T. B. McCLURE, merchant, was born in Mahaska County, Iowa, in 1843, and during
his residence in his native State was engaged in farming. He enlisted at
Oskaloosa, Iowa, July, 1861, in Company C, Seventh Iowa Infantry, and was a
year in active service, being discharged for disability, super-induced by a
wound, in July, 1862. He came to Kansas in 1871, and locating in this
township, engaged in farming until February, 1872, when he entered into
business as a general merchant in the old town of Madison, but, in 1874, sold
his business and kept the hotel of the town. He was appointed Postmaster in
February, 1872, and continued to act as such until after his removal here,
when he resigned, December, 1880, and returned to farming until October, 1882,
when he went into business in his present stand, in partnership with Mr. Hall.
His stock of general merchandise is valued at $8,000, and is insured for
two-thirds of that amount, in addition to which he owns a farm in Section 15 of
120 acres, partly improved. In 1864, he married Miss Phebe J. Boles; Edwin,
now thirteen years of age, is the only child. Mr. McClure is a charter member
of Masonic Lodge, No. 196, A., F. & A. M., and a member of the Madison Town
company; he is also a United States pensioner, and one of Madison's leading
business men and most influential citizens.
AMOS MILNER, farmer, Section 22, P. O. Madison, is a native of Hancock County,
Ind., and a thorough practical farmer. In 1862, he enlisted in Company B,
Ninety-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry; was present at and participated in
the hot work at Nashville, Vicksburg, etc., and was mustered out at
Indianapolis in June, 1865. Mr. Milner came to Kansas in 1868 and located upon
a farm of 200 acres, part of which is situated in Lyon County; his residence,
a very handsome one, facing the county road, but located upon the Greenwood
County side, where he has eighty acres under cultivation, averaging -- oats,
40 to 50; wheat, 20, and corn, 45 bushels per acre. His orchard contains about
100 trees. He has 75 to 100 head of cattle, 40 hogs, and several horses. Mr.
M. has been twice married and has two children. He has never taken any office
since his location in Kansas, but has his entire attention to his agricultural
and stock interests.
J. S. MORTLOCK, M. D., is a native of Huntington, England, where he was born
in 1846, but while he was yet a child, his parents emigrated to the United
States, and located in Morris County, Ill., where the Doctor received his
elementary education. He first studied medicine at Marseilles, Ill., and
subsequently attended the Hahneman Medical College, Chicago, from which he
graduated in the spring of 1878, and began the practice of his profession in
Chicago. In the summer of 1882, he took a trip to Kansas for the benefit of
his health, and while here was persuaded to remain and practice. Dr. Mortlock
is married, but has no children, and has rapidly acquired an extensive and
remunerative practice here, which is constantly increasing.
CHARLES MOXLEY, farmer, Section 16, P. O. Madison, was born in September,
1833, in Orleans County, Vermont, and came to this State first in 1870, but
did not settle in it until 1872, when he bought his present farm of 160 acres
on Section 16, Township 22, Range 12, and proceeded to make himself a home
here. He has now a fine two-story frame residence, and a well improved farm,
his corn yield on the upland averaging forty bushels to the acre. Wheat he has
found unremunerative; but he has paid attention to fruit raising, and has
about 930 apple trees, chiefly of the Wine Sap, Missouri pippin and Ben Davis
varieties, and 500 peach trees, all in good bearing, to which he has lately
added several hundred young trees. His fruit last year in the Madison and
Emporia markets, yielded good returns as an investment. In August, 1862, Mr.
M. enlisted in Company F, Eleventh Vermont Volunteers, and participated, with
his regiment, at the battles at Cold Harbor, Spottsylvania, Petersburg, etc.,
and was mustered out April 1865. He was married in 1858 to Miss Harriet M.
Hunt, and has three sons, viz., Edwin C., Henry G. and Albert J. Mr. Moxley is
a practical successful farmer, and a member of the M. E. Church, charter
member and S. W. of Madison Lodge, No. 196, A., F. & A. M., and has been
Justice of the Peace two terms.
J. R. PATTERSON, hardware merchant, first commenced business in the old town
of Madison, in April, 1879, the first year of his residence in Kansas. He was
born in 1854, in Manitowoc County, Wis., and when a boy removed to Illinois
with his parents, who located in Grundy County, where his father engaged in
farming. Upon the location of the present town of Madison, he moved his
building here, and continued business in it until July, 1881, when he sold it
and removed his stock to his present building, on the corner of Third and Main
streets. In addition to his well assorted and complete stock of general
hardware, he has a large stock of agricultural machinery, and also of household
furniture, to the value of $5,000, fully insured. Although yet a young man,
and but a few years a resident in Kansas, he has already placed himself in the
front ranks of those who compose the commercial part of this portion of
Greenwood County.
DANIEL PEES, boots and shoes, is a native of Saarbruck in Prussia, born in
1832, and came to the United States in 1849, locating in Port Washington,
Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, where he resided for thirty years. November 13, 1862, he
enlisted in Company C, Fifty-eighth Ohio Infantry, and participated in the
engagements at Forts Donelson and Henry, and Shiloh, Corinth, Memphis, etc. He
was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, in October, 1865. He was married in 1860
to Miss Caroline Doll, and has five children. Mr. Pees came to Kansas in the
beginning of April, 1879, and at first located upon a farm in this county, on
the Verdigris River, but in the fall of that year he built his present house
in Madison and soon afterward, renting his farm, he removed to town and
commenced business. He now employs three good workmen, who are kept constantly
busy. He owns three buildings on Main street, two of them being two-stories,
in one of which he himself lives, whilst the others are rented as stores and
residences and are all fully insured. Mr. Pees is a member of the G. A. R. and
is also a charter member and officer of Madison Lodge, No. 171, I. O. O. F.
SOLOMON PHENIS, farmer, Section 13, P. O. Madison, is one of the oldest
settlers of this region. Born in Preble County, Ohio, in 1817. His parents
removed to Indiana in 1823, and in 1855 he, with five of his neighbors from
Hamilton County, that State, started for Kansas, making the journey by ox-team
in thirty-four days; and locating upon the banks of a small stream, which has
ever since been known as "Phenis Creek," upon the north line of what was then
Madison County, bur subsequently became part of Lyon. The party was joined
during the same year by a brother of Mr. Phenis (Judge J. R. Phenis) and
several of his former neighbors, thus forming quite a settlement. Lawrence was
then their nearest post office and the mail was delivered weekly by carriers
from that city, the settlers here paying him at the rate of a dollar per month
for each family. This continued until the post office was established at
Emporia. In 1860, Mr. Phenis was thrown from his horse and his thigh bone
broken, which, being imperfectly set, owing to no medical man being at hand,
has rendered him a cripple for life, and in spite of of his earnest desire to
do so, prevented his entering the army. In 1863, he removed to this county,
locating on a farm on Section 25, Town 22, Range 12, this township, where he
remained until October, 1880, when he sold it and removed to his present one,
which is nearer town, and upon which he has built a very fine house, the
interior of which is very conveniently arranged and thoroughly furnished
throughout, costing $1,500. Nearly half of his present farm is under
cultivation, his corn yield being fifty-five bushels per acre. In 1839, Mr.
Phenis married Miss Sarah Coats, who bore him thirteen children, the eldest of
whom, Cyprus, born May 23, 1841, enlisted May 13, 1862, in Company B, Ninth
Kansas Cavalry, and served three years, being discharged May 18, 1865, and who,
while upon his return home was taken ill, and died at Emporia upon the
anniversary of his birth, May 23, 1865. The remaining nine children now left
to Mr. Phenis are Esley, born August 28, 1842; John Newton, born June 11,
1847; Isaac, January 23, 1848; Charles, February 14, 1850; William R., April
14, 1852; Evangeline, April 2, 1854; Nina, January 23, 1858;Hannah, February
28, 1861; and Ellsworth, April 21, 1862. All save the youngest are married,
and all reside in the State and have made the subject of this sketch a
grandfather no less than twenty-two times. Mrs. Phenis died October 11, 1876,
and on January 18, 1877, he married his present consort, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones,
nee Harrison, who is also one of the earlier settlers of the State. Mr.
P. has never cared to accept any office, and, although twice elected County
Commissioner, refused to serve; upon the last occasion, although compelled to
qualify in order to satisfy the desires of his friends, he resigned the next
day. His brother, I. R. Phenis, is Probate Judge of the county.
HORATIO PRITCHARD, farmer, Section 12, P. O. Madison, was born in Madison
County, Ind., February 10, 1838. In the fall of 1857, his father, Benoni
Pritchard, left Hancock County, Ind., with his wife, three children and a
hired man named Bailles, and with two cows and two yoke of oxen brought their
"schooners" to an anchor upon his present farm, after a voyage of five weeks.
In passing through Missouri, they experienced great difficulty in getting
provender and provisions. Corn cost a cent an ear, and a small sheaf of oats
about twelve inches long sold for from 25 to 50 cents. For some time after
arriving here, there were but eight families in the township. Burlingame was
the nearest place to go to mill, and Leavenworth the nearest supply depot. Mr.
Harris the elder died in 1872. The subject of the sketch, April 19, 1863, was
married to Miss Frances M. Norton, daughter of the first Clerk of Greenwood
County. One child has died in infancy, and those now surviving are William H.,
born March 2, 1864; Charles D., October 19, 1865; Dora A., November 10, 1867;
Braton H., February 21, 1869; J. Edward, August 20, 1871; Effie L., February
14, 1873; Ella M., April 27, 1874; Martin C., November 2, 1875; Bertha B.,
July 2, 1877; Lena M., January 18, 1879; Fanny E., September 3, 1881. Mr.
Pritchard's farm contains 120 acres in Section 12, and 160 in Section 14. There
are 120 acres in cultivation upon the bottom lands of the Verdigris. Corn
yields sixty to seventy-five bushels per acre, and other grains in proportion.
He raises a great many cattle and hogs. His orchard contains about 200good,
fruit-bearing trees. Although Mr. P. is one of the oldest settlers now here, he
has studiously avoided office, save upon the School Board of his District, No.
1, but has ever taken a warm interest in the welfare of the county, and is
considered one of the most prosperous farmers in this region.
DR. A. STANDLEY, physician and surgeon, is a native of Greene County, Ind.,
and born in 1838, but when a child his parents removed to and settled upon a
farm in Appanoose County, Iowa, where he was brought up. He first came to
Kansas in 1860, an remained in this county a little over a year, and, upon his
return home, enlisted in Indiana in Company L, Twenty-eighth Regiment First
Indiana Cavalry. He was in active service with the regiment until the
expiration of his term of enlistment, and was mustered out at Indianapolis,
Ind., in August, 1863. He thereupon returned to Iowa, and in the fall of 1865
again came to this county, marrying the daughter of Dr. Raybell; he studied
medicine with his father-in-law, and has now been practicing his profession
for the past twelve years. He is married and the father of several children;
owns his residence and other property in town; is a member of the Madison
Lodge, No. 171, I. O. O. F., and is the examining physician of the F. & M. M.
B. A.
ALPHONSO STREHLE, grocer, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, being born in 1844;
but when he was seven years of age, his parents emigrated to this country,
locating upon a farm near Three Oaks, Mich., where they still reside. Mr. S.
came to Kansas in 1870, and settled upon a farm near Bazaar, Chase Co., where
he remained for a time, when he removed to Cowley County and finally, in 1873,
located in Greenwood County, engaging in business in the old town of Madison,
and removing with the town upon the location of it upon its present site, and
although one or two others were in business here before him, they have left
the town, so that his is now the oldest established store in town. In March,
1864, he enlisted at Three Oaks in Company E, Twelfth Regiment Michigan
Infantry, and served with his regiment upon frontier duty, principally in
Arkansas, until mustered out at Camden, Ark., in April, 1865. He is married
and has three children. Mr. Strehle carries a stock of about $1,000 in
groceries, etc., which, together with the building and his residence, is
insured for about two-thirds the value. He has also an interest with Mr. H. J.
Davis in the flour and feed business; they carry a stock of from $600 to $800,
and both branches of business are doing a good trade, which is constantly
J. B. THOMSON, druggist and stationer, was born in New Liverpool, on the St.
Lawrence river, Province of Quebec, and but a few miles from that Gibraltar of
Canada. His parents came to the United States while he was yet young, and
settled in Oldtown, upon the Penobacot River, in Maine, where he was educated.
He was for several years the book-keeper of a large manufacturing form in New
Lebanon, N. H., and later was, with his brother, engaged in engineering, etc.,
in the oil regions of Pennsylvania. He came to Kansas in November, 1873, and
was engaged in school teaching until he commenced business in his present
location, in December, 1879. He owns his store and residence, and carries from
$900 to $1,200 worth of goods, and stock and building are fully insured. Mr.
Thomson is married and has four children. He is a member of Knights of Honor,
and has for the past three years been one of the Board of School Examiners. He
has steadily eschewed all, even local, politics although taking a warm
interest not only in Madison, but also in the welfare of his adopted State.
A. C. WATROUS, farmer, Section 1, Township 11, Range 22, P. O. Madison, and
who is more familiarly known as "Chet," has been a resident of Kansas since
1856, and took an active part in the war for the Union, and in the later
Indian troubles, having been one of Custer's trusty scouts. He was born in
1836, in Athens County, Ohio, and in 1840 his father, Mr. Horace Watrous, and
who is now a resident of Coffey County, Kan., removed with his family to
Wisconsin, where he remained until 1856, when the family came to this State,
locating upon a farm in Coffey County. In April, 1862, the subject of this
sketch was one of a company of volunteers raised in that county, but, finding
the call had been already filled, and that no more men were then wanted from
this State, he went to West Union, Fayette County, Ohio, where he enlisted in
Company F, Third Iowa infantry, and served in that regiment until after the
first siege of Corinth, when he was detailed to Battery C, First Brigade
Missouri Light Artillery, in which he remained till mustered out with the rank
of Sergeant at Davenport, Iowa, April 5, 1865. He was wounded by a shot in the
right knee at the siege of Vicksburg, and also in the shoulder, at the Hatchie
River. After leaving the army, he returned to Coffey County, where his father
had some time previously established an Indian trading-post, to which he soon
added two others, one at Elk City, and the other in the county, in what is now
known as Greenwood City. Establishing himself at the Elk City post, he
continued therein until October, 1868, when he enlisted in Col. Crawford's
Regiment, the Nineteenth Kansas, and assisted in quelling the Indian troubles,
and subsequently acted as scout for Gen. Custer, and also as Government
Interpreter in Texas and Mexico, he having acquired a thorough knowledge of
the language of several of the Indian tribes. Shortly after returning to
Kansas, he located in Shell Rock Township, where he continued until 1882, when
he sold his farm there, and removed to his present one of 320 acres, half of
which is in Greenwood, and the other half in Lyon County. He has seventy
acres under cultivation, and has recently erected a residence, barns, etc.
December 25, 1870, Mr. Watrous married Miss Anna F. Pierce; they have three
children -Minnie, Linton and Adelbert. His brother, Mr. John Watrous, is the
editor and proprietor of the Independent, published weekly at
Berlington, Coffey Co. Mr. W. has a relic of the late war in the shape of a
finger ring with two hearts carved upon it, the material being a piece of oak
tree, under the branches of which, at Vicksberg, Col. Pemberton surrendered to
Gen. Grant. The ring was cut and carved by ____ Bush, of the Missouri Battery,
and who had learned the art during his two years' confinement in Libby. While
residing in Shell Rock Township, Mr. Watrous was for several years a member of
the School Board. He is also Lieutenant Colonel of the G. A. R., having been
elected in Topeka, during the re-union there in September, 1882. "Chet" is an
excellent farmer, as well as trader, scout and soldier, and still retains an
upright, soldierly carriage and bearing.
A. WHERMAN, merchant, is a native of Germany, but in 1848, when he was but
three years of age, his parents emigrated to the United States, and settled in
Warren County, Mo. He first engaged in business as a grain and commission
merchant, in Carrollton, Mo., continuing therein until 1879, when he removed
to Kansas and located upon a farm of 280 acres in Section 12, this township. In
the fall of 1880, he rented his farm and commenced business in his present
stand on Main street, Madison. He has now a large stock of harness, hardware,
etc., valued at $2,500 and employs a competent, practical harness-maker, who
is constantly busy. He now owns two stores in town, which, with his stock, are
fully insured.
H. A. WICKER, blacksmith, is a native of North Carolina, born in 1826, but was
brought up in Indiana, whither his parents removed when he was yet but a boy.
December 15, 1849, he married Miss Amanda E. Jackson, and has two children
living- Sylvester F., who was born in 1852, and is now married, and resides in
town; and Mrs. Viola Flock, born in 1856, who is also a resident of this county.
Mr. Wicker came to Kansas in 1857, locating in Miami County, and at Stanton,
September 18, 1862. He enlisted in Company D, Twelfth Kansas Infantry, and
participated in the engagement at Prairie de Ann, April 13, 1864, and also at
Saline Bottom, April 29 and 30, 1864, and was mustered out June 19, 1865, at
Little Rock, Ark. After a residence of two years in Butler County, Mr. Wicker
located in this township in December, 1873, and for some time his was the only
forge in this vicinity. He owns his residence and shop, and although opposition
has come with the location of the new town, continues to have a good run of