BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES (BEAN - LOCKNANE).Z. BEAN, of Wetmore, was born October 29, 1843, in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee Co., Wis. His father James L. Bean, was a pioneer of Wisconsin, and worked on the first frame house built in Milwaukee. J. L. Bean was a New Yorker, and married in Chicago to Phyllis Butterfield, also of New York. About 1845, they settled in Union, Rock Co., Wis., and eight years later in Stevens' Point, Wis., where the father was in the lumber business. Z. Bean enlisted in 1864 in the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley and at the siege of Petersburg, Va. Was sunstruck near that city, and honorably discharged about the close of the war. He then spent four years in Wisconsin; married, and settled in Nemaha County as a farmer, which business he followed until recently, when he sold his farm and bought the livery stable in connection with the Dooley House, which he is now running. His wife was Frances Hudson, of Granada, whose people formerly from New York, settled in Kansas in 1870. Mr. and Mrs. Bean have three children all born in Kansas - Eidie A., born September 11, 1871, and twin daughters, Ethel May and Carrie Estelle, both pretty as pictures, and difficult to distinguish from each other. JOHN BRADFORD, farmer and stockman, P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1819, in Callaway County, Mo., and there lived until 1857, when he located seven miles due west of Atchison, Kan., where he built and for twelve years kept the noted 'Seven Mile House,' so well remembered by the old-timers of Kansas. "I didn't see a leisure hour here," said Mr. Bradford, "and many a night have my floors been covered with sleeping men, and my yard filled with wagons and teams." While here he dealt extensively in grain and stock, and carried on a large farm, besides three years spent in freighting on the plains. In 1871, he settled on a large farm near Whiting, Kan. Had 500 acres in cultivation here, and employed men and teams without end. Was undertaking too much, however, and gradually sold out his land. Settled in Whiting, and for a number of years engaged exclusively in the stock business. Forming a co-partnership with W. S. Engle, they began buying land about a mile south of Wetmore, and in 1882 Mr. Bradford built near the center of their splendid 1,400-acre stock-farm, and there we find him to-day, surrounded with from 30 to 400 head of cattle, including 45 graded Short-horn cows, 130 head of yearlings, 55 two-year olds, and the balance calves. Near his farmhouse gushes out a 'twin spring' of the best water, sufficient to water all the stock in Wetmore Township. The entire ranch is fenced off into "eighty's" and "quarters," and one "forty," with a five-wire fence, for hogs. It is doubtless the most natural stock-farm, all things considered, in Nemaha County. Mrs. Bradford was Eliza Henderson, of Tennessee, and they had two children - George Bradford, who died in Butler County, Kan., aged thirty-five, and Sarah M., wife of Henry Lepprin, of Whiting. WILLIAM P. BUZAN, of the firm of Buzan, Hazeltine & Co., was born in 1848, in Manitou County, Central Missouri. At fourteen he began to learn telegraphy, and during the following nine years he operated and helped to build lines for the Western Union Telegraph Company in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado and Utah. The Centennial year found him in Wetmore, where he was a mercantile clerk until the spring of 1881, when the present strong lumber firm was founded. He is of French ancestry, and his parents both Kentuckians. His mother's mother died in that State at the age of 103 years. Mrs. Buzan was Miss Annie, daughter of Augustus Wolfley, deceased, the pioneer settler of Wetmore Township. M. CALLAHAN is a native of Limerick, Ireland. About 1840, his people came to the United States and settled in Pennsylvania. He grew up in Richmond, Va., where he learned the blacksmith's trade in the famous Tredegar Iron Works. Prior to the Rebellion, he helped to put the machinery in the United States war-steamers 'Jamestown' and 'Roanoke,' that soon became noted as fighting-ships. Mr Callahan's first real removal was to Terre Haute, Ind., where he followed his trade, working at a later date in Litchfiels, Ill., then in Indianapolis, Ind. He came to Kansas as an employe on the Central Branch Railroad, then building west from Atchison, and for a time pumped water and lived in a boxcar where Wetmore now stands, and for four years was a 'section boss,' his section extending from the twenty-fifth to the sixtieth mile-post. His family meanwhile lived in Netawaka and Wetmore. In the latter place he finally settled, and in 1880 built his home, in connection with which he has a restaurant, "The Farmer's Home," and a ten-pin ally. A good farm recently sold by him, and the proceeds thereof will probably be invested in another one. He married Anne Boucher, of Terre Haute, Ind., by whom he has three children - Henry (born in Indianapolis), William and Margaret, born in Kansas. JOHN H. CAMPBELL, farmer, Section 30, P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1832, in Pulaski County, Mo. His father James Campbell, born in Harwood County, N. C., was a territorial settler in Missouri; married Ruth Anderson, and at his death, in 1836, left five children, of whom J. H. and A. G. Campbell, with their mother, came to Kansas early in 1856 from Laclede County, Mo. Both sons were bachelors, and both made claims, J. H. on the southwest quarter of Section 1, and A. G. on the southwest quarter of Section 3. A rude, low roofed cabin was built, and though the stalwart young men could barely stand upright in it, yet here they spent the summer of 1856, on no floor but mother earth. Such was the commencement in 1856, and to- day (1882) we find J. H. Campbell the owner of a finely improved 280-acre farm and a 240-acre grazing tract, and living with his family in a substantial frame farmhouse, 32x26 feet, two stories and hip roof, and everything needed by the prosperous farmer of the age. His wife was Sarah Williams; married December 31, 1862; and their three children are: Henry, Frances R., and Mary L., all born on the Kansas farm. Mr. Campbell well remembers his adventures during the 'Kansas War' - his capture by the noted Kickapoo Rangers, and his banishment to Missouri on the pain of death. A. G. Campbell went to Colorado and became wealthy in mining speculations, and noted as the contestant for the seat of polygamous delegate Cannon, of Utah, in the United States Congress. ELWIN CAMPFIELD, attorney-at-law, son of T. A. Campfield, a pioneer settler of old Home Township, was born November 16, 1847, and came with his parents to Kansas in 1859. Was and attendant of the early schools of Kansas, and later of the Agricultural College at Manhattan and the Institution at Irving. Studied law with Taylor & Purnell, of Seneca, and was admitted to the bar of Nemaha County in October, 1874. Began practice at Centralia, and in March, 1881, removed to Wetmore, where he has built up a prosperous law, real estate, loan and insurance business. Mr. Campfield is an active member of Wetmore Lodge A. F. & A. M., and it is through his agency as Senior Warden of the Lodge that the name was changed from Granada to Wetmore in 1882. M. P. M. CASSITY, attorney-at-law, was born June 15, 1835, in Fleming County, Ky. His father was a Kentuckian, whose parents lived to the age of 95 and 98 years. The subject of this sketch was brought up and educated in Kentucky; visited Kansas in 1858 and made a claim on Section 18, Township 4, Range 15 Brown County; taught school in the winter of 1857-58 in Linaeus, Mo., and the winter of 1858-59 in the log schoolhouse in Granada, Kan., it being the first school. The house was built and the school supported by subscription. From 1860 to 1864 he was in the grocery business at Oak Point and Granada; was Justice of the Peace and Town Clerk of Granada in 1865-'66; Deputy County Assessor in 1866, and in 1667-'68 traveled over Western Missouri, Eastern Kansas and Southern Nebraska in the insurance business. In 1868 came to Wetmore and built the third building in the place, a 'boxhouse,' near the depot, and opened the first lumber yard directly opposite. The year 1871 found him in the mercantile business in Sabetha, and in 1872 he practiced law there. He then traveled three years for the St. Joseph Gazette, and since that time has resided in Wetmore, engaged in the lumber business and the practice of law, which he has followed for twenty-five years. He has served in all nine years as Justice of the Peace, and is now Justice of the Peace and Police Judge of Wetmore. In 1878, at Plattsburg, Mo., he defended and cleared one Samuals, a half brother of Frank and Jesse James, charged with a deadly assault upon a colored man with a revolver. 'The Judge,' as he is familiarly called, has a good memory, and is full of incidents and anecdotes relating to early days in Kansas and the West. GEORGE COX, farmer. P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1837 in London, England, where he learned the carpenter's trade, serving a six years' apprenticeship. He came to America in 1868 as one of the Kansas colonists from London. In the spring of 1869 he homesteaded eighty acres, and was so poor at to be obliged to pay for the first breading done upon it by giving his coat. In 1870 he managed, by buying one horse and hiring another, to get a team, and then was doomed to see his first crop destroyed by grasshoppers. During the winter of 1870-'71 he built a 'Kansas' house, or boxhouse, and began life here when he had but a cord of wood in the way of family supplies. Today we find his farm hedged, mostly in cultivation, and upon it a house costing $1,100, with barn, stock yards, wire fences, orchard, etc., etc. His wife was Jane Lansley, also of London. They were married in that city in 1859, and have nine living children, four born in London and the balance in Nemaha County, Kan. H. C. De FOREST, of De Forest Brothers, merchants. I. N. De Forest and two sons, Charles and H. C., came to Kansas in 1869, purchasing a farm four miles south of Wetmore, the father and H. C. engaging for about three years in the lumber and implement business, a I. N. De Forest & C. At the end of that time H. C. bought the interest of W. W. Letson, of the firm of Letson & Spencer. J. D. Spencer & Co. Did business until April, 1877, when Charles De Forest secured Mr. Spencer's interest, constituting the present firm. H. C. Deforest is a native of Dutchess County, N. Y. Graduated a Yale College in 1863, and was for six years in business in Chicago. Mrs. I. N. De Forest and Rodman A. joined the father and brothers in 1870, the family coming from Madison, Wis., formerly from Dutchess County, N. Y. The De Forest Brothers are doing a large and increasing business, their stock having increased from $3,000 to $15,000 in ten years, it now including everything except drugs and hardware. JOHN DUDLEY, farmer, P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1838, in Coles County, Ill, and there reared a farmer. In 1859 he came to Kansas: was discouraged by the destitution and hardships of 1860; returned to Illinois, and enlisted from Coles County in 1861 as a private in the Third Missouri Cavalry. His service was in Missouri and Arkansas, and at Little Rock, Ark., he was wounded in the arm and taken prisoner. After several months' captivity he was paroled and rejoined his regiment. On the last day of 1864 he was a second time captured, and after being taken 124 miles into Arkansas, made his escape, lost most of his clothes in swimming the Saline River, and crossed Arkansas in a pair of pantaloons, bade by tearing out the sleeves of his coat. Since the war he has resided in Kansas as a farmer. He married, in his and her native county, Susan E. Lemmon. They have nine children (eight daughters and one son, Wm. E. Dudley). J. W. GRAM, M. D., Mayor of Wetmore, was born December 5, 1845, in Tuscarawas County Ohio. In 1852 his parents settled near Independence, Iowa. J. W. attended the school of both States, paying his own way by working and teaching, and was finally enabled to enter Hopkinton Collegiate Institute, which, however, he left in 1864, and enlisted in the Forty-fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Was at Tupelo, Miss., and Memphis when the rebel Forrest made his memorable raid and dashed into that city. Dr. Graham has in his possession a paper signed by President Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary Stanton, conferring special thanks upon him for service performed. At the close of the Rebellion he began the study of medicine in Winthrop, Iowa; came to Kansas in 1868, and after a year's practice in Capioma came to Wetmore, which has since, been his home. He is a graduate of the Northwestern Medical College, St. Joseph, Mo. His wife was Miss Alma, daughter of N. H. Rising, a very early settler of Granada, and their five children were born in Wetmore. The Doctor built the first drug store here; kept it eight years; was Postmaster 1872-'74, and has served eight years as Justice of the Peace. In politics he is and Independent Republican; religious views liberal. J. H. HART, farmer, P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1833, in Bath County, Ky., and reared in Putnam County, Ind. In 1860 he settled in Marion County, Iowa, and in the fall of 1862 enlisted in Company I, Thirty-third Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Was in the Western army; enlisted in COMPANY I, Thirty-Third Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Was in the Western army; was in the Yazoo Pass, at Shell Mound Fort, Helena, and Duvall's Bluff; also at the second capture of Little Rock. Ark., Pine Bluffs, Saline River; then at Camden, Ark., Red River. Little Rock, White River, and finally to New Orleans, and thence to Mobile. While besieging the forts there, a ten- inch shell came screaming through the air toward a rifle-pit in which were Mr. Hart and two comrades. And as it rushed on, Mr. Hart exclaimed, "Boys, that's coming in here!" and sprang to one side just as the shell buried itself where he had been seated a moment before. It was a most miraculous escape, as he was the only man of the three who moved at all. After the fall of Mobile, his regiment did some duty to the north of that city, and was then transferred to Mexico and Texas, and in the fall of 1885 sent via. New Orleans to Rock Island, Ill., and there discharged. Returning to Indiana, he rejoined his family, took them to Marion County, Iowa, and in 1867 struck for Kansas, settling on a farm two miles east of Granada, where he made good improvements and lived until 1875, when he located on his present 110-acre farm. Here he has a good house with eight rooms; a well-fenced farm, and plenty of timber on Elk Creek. He married in Putnam County. Ind., Pally A. Clawson, who left one daughter, Annie, at her death. The present Mrs. Hart was Nancy Murphy, and by her he has two children, Sarah E. and Ara O. Mr. Hart is a member of the Christian Church of Elk Creek, and is a Deacon Therein. JOHN HAZELTINE, deceased, a native of Sweden, was twice married in Sweden. He had three sons - John, Alfred and Charles. John and Alfred came to America and located in Pennsylvania in 1859; about a year later the father and remaining brother joined them, and in the spring of 1860 they all came together to Kansas, settling on a new prairie farm half a mile west of where Wetmore now stands. John Hazeltine, Jr., died here in 1865, and the father in the fall of 1877. Charles Hazeltine is a prosperous farmer near Wetmore, and Alfred Hazeltine, who engaged in stock dealing and farming until 1881, is now one of the flourishing firm of Buzan, Hazeltine & Co., which firm has about $12,000 invested in the lumber business, also dealing in coal, farm implements of all kinds, wagons, buggies and barbed wire. The yards cover three lots, and from three to six men are employed. ALFRED JONES, farmer, P. O. Wetmore, was born in 1830, in Delaware County. Ind. At fourteen he struck out for himself and settled on the Platte Purchase in Missouri, living there until 1855, when he came to Kansas, making a claim between Leavenworth and Lawrence, and improved two different farms prior to the Rebellion. During that great struggle he served as a volunteer in Col. Jennison's Fifteenth Kansas, and helped fight the rebels Price, Marmaduke and Hindman in Missouri. Arkansas and the Cherokee county. Since the war he has engaged in farming in Atchison and Nemaha Counties, and settled on his present eighty-acre farm about 1872. His wife was Mary A. Underwood. And they have eight children, three born in Platte County, Mo., and five in Kansas. Mr. Jones has a pleasant home and valuable farm. And is one of the respected old settlers of this State. DAVID M. LOCKNANE, deceased, the first settler of Granada Township and one of the earliest in Kansas, was born March 13, 1823, in Clark County, Ky.: removed to Ray County, Mo., and there married Miss Clarissa E. Owens, a native of Clark County, Ky. From 1850 to '53, Mr. Locknane was in California, and in March, 1855. He came from Platte County, Mo., to Kansas, settling on what has since been named Locknane's Creek, in his honor. His claim was just west of what was afterwards laid out as the town or village of Granada, and the log house that he built in February, 1855, is still standing - the oldest building in Nemaha County. From 1860 to 1864 he kept the 'Granada Hotel,' and then resuming his farm work, actively continued it until his melancholy death caused by a runaway team in August 1879., He was made a Mason in Clay County, Mo., and was a charter member of Granada Lodge A. F. & A. M.; was also a member of the Christian Church in Granada. He left a valuable farm of 320 acres, to which the widow later added eighty acres. Mrs. Locknane is still living. Clear headed and vigorous, a hale and handsome matron, who can tell of many an episode of interest regarding 'Bleeding Kansas' in the days of the 'Border War.' A company of South Carolinians camped in their (Locknane's) door-yard, and one of the number accidentally shot himself so badly that death ensued. It was not an unusual event for a band of Pro or Anti-slavery horsemen to dash into their yard and demand 'dinner in fifteen minutes,' and leaders like Jim Lane, etc., were sometimes guests of this pioneer family. Ten children survive Mr. Locknane, viz: Cicely J. John D. Winifield Scott, Sarah E. (Born, November 8, 1858, in Granada Township), Ella K., Mary V., Harriet F., Clara B., Chas. S. and Cora E.