School Board in Kansas City, Kan. In the spring of 1888, was elected member of the City Council. He was married in 1854, to Miss Harriet Bowen, a native of Haldeman County, Canada. They have four children - Ann Olsia, Delfina Alberta, Charles A. and Corea B. His wife died in 1872, in Springfield, Mo. He was again married in 1873, to Miss Nancy A. Jackson, of Springfield, Greene County Mo. They have one daughter - Maude Myrtle.

SAMUEL McCONNELL, foreman in the lard department of Plankinton & Armour's Packing House, came to Kansas City, Mo., in 1868 and became an employc for Thomas J. Bigger, in same business as at present. Came to Kansas City, Kan., in 1870, for same parties, until 1880, when he accepted his present position. He has charge of about thirty men under his supervision. In 1871, he was Treasurer of Kansas City, Kan., Clerk of Board of Education, from 1872, until spring, 1883. Was a member City Council three years, and Mayor four years. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, December 16, 1847; came to America in August, 1863, alone, and lived in New York city three and one-half years. He was married in 1872, to Miss Isabella Beggs, a native of Ireland. They have five children - Mary A., Thomas J., Samuel, Agnes, Lizzie, (deceased) and Isabella. He is a member of K. of P.

McCOY & UNDERWOOD, commission merchants for the sale of cattle, hogs and sheep, Kansas City Stock Yards. The firm is composed of A. J. McCoy and D. S. Underwood. Business established in November, 1881; yearly sales will aggregate $200,000.

GEORGE W. MARSH, dealer in a general line of drugs, medicines and druggist's sundries, corner of Sixth and James streets, also at 249 James street. He began trade in the fall of 1880, with a stock of $2,000; now carries a stock of $6,000. He came West in the spring of 1871 pre-empting some land in Nebraska, where he farmed one year. Thence he went to Ft; Scott, Kan., and engaged in the drug trade eight years, until he came to Kansas City, Mo., connected with the Marsh Patent Medicine Company, finally locating in his present business. He was born in Dundas, Canada, February 22, 1846; was raised in Wautoma, Wis., and lived in various places in the latter State. Enlisted December, 1861, in the Eighth Wisconsin Light Artillery. Participated in all the battles of his command; was promoted to Hospital Steward; was mustered out in 1865. He then served an apprenticeship of three years in the drug business, in Milwaukee. He was married, in 1880, to Miss Alice Dodson, of Ft. Scott, Kan. They have three children - Arnott L., Lillian A., by a former marriage and Georgie Lee, by the latter marriage. Mr. Marsh is a member of the K. of L., of Kansas City Kan.

COL. C. F. MORSE - general manager, Kansas City Stock Yards Company, and a general manager of the Kaw Valley Town Site and Bridge Company, is a native of Massachusetts and was born in Boston, September 22, 1839. From 1871 to 1877, he was connected with railroads in different parts of the West. His last position was that of General Superintendent of the A., T. & S. F. R. R., which he resigned to take his present position.

FRANK E. PELLETE, dealer in drugs and medicines, paints, oils and druggist's sundries. He embarked in drug trade in Kansas City, Kan., in March, 1882. Carries a stock of $2,000. He came to Kansas City, Mo., in June, 1878, and engaged n real estate, speculating, erecting over twenty dwellings, etc. He was born In Windham County, Conn., November 9, 1844, and was raised there. He began life as a clerk, and has followed various occupations since. During four years' time in the rebellion, he was Inspector of United States Armory at Springfield, Mass., in the manufacture of Springfield guns. He was married in 1868 to Miss IsabelIa Smith, of Sagg Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. He is a member of Masonic order and Knights of Labor, Kansas City, Kansas.

PLATT & EVANS, commission merchants for the sale of live stock, Kansas City Stock Yards. The firm is composed of M. R. Platt and Jesse Evans. This business was established in 1880. They have two salesmen and three other employes.

E. E. RICHARDSON, Assistant Treasurer and Secretary of the Kansas City Stock Yard Company, Kaw Valley Town Site & Bridge Company, and the Kansas Desiccating and Refining Company, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., April 29, 1847, and made that his home until June 5, 1869. He is a son of E. K. and Hannah L. (Martin) Richardson, his father being a miller. E. E. was so reared until seventeen. He was educated in the public schools of Buffalo and the high school of Grand Rapids, Mich. October 7, 1864, he accepted a position as book-keeper in Martin Comstock's wholesale store of seeds and fruit, at that time the largest house in the city of Buffalo. Resigned that position May 1, 1888, and took charge, of the wholesale produce store of Wallace Johnson, remaining one year, part of the time as traveling buyer and salesman. June 8, 1869, he went to Milwaukee, Wis., and engaged as traveling salesman for Johnson & Thyng, soap and candle manufacturers. Not being satisfied with this position, he resigned July 27, 1869, shortly afterward going to Chicago, being on the Board of Trade with Wright & Beebe, from August 16 to October 12, 1869. That day, he accepted a position as book-keeper for Gregory Strader & Co., live-stock dealers, remaining with this firm until January 21, 1874, when he was appointed to the office he now fills by the authority of J. M. Walker, who was at that time President of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad and also of Kansas City Stock Yards. He was married to Miss Anna M. Nevius December 21, 1868, a native of New Orleans, La. They have five children living - Dwight N., Anna L., Clara B., Frances L. and John E. Mr. R. is a member of the Uniform Bank, K. of P., of Kansas City, Mo., also of the Craig Rifles, of the same city.

ROGERS & ROGERS live-stock commission merchants, Kansas City Stock Yards. The firm here is composed of W. A. and H. D. Rogers, and is a branch of Harrison, Rogers & Co., live-stock commission merchants, Chicago. The business was established in 1875, and they are now doing a business of $2,500,000.

W. L. SEAMAN, physician and surgeon, came to Kansas City, Kan., in 1878 and opened a medical office, where he has since practiced his profession. He was born in Waukesha, Wis., May 21, 1852. Family lived there until 1856 and removed to Kilbourn City, Wis., where they lived until 1860, and emigrated to Milwaukee, where he lived until 1871, when he entered the Chicago, Ill., Medical College, as a student, and graduated March 16, 1875. He then practiced his profession at Mercy Hospital, Cook County, Ill. He occupied the position of Interne and Free Dispensary in the latter hospital some time. Finally went to Rochelle, Ill., and practiced medicine several months. Thence to Kansas City, Kan. Was married in 1875, to Miss Anna M. Chappelle, of Rochelle, Ill. They have one daughter, Erma May, born August 24, 1881. He is a member of Knights of Labor, I. O. O. F. and Y. M. C. A., of Kansas City, Kan. He is Vice President of Eureka Reform Club and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Within the last five months he has issued over 2,000 prescriptions. He is physician to the free dispensary of Kansas City, Kan.

JOHN SHEEHAN, City Marshal of Kansas City, Kan. He first came to his present city in 1870, where he was employed as a general laborer in packing house until 1875 inclusive, He was appointed to his present position in April, 1875; by appointment has since held the office. Has served as Deputy Sheriff, Wyandotte County, five years, Constable, four years. He was born in Ireland February 2, 1845. Came to America in 1857, and made Washington City, D. C., his home during school days. Enlisted 1861, in Company D, Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He participated in all battles of his command in the Army of the Potomac. Mustered out in July, 1884. He then went to Baltimore, Md. He worked in rolling mills and copper works, United States Government, at Ft Foot, Md., a year or more; thence to Kansas. Was married in 1875, to Miss Mary O'Niel, a native of Ireland. They have four sons and one daughter - Mary, Daniel, James, John P. and Timothy. He and his family are members of the Catholic Church.

ANDY J. SNIDER & CO., commission merchants for the sale of live stock. The business was established in 1873, the present firm succeeding Barse & Snyder in 1881. There are four salesmen employed, besides book-keepers, etc. The sales for 1882 aggregated $13,800,000. The cattle sales represent 84,000 head, hogs 368,000 head. In addition to this some 49,000 head of cattle on ranches. Mr. Snyder commenced the cattle business in 1869, buying and shipping until 1872. Since that time in commission business. In addition to regular business, he is interested in the Drum & Snyder ranch in Indian Territory. This ranch contains 165,000 acres, all under fence, the herd consisting of 17,000 head of cattle; the output for 1883, will be some 9,800 head.

HENRY C. STOUT, City Clerk of Kansas City, Kan. He came to Topeka, February 2,1875. Invested 85,500 in a farm near by, and followed agriculture some time, sold out and moved to Kansas City, Kan., and went into the employ of Plankinton & Armour in 1877. He is now foreman of the fertilizing and lumber department, and has about forty-one men under his super-vision. He was born in New York City, August 15,1848; was raised as a book-keeper until twenty years old. He graduated in a scientific course, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., class of 1884. In 1866, went to Chicago, Ill., and followed book-keeping four years; was agent for Heath & Smith Manufacturing Company, of Chicago four years and about twenty months a reporter for the Chicago Times ; thence came to Kansas. Was elected City Clerk, November 15, 1878, and by re-election has since held the office. Has served as City Assessor four years. Was married in 1866, to Miss Anna Adams, of Paris, Ky. They have one daughter, Edith, born December 13, 1867. He is a member of Kelwinning Lodge, No.311, A., F, & A. M., Corinthian Chapter, No.69, R. A. M., St. Bernard Commandery, No.16, Knights Templar Lodge, Sigma Chi, of Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind.

P. H. SULLIVAN, receiving clerk in Abernathy Furniture House, and a member of City Council, Kansas City, Kan. He came to Kansas City, Kan., in the fall of 1879, and went into the employ of the above house. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, December25, 1864; was raised in Missouri until sixteen years old, when he came to Kansas City, Kan. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and President of the same, Knights of Labor, and member and Secretary of the I. C. B. U. He is favorably known for his good business qualities and strict integrity.

WHITE & HOLMES, live-stock commission merchants, Kansas City Stock Yards. The firm is composed of Robert C. White and George Holmes. The business was established January 1, 1876, by the present firm. They give their personal attention to all sales, and each has an able assistant salesman. They employ three traveling men and two book-keepers, and the annual sales. will exceed $6,000,000.

[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]