William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]


J. A. McCAUL. attorney-at-law, is a native of Toronto, Canada, where he was reared and educated. He located in 1876 at Hiawatha, Kan., where he was admitted to the bar in 1879. He practiced for a short time in Morrill, in Brown County, but came thence to Sabetha, where he has built up a very comfortable law practice and a good business as a loan and real estate agent. Politics, Republican.

J. R. McKEE, D. D. S., was born and educated in Armstrong County, Pa., and began the practice of dentistry in Lathrop, Mo., in 1870. Came from there to Sabetha in the fall of 1881; married Miss Emma A. Hook, of Sabetha, and is prosperous and popular. Is leader of the Sabetha brass band, which he organized, and a member of the Congregational Church, Sabetha.

GEORGE C. MAGUIRE, Superintendent of the Sabetha Mill and Elevator, was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1847; attended the city schools and later St. John's College, Annapolis, where Hon. Reverdy (sic) Johnson and the most noted of Maryland scholars were also schooled. In 1861 he went to the Virginia and Maryland battlefields as a correspondent for various Baltimore newspapers, and wrote more or less for those journals during the entire Civil War. He came West in 1870, clerked for a mercantile house in St. Joseph, Mo., eight years, then located as a merchant in Sabetha. In 1810 he discontinued business and took his present position. Mr. Maguire was an organizer, and is Dictator of the Excelsior Lodge K. of H. He married Miss Mary B., daughter of Rev. William Phillips, a noted Catholic divine, formerly of Baltimore and St. Joseph, Mo., now a well known lecturer.

T. K. MASHETER, merchant, was born September 16, 1848, in Zanesville, Ohio, and reared and educated near Albanen, in Meigs Co., Ohio. He located in Sabetha in April, 1870, and opened a nursery-camp, raising fruit trees of all kinds of small fruits, and shade and ornamental trees and shrubs. He owned twenty acres on the town site, and followed the nursery business about eight years, and during this time owned and kept the first drug store in the city. Closing out both of his former lines, he embarked in the general merchandise trade in 1881. He married, in 1871, Miss Eliza W., daughter of Capt. A. W. Williams, the first settler of Sabetha. Mrs. Masheter was born in Bronta, Canada, September 6, 1849, and has lived in Sabetha longer than any other resident (since September, 1856) of this thriving little city. In 1882, Mr. and Mrs. Masheter laid out an addition of ninety-eight lots to the city of Sabetha, on the southwest, comprising the finest resident lots in the city.

M. E. MATHER, farmer and stockdealer, P. O. Sabetha, came to Sabetha in 1872, and began by establishing the Sabetha Exchange Bank (see notes on Sabetha). His failure in this enterprise he attributes to poor crops and the grasshopper panic, as well as the unreasoning haste and fear of creditors. Since 1877 he has lived on his farm, of 160 acres, near Sabetha, controlling by lease one-half a section besides. In 1875 he bought a half section here for $5,400. Creditors took half his land and all his personal property; yet to-day he owns about 200 head of cattle and has a good and valuable home farm. His barn, 32x112 feet, built in 1875 at the low cost of $1 000, is one of the best in Nemaha County, and would cost $3,000 to build it at this writing. Mr. Mather is an enthusiastic stock man, active, courteous and intelligent, a diligent reader and a close and practical thinker. He bi-annually feeds from 250-350 head of cattle, and is prospering. He was born in Columbus, Pa., and learned the profession of contractor and builder from his father, Dan Mather, now of Clarksville, Iowa, beginning for himself in 1861. M. E. Mather soon saved about $7,000, which was his capital when began in Kansas. His wife was Miss Florence, daughter of Ex-State Senator J. M. Miller, who settled near Seneca in 1870 and is now a citizen of Colorado.

JACOB J. MILLER, farmer, P. O. Sabetha, came to Kansas in 1859, making the claim on which he now lives. During the first two years he worked in a Missouri saw-mill, and in 1861 enlisted for six months in the Missouri State Militia. Returning to his farm, he put in and harvested the crop of 1862, and in August enlisted in the Kansas Thirteenth for three years; fought at Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, Van Buren, and in other disputes with the Missouri and Arkansas rebels. For two years after the war he worked by the month for A. Moorehead. Built his house in 1867, and in 1868 married Miss Mary Moorehead. He now has 320 acres of land, all fenced and mainly under improvement, good buildings and a five-acre orchard, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have four children - Annabel, Lillie, Bennie and Nellie, all born in Rock Creek, Nehama (sic) Co., Kan.

W. T. MILLER, jeweler and dealer in watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry and musical instruments was born January 23, 1845, in Knox County, Ky. His parents settled near Falls City, Neb., in 1854. Here he grew to manhood, and established himself in business, coming to Sabetha in 1882. He married in Falls City, Annie E. Powell, who died in January, 1879, leaving four children - all born in Falls City. The father of W. T. Miller, John C. Miller, died in 1862, and the widowed mother, now sharing W. T. Miller's home, relates that in early times the famous General Jim Lane in disguise, with 150 followers, called at the Miller farmhouse and were treated to a substantial breakfast.

ARCHIBALD MOOREHEAD, deceased, one of the first men to locate in Rock Creek Township, was a native of Ireland, who came to the United States alone at the age of thirteen years, and after a year spent in New York, located in Ohio, thence going to Iowa, thence, in the fall of 1856, came to Kansas where he bought 160 acres on Section 11, which is now the family homestead. He located here in the spring of 1857, and began farming and stock raising on a large scale, at one time owning 1,000 acres of land in this county, the home being about five miles north of Sabetha; here he died January 2, 1881, honored and respected by all whose friendship he had won during his long residence in the State. He was for years a member of the County Board of Supervisors, and was prominent in causing the county to take its decided course with the St. J. & W. R. R. Co., in 1872. Mrs. Moorehead was Sarah McBride, of Coshocton County, Ohio. Nine children resulted from the union, viz: Anna M., now Mrs. W. A. Joy, of Tecumseh, Neb.; Mary, now Mrs. J. J. Miller; Sarah, Mrs. I. F. Collins; these were born in Coshocton County, Ohio. William M., Archibald C., and Richard, all born in Wapello County, Iowa. Nannie, now Mrs. Roy A. Thompson; Nettie and Jennie; all born in Rock Creek. Two of the sons - A. C., of the firm of Moorehead & Collins, hardware merchants, Sabetha, and Richard - are joint owners of Section 16, in this county; 200 acres are under cultivation. Mrs. Moorehead and the two youngest children are on the home farm, comprising all of Section 11. During the border war this family were frequently visited by raiding parties from both sides, who, however, did no harm other than sponge free meals, and large ones.

JOHN P. PENDERGRASS, farmer, P. O. Sabetha, settled in Wyandotte County, Kan., in 1857; worked there until 1861; then settled on a farm three and half (sic) miles north-west of Sabetha. This he sold in 1866, settling where he now lives. Has 330 acres; 200 under cultivation. He married in Atchison, Kan., Julia Cavanagh, by whom he has five children, all born in Kansas, as was an infant and deceased daughter. Mr. Pendergrass was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, and came to the United States in 1848.

DANIEL PETTITT, farmer, P. O. Sabetha, was born in 1822, in Cambridgeshire, England, and married in the same shire, Elizabeth Gotobed, who was born 1823, in Helge, Norfolk. They came to America in 1851 and settled in Genesee County, N. Y., thence removing to Carroll County, Ill.; thence to their present Kansas farm. In New York State, Mr. Pettitt worked as a wagon maker, and in Illinois as carpenter and joiner. During the Civil War he served in the First Illinois Artillery. He has done good work on the farm where he now lives, having brought it all to a high state of improvement, erected good buildings, planted hedges, orchard, grove, etc. The children are: Rebecca, born January 1, 1843; James born July 2, 1848; William, born October 31, 1850; Elizabeth, born November 25, 1853; Daniel J., October 9, 1855; Anna, July 17, 1859; Thomas, August 8, 1862, and Nathan, January 9, 1864. Two children - Daniel and Martha died in infancy.

J. E. PRICE, proprietor of elevator, came to this city in 1879. He was born July 4, 1843, in Huntingdon County, Pa.; enlisted early in the Civil War in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; served eight months; was wounded at Antietam, and then fought until the collapse of the rebellion in the First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, coming out with a Lieutenant's commission, as a reward for heroism displayed in manning an abandoned gun at the siege of Richmond. From 1865 to l873 he was in Cincinnati; from 1873 to 1875 in Doniphan County, Kan., and then in Hiawatha until 1879, when he bought a home and settled with his family in Sabetha. He is an Odd Fellow, belongs to the K. of H., and represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of 1882 at Atchison.

CALEB RAWSON, farmer, P. O. Sabetha, was born in 1812, in Northbridge, Mass., and has been a lifelong and successful farmer. He emigrated to Geneseo, Ill., in 1852, and improved three farms thereabouts. In 1861 he settled in Jasper County, Iowa, improving three more farms in that county. The year 1870 found him on a new quarter section in Capioma Township, Nemaha County; after developing this farm, he began on another new one in Rock Creek Township, Sections 29 and 30. Here. in 1870 he planted 300 apple trees which, with 400 planted, subsequently make up what is conceded to be one of the most thrifty, productive and valuable orchards in Nemaha County: the first planted orchard alone produced 600 bushels of apples in 1881. At this writing both orchards are so laden down, that it has become necessary to destroy part of the fruit, as propping of the limbs has proved insufficient. Mr. Rawson is now living on his ninth farm, and has made it to "blossom like a rose garden," as he has all that have come into his possession during his fifty years experience as a farmer. Beginning with land once broken, but abandoned, add so weed-grown, that fire swept the ground clear, he has planted trees, vines, and fruit bearing and ornamental shrubs in the greatest profusion; built a tasteful and substantial frame farmhouse, a barn, etc., and to-day his suburban farm is a model to see. His vineyard comprises 370 vines, mainly Concords; his garden of three acres, and the remainder to great crops of corn and potatoes, the equal of which the writer has not seen in Kansas. 10,000 Catawba plants growing in immense, dense green rows, are one of the features that interest the visitor at the pretty farm and hospitable home, while not a word can be said regarding the thrifty and vigorous orchards of peaches and apples now fairly started.

P. W. SEAMANS, retired farmer, was born in Woodstock, Conn., in 1816, and reared in Steuben County, N. Y., and in the fall of 1858 came to Kansas, making claims on Sections 20 and 29, Rock Creek Township. On this farm he planted Seamans' Grove, one of the first in Nemaha County, visible for many miles in either direction, and the land-mark for the host of over-land travelers, who soon began to make such claims upon his hospitality, as to encourage him to enlarge his cabin to a fair-sized house, and build a stone stable forty feet long. While living with his wife and children in his board roofed, floorless and windowless house, a party of eight travelers, not liking his slender accommodations, pushed on one cold night and nearly froze to death on the open prairie, trying to find Seneca, then the nearest inhabited point to the West. His place was popular for years thereafter, and was known all over the west as Seamans' Grove, which name it still bears, though he sold the property in 1865. He then lived on a farm at Albany, until his final retirement to Sabetha in 1881. He married in Steuben County, N. Y., Phoebe Blakeslee, who died in 1878, leaving three children. The present Mrs. Seamans' maiden name was Sarah Russell, of Seneca County N. Y. She married Benjamin Force, who died in New York State, leaving two children - David A. Force, of Detroit, and Lizzie E., now Mrs. Blakeslee, of Elmira, N. Y.

SAMUEL SLOSSON, of Slosson Bros., was born in 1837, in Broome County, N. Y.; reared on a farm and came thence, in 1863, to Albany, Kan., associating with his brother, W. B. Slosson, who had located there as early as 1858. The brothers were prominent and prosperous merchants here until 1870, when they "packed up bag and baggage" and came to Sabetha, building the east part of the "Red Front" block. Samuel Slosson was the first station agent at this point, serving about a year. About this time the brothers built the warehouse now known as the Price elevator, and continued in the mercantile and grain business. In 1881 the "Red Front" block was nearly trebled in size, its present dimensions being 64x70 feet. Mr. Slosson married in Salem, Neb., in 1875, Miss Emma S., daughter of Dr. J. R Brooke, a native of Philadelphia, who brought his family to Salem in 1860. Mrs. Slosson was born in Ohio, and educated in the Nebraska State Normal School, from which she graduated in 1871. She enjoys the honor of being the only lady physician in Nemaha County, having spent 1874-'75 in the Woman's Medical College, Philadelphia, from which institution she graduated with full honors in 1875. She relates with evident interest, that during the severe winter of 1880-'81 "01d Doctor Irwin" and herself were the only practitioners in Sabetha, the others, in consequence of the State Registration Law, having either quit practice or resumed study in order the secure the required diplomas. Mr. and Mrs. Slosson have two sons - Frank S. and John Brooke, both born in Sabetha.

WM. B. SLOSSON, one of the pioneers of Albany, was born November 2, 1835, in Broome County, N. Y>. Settled at Albany, Nemaha County, Kan., in April 1857, and lived there and at Salem, Neb., until his final location at Sabetha in 1870 or '71. He married in March, 1860, in his and her native county, Miss Achsah L. Lilly. They have one child - Edwin E., born June 7, 1865, in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Slosson have both been almost life-long Congregationalists. Mrs. Slosson, an active temperance and Sunday-school worker, occupied for years in Sabetha the position of president of the W. C. T. U., and superintendent of the Congregational Sunday-school of that place. Mr. Slosson opened the first store in December, 1861, in Albany, with a stock of goods brought from Salem, Neb., because of the fear of the "Free-state'' owners that they would be seized by the border ruffians if left in Salem. He was among the most prominent organizers of "Council No. 40, of the Union League of Albany," organized July 22, 1863, and prior to that had, with others of Albany and vicinity assisted many a runaway black to his freedom - once barely escaping an armed, drunken and maddened mob at Nebraska City, by persuading the Pro-slavery ferryman and securing passage across the Missouri for his party, including three escaping slaves. In 1872 he was appointed by Governor Osborn to a State office, Trustee of the Blind Asylum, and served the state in that capacity and as Trustee and Secretary of the Board for all the State Charitable Institutions for four years or until 1876. In 1882 he removed with his family to Leavenworth city, Kansas, where he now resides, and is connected with the Brown Medicine & Mfg. Co. of that city as its Vice-President and Advertising Manager. As an early settler, staunch Christian, temperance worker, active businessman, and fearless advocate of the right at all times and places, must W. B: Slosson ever be remembered.

N. S. SMITH, proprietor Chicago Lumber Yard, was born in 1837, in Ashland County, Ohio. He removed to Henry County, Ill., where in 1882, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Served in East Tennessee, and fought with his regiment at Chattanooga, through the Atlanta campaign, and finally with brave old "Pap" Thomas at Franklin and Nashville. Was sick in hospital during the summer of 1865; discharged August 1865. He then engaged in farming in Henry County, Ill., until 1879 when he came to Sabetha. He deals in all kinds of lumber and building material, and somewhat in agricultural implements.

HON. CAMPBELL TARR, deceased, was born in 1818, in Wellsburg, W. Va., where he spent most of his life. A Douglas Democrat in politics he early took a decided stand against secession, and was one of the few delegates to the State convention in 1861 who voted against the ordinance of secession, for which he was compelled to leave Richmond by night to save his life. In April, 1861, with two others, be went to Washington and succeeded in getting 3,000 stand of arms with which the loyal Virginians were armed; this act undoubtedly made the State of West Virginia possible. He was one of the leaders in the movement culminating in the erection of West Virginia as a State in 1863. He was the first State Treasurer and a Lincoln delegate in 1864, and was re-elected State Treasurer in 1865. In 1870 he located at Sabetha, having purchased land in Kansas as early as 1856. He was one of the original owners of Sabetha, and later platted the addition that bears his name. At his death December 1, 1879, he left five children, one of whom - Hammond Tarr, now a prosperous merchant of Sabetha, is proving himself worthy of his father's honorable name and record.

HAMMOND TARR, merchant. of the firm of Tarr & Koehler, dealers in general merchandise, was born in 1852 in Wellsburg, W. Va., and is a son of the late Hon. Campbell Tarr, a distinguished citizen and native of the same state. Mr. Tarr accompanied his father to Kansas in 1870, and was with him in the mercantile business until 1875. He is largely interested in real estate in Sabetha and vicinity; in 1881 laid out and platted H. Tarr's addition to Sabetha. Mr. Tarr resides on his farm adjoining Sabetha; has a pleasant home and family.

J. L. THOMPSON, M. D , was born January 14, 1859, in Solsberry, Greene Co., Ind.; educated in the Bloomfield State Normal School; began his medical studies with Dr. Harrow, of his native village, and later with Dr. Grey, of Whitehall, Ind. He came to Capioma, Kan., in 1879, practiced awhile, then re-entered the Louisville (Ky.) Medical College, from which institution he graduated February 25, 1880. He married Miss Nannie Magill, of Capioma, and settled in Sabetha in 1881. The Doctor is popular, both professionally and socially; is an Odd Fellow, and Vice Dictator, and Medical Examiner of the K. of H. Lodge, Sabetha, and with his wife a Congregationalist.

WILLIAM K. THOMPS0N deceased, a native of Guernsey County, Ohio, was a son of David Thompson. The family removed to Athens County, Ohio, then to Illinois, then to Jasper County, Mo., thence in 1859, to Douglas County, Kan. In 1865 the two brothers W. K. and A. J. Thompson, settled in Rock Creek. William K. Thompson married Frances Secreast, of Guernsey County, Ohio, and at his death October 19, 1867 left three children - Ruth, Rachel and William K. His estate then comprised 333 acres of valuable land, part of which has been sold or divided among heirs. At his deceased son's old home, lives his father, now a widower and in failing health, aged eighty. After an extended visit to California he settled here with his son. Abraham J. Thompson, born in Guernsey County, Ohio, was a lifelong companion of his elder brother; married Phoebe Tucker, in Jasper County, Mo., and died August 13, 1875, leaving five children, one of whom has since died.

ALBERT WEST, came to Kansas in 1866; was on a farm in Rock Creek three years, then came to Sabetha, first leasing and later buying the hotel property of A. W. Williams. This he kept as "West's hotel" for five years, and "fed 'em well if I did have mean accommodations," as he says. The house was a patchwork affair, comprising seven different "additions" or "stories on the ground" as they were then called. Mr. West was born in 1817, in Tompkins County, N. Y., and married Harriet N. Stratton. They have five children living. During the past few years Mr. West has devoted himself to the practice of veterinary surgery. He is owner also, of "Zern," a handsome, mahogany bay stallion, for which he paid $1,000 in Chautauqua County, N. Y. "Zern" is of Blackhawk and Hambletonian stock, and a most valuable animal.

COL. W. S. WHITE, owner of the Oakland Stock Farm, near Sabetha. This farm is one of those institutions that, springing up in a few years as it has, ought to be a model for many who, instead of decrying Kansas as a drouthy, grasshopper country, might well attempt to rival it. In 1872, Col. White bought 160 acres, still the "homestead quarter," and placed thereon thirty-two fine bred Short-horn cattle. Gradually adding to his farm and herd, he has to-day a magnificent farm of 575 acres in a body, with a detached 160 acres in Brown County. His herd comprises 110 head, all eligible to register, and all registered except the younger and barren animals. He annually sells about forty head of these choice pedigreed cattle to Kansas farmers, who now fully appreciate the value of the rare breeding and exceptional care bestowed by the Colonel upon his herd. For years past he has exhibited stock at various county fairs, and wearying of his easily won laurels, tested the merits of his stock in competition with the herds of the State in 1882, with the most gratifying results. His cattle are from the best herds of Kentucky and Illinois, bred by such men J. H. Spears & Sons, Wm. Stevenson & Sons, C. E. Lippincott, Pickerell, of Decatur, and others equally noted as progressive, successful breeders. Col. White himself has the only complete edition of the American Short-horn Herd Book in the State. He has a substantial, even elegant home, his house, built "four-square to every wind," being one of the largest farmhouses in Northern Kansas. He is a native of Menard County, Ill., and a graduate of the Illinois College, at Jacksonville. In early life he often met Abraham Lincoln in familiar neighborly intercourse, and has of him vivid and most pleasant recollections

C. T. WHITTENHALL is a son of the late Elihu Whittenhall, and was born January 3, 1834, in Addison, Steuben County, N. Y. Educated in his native village. and came to Kansas with his parents and located in Albany until 1802, when he enlisted in the Union cause, entering the service as Second Lieutenant of Company A, Fifty-fourth United States Infantry. Fought through with his regiment in the Trans-Mississippi Army, and at the close of the hostilities returned to Sabetha. During the last few years he practically controlled his father's extensive real estate business, to which he succeeded at the latter's demise. He has an elegant home in Sabetha, and is one of her foremost men socially, financially and religiously, he having united with the old Albany Congregational Church twenty-five years ago. His wife was Frances Stevens, of Hornelisville, N. Y. They have three children - Charles, Arulenah and Ralph.

ELIHU WHITTENHALL, deceased, was one of the typical Kansas men, keen, alert, aggressive and broadly public spirited, who have so rapidly advanced this, their adopted State, to so enviable a rank in the sisterhood of the Union. As a leader in the Albany Colony of sturdy New Yorkers who laid out Albany, Nemaha Co, Kan., in the spring of 1858, he is best known. During his first twelve years here we find him a quiet, successful farmer, whose command of means and whose executive ability placed him at the front where public measures were discussed by the colonists. He was among first to grasp the situation, and to take advantage of the changes wrought through the building of the railroad to Sabetha, at which point he opened a real estate office in 1870. His business here was begun on a large scale and instantly expanded. Village lots were sold to actual settlers at Sabetha at almost their own terms, and yet at his death Mr. Whittenhall owned about one-half the town site. His real estate transactions in Northern Kansas were for such men as Gov. Porter, of Indiana, W. T. Wooster, of Ohio, and others. Mr. Whittenhall was a founder in Albany of the Congregational Church, and continued active in the cause during his life. He was born in 1808, in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., and fought life's battles alone after the age of seven, when he was left an orphan. When twenty, he married Eliza A. Shumway who was born in 1909 in the same town with himself. She was a graduate of the Oxford Academy with ex-governor Seymour and other distinguished New Yorkers, and died August 18, 1866, and was followed by her husband December 1, 1881.

[TOC] [part 14] [part 12] [Cutler's History]