STOCKTON.The city of Stockton, county seat of Rooks County, now containing a population of seven hundred was first settled in June, 1872. Several of the earliest settlers were cattle dealers and they named their new home Stocktown, or as it soon became Stockton. The first settler in the town was George W. Beebe, who also erected the first house and opened the first stock of goods. He came on to the town site in June, 1872. Other early settlers were S. C. Smith, who built the first frame house, bringing his lumber by team from a distance of 150 miles; Joseph McNulty, Marvin and Lyman Randall - the Randalls built in 1872, the large stone business house on Main street. W. O'Brien, Joseph and Jackson Dickson, Joseph Randall, Thomas McNulty. The first town officers elected in 1873, were Charlas (sic) Stuart, trustee; D. K. Dibble, clerk; John Park, treasurer; G. W. Patterson and P. G. Green, justices; G. W. Norcutt and W. Dickson, constables. The first school was taught in 1872 by W. H. Barnes, in the north part of town, and soon after the first school house was built in the same section. The first sermon was delivered by Elder Joy Bishop in the public hall at the close of 1872 or beginning of 1873. The first church was built in 1878, Catholic, in the north part of town. The first post-office (Stockton) was established in 1872, and James Finnegan was appointed Postmaster. The first mail was brought on horseback from Cawker City, via Bulls City. The first grist mill was built by Bulis and French, east of and near town line. Stockton is located on the second bottom on level prairie. A child of Geo. W. Norcutt, born in the spring of 1874, was the first birth in Stockton. The first burial in the grave-yard, was a man named Foster, whose death is noted elsewhere. Stockton has just cause to be proud of her educational advantages, having a successful graded school in a substantial and elegant three-roomed, two-story building. The house was built in 1881, at an expense of $4,000. Three teachers are employed, with an enrollment of 150 scholars. Her earliest teacher, W. H. Barnes still takes a warm interest in the subject of education. Stockton was organized as a city in the spring of 1879. The first officers were: C. E. Maynard, mayor; C. E. McDaniel, Jewell Elliott, M. M. Stewart, James Moore and John Sarver, councilman; D. Washburn, marshal; W. A. Ecker, police judge; T. C. McBreen, clerk. Present officers; M. M. Stewart, mayor; John Newton, M. Schrulen, M. E. Prickett, Hiram Lee, J. Guthrie, council: John R. Hicks, marshall; Frank McNulty, police judge; T. C. McBreen, clerk. The council meets regularly every month.
SOCIETIES.Newahcuba Lodge, No. 189, A., F. & A. M. - Organized February 17, 1881; Present officers: J. W. Callender, W. M.; M. C. Reville, S. W.; J. A. French, J. W.; W. B. Lecompt, Treas.; L. C. Smith, Sec.; F. Chipman, S. D.; A. E. Wilson, J. D.; John Haynes, Tyler. Number of members, thirty. Meet Friday on or before full moon, and every second Friday thereafter, in hall on Main Street. Stockton Lodge, No. 175, I. O. O. F. - Organized October 13, 1880. Present officers; J. H. Hays, N. G.; J. N. Smith, V. G.; T. C. McBreen, Per. Sec.; J. Estep, Warden; A. F. Smith, Treas.; Geo. Montgomery, D. D. G. M. Has thirty-five members. Meet every Wednesday in hall on Main Street. Stockton Post, N. 76, G. A. R. - Organized May, 1872. L. C. Smith, P. C.; John Knoley, J. V. C.; A. J. Davis, Adjt.; M. M. Stewart, Chaplain. Meet last Saturday of every month. Has fifty-six members. Stockton Cornet Band was organized in 1878 with the following members: Harry Mitchell, H. M. Jackson, Charles Hurd, G. S. Smity, J. T. Newton, A. Wilson, Henry Scott, H. Byerts, T. J. McClellan, George Randall, W. A. Ecker, J. M. Honde, Ed. Lapoulice. Elm Grove Creamery. - Two and one-half miles west of Stockton, on the south Solomon, and situated in Elm Grove, from which it takes its name, is the Elm Grove Creamery of Messrs. C. H. Buschman & C. C. Woods. It is the most important establishment of the kind in Western Kansas, the milk from 800 cows being utilized, and the products of the creamery ranking as No. 1. The value of the building is about $1,500; machinery and cans, $1,800;; total investment, $5,064. A large part of the butter is sold at St. Louis and Denver. The building is 58x28 feet, built near the base of a low bluff that is filled with springs of clear, living water. The engine room and butter room, 10x12 and 20x10 feet, respectively, adjoining the main building. The first churning was done on the 13th of May, 1882. The cream is gathered from five different routes through the county.
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.W. H. BARNES, lawyer, was born in Madison, Mich., August 28, 1842. When two years of age went with his parents to Washington County, Wis., where he lived on a farm until twelve years old, and with his parents moved to Barton, Wis., where he worked in a store and went to school until he was twenty, then he went to Eyota, Minn., where he followed farming until the fall of 1865, when he returned to Wisconsin, Winnebago County, and engaged in the shingle and lumber business until 1867, when he returned to Eyota, Minn., where he kept a hotel until 1869, when he removed to Harrisonville, Cass County, Mo., where he resided until 1873, teaching school during the winters and reading law during the summer. Read law with William J. Terrill, and in 1873 he moved to Rooks County, Kan., where he homesteaded a farm and where he lived until 1875, when he moved to the city of Stockton and engaged in keeping hotel until 1877, when he established the first drug store in Rooks County, also had a third interest in what was known as the "Stone Store," and also a third interest in the Stockton Mills, which he was connected with until 1879, when he disposed of his interest in the three establishments, and his since given his entire attention to the practice of law. He attended Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis.; was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, at Topeka, Kan., August 31, 1878, and to the District Court of Rooks County in the spring of 1874. Has practiced law in Rooks and adjoining counties since 1873. Married September 29, 1863, to Miss Maria Scott. They have three children - Ella, Merton and Edith. He was elected County Attorney, Rooks County, four years. Elected County Superintendent of Schools, two terms. He has been a prominent member of the Republican party in Rooks County for the last ten years, and in 1880 was chosen as one of the alternates. J. W. CALLENDER, hardware merchant and district clerk, was born in Luzerne County, Pa., November 2, 1845, where he resided until 1855, when he went to Chickasaw County, Iowa, where he lived on a farm until 1868, when he moved to Fayette, Iowa, where he attended the university three years, and until 1878 engaged in teaching school as principal of schools in Fayette, Auburn Elgin and Postville, and in 1878 came to Stockton, where he established his present business - hardware store. He was married September 18, 1874 to Miss Sarah E. Gardner. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and A. O. U. W. Elected District Clerk of Rooks County in the fall of 1880, and reelected in the fall of 1882. He has been City Treasurer since the spring of 1882. W. L. CHAMBERS, senior editor of the Rooks County Record, was born in Geneva, Kane County, Ill., February 12, 1856; educated in Geneva High School, and when seventeen years of age, went into the Geneva Republican office as local editor and compositor. Remained a year and a half, and then for a few months was employed in the business department of the Elgin Advocate. Then started the Dundee Record, run it a year and a half, till the fall of 1878, then went in company with T. C. McBreen, and removed the office to Wilber, Saline County, and established the Wilber Record, one year later, sold to Dougherty & Piercell Bros., then removed to Stockton and established the Record. He is a member of the Stockton Lodge of Odd Fellows. In August, 1881, he went on a pleasure trip to California, but after his arrival he was engaged as historian by a Historical Company, and wrote several county histories there, traveling through a large part of the State. In the summer of 1882 he returned to Stockton. A. J. DAVIS, County Clerk, was born in Clay County, Ind., October 13, 1848, where he lived on a farm until 1852, when he went to Jasper County, Iowa, where he resided until 1878. For the six years previous to 1875 he was engaged in the grain and commission business at Prairie City, Iowa, and during the year 1877, read law with E. C. Roach, of Prairie City, Iowa, and was admitted to the bar at the December term of same year in the District Court of Jasper County, Iowa. In May, 1878, he came to Stockton, Kan., where he freighted until the fall of 1881, when he was elected County Clerk of Rooks County, Kan. He was married November 22, 1869, to Miss Katie Noon. They have five children-Clarence T., Minnie, Kittie, Mell and an infant. He is a member of I. O. O. F. and F. A. R. Enlisted as a private in Company I, Second Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, January 15, 1865, and was discharged at Selma, Ala., September 19, 1865, as a private, under special order from War Department. JOHN C. DENNEY, probate judge, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, November 18, 1852, where he resided until 1864, when he removed to Johnson County, Iowa, where he lived on a farm until 1869. He then removed to Lake County, Ind., where he farmed until 1877, then in the fall of 1878 came to Kansas and located in Stockton, and connected himself with A. L. Patchin in the practice of law. Read law with James Brown, of New castle, Ind., for eighteen months, and attended Normal school at Valpariso, Ind., for three years, from 1872 to 1874. He was married December 31, 1879, to Miss Hattie McNeeley. They have one child-Arthur J. Mr. Denney was elected Probate Judge of Roods County in the fall of 1880. He is a member of the A., F.& A. M. Is now practicing law in the firm of Barnes & Denney. H. A. HART, associate editor of the News, was born on the fourteenth day of April 1855, in Dodge County, Wis., in a small village called Mayville, situated on the bank of Rock River. In the spring of 1866, in company with his parents, he removed to Missouri, where he remained until eighteen years of age. During his stay in Missouri he attended school two years at the State Normal school located at Kirksville, this being the only high school he ever attended. In the spring of 1873, with his trade (that of jeweler), only partially completed, he left home to do for himself. Two years were spent in wandering from place to place, stopping but a short time in any. In the spring of 1875 he located in Brighton, a small town in southeastern Iowa, remaining there four years. While here he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca L Scott, and in company with her and his little girl, now four years of age, emigrated to Kansas and located at Stockton in 1879. Although Mr. Hart was reared a Republican, his father being a staunch abolitionist at the outburst of the late war, yet he has never voted the Republican ticket. His first ballot was cast for Peter Cooper in 1876, and he has continued to act and vote with the Greenback, Anti-Monopoly party ever since, thoroughly convinced that the principles adhered to by that party are just, his is ever ready to work in its interest, and believes that the time is not far distant when the party will be successful. He has been connected with the News since the spring of 1882. H. A. HICKS, proprietor of the Randall House, was born in Tippecanoe County, Ind., Aug. 28, 1840. In infancy his parents moved to Warren County, Ind., where he resided for four years; then moved to Vigo County, Ind., where he lived for about seven years; then removed to Marion County, Ill., where he resided on a farm for two years, then removed to Nemaha County, Kansas, in 1856, where he followed farming until 1875, when he came to Stockton, Kan., where he engaged in blacksmithing and wagon making until March, 1881, and since then he has been engaged in keeping hotel in Stockton. He married, April 6, 1862, Miss Hester A. Newton. Have seven children-Ursula, Winona, Margaret, Cynthia, Emma, Warren and Rosa. He was Justice of the Peace of Stockton Township for one term. BENJAMIN HILL, Register of Deeds, was born in Warren County, Mo., March 28, 1842, where he resided till twelve years old, when he went to Marion County, Iowa, where he attended school and taught school till twenty two years old, when he read medicine with Dr. E. H. Keables, of Pella, and attended medical college at Keokuk, Iowa, after which he practiced medicine in Marion County, till the fall of 1879, filling the position during eight years of U. S. Examining Surgeon. He then removed to Rooks County, Kansas, homesteaded a farm on Sec. 4, T. 9, R. 19. Was married June 23, 1868, to Miss Sarah J. Cross; they have six children-Charles, Olive, William, Mollie, Benjamin, Elmer. Elected to the office of Register of Deeds of Rooks County in the fall of 1881. W. P. ISENBERG, Sheriff, was born in Alexandria, Pa., Sept. 1, 1843 and at an early age connected himself with the coal and iron interest, and until 1876, was employed as a prospector for coal and iron in Pennsylvania; and on his removal to Grinnell, Iowa, in 1876, was also connected with he coal interest in that part of the State as a prospector, until February, 1878, when he moved to the City of Stockton as the Sheriff-elect of Rooks County. He was married Oct. 9, 1866, to Miss Tillie A. Jones. They have seven children-Lydia E., Anna, Willie, Frank, Marshall, Walter and Ella. Have one dead, Luther - died at the age of four years. Mr. Isenberg enlisted in Company I, Fifth Pennsylvania Reserve, as private, Dec. 3, 1861; transferred, Nov. 10, 1862, to Company E, Fifth U. S. Cavalry; discharged, Aug. 15, 1865, expiration term of service. Is a member of G. A. R., I. O. O. F., and Board of School Directors, District 21, Rooks County, for three years. JOSEPH McNULTY, lawyer, was born in Reville County, Canada, March 3, 1841, and when he was seven years of age his parents moved to Lowell, Mass., where he resided two years, and from there went to Rhode Island, where he lived for one year, and then in 1851 emigrated to Buchanan County, Iowa, where he lived on a farm until he was fourteen years of age, when he went to Quasqueton, the same county, to learn blacksmithing, which trade he followed until the winter of 1860, and then emigrated to Washington County, Kan., where he farmed and blacksmithed until June, 1871, when he came to Roods County, Kan., and homesteaded his present farm on Sec. 13, T. 7, R. 18, the first piece of land taken in Rooks County. During the first seven years he lived in Rooks County, Kan., he dept hotel, and since that time has read and practiced law. During the year 1872 he was one of the incorporators of the town site of Stockton, with his brothers, who came here with him. He was the first settler in Rooks County. Married to Miss Margaret Miller, June 25, 1867; in Washington County, Kan. They have two children - Phillip and Grace. He was the first State Representative to the Legislature in 1873. Appointed by Governor as Sheriff to fill vacancy in 1875; same fall way elected Sheriff for two years. Was School Director of District No. 6, Stockton Township, two years. Enlisted, Nov. 14, 1861, in Company H, Second Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, as a private; discharged, March 18, 1865, as Quartermaster Sergeant on expiration of term of service. Was crippled by having his horse fall on him near Rising Sun, Mo. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, also the G. A. R. B. C. MAYNARD, editor and senior member of the News firm, was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 22, 1858. He was reared with his parents until the age of eleven years, when his mother became a widow and removed with her family to Magnolia, Harrison County, Iowa, where she still resides. Mr. Maynard received nothing more than a common school education, and he commenced an apprenticeship at the printing business at the age of sixteen years in the Western Star office, then owned by George Musgrove. After serving three years at his trade he assumed control of the office, and was instrumental in the establishment of the Reporter, now published at Dunlap, Iowa, On May 4, 1874, he was married to Miss Carrie Peer, of Montreal, Canada. This union has been blessed with four children, two of whom are living, a boy and a girl. Soon after his marriage he abandoned the printing business and invested his accumulated wealth in the mercantile business at Plattsmouth, Neb., which almost proved his financial ruin. He again returned to Iowa and soon after accepted a position under his old editor, and assumed the management of the Woodbine Twiner, a Greenback paper, and identified himself with the Greenback Anti-Monopoly movement. After the defeat of J. B. Weaver for the Presidency, he came to Rooks County, Kan., and soon after accepted the foremanship of the Stockton News, which was subsequently removed to Plainville, in the southern part of the county. In April, 1882, he associated with himself Hon A. B. Montgomery, representative in the State Legislature, and H. A. Hart, of Stockton, and purchased the press and material used in its publication; removed the office back to Stockton, and commenced to publication of a Greenback Anti-Monopoly paper. Mr. Maynard is a staunch friend to the laboring masses, an observer of temperance principles and advocates measures that will result in the greatest good to the greatest number. JAMES H. MITCHELL, postmaster, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1852, where he resided for four years, when he moved to Madison County, Ohio, and clerked in a dry goods store until April, 1873, when he came to Rooks County, Kan., and homesteaded a farm on Sec. 13, T. 7, R. 18, where he lived and managed his farm for five years, then moved to the City of Stockton where he engaged in the drug business until July, 1880, when he was appointed Postmaster, which office he has since held. While he lived on the farm in the fall of 1873, he was elected District Clerk, at organization of county. First County Clerk for one year, and in the fall of 1874 was re-elected to the office of District Clerk for two years; then in the fall of 1877 was elected to the office of County Clerk and Register of Deeds of Rooks County for a term of two years, then again in the fall of 1879 was re-elected to the office of County Clerk for two years. He is also now connected as partner in the firm of Pope & Mitchell in land and loan business. He was married May 29, 1873, to Miss Rebecca L McNeely; they have two children - Rolland H. and Lola M. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Al, F. & A. M. JOHN T. NEWTON, furniture dealer, was born in Breckinridge County, Aug. 21, 1848; his parents moving to Illinois when he was an infant, where they lived for two years, when they moved to Missouri, where they lived for two years, when they moved to Nemaha County, Kan., six miles north of the town of Seneca. His father was the first settler in Nemaha County, Kan.; and he lived with his parents on a farm until 1863, when he went to Seneca, where he worked in a flouring and saw mill until February 1866, when he went to Pawnee County, Neb., at what was then Freis Mills, on Nemaha River, twelve miles north of Seneca, as a partner in a general store, which business he continued in until 1871, when he went to Marshall County, Kan., and conducted a blacksmith and wagon shop until the spring of 1875, when he went to North Platte, Neb., where he was contractor and builder until 1877, when he came to Stockton, Kan., continuing as contractor and builder until April 4, 1879, when with A. E. Wilson, he established a furniture house in Stockton, Kan., and in April, 1882, Mr. H. H. Lanham purchased the interest of Wilson in the business, which up to the present time has been carried on under the firm name of Newton & Lanham. He was married, Sept. 13, 1862, to Miss Anna M. Fesler. A. L. PATCHIN, lawyer, was born in Auburn, New York, Jan. 5, 1837 where he resided until he was thirteen years of age, when he moved to Mr. Holly, Knox County, Ohio, where he lived until he was twenty years old; during this time he attended school in Delaware City for one year, then in 1857 he moved to Arcola, Ill., where he taught school for three years; then he removed to Union, in 1860, where he followed farming for about eight years., then studied and practiced law until 1875, when he came to Stockton, Kan., where he has been since in the practice of law. During the time he lived in Arcola, Ill., he attended law school at Cleveland, Ohio, for one year. Married, Aug. 10, 1861, Miss Julia C. Philes. They have four children - Edmund J., Clarence, Carrie B. and Eva. Is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and A., F. & A. M. Enlisted March 10, 1865, as a private in the Second Minnesota Battery; discharged as private July 11, 1865, by special order of War Department. Was elected County Attorney of Rooks County for two terms. Member of State Legislature, of Minnesota, 1870, also Probate Judge for one year. M. C. REVILLE, lawyer, was born in Sussex County, Del., in the town of Milford, the twenty-second day of April, 1848, at which place he lived until 1869. At the age of fifteen, he went to learn the ship carpentering trade, which business he followed until 1867, when he attended the St. Mary's College at Wilmington, Del., until 1868; then for nearly one year was editor of the Sussex Argus, at Milford, Del. Then in April, 1869, he moved to Troy, Kan., where he established a nursery, which he engaged at for two years; then went into the office of U. B. Wood, of Troy, Kan., where he read law and taught school until he was admitted to the bar at Troy, Kan., in March, 1875; he practiced law in Troy until 1879, when he came to Stockton, Rooks County, where he has since been in the practice of law. Married, Sept. 1, 1881, to Miss Capitola Douglas. They have one child, an infant. He is member of the Masonic Fraternity, and was member of State Legislature from Doniphan County, Kan., in 1876. HON. A. B. MONTGOMERY dealer in farm machinery, etc., was born in Vicksburg, Miss., while his parents were there temporarily. Prior to coming Kansas he had resided in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Nevada. In 1877 he purchased property in Mitchell County, Kan. In the fall of 1878 he brought his family to the State, and located at Stockton, Rooks County, where he still resides. Besides his business at that place, he has carried on another large establishment at Hays City, ever since he first located in the State. He was elected a member of the Kansas House of Representatives is 1880,, re-elected in 1882. He was married in Mercer County, Mo., June 15, 1865, to Sarah E. Estep, a native of Zionsville, Marion County, Ind. They have two children - Frank U. and George L Mr. Montgomery is a member of the A. F. & A. M. to the Royal Arch degree. J. W. NEWELL, was born in Erie County, New York, December 25, 1851. Removed to Iowa in 1854; was brought up on a farm. Removed to Lincoln County, Kansas, in the spring of 1871. Entered the office of the Lincoln County News as an apprentice in 1872; became editor and publisher of the Lincoln County Patriot in 1874. Purchased the press and material of said office and removed the same to Stockton, Rooks County, Kan., November, 1875, and issued the first number of the Stockton News Jan. 6, 1876; sold out August, 1877, and removed to Black Hawk County, Iowa, where he was for a short time employed as associate editor of the La Porte City Progress. Returned to Stockton, Kan., in the spring of 1878, and was employed as editor and publisher of the Stockton News, in the fall of the same year; and was elected Clerk of the District Court for Rooks County. Was married to Miss Mina Carkey March 18, 1879. Retired from the News in 1879, and in the fall of 1880 again purchased the said paper, and in the spring of 1881 removed it to Plainville, Rooks County, Kan., and established the Plainville News, May 4. Sold the same in April, 1882, and removed to Stockton. Purchased a half interest in the Rooks County Record Oct. 16, 1882. Became a member of Lincoln Lodge, No. 176, I. O. O. F., in 1875, and was transferred by card to the Stockton Lodge in 1879. A. F. NEWELL, grain dealer, was born in Decorah, Iowa, June 14, 1854, where he resided until he was nine years of age, when with his parents traveled through the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, until 1870, when he moved to Bedford, Iowa, where he attended school until 1875, when he went to Dakota Territory where he engaged in the hardware business until 1877, then removed to Concordia, Kan., as clerk for Buckingham & Marshall for one year; then he came to Stockton in July, 1878, where he established a hardware store, which business he followed until 1881, when he disposed of his store and engaged in the grocery business until the spring of 1882, disposing of his stock; has since been engaged as grain dealer. Was married, March 22, 1880, to Miss Mary A. Smith. They have one child. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.; and has been Township Clerk of Stockton Township for three years past. CHARLES W. SMITH, County Attorney, was born in Milwaukee County, Wis., June 12, 1850, where he lived on a farm until 1852, when he with his parents moved to Washington County, Wis., where he lived on a farm until 1866, when he removed to Cass County, Mo., where he made his home on a farm, and during the time he lived in Missouri, from 1866 to 1876. Attended State University of Kansas, at Lawrence during the years of '72-'73-'75 and '76; and during the year of 1874 he taught school as Principal at Wadesburgh, Mo. Graduated as Bachelor of Arts at Lawrence, Ky., in 1876, '77 and '78 he attended the Law Department of the University at Ann Arbor, Mich., from which place he graduated in 1878 as Bachelor of Laws, LL. B. Then in the spring of 1879 came to Stockton, Kan., where he has since been in the practice of law. Also editor of Stockton news for 1879 and 1880. Married, March 28, 1860, Miss Lizzie Williams. They have one child - Solon C., one year old. Mr. Smith is a member of I. O. O. F. and Beta Theta Pi. Was elected County Attorney of Rooks County, in the fall of 1880; re-elected to same office in fall of 1882. J. N. SMITH, merchant, was born Dec. 27, 1842, in Fulton County, N. Y, Moved with his parents to St. Charles, Ill., where he lived for three years, then moved to De Kalb County, Ill., where he lived for six years, and from there to Ogle County, Illinois, where he lived on a farm and attended school until the spring of 1864, when he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry as Corporal; discharged, Sept. 1864, expiration of term of service; re-enlisted March 8, 1865, as Corporal, in Company K, Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; discharged, Sept. 16, 1865, under general orders. Then returned to Ogle County, Ill., where he attended school until the spring of 1866; then went to Colorado where he was engaged as freighter and teamster for three years, when he returned to Ogle County where his visited friends until the spring of 1879. Then he went to Holt County, Mo., where for four years he was engaged in the grocery business, and then until the spring of 1875 engaged in farming. Then traveled in Colorado three months, and in the summer of 1875, located in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kan., and established a furniture store, which, in 1876, he sold to J. H. Roberts. He then engaged in the butcher business, which business he followed until the spring of 1878, when he came to Stockton, Rooks County, Kan., and in company with T. E. Baldwin, established the drug and grocery business, which firm continued for eighteen months, when Baldwin retired from the firm, taking the drugs as his interest in the business, since which time Mr. Smith has carried on general grocery and provision store. He married, May 22, 1872, Miss Hattie Nash. They have one child - Lottie. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Grand Army of Republic. LAFAYETTE C. SMITH, dealer in agricultural implements, was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., Oct 15, 1848, where he resided and attended school at Randolph, N. Y., until he was fifteen years of age, when he enlisted in Company E, Fifth New York Volunteer Cavalry as a private, and discharged July 19, 1865, under special order from War Department; then he went to Corry, Penn., where he clerked in a wholesale liquor store for eighteen months, when he was employed as traveling salesman for an eavespout company, for one season, then moved to Jamestown, N. Y., where he established a produce and commission house, which business he run until 1870, where he moved to Mitchell County, Kan., where he lived until the fall of 1872, when he came to Stockton, Kan., and engaged in mercantile business for four months and sold out and engaged in real estate business until 1873 when he moved on his farm, where he lived for one year, when he again returned to Stockton, where he has since been engaged as a dealer in agricultural implements. Married Dec. 30, 1868, to Miss Coralyn Eliott, Have four children - Lura, Vinnie, Eliott and Baby. Is a member of the A. F. & A. M. And also the G. A. R. Was elected County Clerk and Register of Deeds, Mitchell County, Kan., in the fall of 1870, for two years. Elected County Clerk and Register of Deeds Rooks County, Kan., in the fall of 1872; re-elected same office in fall of 1873, and again elected in fall of 1875. JAY J. SMYTH & CO., Bankers, Stockton organized in May, 1879 by J. J. Smyth Cashier First National Bank, Marion, Iowa, and Charles C. Woods, then practicing lawyer of Marion Iowa, now cashier Stockton Bank. The bank does a general banking business, buy and sell, exchange, etc. The bank is also connected with Elm Grove Creamery, owning one half interest in the same. They have also 1000 acres of land in the country, which is used as a stock farm, have now about two hundred head of cattle, one half of which are graded cows. They have three short horned registered bulls. MATHEW M. STEWART, County Treasurer, was born in Butler County, Penn., May 28, 1840, where he lived until 1852, when he moved to Union, Mahaska County, Ia., where he lived on a farm until the spring of 1857, when he came to Doniphan County, Kansas, where he learned the carpenter's business which he followed until he enlisted in Company C, First Cavalry Regiment, as a private, September 15 1861; he was discharged April 13, 1863, when he returned to Doniphan County, Kansas, where he worked at his trade as carpenter until 1866, when he was confined to his bed two years with rheumatism; then in 1868 removed to Sabetha, Kan., when he engaged in the mercantile business until 1872, when he came to Rooks County, Kan., homesteaded a farm on Sec 21, T. 7, R. 17, where he resided as a farmer until the fall of 1873. Elected County Treasurer of Rooks County; re-elected again in the fall of 1875, at the expiration of the term of office in October. 1877 engaged in the drug business until the fall of 1879, and was again elected to the office of County Treasurer. He was married April 17, 1869 to Miss Mary Reed. They have two children-Emma and Gertie. First Trustee of Lowell Township, Rooks County, for one term of one year. Was Mayor of the City of Stockton one year. Is a member of the G. A. R. of Stockton Post, No. 76, Chapter 12.