William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas


[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]


As has been previously stated, the town of Lindsborg was located by the Chicago Swedish colony in 1868. Among the one hundred members who composed the colony the leading spirits were John Ferne, afterwards County Commissioner, C. Carlson and J. O. Lindh. N. P. Swenson was the first settler in the township, locating just west of the present town, where he started in a blacksmith shop. The first building erected upon the town site was the company's house, in which religious services were held and the county's business transacted. Some time before the colony had erected a small stone building, about four miles north of Lindsborg, in Saline County. Here John Ferne lived before he came to this county, and kept the company's books. In 1870 he located about two and a half miles northeast of town. But the first house erected on the town site was built by Neils Olson, now of New Gottland, in 1869. The same year J. H. Johnson opened the first store, about a mile west of Lindsborg, where he kept a postoffice. The Swedish Merchant's Association bought out Mr. Johnson, removed the building to Lindsborg, and established the first store and postoffice here in the spring of 1870. In May, 1871, C. Carlson, agent for the First Swedish Agricultural Society, surveyed the town site. The Lindsborg of to-day is situated in the northern part of McPherson County, on the Salina & Southwestern Railroad. It is located in the valley of the Smoky Hill River, twenty miles south of Salina, on Section 17, Township 17, Range 3 west. Next to McPherson, it is the most flourishing point in the county, and is growing quite rapidly. The postoffice in Lindsborg was established in 1869, J. H. Johnson being the first Postmaster. He was succeeded by John Ferne. W. J. Henry, the present incumbent, was appointed in 1873.

Lindsborg was incorporated as a city July 8, 1879, John A. Swensson being its first Mayor. The officials for 1882 are as follows: Mayor, W. J. Henry; Council, D. Johnson, J. Christian, Wm. Schwensen, C. P. Gunnerson and A. Lincoln. The city has no fire department.

Lindsborg is situated on the Salina and Southwestern road in the northern part of the county and in the midst of a splendid farming region. The Smoky Hill River passes through the city and furnishes good water power. The population of the place is now about 600. It contains a water power and a steam flour mill, three elevators, one bank, two hotels, three newspapers, and a number of the largest general stores in the county. It has also one of the best district schools in this section of the State. District No. 3 completed the fine two-story brick structure, which is now occupied, in the fall of 1882, at a cost of about $6,000. The dimensions of the building on the ground are 32X54 feet. E. C. Minton, who has been principal of the school for three years, is assisted by Miss Emma Johnson and Miss M. Milam. The attendance is about 150. Although the school is now divided in to but three departments - the primary, intermediate and grammar - it is intended soon to establish a high school.

Another educational element which is working for the good of Lindsborg is the Bethany Academy, which is controlled by the Smoky Hill District of the Swedish Lutheran Kansas Conference. It was first opened in October, 1881, with thirty pupils; it now has eighty. The land upon which the school building stands was donated by the Swedish Lutheran Bethany Church of Lindsborg. The instruction is mostly in English, one aim, besides that of general educational development, being to fit students for the Swedish College at Rock Island, Ill. Board of Directors: Rev. C. A. Swensson (president), J. Seleen, A. W. Dahlsten, P. MN. Sannquist, John A. Swensson, A. Lincoln, C. J. Stormquist and J. Thorstenberg. Faculty: Rev. C. A. Swensson, J. A. Udden, E. Nelander, C. G. Norrman; J. Hasselquist, instructor of gymnastics; Luther Swensson, instructor of instrumental music.

Lindsborg is an important grain point, as witness its three elevators and two mills. The steam mill was erected in the winter of 1881-2. The size of the main building is 26X36 feet, exclusive of the engine and boiler house, and a 20X40 feet (sic) warehouse. The mill, which is owned and operated by S. P. Carlton, is doing a large business, the entire value of the property being about $12,000. The water power mill of Bergsten & Johnson went into operation in the summer of 1882. The size of the main building is 36X40 feet. This, with outbuilding and land, is valued at $8,000. The firm confine themselves to custom work.

Wickham & Co.'s elevator was erected in the summer of 1879, at a cost of $6,000, and has a capacity of 12,000 bushels. The headquarters of the firm are in Salina.

In the summer of 1880 was erected the Farmer's Shipping Elevator, at a cost of $3,000. It has a capacity of 6,000 bushels.

Anderson & Ferlin, who operate the largest of the three elevators, erected their building in 1879 at a cost of $6,000. It has a capacity of 30,000 bushels, dimensions of the building 48X48 feet.

By September, 1882, the business of this place had grown so materially that O. Heggelund, of McPherson City, established a bank here, of which he is how president - John A. Swenson, cashier. The deposits average $25,000; subscribed capital, $50,000, and paid-up capital, $12,500.

The press of Lindsborg is represented by the Localist, the Smoky Hill News, and Kansas Posten.

The Lindsborg Localist was established April 19, 1879, by Wm. McClintick. After operating it about three months the paper came into the possession of Walter Younger, and six months after Mr. Younger assumed control he was bought out by J. H. Hyde. In May, 1880, John McPhail, the present editor, bought the establishment. It is now being published by D. Sargent, under a lease. The Localist is a seven-column folio. Republican in politics.

The Smoky Valley News was established September 21, 1881, by A. Ringwald, its present editor and proprietor. In October, 1882, the form of the paper was changed from a seven-column folio to an eight-column folio, its present form. The News is Republican in politics. Mr. Ringwald came from Ottawa to this county, when a young boy, in 1867, and learned his trade in Lindsborg.

The Kansas Posten, the only Swedish paper published in the State, was established in October, 1882. Its editors are professors in the Bethany Academy, although the journal is not designed as a sectarian organ. J. A. Udden, E. Nelander and C. A. Swensson conduct the journal.

There are four religious organization in Lindsborg - the Swedish Lutheran, the Swedish Methodist, the Swedish Mission, and the Methodist Episcopal churches.

The Swedish Lutheran (Bethany Church) was organized in 1869, by Prof. O. Olsson, the first County Superintendent of Schools. In 1874, the first portion of the present commodious and imposing stone structure was erected, and an addition made in 1880-'81. As it stands, the building presents a fine appearance, being composed of brown sandstone quarried from the bluffs near the city. Its size is 100X41 feet, with a spire 118 feet high. A large and elegant parsonage has been built, also. The entire value of the church property is about $12,000. Prof. Olsson remained in charge of the church until 1877, when, after a vacancy of two years, he was succeeded by Rev. C. A. Swensson, the present pastor. The church has a membership of 800; communicants, 506. It is the largest organization of the kind in the State. In connection with the church, there is also maintained a flourishing Sunday and parochial schools, the latter being conducted in the summer months.

The Free Mount Lutheran was organized in 1869, by the Rev. A. W. Dahlsten. In 1881 a very fine brick church, one of the finest country churches in the State, was erected, at a cost of $18,000. It has a spire of 125 feet. The dimensions of the building are 84X44 feet. The society has a membership of 435; communicants 492. Rev. J. Seleen, pastor of the church, is also president of the conference.

The New Gottland Lutheran Church was organized in 1872, and a frame church erected in 1876. Present membership, 480; communicants, 250. The first and present pastor is Rev. P. M. Sonquest.

The Elmsborg Lutheran Church was organized in 1880. The society has no building. It has a membership of 109; communicants 54; pastor, Rev. N. Nordling.

The Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in Tatum schoolhouse, Saline County, November 1871, with nine members, all emigrants from the Eastern States. The organization was effected with Rev. S. B. Newman, presiding elder, and Rev. Nels Peterson, pastor. The first trustees were Isaka Agrilius, Takarias Gabrielson, John N. Anderson, J. Aldrin, David Blomberg. A church and good parsonage was built in Lindsborg in 1875, the first service in the new church being on Christmas morning, 1876. The church building was 26X32, and finely furnished and finished. It was destroyed by fire, December 18, 1879, no insurance. The next day a subscription was started for a new church edifice, and on the 14th of August, 1881, a fine brick church was dedicated by Rev. Y. A. Gabrielson, presiding elder, O. J. Swan being the pastor. The new church is 30X42, neatly finished, with Gothic windows, carpets, etc. It is valued at $2,000 and is free of debt. The congregation numbers sixty-one members, and belongs to the Northwest Swedish Conference. The following pastors have had charge of the congregation: Rev. Nels Peterson, 1871 to 1875; Rev. Jonas Engstrom, 1875 to 1876; Rev. C. N. Wennersten, 1876 to 1877; Rev. A. G. Engstrom, 1877 to 1880; Rev. Oscar Svan, 1880 to 1881; Rev. P. J. Berg, 1881 to present time.

The Swedish Mission Church was organized in 1875, Rev. Mr. Blom being the first pastor. A building was erected the same year, about four miles northeast of town. In July, 1879, the large brick edifice in which the society worship in Lindsborg, was erected at a cost of $5,000. A parsonage was also built. Services are still held in the old church building. The membership of the Lindsborg organizations consists of one hundred families. Rev. K. Erixon, their last pastor, remained in charge of the society for two years.

Although itinerant services had been held for some time previous, the Methodist Episcopal Church was not organized until July, 1879, by the Rev. Mr. Matthews. He was succeeded by Rev. J. M. Archer, the present incumbent, in March, 1881. The congregation worship in the Swedish Methodist Church, having a membership of about twenty.


JOHN ANDERSON, dealer in grain, broom corn, and proprietor of the Anderson & Ferlin elevator, which was erected in 1879, size of which is forty-eight feet square, forty feet high, capacity is 20,000 bushels; when it is fully completed, it will have a capacity of 30,000, cost $6,000. He began the grain trade in 1880. He first came to Salina in 1874, and engaged in the sale of farm implements, and continued until he came to Lindsborg. He was born in Sweden in 1849; was raised on a farm and came to America in 1869, locating in Indiana. He has since visited many portions of the United States; has clerked and followed merchandising in Chicago, Ill., and other cities. He was County Clerk of Saline County one term. Was married in 1873, to Miss Amanda Rahm, of Sweden. They have three children - Alfhild H., Vida D. and Clarence. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Salina, Kan.

L. F. ANDERSON, dealer in general line of household furniture, and undertaker. He opened trade November 27, 1874, erected a store building in 1876, at a cost of $700. Is now about to erect a two-story building at a cost of about $2,000, and carries an average stock of $2,000. He first came to Kansas, July 4, 1869, worked as a carpenter in various places in the State previous to locating in this business. He was born in Sweden, in 1843. Was raised a cabinet-maker, learning the trade in Stockholm, Sweden. Came to America in 1868, lived one year in New York City, thence to Kansas. Married in 1875, to Miss Charlotte M. Ellinquist, a native of Sweden. They have three children - Frederick Ephraim, Gust Emanuel and Esther Helen. He is a member of the Free Lutheran Church and a Republican.

A. E. AGRELIUS keeps a loan, insurance and collecting office, negotiator of mortgage loans, notary public and Justice of the Peace. He located in Lindsborg, in 1877, and engaged as a carpenter until 1878, when he opened the above office. He was born in Youngsville, Penn., in 1854. Was raised on a farm and educated in his native place. He was married in 1881, to Miss Mary Fisher, of La Porte County, Ind. They have one daughter - Ethel C. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican in politics.

E. G. BELLOWS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Lindsborg, Section 3. He located on his place in the spring of 1870. Came to Saline County, Kan., in spring of 1860, and then prospected in various portions of the State until October, 1861; left the State, but returned in the winter of 1863, settled on a farm and followed agricultural pursuits since in the county. When he first came to Saline county, Leavenworth, Kan., was the nearest market, 185 miles east. He was occasionally gone on the trip from four to six weeks. He has been obliged to flee to places of safety several times during the early pioneer times, on account of Indian troubles. He was born in Akron, Ohio, December 15, 1826, and raised on a farm. Went to California in spring of 1850, where he followed mining until 1860. Married in 1877, to Miss Eliza J. Lupton, a native of Pickway, Miami Co., Ohio. They have three children - Mary H., Henry G. and Harriet S. He now owns 320 acres of land, 200 of which are cultivated. In 1882, he raised 2,400 bushels of wheat, an average of thirty bushels per acre.

J. G. BERGSTEN, of the firm of Bergsten & Johnson; first came to McPherson County, in 1870, settled on a homestead and farmed eleven years. Became a member of the firm of Sundstrom & Bergsten in 1879; was interested in the erection of a large brick store in Lindsborg, and moved to that place in 1881. In the spring of 1882, went into partnership with Mr. Johnson, and bought the water power at Lindsborg and erected the Smoky Valley Flouring Mills. He is still interested in the above store and mills, and operates the mills. He was born in Sweden, in 1841; was raised a farmer and came to America in 1866, settling in Chicago, Ill., where he remained four years as a stone cutter. He was one of the originators of the Swedish Colony of Chicago, Ill., who immigrated to the Smoky Valley bottom and founded the colony and town of Lindsborg. He was married in 1868, to Miss Gustava Huntig, of Sweden. They have five children - Ethna, Ida, Ellen, Alpe and Ephraim. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church, of the Augustana Synod of America. He has held different offices in the township, and is now Treasurer of Smoky Hill Township, is a Republican in politics.

G. E. BERQUIST, physician and surgeon, came to Lindsborg, Kan., in May, 1882, where he has since practiced medicine; belongs to Allopathic School; born in Sweden 1852; came to America, in 1868, locating in Kandiyohi County, Minn., where he remained a year; thence went to New Orleans, La., and from thence to Austin, Texas, where he engaged in the grocery and liquor business two years, and a year in photographing. He then went to Louisville, Ky., and entered a Medicial (sic) University and graduated March 1, 1877. Then spent nine months in a general hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thence went to Wilmer, Minn., and practiced medicine until 1878; thence to Teller, Col., where he continued his profession until he came to Kansas. Republican in politics.

J. G. BRUMITT, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Lindsborg, Section 10, He came to this place in 1870; coming to Saline County in 1865; farmed and followed freighting until he settled on his present place. He was born in Williamson County, Tenn., April 24, 1842; was raised a farmer; enlisted in August, 1862, in Company I, One Hundred and Twentieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He participated in all the battles of his command until taken prisoner at the battle of Guntown, Miss., June, 1864, and was confined to Andersonville Prison three and a half months. He was paroled from the Rebel Stockade at Savannah, Ga., November, 23, 1864; was mustered out in September, 1865. Married in 1870, to Miss Mary Lipe, of Jackson County, Ill. They have two children - Mary Alice and Jesse G. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lindsborg. He is a Republican in politics.

GEORGE CARBAUGH, dealer in general line of drugs, medicines, paints, oils and druggists' sundries; opened trade May 4, 1882, and carries a general stock of $1,000. He located in Smoky Hill Township, on a farm, Mary 2, 1866. His nearest neighbor was then five miles off. Nearest market and postoffice, was then Salina, twenty-three miles north; there were only three families living in Smoky Hill Township, at that time. He took the first United States Census of the Township, in 1870. He was one of the first Justices of the Peace in McPherson County, being appointed November 19, 1867. He was born in Washington County, Pa., 1832. Was reared a farmer. He followed boating on the Miami Canal thirteen years. Enlisted in June, 1861, in Company H. Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry; participated in may engagements of his command and wounded in the battle of Chattanooga, and spent sometime in hospital; mustered out June 20, 1864; re- enlisted for a year in the Hancock Veteran Corps. served the full time, and mustered out March 9, 1866. Then came to Kansas. He is a member of I. O. O. F., of Salina.

CARLSON & JOHNSON, dealers in general merchandise, opened trade in the spring of 1871. They erected their store building of brick and stone in 1876. It has 100 feet of front and 125 feet in depth. They occupy a room in L shape, 25X75 and 50 feet. The cost of the whole building exceeded $11,000. They first began with a stock only of about $1,500, and kept no clerks only themselves. They now carry an average stock of $20,000, and employ ten persons in the business. Their trade averages from $10,000 to $15,000 per month, and it reached $20,000 in November, 1882. Mr. Carlson was born in Sweden, November, 1838, being of humble parentage, he began life as a shoemaker; has taught school also. He was educated in the College of Carlstad, Sweden, graduating at the age of twenty-one years. Came to America in the fall of 1868, and moved to McPherson County, Kan., with the first Swedish Agricultural Colony from Chicago, Ill. He took a homestead and farmed two years; then into merchandising six months alone before Mr. D. Johnson became one of the firm. He was married in 1865, to Miss Emily Jacobson, a native of Sweden. They are members of the Free Swedish Lutheran Church.

J. B. CURTIS, physician and surgeon, located on the Saline River, in Ottawa County, Kan., in the spring of 1869, with his parents, and there engaged in the drug business, and the practice of medicine; came to Salina in the winter of 1872, where he engaged in the practice of medicine until July of the same year, when he located in Lindsborg, and since continued his profession. Was also engaged in the drug business a member of years; sold out in May, 1882. He was born in Kingsville, Ohio, October 18, 1849, parents moved to Clinton, N. Y., in 1852, and lived until 1867, when they came to Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and remained some time and in several other places, finally came to Kansas. In the winter of 1868, the doctor attended Cleveland Medical College, Ohio. He was married in February, 1870, to Miss Minnie Truby, of Independence, Ohio. They have two children - Pearl B., and Harry W. The doctor is Republican in politics.

S. EKSTRAND & SONS, dealers in drugs and medicines, paints, oils, and druggists' sundries. They opened business in the summer of 1881. The business has been established since the summer of 1879. They carry a general stock of $3,000. J. P. Ekstand first came to Saline County, Kan., with his parents in 1870, locating on a farm, he followed that business until 1878. He then became a clerk in a drug store until they opened business as above noted. He was born in Sweden, in 1858; came to America with his parents in 1861. He lived in Illinois and Minnesota until he came to Kansas. He is a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church.

JOHN FERNE, has charge of the lumber yards of Gibson & Lincoln. He first came to Salina, Kan., September 1, 1869, with the Chicago Swedish Colony, He located on a farm and followed agricultural pursuits until 1879, and in June 1880, took the present position. He was born in Sweden, April 20, 1827. He worked as a hammersmith in his native country; came to America, in 1866, coming to Chicago, where he worked three years in manufacturing axes, then at other occupations until he came to Kansas. Married in Sweden, in 1847, to Miss Carolina Lindberg, a native of Sweden. They have four children - Charles, Axcella, married to Mr. John A. Hollen, of Chicago, Ill., John A., Jr., married now in McPherson; Caroline at home; Charles is married and farming near Lindsborg. He is a member of the Lutheran Missionary Church. He was one of the first County Commissioners, holding office two terms, and was Postmaster of Lindsborg two years.

JOSIAH GOODWIN, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Bridgport, Section 2. Has 160 acres of land all under cultivation. He came to this place in the fall of 1872. First came to Kansas in March of that year. He was born in Warren County, Ky., March 10, 1828. Raised on a farm. His parents moved to Jackson County, Ill., when he was a young lad, where he was raised. Enlisted in May, 1847, in Company H, under Col. E. W. Newby, in the Mexican was, served eighteen months and participated in several skirmishes. Mustered out October, 1848, He enlisted in July, 1862, in Company B, Eighty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was promoted to Second Lieutenant. Discharged January, 1863, for disability contracted in service. Married, in 1851, to Miss Catharine Hagler, of Jackson County, Ill. They have twelve children - John, Ellen, Abraham, Melissa J., Nancy (deceased), Joseph A., Anna C., Laura, Sarah, Alexander, Harrison & Mary M. He is a member of I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. of Topeka, Kansas and Christian Church.

C. P. GUNNERSON, dealer in grain and farmer's produce and proprietor of the Farmers' Shipping Elevator, which was erected in the summer of 1880, size of which is 24X70 feet, and thirty-five feet high, with a capacity of 6,000 bushels; built at a cost of $3,000. He was born in Sweden, June 20, 1847, and was raised on a farm. Came to America in 1856, locating in Bureau County, Ill., where he lived seven years, thence to Ford County, the same State, four years. He came to Saline County, Kansas, in 1868, and farmed until 1879, when he began the grain business. Married in 1873, to Miss Emma F. Myers, a native of Sweden. They have two children - Mark S. and Paul L. He is a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church and Trustee of Smoky Hill Township, City Council of Lindsborg and a member of the school board of Lindsborg.

HANNBERG & NELSON, dealers in watches, clocks and jewelry, stationery, musical merchandise, sewing machines, toys, etc. Mr. O. Hannberg, opened the business in June, 1879, carrying a stock of less than $100. They now carry an average stock of $3,000 and employ three men in the business. H. B. Nelson first came to McPherson County in 1879 and clerked a year. Followed the same occupation in Lindsborg some time; thence to Salina in the same business a year. Returned to Lindsborg and became interested as above noted. He was born in Sweden in 1856, and came to America in 1866. Was educated in Galesburg, Ill. Began life as a cash boy in a large store. Was married, in 1880, to Miss Olive Zandell, a native of Sweden. They have one daughter, Anna Edith Olivia.

O. HANNBERG, of the firm Hannberg & Nelson, dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, stationery, musical merchandise, sewing machines, toys. etc. Opened the business alone in June, 1879, with less than $100 as capital to begin with. They now carry a stock of $3,000 and over and employ three men in the business. He came to Ottawa, Franklin County, in 1868, with his parents, where he remained until 1871. He then went to Osage City and engaged in the jewelry business and watch making for seven years. Thence came to Lindsborg. He was born in Sweden in 1856, and came to America with his parents in 1868. Was married in 1880 to Miss Ada C. Anderson, a native of Princeton, Ill. They have one daughter, Amy Thedocia. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church. He has served as city Treasurer and member of the city Council. Is Republican in politics.

W. J. HENRY, Postmaster, came to McPherson County in May, 1872, and located on a homestead. Soon afterward settled in the village. He was born in Lycoming County, Pa., February 21, 1839. Was raised a farmer and moved to Indiana in 1851. Enlisted in October, 1861, in the Fifth Indiana Battery Light Artillery. Participated in all the engagements of his command. Was mustered out in November, 1864. He then returned to La Porte County, Ind., and farmed until he came to Kansas. Was married in 1867 to Miss Mary A. Maxwell of Porter County, Ind. They had three children - Walter S., Edwin V., and William. His wife died in 1877 and he was married again in 1879 to Mrs. Rebecca E. Jaquess Richards, of Posey County, Ind. He has served as Justice of the Peace two terms. Has been a member of the School Board and has been Notary Public for the past five years. Has served two terms in the City Council, and been twice elected Mayor of Lindsborg. He has been Postmaster since October, 1873.

OSCAR JOHNSON, has charge of the hardware house of Brintnall, Wheeler & Co., a branch house of McPherson. He first came to southeastern Kansas in 1869, and engaged in railroading until 1870. Thence went to Texas, was in the same business some time, and changed to cattle driving, then bridge building until 1877, when he came to Salina and engaged as a clerk in the hardware business until September, 1879, thence to Lindsborg, and was employed as above noted. He was born in Sweden in 1847 and came to America in 1851 with his parents, and located in Sweld Bend, Webster Co., Iowa, and farmed. Enlisted in February, 1864, in Company I, Thirty-ninth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Participated in all the battles of his command until the close of the war. Was transferred to the Seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry and was mustered out July 12, 1865, and farmed until he came to Kansas. He was married in 1877 to Mrs. Ida Christiana Currier, a native of Sweden. They have three children - Josephine, George W., and Alonzo. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church, and he is a member of the Masonic order of McPherson, and is a Republican.

A. LINCOLN, firm of Gibson & Lincoln, dealers in all kinds of lumber, building materials, etc. They opened business March 1, 1880, and carry a general stock of about $10,000. There are three men employed in the business. Mr. A. Lincoln located in Saline County, Kas., on a farm, in the spring of 1869, where he followed farming and stock raising until the fall of 1878. He then moved to Lindsborg and opened the livery business and run (sic) that business until the spring of 1880, then he opened the lumber trade. He was born in Sweden April 29, 1842, and was reared on a farm. Came to America in April, 1869. Married in 1871 to Miss Anna C. Johnson, also a native of Sweden, born September, 1844. They have five children - Julius, David, Simeon E., Hannah M., Selina E. He is a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church. Has served as Township Trustee of Smoky View, Saline County, He was a director in the Saline & W. W. R. R. during the construction of the same. While in his native country he served the allotted time of two years in the Swedish army.

JOHN McPHAIL, editor of the Localist, became a resident of Leavenworth County in 1865, having seen the full term of service as a frontier soldier in the Third Wisconsin Cavalry, acting as Sergeant of Company C. He remained in Leavenworth County until 1869, then to Salina, next becoming a resident of this county, and settled in Lindsborg, in July, 1879.

N. P. NELSON, has charge of the hardware house of Briggs & Gebhart, a branch of Salina house. He came to Junction City, Kas., in 1866. Afterwards prospected in many parts of Kansas, but made headquarters at the above city until 1868. He was a Government Scout for some time. Located in Salina in the fall of 1868, and engaged in merchandising and clerking until 1871, when he came to Lindsborg. He then became partner of the firm Nelson & Schemke, in October, 1871. He was born in Sweden in February 15, 1849. Came a year before his parents to America, in 1865, locating for a short time in Henry County, Ill., then came to Kansas. He was married in 1877, to Miss Hedwig Augusta Sanstrum, a native of Sweden. They have one son, Moritz Edil Hilgard. Mr. Nelson is a member of I. O. O. F., of Salina, Kas. Has served as United Stated (sic) Deputy Marshal, and United States Inspector of Customs, and served as Deputy Sheriff of McPherson County, two years. Is a Republican in politics.

D. H. PAGE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Lindsborg, Section 9. Settled on his place in the fall 1868. There were only two settlers in the whole neighborhood. Wild game, of which there was an abundance, afforded the only meat food for a number of years. He fist located on Thompson Creek, Ellsworth County, in the spring 1860, and made buffalo hunting his occupation some time. He first came to Kansas in the spring 1858; remained at Wyandotte some time. He then visited Arizona and New Mexico and other Western Territories. Returned to Kansas City, Mo., in the summer of 1859. Thence in the following winter, hunted buffalo. Spring 1860, removed to Fort Harker, Ellsworth County, and kept a ranch for pioneers until 1864; but finally left on account of threatening Indian hostilities. He then went to Salina and engaged in various kinds of employment until 1868, when he came to his present place. He has been Township Trustee of his township three years. Represented McPherson County in Kansas State Legislature 1876. Born in Rockingham County. N. H., April 13, 1839. He entered Phillip Exeter Academy and prepared for college. He then entered Bowdoin College, Maine, where he was a student three years, after which he was a tutor in a private family until he came West. Married in 1867, to Miss Maggie Combs, of Sunset, Iowa. They have six children - Mary O., Gracie, Maggie, Carrie, Edith and Hattie M. He is a Democrat in politics.

A. G. PEARSON, dealer in coal of all kinds, and keeps the largest stock in the city - now has a stock of $3,000. He opened the coal trade in the fall of 1879; beginning on a small scale of a few hundred dollars. He came to America in June, 1869. He sent $100 to the Swedish Society, of Chicago, Ill., before he came to America. He therefore came with the colony to Lindsborg, in February, 1871. He owns eighty acres of land adjoining the town-site, thirty-five acres of which is land set off in village lots, and now there are eighteen houses built on his lots to date, November r20, 1882. He was born in Sweden, in 1833. Was married July 3, 1880, to Margaret Cedarburg, a native of Sweden. They have one daughter, Mary Elizabeth. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church. He was six years in Osage City, Kas., and was largely interested in the Scandanavian (sic) Coal and Mining Company, being one of the stock-holders and directors. He sold out his interest some time since.

WILLIAM SCHWENSEN, dealer in general merchandise. He opened business in the spring of 1878; erected his store same year, size of which is 20X60 feet, twelve feet high, at a cost of $1,200. He carries an average stock of $6,000, and employs two men in the business. He came to Lindsborg in 1874 and engaged as a clerk, until he opened business. He was born in Norway, Europe, in 1855. Cam to America in 1874, locating in Lindsborg. Was married in 1879 to Miss Lizzie Randall, a native of Sweden. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church, of Lindsborg. He is now serving his second term as City Councilman.

REV. JOHN SELEEN, pastor of Free Mount Swedish Lutheran Church, president of the Kansas Conference of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod, P. O. Smoky Hill, became pastor of the above church in 1876. He came to Riley and Pottawantomie counties in 1872, and took charge of the Maredahl Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, and preached until he came to his present charge. He was born in Sweden, December 31, 1843, and educated in several schools in Stockholm and Upsala, Sweden, graduating in 1871. He then preached in his native country until he came to America in 1872. He was married in 1865, to Miss Sophia Berggen, a native of Sweden. They have two children - Charles August and Ida Catharina.

GEORGE W. SHIELDS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Lindsborg, Section 30. He came to this place in February, 1868. There were a few settlers who lived in dug outs and sod houses. He now has 400 acres of fine land near the Smoky Hill River, which has its course of a mile through it. Has plenty of several varieties of timber. In 1882 he raised 3,000 bushels of wheat. He was born in Henry County, Ind., June 21, 1841; was raised a farmer, and lived in his native place until he came to Kansas in July, 1866. He kept a trading post, bought furs and dealt largely with the Indians for a number of years. Mr. George Shields was married in 1872 to Miss Rosa A. Graham, of Eaton County, Mich. They have two children - Frank M. and Cora A. He is a Republican in politics.

SUNDSTROM, BERGSTEN & CO., dealers in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and notions. They opened trade in the fall of 1879, erected their store building in 1879, and opened trade December 23, of the same year. Size of their store is 50X85 feet, two stories high, built of brick and stone at a cost of $7,000. They carry an average stock of $20,000. Trade averages from $90,000 to $100,000 per annum. There are eight men employed in the business. J. O. Sundstrom came to Kansas in 1879. He was born in Sweden in 1846. Came to America in 1868 and located in Chicago, Ill., where he engaged in iron moulding until 1874, then into the grocery business until he came to Kansas. He was married in 1876 to Miss Hannah Victor, a native of Sweden. They have two children - Carrie E. and John O. He is a member and cashier of the Swedish Lutheran Church.

REV. C. A. SWENSON was born in Sugar Grove, Warren Co., Pa., in 1857. He was educated at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., graduating from that institution in 1877 and from the Theological Seminary of the same school in 1879. He came to Lindsborg, Kan., in July, 1879, and took charge of the Bethany Swedish Lutheran Church, where he has since remained. His father, Rev. Jonas J. Swenson, was a pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Church at Andover, Ill., fifteen years, was also president of the Scandinavian Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America and preached twenty-four years of his life, and died in 1873. The subject of this sketch was therefore raised a minister of the Gospel. He was married, in 1880, to Miss Alma Lind, of Moline, Ill. They have one daughter - Bertha M. F. He is secretary of the Kansas Swedish Lutheran Conference and a member of the Swedish Lutheran Augustana Tract Society and editor of one of its church papers, styled, the Ungdomsvaennen, an illustrated young peoples' magazine, and religious editor of the Kansas Posten, published at Lindsborg, Kan. He is associate editor of the Korsbaneret, an annual publication of biographies of church work. He is President of Augustana Alumni Association and president of the board of directors of Bethany College of Lindsborg, Kan.

HANS WICKSTRUM, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Lindsborg, Section 30. He came to his place in the fall of 1869. He has 320 acres of fine land, 200 of which is cultivated. In 18882 he raised 2,000 bushels of wheat, an average of thirty bushels per acre. He was the first Sheriff of McPherson County, elected in the fall of 1871, holding the office two years. He was born in Sweden, November 15, 1844, raised on a farm, came to America in 1846 with his parents, locating in Henry County, Ill., where he lived until he came to Kansas. He was married, in 1866, to Miss Caroline Nelson, a native of Sweden, born in 1842. They have three children, Charles A. W., Hilda Amelia and Ellen Caroline. They are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church. He is a Democrat in politics. The only meat food for a number of years was buffalo, antelope, etc. Flour was then $9.00 per 100 lbs.; pork, 30c per lb., fresh; salt pork, 50c; butter, 60c; eggs, 40c per doz.; potatoes, $2.00 per bushel; and milk, 40c per gallon. Thus it will be seen that people without money would very frequently go hungry.

[TOC] [part 6] [part 4] [Cutler's History]