Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Seward County
Produced by Jeanne Walsh.

Part 3

The following is the roster of the county officials from the organization of the county up to the present time.


1865-1866-- Thomas West, Clerk; C. J. Niehardt, Treasurer; W. E. Chapin, Sheriff; J. L. Davison, Probate Judge; William Imlay, W. J. Thompson, H. W. Parker, William Imlay (1866), Commissioners.

1867-1868-- W. H. Reed, Clerk; C. J. Niehardt, Treasurer: A. J. Wallingford, Sheriff; J. D. Maine, Probate Judge; H. W. Parker, William Imlay, W. J. Thompson, J. L. Bandy (1868), Commissioners.

1869-70-- Hon. Thomas Graham, Clerk; E. J. Clark, Treasurer; W. H. Tuttle, Sheriff; H. Wortendyke, Probate Judge; George B. France, Superintendent Public Instruction; J. M. Evans, Coroner; J. H. Anderson, Surveyor; W. J. Thompson, J. L. Bandy, William Imlay, William Hornberg (1870), Commissioners.

1871-72-- Hon. William J. Thompson (1872) Representative; Hon. D. C. McKillip (January, 1873), Representative, to fill unexpired term of Thompson, resigned); Hon. Thomas Graham, Clerk; M. A. McPherson (1871) Treasurer; W. B. Thorp (1872), Treasurer; J. W. McCabe, Sheriff; J. W. Shields, Probate Judge; George B. France, Superintendent of Public Instruction; J. M. Evans, Coroner; J. H. Anderson, Surveyor; William Imlay, William Hornberg, D. H. Harris, Samuel Manley (1872), Commissioners.

1873-74-- Hon. D. C. McKillip (1874-75), Representative; Hon. Thomas Graham, Clerk; William B. Thorp, Treasurer, J. D. Niehardt, Sheriff; H. Wortendyke, Probate Judge; O. T. B. Williams, Probate Judge, appointed February 7, 1874, and elected to fill unexpired term October, 1874; George B. France, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Leland Walker, M. D., Coroner; J. V. Ainsworth, Surveyor; D. H. Harris, Samuel Manly, Benjamin Hawkins, M. Dunnegan (1874), Commissioners.

1875-76--Lieut. Gov. E. C. Carns (1876), Senator; Hon. Thomas A. Healey, Representative, resigned; Hon. William Hickman, Representative, to fill vacancy; Hon. Thomas Wolfe, Representative; Hon. Thomas Graham, Clerk; William B. Thorp, Treasurer; J. D. Niehardt, Sheriff; O. T. B. Williams, Probate Judge; J. D. Messenger, Superintendent Public Instruction; Leland Walker, M. D., Coroner; G. A. Kilpatrick, Surveyor; Benjamin Hawkins, M. Dunnigan, W. G. Hazelwood, G. F. Hurlburt (1876), Commissioners.

1877-78-- Hon. T. L. Norval (1878), Senator; Hon. William Hickman, Representative; H. A. French, Representative; Hon. Thomas Graham, Clerk; William B. Thorp. Treasurer; J. D. Niehardt, Sheriff; O. T. B. Williams, Probate Judge; J. D. Messenger, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Leland Walker, M. D., Coroner, G. A. Kilpatrick, Surveyor; W. G. Hazelwood, G. F. Hurlburt, L. D. Bates, G. C. McKay (1878), Commissioners

1879-80-- Hon. Thomas Graham (1880), Senator; Henry Bick (1880), Representative; H. P. King (1880), Representative; Edward O'Keef, Clerk; L. G. Johns, Treasurer; John Sullivan, Sheriff; J. D. Messenger, Superintendent of Public Instruction; J. H. Woodward (1879) Coroner; G. W. Brandon (1880), Coroner; G. A. Kilpatrick, Surveyor; L. D. Bates, George C. McKay, G. W. Larned, M. Dunnegan (1880), Commissioners.

1881-1882-- Hon. Thomas Graham, Senator; Henry Bick, Representative; Luther Chaddock, elected to fill vacancy, Representative; J. W. Dupin, Clerk and Treasurer, John Brown, Sheriff; E. Benson, Superintendent Public Instruction; G. A. Kilpatrick, Surveyor; G. W. Larned, M. Dunnegan, O. E. Bernecker, Commissioners.

The total assessed valuation of the county is $2,133,392, based on an assessment of 40 per cent of the actual value, divided as follows:

Real Property .......................$1,232,286
Personal property....................   760,439
Town property........................   140,667
     Total ..........................$2,133,392
Value of railroad property ..........  $252,112
Present estimated population ........    12,000

About four-tenths of the whole area of the county is under cultivation.


Perhaps a few facts in regard to the history of some of the earliest schools of the county may not be uninteresting. The first school that we learn anything about was at Beaver Crossing during the summer of 1865. It was organized in an old log building without any floor in it which stood near the Clark settlement. The school was taught by Miss Agnes Henderson, who received her certificate and her compensation from Lancaster County.

The officers of the school were Mr. William Thompson, Director; Mr. S. H. Clark, Moderator; and Mr. Daniel Millspaugh, Treasurer.

In the summer of 1866, Miss Alice Skinner taught this school in the same building. During the summer of 1867, the school was taught by a Mr. Perry, in a schoolhouse which had in the meantime been erected.

The next school was at Milford, and it was maintained by the liberality of Mr. J. L. Davison at his ranch. This was during the winter of 1866 and 1867. During the summer of 1866, a second school was organized with George B. France as teacher. This was a subscription school.

In 1868, an advance in school affairs was made, a small frame building built of slabs was erected, which served the purpose of a schoolhouse until the town purchased the Baptist Church and converted it to school purposes.

The third school we learn anything of was in B Precinct, in the spring of 1869. It was organized in a sod house which was built not far from the residence of William Hickman. The first school was taught by W. Timblin, and it was a subscription school. The first district schoolhouse was built during the next winter. Miss Ella Knight taught the school and Mr. J. Hickman was Director.

The first school in L Precinct was organized in 1870, in the northwest part of the precinct, on Section 21, in an old house built by John Fouse, made of logs. The district was organized at this time and John Fouse was elected Director; Samuel McManigal, Treasurer, and Moses Gleason, Moderator. During the summer of 1872, a schoolhouse was built in the district on Section 32, and the winter school was taught by Miss Minnie Nicholson.

The first school in G Precinct was taught by Mr. W. W. Cox, in the winter of 1866-67. The schoolhouse was in the north part of town near the residence of Mrs. Spear. There were thirteen children in attendance.

The first school taught in the town of Seward, was in a building owned by Dr. Walker. This was in the summer of 1869. The building stood where Goehner now has his hardware store. The school was taught by Miss Martha Boies, and was a subscription school. District 9 was organized the same summer, and the next school was taught by Mrs. L. G. Johns.

The first school district in J Precinct included the entire limits of the precinct. The district was organized in the spring of 1867, and the school was kept in a little cabin situated on Section 10, and the school was taught by Miss E. B. Schaffer, with about twelve scholars in attendance. Mr. Lesenly, Moderator; Mr. C. J. Neighardt, Director; and Mr. A. W. Hegeman, Treasurer, were the first officers of the district.

The first school district in N Precinct was organized in the spring of 1868, and the school was taught by Miss H. Parsons, of Camden. The schoolhouse was situated on Section 26, and built of logs with a dirt roof. The officers were Samuel Englehaupt, Director; Mr. Johnson, Treasurer; and Mr. David Barton, Moderator.

The first schoolhouse in D and E Precincts was on the town line between the two, and was the first schoolhouse in the north part of the county, and it stood on Section 34. The school was organized in the summer of 1870, and the house was built this same summer, Mr. Joseph Jones, Moderator; Mr. Oscar Ragan, Director, and Mr. R. A. Reynolds, Treasurer. After the division of D and E Precincts into school districts, the first school organized in E was in the winter of 1871, and a schoolhouse was built on the southeast half of Section 10. The first school was taught by Samuel Mitchell. District 14 was the first organized in C Precinct and it took place in the spring of 1871. The house was built of logs, and was situated on the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 28. The officers were: William Crosby, Director; George Streeter, Treasurer; and Mr. Graham, Moderator. In the summer of 1872, a fine frame house was built costing $800. Mr. M. Graham taught the first school with an attendance of seven scholars. In the fall of 1872, another district was organized in the same precinct, and Robert McCrossen was Director; Daniel Driscon, Treasurer, and J. W. Shields, Moderator.

The school system of this State previous to 1869, gave the control of schools to local boards. The Legislature provided for County Superintendents for the first time in 1869, and made it the duty of the County Commissioners at their first meeting in April, 1869, to appoint a Superintendent who was to hold until his successor was elected and qualified at the general election in the fall of that year.

Thomas Graham received the first appointment, and gave Miss Skinner her certificate. His family first came to this county in the spring of 1869. Mr. Graham taught school at Camden in the winter of 1866-67. The winter school of 1867-68 was taught by Miss S. D. Hooker, of 1869-70, by Mr. E. Healey, and the term of 1870 was taught by Miss Eva Hooker. The school at Camden was first organized as School District No. 1; the first officers being H. W. Parker and F. L. Roper, with one other.


Father Dunaway as he was familiarly called, settled on a homestead in July of 1864, in Section 3, Town 11, Range 3 east, three miles north of the site of the city of Seward. His family had not arrived. He had made a small lumber shanty, and was making little improvements. In the month of September, the writer was yet a resident of Lancaster County, but was here putting up hay preparatory to moving later in the fall.

Grandfather Imlay was taking a stroll for recreation one day, and thought he would go and have a chat with Father Dunaway. He went to the cabin and there was no one there. He thought that the old man was probably hunting his oxen. He sat down and read a book that his eye chanced to meet. Waiting awhile, he went and hallooed, but heard no response. He then began a search, and a little to the south, he found the grass wallowed down, and his suspicions being aroused, he continued his search, finding a faint trail leading southward, followed it some eight rods, found the old man dead and cold in the midst of a large patch of wallowed grass.

He hurried home and told his son, David P. Imlay. Dave mounted a horse and hurried to Lincoln Creek (the land where Lewis Anderson's farm is now), where R. T. Gale, William Imlay, Joseph Imlay and W. W. Cox were putting up hay.

"What shall we do?" was the question asked by one and all. It was suggested that Mr. Cox being a Justice of the Peace for Lancaster County, would probably come nearer having a Coroner's jurisdiction than any other available person, there being no officers yet in this county.

"Where can we get enough men for jurors?" was the next question. Mr. Gale thought they could be found in the Morgan settlement. A venire (the first, last and only ever issued by this officer), was issued. Mr. Gale was sworn as special Constable, with power to fill in names of jurors. All was hurry, horseflesh was not spared. Just as the sun was sinking behind the hills on that Beautiful September evening, the little company arrived at the scene of death of their friend and neighbor.

The parties present were David Imlay, Sr., D. P. Imlay, William Imlay, Joseph Imlay, R. T. Gale, Job Reynolds, Thomas Morgan, William Morgan and W. W. Cox.

It was a solemn scene, a little meadow, almost surrounded by a beautiful fringe of timber, a calm autumn evening, a sad stillness in the presence of death, with uncovered heads, and uplifted hands the jury took the oath which, considering all the surroundings, made a deep impression upon all.

The inquest resulted in the verdict, that the death of Father Dunaway was caused by a violent cramp colic.

The neighbors improvised a rough coffin from lumber in the shanty, and buried him beneath a sturdy oak standing near, and turned over all his effects to his widow when she arrived.


[View of Seward.]

The city of Seward is situated on the Big Blue River, at the confluence of two of its important tributaries--Lincoln and Plum Creeks. The site is a beautiful hill, sloping gradually to the south and west to the banks of the Blue, fringed with majestic oaks, the spreading branches and dense foliage of which shut out even the scorching rays of the sun. On two sides of the city the river glides gracefully by through a beautiful and picturesque valley, presenting a view most pleasing to the eye, and contrasting pleasantly with the flat sameness that usually characterizes the location of a prairie city. Beyond the river, a beautiful country of rolling, billowy prairie, dotted here and there with an occasional timber grove, stretches out as far as the eye can reach.


Fourteen years ago, an unobstructed view met the traveler's gaze. Let him turn which way he would, the billowy waves of the prairie sea rolled on and on, until they seemed to meet the azure sky. Not a house, not a grove, save those which skirted the river banks, were there to relieve the monotony of the scene. But the traveler stops and listens. He hears the incoming tramp of thousands, and soon the scene is changed. How soon, how marvelous has been the change! On the hill where now stands the city of Seward, there was then but the wild prairie grass, swaying and swaying the livelong day, in obedience to the motion of the air. The spot must have been enchanting even in its wildness. We can imagine a lover of nature standing on the site of the town and gazing to the south over the wonderful scene of nature in all its grandeur. We see him drink in the inspiration of the scene, and, with heightened pulse and bounding heart, enjoy such feelings as no words can paint, no voice express.

And today, how much more beautiful the picture it presents! Art has lent her charm to nature, and a beautiful city has been built; a park, adorned with beautiful trees, and nearly every street lined with the maple and ash, which do now and ever will add to the beauty of the scene, and be a standing monument of the energy and enterprise of its people. Surveyed and founded by Mr. Lewis Moffit in 1868, it has advanced from a solitary log cabin, the pioneer residence of its founder and benefactor, to its present dimensions, enjoying, at the present time, a good home trade, and a large tributary trade of a well-populated section of as rich and fertile lands as can be found in the State--the Blue Valley.

It is the junction of the Atchison & Nebraska and Nebraska Railway lines of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad in Nebraska, and an important shipping point for stockmen and grain-buyers.

The city is regularly laid out, the streets crossing each other at right angles. Its buildings are substantially built, and include many large and well-built brick blocks. Some of the pioneer buildings remain, but they are rapidly being replaced with solid business blocks and offices.

It has an elegant schoolhouse, five church buildings and three good hotels. The press is the true exponent of the public pulse, and a true index to the character of the people that support it, and in view of this fact, we point with pride to the three journals published within this city. The Nebraska Reporter, the present official newspaper of the county was founded in October, 1871, edited and published by Messrs. Wolfe & Simmons. The Blue Valley Blade, founded in 1879 now in its second volume, published by J. H. Bettzer; and the Seward Gazette, established in February, 1882, published by J. Brinkerhoff.

[Windsor House.]

Its Board of Trade, although of recent organization, is doing a good work in the public good and welfare of the city, and bringing it to the favorable notice of the outside world. Through its efforts, an iron foundry has recently been inaugurated, which is an important addition to the manufacturing interests of the city. It was organized February 28, 1882, with E. McIntyre as President; D. C. McKillip, Vice President; T. L. Norral, Secretary; John Zimmerer, Treasurer. Directors--G. Babson, Jr., Chairman; A. J. Callender, J. F. Goehner, E. H. Stanhelber, R. E. Dumphney, R. R. Schick, John Kribbler, H. Vanderhoof, Frank Issard.

Manufacturing interests are ably represented by the City Mills, inaugurated by H. L. Boyes & Son, in the fall of 1867. The original mill was erected at this date and a brush dam constructed. It was operated until 1881, when the present mill was built. The water privilege is an unusually good one, the stream flowing a steady volume of water, and having twelve feet head. The motive power is furnished by two turbine wheels, having a force equal to thirty-seven horse-power. The mill is equipped with four run of stone of the most recent design, and furnished with the latest and best machinery utilized in the manufacture of flour under the "new process." It is now under the efficient management of Messrs. Johnson & Boyes; has a capacity of turning out 9,000 barrels of flour annually, and manufactures in a year 8,000 barrels of flour, and grinds 30,000 bushels of feed for the farm trade.

The grain elevators form an active and important business. The Seward Elevator is owned by Messrs. S. W. Little & Co., of Lincoln, and was erected in the spring of 1875. It is under the management of Mr. S. D. Love. It is operated by a twelve-horse-power engine, and has a capacity of handling 30,000 bushels of grain per annum.

Mr. T. W. Lowry, of Lincoln, also owns and carries on a large and complete steam elevator, having a capacity for shipping 25,000 bushels of grain in a year. It was erected in the fall of 1880, and is under the management of Mr. J. Mullfinger.

An enterprise worthy of prominent mention is the stock farm of Mr. August Rogy. It comprises a tract of 320 acres of choice lands, valued at $10,000, and a valuable barn, with twenty-five stalls. Mr. Rogy makes a specialty of importing thoroughbred French Percheron stallions and Holstein cattle. His first importation was in 1879, when he successfully laid down in Ohio the French Percheron stud "The Duke of Chartres," that was awarded a prize of 800 francs and a grand gold medal. He established his stock farm at Seward in the spring of 1881, and has imported thirteen Percheron stallions and fourteen Holstein cattle.

The last brought to Seward was the Percheron stud "Meropi", six years old, valued at $2,500, laid down here during the month of March, 1882. "Meropi" received a prize of 700 francs at the "Arrows Hoppique," France, in 1879, and was approved by the Association of National Studs of France.

Lieut. Gov. Carns has also a fine stock range, and has a fine large herd of well-bred cattle.

Claudius Jones is proprietor of a large stock farm and a breeder of fine grades of cattle. He is also engaged in the importing of Holstein cattle.

The more prominent representations of business are dry goods, hardware and general merchandise, but the list that always makes up the complement of every thriving business city of the West is here faithfully reproduced. The professions of law, medicine and dental surgery are well supplied, and by men of undoubted trust and sterling worth.

Banking facilities are one of the prominent features of the city, and include the State Bank, John Cattle, Sr., President; S. W. Barclay, Cashier, and the Seward County Bank, S. C. Langworthy, President. Both are private institutions, well known in the financial world, and possessed of ample and sufficient capital.


Seward was incorporated as a town by an order passed by the Board of Commissioners, April 5, 1870, and the following Trustees appointed:: Leland Walker, M. D., F. F. Lankins, W. R. Davis, George Krumb, Samuel Manly.

The Board of Commissioners also appointed O. T. B. Williams, Town Attorney.

On the 6th of April, 1870, the Trustees appointed met at the office of Dr. L. Walker, and formally organized, choosing Dr. Walker as Chairman of the Board, and confirming the appointment of Mr. Williams as attorney of the town. L. G. Johns was appointed Clerk of the Board; F. M. Ellsworth, Collector; Samuel Stevenson, Assessor; J. N. Beaty, Treasurer, and W. H. Tuttle, Marshal and Constable.

A resolution was passed requesting the attorney to draft a full complement of ordinances for the government of the town, which were adopted at the next meeting of the board held April 13. At a special election held October 21, 1873, a full complement of city officials was elected, and the town formally placed under the government of a city of the second class.

The following is a roster of the town and city officials from the incorporation as a town up to the present time:

1870 --Trustees, L. Walker, Chairman, F. F. Lankins, W. R. Davis, George Krumb, Samuel Manly; O. T. B. Williams, Attorney; L. G. Johns, Clerk; J. N. Beaty, Treasurer; W .H. Tuttle, Marshal; Samuel Stevenson, Assessor; F. M. Ellsworth, Collector.

1871--Trustees, O. Olmstead, Chairman, L. Walker, M. D., S. E. Ewing, John Tresler, George Whiting; Thomas Darnell, Attorney; W. B. Thorp, Clerk; H. A. Lewis, Treasurer, S. Parrish, Marshal; H. P. Kennard, Assessor; E. W. Clinton, Street Commissioner.

1872--Trustees, V. Daniels, Chairman, L. G. Johns, W. H. Tuttle, Samuel Stevenson, Herman Diers; O. T. B. Williams, Clerk and Assessor; F. J. Hamilton, Treasurer; George W. Whiting, Marshal; I. B. Crompton, Fire Warden.

1873--.Trustees, Samuel Stevenson, Chairman, William Hays, Verial Daniels, I. L. Norval, Herman Diers; O. T. B. Williams, L. G. Johns, Treasurer; J. W. McCabe, Marshal; S. B. Mills, Street Commissioner; William Leese, Fire Warden.

October 21, 1873--City Officials--P. A. Castle, Mayor; W. R. Davis, Police Judge:; J. W. McCabe, Marshal; T. L. Norval, Clerk; W. B. Thorpe, Treasurer; V. Daniels, City Engineer; Thomas Graham, A. J. Combs, Councilmen, First Ward; J. R. Paul, William Leese, Councilmen, Second Ward.

1874--Hon. Thomas Graham, Mayor; F. J. Hamilton, Police Judge; S. H. Marshall, Engineer; N. C. Rodgers, Clerk; (T. L. Norval elected to fill vacancy of Rodgers); William Wright, Marshal; W. B. Thorpe, Treasurer, Samuel Stevenson, Joel Tishue, Councilmen, First Ward; J. M. Strong, E. McIntyre, Councilmen, Second Ward; T. L. Norval, Assessor; William Wright, Street Commissioner

1875--E. McIntyre, Mayor; S. B. Mills, Police Judge; W. B. Thorpe, Treasurer; T. L. Norval, Clerk; J. W. Gladnish, Marshal; R. S. Norval, Samuel Stevenson, Councilmen, First Ward; J. F. Ghoener, H. W. Ragan, Councilmen, Second Ward; S. H. Marshall, Engineer; J. A. Trent, Street Commissioner.

1876--I. B. Sorter, Mayor; F. H. Newton, Clerk; William Leese, Probate Judge; W. B. Thorpe, Treasurer; E. A. Polley, Engineer; R. S. Norval, James Read, Councilmen, First Ward; H. W. Ragan, J. F. Ghoener, Councilmen, Second Ward; D. W. Long, Assessor; T. Osborn, Street Commissioner.

1877--E. McIntyre, Mayor; J. D. Edwards, Clerk; O. T. B. Williams, Police Judge; A. J. Callender, Treasurer; W. H. Ashton, Marshal; R. McCrossan, Street Commissioner; W. C. Royes, Councilman, First Ward; H. W. Ragan, Councilman, Second Ward.

1878--T. L. Norval, Mayor; J. D. Edwards, City Clerk; L. G. Johns, Treasurer; L. W. Hart, Police Judge; Elias Horn, Marshal; N. C. Rodgers, J. B. Sorter, Councilman, First Ward; John Kribbler, S. W. Long, Councilmen, Second Ward.

1879--E. K. Dunbaugh, Mayor, John L. McPheely, Clerk; W. R. Herrick, Treasurer; J. D. Edwards, Police Judge; D. H. Holsworth, Marshal; J. S. Henderson, I. B. Sorter, Councilmen, First Ward; T. E. Sanders, John Kribbler, Councilmen, Second Ward.

1880--C. W. Barclay, Mayor; J. D. Edwards, Clerk; L. G. Johns, Treasurer; S. L. McClean, Police Judge; L. Walker, M. D., J. G. Douglas, Councilmen, First Ward; R. R. Shick, J. G. Berdrow, Councilmen, Second Ward.

1881--W. O. Whitcomb, Mayor; E. A. Polley, Clerk; T. E. Saunders, Treasurer; J. L. McPheely, Police Judge; W. T. Olmstead, Engineer; Joel Tishue, Herman Diers, Councilmen, First Ward, Leland Walker, M. D., W. E. Chapin, Councilmen, Second Ward.

1882--W. O. Whitcomb, Mayor; T. E. Saunders, City Clerk; William Leese, Treasurer; Elias Horn, Police Judge; W. T. Olmstead, Engineer; R. E. Dunphy, Joel Tishue, Councilmen, Second Ward; W. E. Chapin, J. S. Henderson, Councilmen, First Ward.


Oliver Lodge, No. 38, A., F. & A. M., was organized under dispensation July 29, 1871, by the following members;

G. J. Richmond, W. H. Tuttle, Samuel Manley, J. W. Dupin, Thomas Corr. H. S. Faucett, L. E. Manning, A. W. Sperry.

On the 14th day of September, 1872, a renewal of the dispensation was granted to the following members:

Samuel Manley, S. D. Paddock, L. G. Johns, H. C. Page, T. L. Norval, William Leese, John Helms, James Hackney, William Hays, J. W. Dupin, W. H. Tuttle, Thomas Corr.

It was granted a charter on the 18th of June, 1873, which bears the names of the following members and officers:

William Leese, W. M.; T. L. Norval, S. W.; Aurelius Roberts, J. W.; J. W. Shields, Treasurer; J. W. Dupin, Secretary; Thomas Corr, Nathan Clough, O. P. Cope, M. Dunnigan, James Hackney, William Hays, L. G. Johns, J. C. Langton, Horace Lester, Samuel Manley, L. W. Manning, George Miller, S. D. Paddock, H. C. Page, G. J. Richmond, Madison Rodgers, Robert Rowbotham, William T. Shields, I. B. Sortar, Samuel Stevenson, J. C. Sullivan, Joel Tishue, A. B. Tutton, Joseph Whitson, O. T. B. Williams.

The first Worshipful Master was G. J. Richmond; first Senior Warden, William H. Tuttle; first Junior Warden, Samuel Manley; first Treasurer, J. W. Dupin; first Secretary, Thomas Corr.

It now has a membership of sixty and is one of the strongest and wealthiest in this part of the State. The present officers are;

William Leese, W. M.; R. S. Norval, S. W.; Robert St. Clair, J. W.; West B. Barrett, Treasurer; Joseph W. Dupin, Secretary.

Blue River Encampment, No. 7, was instituted March 24, 1874, by Grand Chief Patriarch D. C. Cline, under a charter granted March 11, 1874. The charter members were:

John R. Paul, Chief Patriarch; H. A. Thomas, Senior Warden; John Metcalf, Junior Warden; Ira Gallup, High Priest, S. H. Marshall, Guide; L. G. Johns, Inside Sentinel ---Hathaway, Outside Sentinel; ----Ingham, Scribe, Morris Rich, Treasurer.

The lodge is in good working order and owns one of the finest regalias in the state. The present officers are:

Philip Unitte, Chief Patriarch; L. G. Jones, Senior Warden; A. Allerton, Junior Warden; S. B. Clark, Scribe; D. C. McKillip, Treasurer; Thomas Graham, High Priest; S. H. Marshall, Guide. Present membership, 33.

I. O. O. F. Seward Lodge, No. 26, was instituted by Grand Master, John Hamlin, under a charter issued May 30, 1871 with the following charter members; L. G. Johns, Timothy B. Greene, W. R. Davis, Josiah H. Anderson, D. H. Figard. The first Noble Grand was L. G. Johns, First Vice Grand; D. H. Figard, First Secretary; J. H. Anderson, First Treasurer; Timothy B. Greene. It has seventy members enrolled and is in good working order. The present officers are: B. Kohn, N. G.; Phillip Unitte, V. G.; Samuel Pence, Secretary; A. Allerton, Treasurer.

Seward Post, No. 3, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized December 16, 1880.

The roster of charter members includes the following veterans; J. U. Edwards, Company M. Seventh Iowa Cavalry; A. M. Hinsdall, Company K, Twenty-eighth Iowa Infantry; Jefferson Ogg, Company D, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry; Thomas Corr, Company E. Tenth Missouri Infantry; A. W. Hagerman, Company D, One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry; Henry Vanderhoof, Company F, Twelfth Michigan Infantry; S. D. Love, Company D, Eighty-sixth Illinois Infantry; Abram Wallack, Company D, Twenty-second Iowa Infantry; C. C. Jobes, Company E, First Iowa Cavalry; J. C. Ford, Company H, Thirty-sixth Illinois Infantry; C. K. Humphrey, Company G, First Ohio Artillery; G. W. Hoover, Company A, Seventh Cavalry; J. M. Fletcher, Company H. Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry; William Hays, Company A, Eleventh Illinois Infantry; J. D. Messenger, Company D, One Hundred and Fourth Ohio Infantry; William Clemmens, First Battalion Nebraska Cavalry; A. H. Edwards, Company F, Eighth Pennsylvania Reserve Corps; D. H. Figard, Company C, One Hundred and Thirty-third Pennsylvania Infantry; J. D. Edwards, Company C, Fourteenth Iowa Infantry; G. W. Fuller, Company C, Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry; G. W. Whiting, Company K, Sixtieth New York Infantry; G. H. Sidle, Company E, Ninety-second Illinois Infantry; A. G. Williams, Company C, Third Iowa Cavalry.

The first officers were:

J. U. Edwards, P. C.; William Hays, S. V. C.; S. D. Love, J. V. C.; J. M. Fletcher, Chaplain; A. H. Edwards O. D.; D. H. Figard, Q. M.; A. W. Hagerman, Surgeon, Jefferson Ogg, Adjutant.

The Post has fifty-nine comrades enrolled, and is energetic and active. It holds a camp-fire once a month, and is sound financially.

The present officers are;

J. U. Edward, P. C.; Cyrus Fetterman, S. V. C.; J. W. Woods, J. V. C.; J. M. Fletcher; Chaplain; S. D. Love, Q. M.; Henry Vanderhoof, O. D.; William Clemmens, Adjutant.

Pearl Lodge, Independent Order of Seward Local I. O. G. T., Good Templars, was instituted by Grand Worthy Counselor, John B. Finch, October 21, 1879, with thirty charter members.

First Worthy Chief Templar, A. J. Hotchkiss; First Worthy Secretary, F. J. Simmons.

The lodge is one of the strongest in the State with a present membership of 130.

The present officers are: Miss Ada Van Pelt, W. C. T.; E. S. Agur, W. S.

Seward Lodge, No. 1403, K.of H., was instituted February 18, 1879, and granted a charter September 9, 1879.

The roll of charter members includes the following gentlemen; W. B. Bennett, John N. Edwards, Peter Hennigan, J. D. Edwards, A. J. Hotchkiss, Henry Morris, John L. Pheely, Charles W. Barclay, Carlos E. Boyes, O. H. Ford, Edward Cooper, J. H. Woodward, J. C. Ford, Samuel W. Long, R. R. Schick, W. H. Ashton, H. A. Thomas, Frank Isard.

The lodge was instituted by Past Grand Dictator, Thomas G. Magrane. The first Dictator was John N. Edwards. It has a membership of twenty-nine; present officers: J. J. Blodgett, D.; C. N. Emilton, V. D.; Albert Allerton, A. D.; F. G. Simmons, R.; C. D. Lindley. F. R.


The First Presbyterian Church of Seward was organized in the month of August, 1867, by Rev. William McCandlish, sent out by the Huntingdon Presbytery of Iowa. Rev. George B. Smith became the first pastor shortly after the church was organized, presiding over the church until the spring of 1876. His successor was Rev. Alfred Marvin, who was in charge only six months. In the spring of 1877, the present pastor, Rev. E. Benson, was called, and has since held the pastorate.

The church was built in 1870, and is valued at $1,500. Present membership fifty.

The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Seward was organized as a mission station by Rev. Joshua Worley, in the summer of 1869.

The society was formally organized July 9, 1870, and the following Board of Trustees elected: William R. Davis, Jacob Parsel, James Query, O. H. Bagley, J. H. Mickey, F. M. Timblin.

It was a mission station, and supplied at intervals until 1874. The annual Conference of 1873, appointed Rev. T. W. Brookbank to this charge, but he was compelled to resign on account of ill health; Rev. A. J. Combs was appointed to fill his place, and soon after Rev. Robert Rawbotham was also assigned to this work. Under their labors about one hundred united with the church, and the erection of the present house of worship was commenced.

Rev. A. L. Folden acted as a supply for 1875, and the church was completed through the liberality of Mrs. Herrick, who generously donated to the society $700. Rev. McLean was appointed later, and labored until the conference year of 1878, when he was succeeded by Rev. J. W. Shanks. Rev. John P. Roe was pastor in 1879, and Rev. P. Van Fleet in 1880. The present pastor, Rev. E. J. Willis, commenced his labors with the beginning of the conference year of 1881.

The society has a membership of ninety, and the church property is valued at $3,000. The present Board of Trustees are: H. H. Purnald, Peter Godfrey, John J. True, H. R. Lewis, J. R. McInlyre, George Underhill, T. L. Norral, C. W. Barclay, John Cattle, Sr.

First Missionary Baptist Church.--The organization dates back to March 1, 1870. The organizing members were E. L. Clark, N. M. Clark, F. E. Pitt, L. A. Pitt, E. F. Walker, L. Walker, M. D., B. B. Archer.

Rev. E. L. Clark became the first pastor of the church shortly after its organization, remaining in charge until his death, which transpired in the month of 1873.

After the death of Rev. Mr. Clark, Rev. H. W. Brayton was chosen pastor, assuming his duties April 26, 1873, remaining in charge until October 23, 1875. He was succeeded by Rev. J. D. Newell, who was called February 26, 1876, and presided over the church until June 15, 1876, at which date he resigned. Rev. Mr. Newell was succeeded by Rev. William Hall, who was called January 30, 1877, and resigned October 30, 1877.

Rev. Mr. Hall was succeeded by Rev. Ephraim Hapgood, who took charge of the church April 30, 1878; resigning March 3, 1880.

Rev. H. L. Badger, the last pastor was called November 1, 1880, serving one year, resigning November 1, 1881. Since that date, it has been supplied by various ministers.

The church was erected in the north part of town in 1875, and removed to its present location in 1876. It is valued at $2,000.

The first Clerk was Dr. L. Walker. The first Board of Trustees, Dr. L. Walker, Rev. E. L. Clark and B. B. Archer. Present membership, fifty.

St. John's Lutheran Church was organized in March, 1874, by the Rev. Theodore Grueber, who became its first pastor, retaining his pastorate until the year 1881.

The organizing members were:

O. E. Bernecker, Herman Bernecker, C. F. Kroeger, Phillip Kummer, C. F. Brestel, Herman Diers, A. Bernecker, Carl Schlater, William Saltz, J. F. Ghoener, George Alberty, Julius Schlater.

The first meetings were held at the court house, and afterward in the Presbyterian Church.

The church was erected in the fall of 1878, at a cost of $800.

The society has a membership of forty, and is at present under the guidance of Rev. E. Bode, who succeeded Rev. Mr. Grueber.

German Evangelical.--This church was organized by Rev. C. Bick in 1877, who also became its first pastor, remaining at Seward until 1880, and since that date the church has been supplied. The church building was erected in 1877, and is valued at $600. Present membership of the society, twenty-seven.

The First United Brethren Church of Seward, was organized April 10, 1879, by Rev. E. W. Johnson, who also officiated as pastor until 1881.

Rev. M. Waltermire succeeded Rev. Mr. Johnson, remaining until April, 1882, when he was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. J. M. Eads.

A Board of Trustees was elected at the organization of the society, consisting of the following gentlemen:

Rev. E. W. Johnson, George Slonecker, Louis Welch, C. A. Snider, J. W. Coke.

The church was built in 1880, at a cost of $1,700. Present membership of the society, sixty.

A Catholic mission was established at Seward as early as 1872, and attended at intervals from Lincoln up to the year 1878. On the 18th day of May, 1878. Father William Burne organized St. Vincent's Church at the house of J. A. Fallon, and the following Board of Trustees were elected:

J. A. Fallon, John McGowan, Henry Rohren, Christopher Raynolds. John Conway was also elected Church Clerk, and J. A. Fallon, Treasurer.

The church was erected in 1878, and the entire property is valued at $2,500. Father Burne was succeeded by Father John O'Brien in July, 1878, who was pastor until the fall of 1879, when he was succeeded by Father John Wallace. Father Wallace was in charge one year, his successor being Father C. J. Quinn, the present resident pastor.

The present Board of Trustees are:

Father C. J. Quinn, John Zimmerman, John Kribbler, John Dalton. John Kubbler, Church Treasurer; John Conway, Church Clerk.

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