William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 10] [part 8] [Cutler's History]


JOHN W. NYCE, assistant cashier of the Stock Exchange Bank, is a native of New Jersey, and was born in 1855. His early life was spent at school and in a law office. He received an academic education. At the age of eighteen began reading law with his father, at which he continued for three years. In 1879 he was elected County Attorney of Pike County, Pa., in which capacity he served two years. In 1881, Mr. Nyce came to Caldwell, Sumner county, Kansas, and engaged in the hog and horse business in the Territory, in which he continued one year. He sold his interest in the horse business to Mr. J. H. Moore, of Illinois. He is still in the hog business. He was appointed City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1882, by the City Council, and re-appointed for the same offices in April, 1883. He was elected assistant cashier of the Stock Exchange Bank January 1, 1883. Was elected secretary and treasurer of the Caldwell Publishing and Printing company in May, 1883. Is a member of the order of Odd Fellows, and is noble grand. Is a member of the Knights of Honor, and is past dictator and treasurer. In 1881, May 18, Mr. Nyce was married to Miss Maggie A. Quick, of Milford Pa. The lesson taught in the biography of Mr. John W. Nyce is of inestimable value to the rising generation. It teaches that success is founded on three fundamental elements. First, starting out in life with a fixed purpose; second, employing those means best calculated to accomplish the desired object, and third, persistent, unyielding effort. To be successful in laudable undertakings is worth living for, and in this respect Mr. Nyce has shown the world long before his prime that his life has not been in vain, but on the contrary, a bright example for all to follow who would be successful.

GEORGE W. REILLY, capitalist, is a native of Illinois and was born in Galena, Jo Daviess County, in 1852. He was reared in the mercantile business and received a classical education. At the age of eleven he began clerking in a grocery store in Galena, where he remained two years. He then went to Poughkeepsie, to Eastman's Commercial College, for four months. He then returned to Galena and taught in Potts' Commercial college nine months, then attended school in the University at Notre Dame eighteen months, after which he returned to Galena, Ill., for a short time, then to Covington, Neb., where he engaged in the hardware and agricultural implement business seven months. He then went to Sioux City, Iowa, in the grocery business. He was next in the wholesale liquor business, in which he continued until the spring of 1874. In the meantime was traveling mostly. He then went to Wichita, Kan., and engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery business, in which he continued until the spring of 1879. He then came to Caldwell, Kan., and opened a general supply store, in which he continued until the spring of 1880. He then built Reilly's Block, in the city of Caldwell, and opened a general outfitting house for cattle men, and in the fall of 1880 sold out to York, Parker, Draper & Co. In 1883 Mr. Reilly opened a grocery and continued until May, 1883, at which time he sold out to Keeling & Co. He is stockholder in and secretary of the Caldwell Savings Bank and owns 640 acres of farming lands. In 1879 built a business block of 40x80 feet. In 1880 built the Reilly Block, 50x85 feet. In 1882 built a fine residence and is beautifying the grounds according to his own good taste. He is a member of the Knights of Honor and Ancient Order of Workmen. In 1876 Mr. Reilly was married to Miss Lizzie Reiling, of Bellevue, Iowa, by whom he has two children, Eugene A. and La Veta. In July, 1880, he lost his wife. In November, 1881, he was married to Miss Regina Reiling, sister of his first wife, of Bellevue, Jackson Co., Iowa, by whom he has one child, George W. Reilly, Jr. Mr. Reilly is a representative man and the possession of his ample fortune is significant of the fact that he possessed a keen perception and splendid financial abilities.

S. S. RICHMOND, book-keeper in the Caldwell Savings' Bank, is a native of Ohio and was born in 1841, reared in the agricultural profession, receiving and academic education. When twenty years of age he joined the army, One Hundred and Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company G, for three years, after which he was two years on a farm in Tennessee. He was next book-keeping in Philadelphia one year. In 1868 he immigrated to Ottawa, Franklin Co., Kan., where he engaged in the lumber business. He was next in Oswego, Labette County, in the lumber business, two years. In 1871, came to Sumner County where he ran a portable saw-mill ten years, and in the meantime was doing some farming and speculating in real estate and improved three or four farms. In 1881 and 1882 was engaged in the loan, real estate and insurance business in Caldwell. In 1882 he accepted the position of book-keeper in the Caldwell Savings' Bank, which position he holds in connection with his real estate and other business. In the fall of 1881 he was appointed by the officers and creditors of the Merchants' and Drovers' Bank as trustee, to settle the business of the bank. In 1872 he assisted in organizing a company to build a bridge across the Arkansas River at Oxford, in which he was stockholder and one of the directors. He is a stockholder in the Caldwell Savings' Bank and assisted in organizing the same. He built residence and business house in Oxford, in 1871; built a residence in Wellington; built a residence in Caldwell and built three residences on farms. He is a member of the order of Freemasons and is a charter member of the Oxford Lodge. He assisted in organizing Upton Post, No. 27, G. A. R., in 1881. Mr. Richmond was married to Miss Charlotte L. Deming, of Illinois, in 1876, by whom he has one child, Alva. Mr. Richmond owns a fine farm of 180 acres on Bluff Creek, all under cultivation.

J. B. ROBERTS, dealer in confections and fruits, is a native of Kentucky, and was born in 1844; he was reared in the agricultural profession, and obtained a high-school education. At the age of eighteen he engaged in the mercantile business at Bloomington, Ill., which business he continued three years, after which he farmed two years, in meantime was in the stock business. He came to Wichita, Kan., and opened a real estate and load office in 1871, where he continued four years; he was then in the mercantile business about two years. He then came to Caldwell, Sumner Co., Kan., and clerked in a dry goods house a shot time. In 1880 he started the first transfer wagon in Caldwell, and opened his present business. He owns two residences in Caldwell. He is member of the order of the Knights of Honor. Mr. Roberts was married to Miss Laura Noble, of Illinois, in 1872, by whom he has one child, Rena. Mr. Roberts is one of the leading business men of his town.

J. R. ROBERTSON, M. D., is a native of Ohio, and was born in 1854; was reared a farmer, and received a fair education. In 1872 he began the study of medicine, and graduated from the Detroit Medical College in the spring of 1877. He then returned to Ohio and practised (sic) medicine in connection with the drug business until the spring of 1882 after which he came to Caldwell, Sumner Co., Kan., and began the practice of his profession. Dr. Robertson is a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, and is also a Free Mason.

E. B. ROLL, of the firm of E. B. Roll & Co., general groceryman, is a native of Missouri, and was born in 1858. He was reared in the grocery business, and has the advantage of a classical education. At the age of seventeen he began clerking in a grocery store in Quincy, Ill., in which position he continued until 1880, after which he came to Caldwell, Kan., and opened his present business. Mr. Roll carries a stock of $6,000 and does a yearly business of $40,000. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and is one of the leading grocerymen of Caldwell.

C. H. STONE, cattle raiser and dealer, is a native of Massachusetts, and was born in 1841; he was reared in the agricultural pursuit, and obtained a high school education. At the age of twenty-one he went to Peoria, Ill., where he remained one year; he was then at Lawn Ridge, Ill., in the cattle business three years; after which time he came west to Missouri and Kansas, locating at Topeka, and in 1869, he came to Wichita, and engaged in the tobacco business one year, then in 1870, he engaged in the cattle business about one year; he came to Caldwell, Sumner Co., Kan., and opened a general supply store in connection with the cattle business; since which time he has been driving stock from Indian Territory and shipping to Kansas City, and Chicago. He built residence and business house in Caldwell; he is a member of the order of Free Masons. Mr. Stone was married to Miss Lucitta Stillman of the State of New York; in 1864, he took up the land on which Caldwell now stands; in 1871, he laid out the town, then in 1879 he laid out and addition to the town of forty acres; he sold lots from $50 to $100, with the understanding that the purchaser should build on his lot at once; out of forty acres there now remains about twenty lots unsold.

E. M. SWAGGART, contractor and builder, is a native of Illinois, and was born in 1842; he was reared in the agricultural pursuits, and obtained a liberal education. After arriving at the age of twenty he engaged in different businesses; he then traveled over the States of Illinois and Iowa; in 1873, he came to Summer County, Kan., and located on a farm of 160 acres and improved same, which he ran as a grain and stock farm, fours years. In 1878 he came to Caldwell, Sumner Co., Kan., and opened his present business; he has built, and owns two residences, and has improved two farms and now owns a farm of eighty acres; he is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W., he is a charter member and financier of same. Mr. Swaggart was married to Miss Alvira Bolanstein of the State of New York, in 1862, by whom he has four children - George C., Nellie E., Josephine B. and Charles B., J. Delia, deceased. Mr. Swaggart is a true specimen of a self made man.

J. W. THOMAS, real estate, loan and insurance agent, is a native of Ohio, and was born in 1844, of Scotch parentage; was reared in the agricultural profession, and obtained an Academic education; he joined the army in 1862, and remained in the same three years, Seventh Ohio Cavalry Company E, he went in as a private and came out as a corporal; he returned to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1865; he then attended school in Missouri, for three years, after which he taught school until the spring of 1870, at which time he came to Wichita, Kan., and there speculated in real estate, one year; then in 1871, he came to Caldwell, and opened a general supply store, for the benefit of Texas cattle drivers, at which he continued for five years. In 1876, he was elected Justice of the Peace, in the meantime was speculating in land. He was trustee of Caldwell Township, in 1882, and has been Justice of the Peace three terms, six years. He is a stockholder in the Caldwell Hotel Company and Caldwell Journal. He owns 640 acres of fine farm land; he also owns seventy-five lots in Caldwell; has built and owned three residences and one business house. He is a member of the Knight of Honor and Grand Army of the Republic, and is Quartermaster of the same, and has been since its organization. Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Fannie Devore, of Ohio, in 1872; he lost his wife in 1883.

LEVI THRAILKILL, grocer, is a native of Missouri, and was born in 1843. He was reared in the grocery business and obtained a fair education. In 1861 he went to Blackbow, Col., where he was in the grocery business one year. He was next engaged in freighting across the plains for the government, four years after which he went to school for eighteen months in Nebraska City, Neb. He then opened a farm of 160 acres, on which he remained three years, a the end of which time he came to Kansas (1872) and bought a farm two and one-half miles west of Belle Plaine, on which re remained six months. He was next heard of on a claim six miles from Wellington, which he improved and run (sic) four years. He then went to Wellington, where he was in the grocery business one year, after which he came to Caldwell and opened his present business. Up to the age of twenty-two years he had been drifting about in a sort of wild, chaotic, indifferent state, without a purpose hardly, in poor health, and little energy. About this time, however, a great change came over him, a change like unto the one which came over Paul, while on his way to Damascus. He experienced a complete change of heart, having been touched by the gentle hand of the Almighty, commenced a new life that at once became full of energy, and to the present time his career has been attended with prosperity, and great usefulness to his fellow men. He has taken a very active part on building up the social, moral and religious standing of his city. He was on the committee for building the school building, and through his energy, zeal, and business tact has given the citizens a schoolhouse that will stand as a splendid monument to his business tact, as well as the citizens of Caldwell. He owns business and residence property. He is ruling elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and a member of the Knights of Honor. Was married to Miss Sarah D. Atlebery, of Illinois, by whom he has two children, Finis and Minnie. Mrs. Trailkill is a member of the same church as her husband.

A. H. TODD, manager for Keeling & Co., dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Indiana, and was born in 1849. He was reared in the agricultural pursuit, and received a high school education. At the age of seventeen he began clerking at Valley Falls, Kas., (sic) and continued two years. He then went to Fort Leavenworth, Kas., (sic) in the employ of the government, where he remained five years. He was next at Leavenworth City, in a store three years, after which he returned to Fort Leavenworth and engaged in merchandise for five years. He was next in the Indian Territory, in the general merchandise business four years, after which he came to Caldwell and took his present position in 1883. He was Postmaster in the Indian Territory three years. Mr. Todd is a member of the order of Free Masons.

S. TUTTLE, cattle dealer, raiser and ranchman, is a native of New York, and was born in 1849. Was reared to the agricultural pursuit, and was blessed with a liberal education. He came to Illinois with his parents in 1861, and carried on a farm until 1871, after which time he went to Texas and there engaged in the cattle business, speculating and driving to Kansas, at which he continued seven years. He then bought a ranch in the pan-handle of Texas, where he remained three years, after which he sold out and in 1882 bought another ranch in territory, where he is now engaged. His present ranch is about fifteen miles square, and on which there are fifty-eight miles of fence. His herd now numbers 2,500 head. He built a residence in Caldwell. Was married to Miss J. L. Whittlesey, of Michigan in 1883.

A. WITZLEBEN, manager of the York, Parker & Draper mercantile company at Caldwell, Kansas, is a native of Germany, and was born in 1849. His early opportunities were good, having been reared in the banking business and obtained a collegiate education. He was cashier of the Bank of North America in St. Louis, Mo. He then had charge of a mercantile office in St. Louis for several years. He came to Dodge City, Kansas and kept books for York & Draper until 1879. He then opened a store in Caldwell in co-partnership with Mr. York, in which he continued eighteen months, after which the above company was formed, when he assumed the duties of his present position. Mr. Witzleben is a stockholder in this mammoth company, which has, in connection with the store at Caldwell, a large store at Fort Griffin, Texas, and one at Dodge City, Kansas. This company also owns a ranch, twenty-five miles square, in Texas, on which is 11,000 head of cattle. The capital stock of the company is $300,000 and was organized in April, 1881, with Frank B. York, president; D. T. Parker, treasurer; N. R. Draper, manager at Dodge City, and H. E. Chapin, manager at Fort Griffin. Said company was organized for a term of twenty-five years. Mr. Witzleben is Treasurer of the city of Caldwell; is a member of the order of Free Masons and of the order of the Knight Templars. In 1872 he was married to Miss Amelia Palmer, of Paris, Canada, by whom he has three children - Albert, Eugene and Walter. The remarkable career of Mr. Witzleben is full of valuable instruction, and shows the wonderful possibilities in this glorious State for young men possess, as he certainly is, of energy, business tact, and great executive ability. Being yet but a young man he has been extremely successful, and associated himself with some of the wealthiest, most able and energetic business men, not only of this portion of Kansas but of the entire Union.

[TOC] [part 10] [part 8] [Cutler's History]